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Posts posted by Kuky_nekoi

  1. Just from a romantic standpoint, he treats all of the heroines like shit 

    until he inevitably changes his ways, of course. Which can take a while, if it happens at all (like if you get a bad end).

    If they don't make money or have some sort of financial worth to them, he won't give them the time of day, and he's extremely manipulative. I suppose you could say that his personality is justifiable 

    because of how it was for him growing up and such

    but I don't think it's an excuse to treat everyone like an object. This is all subject to opinion though, of course. I'm sure there are people that think differently. This wasn't a problem in the true route, however 

    as it seemed to focus more on the plot than romance.

    I like that. 

  2. Pettankos make the best dakimakuras. :illya:

    Yeah, indeed. I want a dakimakura but there are too many imoutos that I would want to have a dakimakura.. It's hard to decide which imouto... probably Seseri but it would be a waste if it's a SFW one... TwT

  3. Well....technically, it's.

    Personal opinion: Dakimakuras without /special features/ >>>>>> Dakimakuras with /special features/

    I think of them more like a huggable figure rather than that tho.


    so i`m checking the site for dakimakura...and some items got preowned...okay, so...who want to buy a pre-owned dakimakura?





    I want a dakimakura of the dark winged pettanko. (since she's already a dakimakura, meh)

  4. Well, some kind of daki have "special feature" to enchant user experience. For this one, you can "feel" her boobs for real  :ph34r: I know there is also another type that you can literally spread her legs open too  :ph34r:

    But their boobs looks too... weird. Also, together with the other two features mentioned before, that would't make it just another inflatable/sex doll?

  5. Seems Tiago is also withdrawing(go ahead and be all technical with your "i never joined in the first place", too bad, intentional or not, you were registerd, so now you have to withdraw bwahaha), so now everyone has a flat 2% chance to win!

    But I guess Ren should change his thing to say "only post in this thread if you intend to enter the giveaway"  huh :P

    edit: Kuky_nekoi also did not enter(?):



    Yeah. For me the prize is not as important as putting a santa hat because cute.

    But if you want to sign me in, it's okay for me. :3

    EDIT: Also, we should do something for new year's eve... dunno, a podcast or something like that.

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