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  1. Dropping in here to that I loved both 999 and VLR. I think I liked VLR better, but preferred the darker tones in 999. I'm aware that some of his choices on the matter were stifled to be able to appeal to a broader audience which is a shame, but it did little to dissuade me from enjoying it.
  2. I wanted to see more of Uchikoshi's works, so I ended up getting Never7, Ever17 and Remember11. The problem is that I can't seem to get the music on Never7 to work. Still trying to resolve that.
  3. This is my first post so I hope I'm doing it right. I recently downloaded Never 7 and am also having the problem of no music. Never7_English_CD won't do it without the disc and Never7_English_OGG states that SoundServer.dll is missing. I attempted to follow CoilDomains link to get it, but they must have taken it down as it doesn't work. I attempted to use Kendjin's one too, but also to no avail. I heard about needing to download a patch from the TLWiki, so I did. It was the 1.05 one, and I placed it in the same folder along with Never7. This did not fix it, but at least I'm now able to save my progress. I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
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