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Everything posted by Indierobot

  1. Hi guys, thx for the warm welcome. I cant give you a demo of the game because is currently mega broken(truthfully we currently dont have talented programmers in our team) , but we did make a crappy concept art demo . I hope you guys will enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rfyAyS_Jn8 Edit: Here is the concept art for our main character his assistant and 3 suspects. (we will try to have 11 in total) Please scroll down on our Indiegogo page and check them out. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-detective-s-novel/x/7681424
  2. I see, thank you for the feedback. We didnt even think about the fact that flexible funding will create an issue with trust. However you are right, unfortunately it cant be changed any more. We are sorry that you feel that way, but at least now we know what we have to work on.
  3. Currently watching Jojo's bizarre adventure, must recommend both the anime and manga its amazing!
  4. We hope so as well, however things are looking grim. A week has passed and nobody even looked at our page, let even contributed. But thanks for the reply it helps boost our morale!
  5. Hello all, we are a small indie game developer team that is currently working on our new visual novel "A Detectives Novel". Calling ourselves indie game developers in a bit of a stretch since its currently just 3 people. We are very low on funds and that is why we started a Indiegogo campaign in order to fund our game. We are trying to spread the word but it is proving to be very difficult. Nevertheless we would like to introduce ourselves and our game here on the Fuwanovel forums. If this is coming across as shameless advertisement, its because it is and we are sorry. Here is a bit about our game: A Detective's Novel is a thrilling murder mystery adventure game for the PC (possible Android and iOS) inspired by visual novels and adventure games of the 90s. The game puts the player in the shoes of the prodigy detective Knox who is sent to solve the murder of a wealthy businessman on his remote estate during a family reunion. The objective of the game is to find out who is the culprit, how the murder was committed and what was the motive behind it. The story unfolds based on the choices the player makes. To solve the murder you must interrogate all the suspects and gain enough clues. It is up to the player to decide how to interrogate the suspects. There are multiple approaches to interrogation and they have significantly different outcomes. At the end of the day the player is required to come up with a theory, back it up with evidence and solve the murder at the Goldberg estate. ADN will feature beautiful jazz inspired soundtrack, allow the player to explore the entire estate, gather clues and make his own theory about the events that occurred at the Goldberg mansion. ADN is currently in very early alpha. Our current project plan is as follows: We are still facing issues with the game engine and various bugs in coding. We are currently looking to expand our programming team in order to help us solve this issue. Most of our funding will go towards that goal. In the meantime we are working on new characters and creating more possible endings and player choices. The rest of our funding will go towards cross platform publishing ( Android and iOS), marketing and composing additional tracks for the game. Please give us your feedback and ask any question for we are very happy for any kind of attention https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/a-detective-s-novel/x/7681424 http://vndb.org/v15478
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