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Posts posted by Niko

  1. Only Nisemonogatari is slow paced I think, maybe Tsubasa's arcs too but not even that much. Otherwise it's really not slow. Plus, characters are constantly talking so there's not even any void or anything (although that can participate in making you sleepy).

  2. Just for the lols, yeah.


    Isn't Trinity Seven only a harem ecchi anime with a not-so-dense-mc?


    Anime Original + 10 chapters cut. Now they catched up with the manga yay(?)

    Yeah, it is. I'm usually a fan of harems due to the situations and the characters, but this one has been off and on. Its sometimes sorta fun and at other times it can get pretty boring. The new girl is pretty damn hot though, but the ninja girl is still best girl IMO.

  3. Frankly, I would call it a miracle if someone named Yamcha wasn't the first to die (again R.I.P.)


    Depending on the pronunciation, it could have the same name as my grandfather (minus the spelling). Is it Clearance as in clearance sale of does it sound more like Claire at the beginning?

    Hmmm, prounce it "Clairence".

  4. We know that, Niko. There's always a chance of death in life when you walk out that door but you shouldn't walk scared.


    I also hope people who are diagnosed with depression aren't pessimistic about their life ending in a pool of their own blood in the bathroom. The rate of suicide for uni-polar depression is surprisingly low. The majority of Bipolar suicides don't happen during the depression phase.

    Its just sad when one decides to end their life and honestly it is just an easy way out. Someone on myanimelist informed me at the a law should be placed in which anyone 18 or older can come in and commit suicide. Like, a law and system for suicide.

    Firstly, won't that just help troubled depressed teens? I'm depressed.. luckily my life will end in 2 years. *sarcasm*.

    Just a god awful idea and how dare he call me and others: tyranical.

  5. I also don't agree that there is a type of depression that lasts a life time. I've heard nurses throw around the "maybes" in clinics, but there hasn't been a case for it even for people who don't seek professional help for it. You may slip in and out of recurring phases of depression but that's not the same as having a lifetime of anything like someone who suffers constantly from Osteoporosis 'till the day they die. Even people diagnosed with Dysthymia have months or years where they come out of their shells. 


    I'm not saying "Think positive" and you'll be cured. What I'm saying is quite the opposite of battling depression really. If you fight too hard you might burn yourself out and become more pessimistic about it when the results don't match what you hope for.

    People commit suicide at any age from lingering depression. It may be off and on, but it still lasts through life. Not every story ends happily.

  6. Well, it's definitely not funny. It is pretty good though if you're looking for something kind of mature and dramatic as it deals with a lot of heavy real life issues. As for the face, you'll know who that is shortly after you start reading it~

    Okay, thanks. I'll go into it expect a good story full of drama. If I like it, I'll let you know. Thanks again!

  7. Ohhhh okay :) Sure! Where would I post something like that though?  :blink: (sorry I still haven't found my way around these forums yet)


    When it comes to exams I think I could've done much better (I'm such a lazy person haha~) but then aren't we all?

    Yes, I'm a pretty lazy person nowadays. Though, I wasn't always like that. Its just been these last four weeks and I really need to cure that.


    Oh, try this thread:






    Post don't count towards your post count and that may be a good way to meet new people.

  8. Slow ride is an understatement mate. Its excruciatingly slow. I would have dropped it without the intense character development and the fighting scenes.

    Monogatari can be pretty slow at times, but it comes with the type of anime it tries to be. Personally, I really enjoy anime that are slow paced and well developed. Ergo Proxy, Aria, Spice and Wolf are fine examples.

  9. Good news guys.


    Depression is a passing phase. It doesn't last forever. 


    A lot of us here shy away from the dark, running and screaming whenever it catches up to us.


    What if I told you depression isn't the monster we make it out to be? 

    What if I said to embrace the dark and greet it like you would an old friend - memories which you create are unique to only the two of you - and to cherish those memories like you would your youth which happens to go by faster than a ride at the park. Just like those rides, you wouldn't enjoy it going with eyes covered.


    You would probably think I'm crazy, and tell me to take my meds. I say, take your meds and all that if you need to but know that every thing will be alright someday. It always is. 


    (Read: I'm not saying don't get treated. Get treated please; but don't let the feelings destroy you :).)

    Well, I need to disagree. Depression for every person is different and its a fact not every person is able to overcome the brutal battle going on via the mind. Its sad to say, but for some: Depression does last a lifetime.

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