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Posts posted by Martic

  1. I can’t thank you enough! Kamidori was the 2nd visual novel I ever played (Katawa Shoujo was the first) and when I realized there weren’t anymore Eushully games translated, I was a bit heart broken. I’m trying to learn Japanese, but in the mean time my 7 year wait is over.

    I’m so freaking jazzed right now. Best of wishes, and have a sincerely good 2020. You rock!!

  2. So, I decided to boot up Sengoku Rance after not having played it for years. Pretty much as soon as I got to the action select screen on turn 1, there was this odd beeping noise. I looked multiple places online and couldn't find anything about it. I tested it and was able to narrow down that it is NOT an ingame sound, because if I mute the bgm and sfx the sound still plays. I also figured out that it has something to do with me moving the mouse when the auto move mouse cursor is on. Specifically, if I move the mouse from its path when it is travelling to whatever option it autos to. 

    The easy solution would be to turn off auto move mouse cursor, I know... but I've played this game on and off for 7 years now, and I'm extremely used to having that option on. It feels alien to turn it off! Does anyone know what this might be? The beeps are short and not that loud, and it never beeps more than twice no matter how much I move my mouse. I don't hear these beeps in anything else that I play, but this is the only game/vn I have (that I can think of) with a slow travelling auto cursor option. The issue didn't used to occur, and I have tried the basic troubleshooting solutions like resetting my PC, unplugging and plugging back in my mouse, restarting the game, etc. 

    Anyone got any ideas? I'm stumped.

  3. On 9/27/2017 at 5:15 AM, ittaku said:

    Enjoy. Also you'll notice Clephas skilfully avoided mentioning To Heart 2 in his response. Read into that what you will :yumiko:

    Yeah, I've noticed nobody mentioned that I brought up ToHeart 2.... Hopefully that's just because it's totally different from the other 2? ha...ha... Damnit, I'll read it no matter what!


    On 9/28/2017 at 4:00 AM, Infernoplex said:

    I think I saw the mention of 18+ patch on Dies irae's discord channel but I thought it should have been released by the end of this month? xD Nevertheless, even without H-scenes, Dies irae is one of the most amazing VNs I had read so far and I can understand why many people didn't like it (despite me finding it amazing, I agree with the popular opinion in the community that the villain cast is more interesting than the good guys xD). I'd recommend you play it even if the H-scenes don't come out soon, you can check H-CGs on the net, it's nothing special and some of those even looked too forced in my opinion so you aren't missing that much without seeing them. You'll easily make a deduction on where an H-scene should have popped out, (there's maybe like 13 or so H-scenes in the entirety of Dies irae ... most of the time you'll be enjoying real chuuni plot than H-scenes which mostly look bad, except maybe the ones for Marie).

    Since you mentioned SubaHibi in one of the posts later, I'd like to mention that while both Dies irae and SubaHibi were overhyped - only Dies irae felt to me like it delivered on the hype. SubaHibi was very good but not a "kamige"-tier VN in my opinon. Also, you can enjoy Dies irae even if you don't have any background on philosophical stuff, while SubaHibi on the other hand ... Well, you can enjoy it to a certain degree but after that, it gets weaker once it starts revealing its mysteries (I at least found those parts weaker). I guess it's a real "kamige" only if you really understand the philosophical backgrounds behind it. So to wrap up what I wanted to say here ... Dies irae is more likely to be enjoyed than SubaHibi if you don't have any background knowledge on philosophical matters.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I'm already a little lost on Subahibi, it makes me feel like an idiot.


    At the end of Wonderful Everyday when they get on that train, a lot of what they were saying sounded like nonsense, but especially that guy who ended up being her favorite book. That part was weird...

  4. Just now, ittaku said:

    To Heart 2 and Dies Irae couldn't be much different in genre...

    Ha, that's true. I just want something good to read that I can get absorbed into. I'm enjoying Subahibi alright, and I've wanted to read ToHeart 2 since I was 13 (10 years ago). I saw the anime trailer on an old OnDemand type service, and when I looked into it I discovered visual novels for the first time. Might not be worth a 10 year wait, but hey, it's about time.

    As for Dies Irae, I've hear great things before the translation, and I'm excited to read something in a genre I don't have much experience with.

  5. You've convinced me. I love pretentiousness (does that make me pretentious as well? Ha!) and I'm sure if I like the story and characters enough I would go back to it later. I'll start playing it tomorrow. I've been itching for a new chuuni (haven't quite started reading Japanese language VNs yet) and 11 Eyes wasn't really doing it for me.

  6. It seems a lot of people around here saw this VN as a letdown but I still want to try it. I have been waiting for the 18+ patch and still haven't heard anything about it, except for a 2017-9 sate that is nearly passed. Hoping someone has miraculously heard news on the status of it that VNDB hasn't gotten wind of yet?

  7. On 7/3/2017 at 8:44 AM, Norleas said:

    It is really impossible to learn a language fully without knowing grammar, it's like building a house without the pillars, especially for Japanese, which have a structure different from the usual of most Western languages, i not mentioned this before cuz is really obvious that is necessary.

    Yeah I agree, I've been using Tae Kim's guide.

  8. Hey everyone! I've been playing through the early Rance games and found out that there is a pretty big bug in Rance 3 that requires you to save after every battle. In the walkthrough on the Alicesoft wiki I saw that the English patch was re-released with a fix for that bug, but the links I've found for it lead to the old Rance translation team's blog, and that doesn't exist anymore.

    Anyone know where I can find this patch?

  9. Just now, kyrt said:

    You at the panel? Can't find any information about it anywhere (JAST panel also just started). Why none of these things bother to update their twitter/websites/blog/etc I just don't understand.

    I know frontwing is going to stream on twitch, maybe the other companies are as well?

  10. 29 minutes ago, Decay said:

    Because "Sekai Project" doesn't sell 18+ VNs, "Denpasoft" does. They're still pretty careful with that division. Still, I think it's pretty safe to assume that they are releasing 18+ versions for most or all of the ones that have 18+ versions in Japan. They are for Dracu-Riot and Senren Banka.

    Ah, I see. I actually didn't know about that distinction. I still have a lot to learn as far as visual novel companies go.

  11. 42 minutes ago, Zakamutt said:

    Honestly I'd try to talk to someone who'd be willing to help you troubleshoot the problems you're having rather than foregoing text hooking. It's an incredibly useful tool and anything else is going to be like ten times slower. Hell, contact me on discord (Zakamutt#8430) or Skype (zakamutt, mention you you are in your contact request) in the next few hours and I'll try to help you.

    Zakamutt saved my life, you should all worship Zakamutt.


    8 minutes ago, Norleas said:

    You could try use chiitrans lite, i don't know in details how he work and how good he was but is worth a shot.

    I think that even with the ith method you should study some kanji at least with something like anki


    We got it figured out, but chiitrans probably would have been my next step. I absolutely plan on learning kanji as I go, but I wanted to be able to make faster progress (because I'm impatient).


    Thank you both for the help, problem solved.

  12. Alright, so I finally decided to start learning Japanese through the ITH method. I downloaded it, followed some guides, got everything I needed installed, and hyped the hell out of myself. I was SO ready to get started.

    Then I get some crackpot error and ITH can't attach to any visual novel I own. I looked into the issue and saw it was because of a .net framework update or something like that. So I followed instructions and disabled/uninstalled that update. Still doesn't work. I tried using ITHVNR, AGTH, and even the translation aggregator's internal hook, none of them can attach to anything.

    So obviously text hook is out of the question for me. Does this mean that I will need to learn to read Japanese the correct way, and learn each kanji? I was trying to avoid doing that because who knows if I'll even be reading visual novels in a few years time when I learn enough Kanji to actually read a VN?

    Anyone know of any other method?

  13. 4 minutes ago, Tamaki Sakura said:


    Maybe at the Denpasoft panel. Rewrite+ proves that they're still working with VisualArt's.

    Uh... you posted that 4 times lol


    12 minutes ago, yorikbad said:

    Wait for Maitetsu and you will see :)

    Idk I like loli's too much so when i saw that title was all ages I never looked at it again..... :yumiko:

  14. Island's Diary and Ninja Girl will probably end up being all ages since sekai project had their paws in them from the beginning. Especially Ninja Girl. Something about it reeks of all ages. 

    I don't really mind all ages as long as the story is focused and good. Ninja Girl should have some promise either way.

    Island's Diary though.... I don't really see the point in an all ages lolige. Maybe that's just me haha.

    The other titles look great, as long as they aren't censored! 8)

  15. Just now, DharmaFreedom said:

    Happy about Evenicle and Damekoi :Chocola:.  Honestly I'm happy with any game announcement by most of the established Vn companies [the ones with proper translators to be precise]. The more choices the better for everyone. I'm even interested in JAST, maybe they'll announce that they're expanding and hiring more people to work on the Vns they have? maybe they'll up their game in some way, nobody knows what they'll be announcing so anythings possible lol.

    Can't say i've ever been dissapointed of these expo announcements, I might not be interested in some but f-it, at least everyone gets a taste lol. The steam crowd, the casuals, the elites and everyone in between, we all just want to read some Vns man :wahaha:.

    I like you.

  16. 1 minute ago, Veshurik said:

    I'm so dissapointed, I really was expected for Sakuranomori Dreamers... Ugh... I think that I need to make my expectations lower...

    I've been extremely interested in that title as well. From the way it looks, I wouldn't be surprised if we see almost all of Moonstone's VNs from Imouto Paradise onward (except maybe Eroge Bu which I don't really care about anyways) kind of seems like they are just working down the list at this point with the order of releases.

    I don't think i would mind too much if they skipped Demon Busters (though the pervert in me says otherwise) and announced Natsu Nostalgia some time next year as the next Moonstone release. In an ideal world they would skip Ojou-sama and go straight to Sakura no Mori Dreamers after that. I imagine they most likely won't skip Ojou-sama though...

    I could be way off base with that announcement order of course ;)

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