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  1. Found someone fitting the listed needs. No openings for the project currently.
  2. Hey all. I'm currently actively interested in working on translating Chaos;Head NoAH. I do have a translator on the project and I will myself be handling editing, however we need a way to extract and insert the PSP version's script files(due to ease of testing and emulation we feel like that version would be the most practical, as the PC version lacks a lot of content that was added in NoAH). So presently I'm looking for either a hacker willing to handle creation of extraction/insertion tools for the game, or alternately if they already exist, the tools themselves if possible. Unfortunately while the PC and 360 versions used a standard Nitro+ engine and the PS3 version uses rUGP, I haven't been able to determine what engine the PSP version uses(anyone who knows this and could say what it runs on I'd really appreciate the information). Thanks for any help that can be provided.
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