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Posts posted by Niko




    The detail of this figure was too good to pass up, and I'm a huge sucker when it comes to well done artwork. Not sure if worth or not, but I did snag this from AmiAmi before the pre-orders sold out.


    Yes or no? Ignoring the character, detail wise, is it worth the $96 I paid?




    I think Steve posted this recently, but I had gotten it before then, so if this was already in a thread, I apologize.


    I just recently started buying figurines actually. I own two as of right now:


    1) Niko Yazawa from Love Live

    2) Kuroneko from Oreimo


    That NGNL figurine seems really well made and worth the money you paid for it. Figurine collecting is surely not for everyone, but I plan to get more into it soon.

  2. Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun

    enjoy a pun

    If Shaquille O'Neal was a criminal then he'd be Shaquille O'steal





    Haha, thanks for the welcome. May I borrow your pun?

    @ Life: Thanks for the welcome! Hope we can be friends! 

  3. I believe when you're picking a leader when you first start the game you can make her repeat her line every time you click on her :P in Nico's case i tihnk it's "Nico Nico Nii, it's everyone's favorite idol Yazawa Nico~"

    But after that, not really.


    But you can touch her in the home screen and she'll say some lines every time like

    "Do you need something?" *cute accent*


    "Did you call for me, master?"


    And if you abuse it she starts going:

    "What do you think you're doing?" *scorn*.. I mean, Nico Nico Nii~ 


    "Hey, watch your hands"




    I-it's not like i pressed her 100 times or anything.. don't get the wrong idea..


    Oh man Nosebleed. I'll be getting a nosebleed when Niko Yazawa saids to me "Did you call for me, master?" Its like a dream come true for an anime fan who has a waifu like myself.


    This is going to be awesome.

  4. Yuru Yuri is a pretty fun show. Enjoy the yuriness!


    Also, I started Gosick today. Despite having some expectations for this anime based on the general reception, it's turning out to be a lot better than I anticipated. <3 Victorique. And even though I'm only on episode 3, this is already an incredibly satisfying experience for me as a romance enthusiast. I can't wait to see how the rest unfolds. The mysteries are really interesting as well.


    Gosick is actually in my top five! It was pretty well made and actually has a sequel novel if you're interested in the series titled "Gosick RED". Yuru Yuri is another great one.


    I'm watching fourteen things this season maybe?


    My favorites being:


    1) Love Live

    2) One Week Friends

  5. Nico's body proportions and stature make her a pseudo loli in a sense so you're not cheating on her.

    I'm a lolicon myself after all and I love my lolis and still love Nico more~


    Sure I'll PM you with all of them, just give me a sec


    Well, that is a relief! Cheating on Niko would easily be the greatest sin any one person can commit!


    Thanks, I appreciate it my fellow Niko fan.

  6. It's Shaft, Shaft usually adapts things until the end and even milks them. Leaving such a cliffhanger would be really poor taste coming from them.


    Examples still on going series from them would be: Monogatari Series, Hidamari Sketch, Madoka Magica, ef series.


    So I don't see any reason it wouldn't get a season 2. It was popular, the manga is selling like hotcakes and it has Shaft backing the anime. Shaft leaving this halfway through would be really half assed.


    Exactly. I am around 99% sure Nisekoi will get the sequel it deserves.


    Speaking of Shaft and Monogatari. Hanamonogatari needs to stop being pushed up and delayed! D:

  7. Memories are painful though, I want new content, I want Nico to live on forever~


    In the official manga and novels Maki and Nico have a much closer relationship.


    And don't even get me started on some doujinshi of them, those are just pure gold. You should read them~





    Memories are painful though, I want new content, I want Nico to live on forever~


    In the official manga and novels Maki and Nico have a much closer relationship.


    And don't even get me started on some doujinshi of them, those are just pure gold. You should read them~




    Yeah, memories can be painful. Poor girl from EF Memories wouldn't even remember her! D:


    Niko Yazawa spinoff series please~


    Oooh. What site can I read them? You can private message me sometime on here or MaL. Whatever works for you!


    @ Nagisa. But.. But.. If you make me a lolicon I would have to cheat on Niko Yazawa. Isn't that bad? My Niko deserves better! 

  8. No it wasn't.

    But some OVAs were.

    I think Nisekoi was pretty popular.

    Yeah, Nisekoi was extremely popular. For some reason, some people doubt they'll be a second season. My opinion?


    A second season will happen. I mean, there is plenty of material (even if people say it goes down the endless harem route).

  9. Well, welcome to Fuwa! Have a bear, plus a bonus with it:



    If you'll start with VNs, I recommend you read Clannad, even if you saw the anime.

    Hope to see you around more, and you have a potential for lolicon I see. hehe maybe you'll be one of us soon~~


    Clannad? Sure, I'll think about that one first. I've seen the first seven episodes and really enjoyed it so far! 


    Are you saying you'll make me a lolicon? Oh gawd!


    Haha, thanks for the welcome! Rabbit anime fan?


    @ Meogii: Thanks for the welcome! Hope we can be friends as well.

  10. Fufu, that paragraph was one of my greatest written works I daresay. You did well.



    I'm scared something might happen and they won't finish Love Live (the competition) just like last season.

    But they need to because it's their last year. Just the thought of Nico leaving makes my heart ache.


    Luckily there's still the manga and games.


    More Nico for everyone.



    The only way "Love Live" enters my top five is if they win the competition this season! Though, time is starting to run out.. for both the season and Niko Yazawa being apart of the idol group. The pain of losing her is a hard pain indeed.




    My memories of her will live on though.


    Oh, I've read a questionable manga of her and Maki already!

  11. I usually see a lot of Maki fans though it's no surprise Maki is my 2nd favorite Love Live girl since she belongs next side Nico but Nico is just an overall great character that never fails to amuse me~

    She acts cocky sometimes but secretly she just wants attention, especially from her beloved Maki.

    Maki is another great character from the series~. Easily in my top four favorite (if not top two at the point). I agree, Niko may act cocky and all.. but she just wants the attention (she deserves)..




    Love Love "may" make my top five of all time. Not sure yet. Depends where it and how the season wraps up!


    @ Ceris: Thanks for the welcome man and thanks for showing me the site! Hope we talk on here as well (:

  12. にこにこにー


    Welcome to the forums. You sir have an extremly refined taste for characters.

    I'm sure we'll get along. I'm also a massive Yazawa Nico fan and Love Liver, though you were probably referring to me in your introduction since I posted that massive paragraph on NicoMaki.


    Well I hope you enjoy your time here. And I hope to see you around.


    Let us fill Fuwanovel with Nico Nico Nii~






    Yes, let us do just that! Haha, thanks. Actually, I know a few people who are fans of Niko Yazawa, but always feel bad when people decide to hate on her for reasons above me. Though, I understand everyone has opinions!


    Hope we get along!


    @ mae, thanks for the warm welcome! Hope we get along as wel!

    @ kata, thanks for the welcome!

  13. tumblr_mol9dynYTq1s74h99o3_500.gif


    Hi fuwanovel! My name is Brandon and as you can see I'm a huge Niko Yazawa fan! I have a really great experience on forums (moderator on an official anime forum / ex moderator on Xat forums and I'm apart of many other more!).


    I'm 21 years old and have been watching anime for quite a while. My favorite three anime are:


    1: Aria the Origination

    2: Lucky Star

    3: Monogatari Series 2nd Season


    My favorite three anime characters are:


    1: Niko Yazawa (Love Live)

    2: Shinobu Oshino (Monogatari Series)

    3: Riruka Dokugamine (Bleach)


    I'll admit, I have yet to play visual novels, but I plan to (hence why I signed up). I was browsing the forum a few days before joining and noticed a member here had a Niko Yazawa avatar and was a fan of the NikoxMaki pairing so I decided to join up!


    Other interests include:


    Video Games, Football, WWE (barely now though).


    I'll be as active as possible and hope to make new friends here!

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