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Posts posted by Nagisa_Fawkes

  1. OMG! I really wonder how much time does it take for you to reach that many. Respect you for having that much. It would actually take me years to get that many.

    To tell you the truth, I started the folder in June, so it took me 4 months. I've  spent whole days searching through boorus and pixiv, it was something so fun to do, filling my day with cuteness.

  2. Welcome to Fuwa! A.K.A. Promised Loli Land, you came to the right place.

    Yaaay, there can never be enough lolicons in this world, I'm happy that one more is joining us.

    As a welcoming gift, I shall give you a loli according to your introduction:



    She also lives on a small island, not sure if she had incidents with coconuts, though. :P


    Hope you have fun on the forums and I'll see you around.

  3. I have a question - What will you do if there's a loli suddenly appear in your house calling you Onii-chan? 


    "New member here"

    I would pinch myself, make sure I'm not dreaming. I would eat a bar of dark chocolate, make sure I'm not high. Confirming it's true, I would embark on a mission to spoil the hell out of her. I'd give anything she wants to eat, any toys, etc. I'd do my best to always keep a smile on her face, and make her the most happy person on the world, making sure she'd never leave my side.

  4. Aww man, that was adorable, I'd love so see more. I was thinking that, and in the process of adding it to my MAL, I found out about a second season! It's probably not news to anyone, but I was happy to see it's not over. As you can see in my updated avatar, Alice Best Girl =3

  5. Which loli is that one loli that made you a lolicon, guys?


    Mine would be Illya.

    Oh, yes, that's a very nice question. It happened to me suddenly, just a few days ago I realized clearly when and how it happened. It was quite the long ago, when I still watched Cartoon Network, and they aired this anime called "Powerpuff Girls Z" (I didn't even know what anime was at the time, though). Guess that was when the lolicon inside me woke up (Not really lolicon, since I was about the same age as them, but still...) . Some pics:









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