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Posts posted by Niko

  1. You know what? I don't even care, though I agree that if you and KosakiFag get into a competition the forums will implode.


    Just make sure your posts are relevant to the topics and nobody can get ya. 

    Otherwise, the chopping block is under my jurisdiction.

    Oooh.. a competition you say? I could get over 200, but this is an awkward time and people are asleep.

    Ha, I'm always following the rules. No reason we'd meet :]

  2. Gotta admit, half of the time I watch tennis matches I just mock the players by imitating their grunting noises.  They just sound so ridiculous I can't help myself  xD


    I take soccer pretty seriously, though.  Played it since I was little, and I've loved it for years.  Would still be playing it now, but I couldn't find a non-competitive league that was actually non-competitive.  I play goalie and defender, so I usually got blamed whenever anything went wrong, which made the entire experience a lot less fun than it should have been.  Still watch every world cup, though.  I was pretty amazed that the US team didn't get immediately eliminated; we've been pretty consistently bad for years and years and years now.

    Lmao! Those grunting noises are pretty funny.

    I remember wanting to compete in soccer when I was younger, but never really tried. I just like the idea of kicking the ball and not using your hands.

  3. Oni Chi Chi is an H-video, just so you know.

    It's highly unlikely that you'll find it there.

    Try... uh.


    I'm not familiar with h-video sites.

    Oni Chi Chi has a manga too.

  4. It's ridiculous but it's in the penal code that any sexual representation of underaged people is illegal in Canada so the man should have known better this could happen.

    France also has this, you can get finned/go to jail for watching lolicon anime in France too.


    What's funny is that the article says they were representations of underaged people, implying they were probably not even lolis, just some highschoolers, which is basically 80% of the hentai industry. So apparently to Canada hentai = child pornography now.


    I also find it ridiculous that you're prossecuted just for posessing such material (I'm assuming nonof the material was actual real life CP) but what can you do? It's in the law so you have to suck it up, no one's going to support you if you try to make it legal, they'd just see you as a criminal so these laws are unlikely to change.

    I agree. Now he's labeled a child predator. His life will never be the same.

  5. ...I didn't know a lot of people skipped the H.

    I'm one of the shameless people who don't!

    And I'm proud of it!



    Hi there and welcome to the forums~

    Please do feel free to talk about what you want and like~!

    But please do it in the appropriate thread, as monsters will come down and hunt you!

    >////< gotta be shameless, funner that way!

    Welcome aboard!

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