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Status Updates posted by DimDito

  1. Haven't been here in a long time...

  2. Monmon told me to change my status. I hereby change my status.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Monmon


      A bus filled with politicians was driving through the countryside one day, on the campaign trail. The bus driver, caught up in the beautiful scenery, loses control and crashes into the ditch. A farmer living nearby hears the horrible crash and rushes out to discover the wreckage. Finding the politician she buries them. The next day, the police come to the farm to question the man. "So you buried all the politicians?" asked the police officer. "Were they all dead?" The farmer a...

    3. Monmon


      This guy is walking with his friend, who happens to be a psychologist. He says to this friend, "I'm a walking economy."

      The friend asks, "How so?"

      "My hair line is in recession, my stomach is a victim of inflation, and both of these together are putting me into a deep depression!"

    4. Monmon
  3. Q: Why is Light like a lift? | A: Because he's an L evader!

    1. Monmon


      new pun?? its been a month.

  4. Changing my theme to Momoyo / Majikoi~

  5. Preparing for more examinations... もっと がんばります!

  6. Preparing for national examinations... がんばります!

  7. Starting out on fuwanovel! どうぞ よろしくね!

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