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About Psionic

  • Birthday August 26

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    In the rainy part of Switzerland
  • Interests
    Manga, anime, cosplay, writing and reading VNs, music

Psionic's Achievements

Fuwa Novice

Fuwa Novice (2/11)



  1. Thanks ! You all seem very nice here, I hope we'll all get along. Yay ! More pictures ! I really like that one.
  2. Okay thanks, I'll take a look at it.
  3. @SieghartXx Thanks ! Yeah, sure I can always put one of them online if you're interested. I just have to put pictures and sound and it should be fine. It's always cool when people take interest in those. ^^ @maefdomn C'est vrai que ça fait toujours plaisir de voir quelqu'un qui parle la même langue que soi-même. Merci encore et vive le français !!
  4. @maefdomn Thanks ! My favorite VN ? It's really hard to choose, it changes all the time. >.< But right now, it's either Little Busters or Narcissu. Or Nowhere Safe. (probably because it's the one who got me into VNs in the first place) You ? I live in the Franches-Montagnes district. Basically hills, clocks, mountains, and lots of horses. (And it tends to rain quite a lot, lol)
  5. https://www.flickr.com/photos/106370279@N08/12861563214/ Sorry, the quality isn't amazing. :/
  6. I downloaded Starry Sky, followed the instructions, installed the english patch, checked everything, tried the troubleshooting thing, but it still doesn't work. When I run the game, a clear window appears. Inside, an error message just keeps popping up, and since my knowledge of the japanese language is almost close to none, I have trouble understanding what the problem is. (I'm on Windows 7 64bit if that changes anything )
  7. Welcome to the forums ! (Moi aussi je parle français ^^) Sorry, this may seem a bit strange, but you remind me so much of a friend... Does your first name start with the letter N ?
  8. Thanks everyone ! @Flutterz No, I don't mind. It's always nice to see good artworks. Yay for Little Busters !
  9. Wow, I didn't expect that you guys would reply that fast. Thanks everyone ! @Tom, I'm not sure which avatar I should use, it's already been a few minutes since I'm browsing for a decent avatar. So hard to choose...
  10. So hey guys, uh... I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say in those presentations, but whatever. ^^' Gender : Female Likes : Watching anime, reading manga + VNs, drawing, cosplay, music, video games, or just being by myself and enjoying the silence around me. However I can also be on the hyper side if I eat too much sugar or if you talk about something I love. Dislikes : Jellyfishes. (Horrible litle things... *shivers*) Favorite genres : I like almost anything : Comedy, Horror, Supernatural, Mystery, emotional things, BL (guilty.). Basically, anything as long as it's not too romance focused and if there aren't annoying characters who take like all the screen time. Sometimes I program my own visual novels for fun (they're just sitting somewhere in a folder, never finished any of them by the way), usually short, beautiful, emotional, cute, heartbreaking/warming stories and comedy. If I don't, it's mostly a horror script of some sort.
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