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Everything posted by FruitsPunchSamurai

  1. @seventhfonist425 Got it. Tried rolling twice for merlin and didn't get shit. Not even the alter artorias smh. Some guy on twitter hahaha
  2. Damn, ah well. Lot's of people haven't been able to do it, so you're not the only one atleast. Now that event is nearly over, i'm gonna have to start farming a ton of QP for all these skills.
  3. I myself was surprised, and Jeanne is sooo good for this one. I managed to get her to block lancer artoria's Np each time, Nero's as well. Ever since Jeanne got that buff to her NP she's become much more useful. MHXA is still my main waifu. Heh, that is true. Have you tried using Sherlock as a support? I've seen quite a few people use him to clear this one.
  4. That last challenge quest was absolutely awful. Managed to do it without using a CS somehow, but it was still really annoying. This is where not having my own merlin or waver hurts me a lot. And i plan on getting L artoria alter
  5. Did a 10 roll to try and get Brynhildr. Was never gonna happen, but something good came out of it atleast
  6. Decided to use a ticket on the Caster Summoning campaign. Managed to get this cutie
  7. The Spartacus exhibition quest was a joke. Euryale and Cu Alter rape him. Besides that i've been farming the lottery for gold skill pieces and gold medals for feathers and crystals.
  8. Even puppies have smiles that must be protected Angra too
  9. Did one last roll for maid alter, shouldn't have done it. Got nothing but more event CE's.
  10. Lets see, in the past few weeks i got moriarty and 2 other 4*s from the paid gacha (can't tell you how disappointed i was when i saw the gold cards pop up and 2 of them turned out to be random 4*s). I then rolled thrice to get Nero and i actually got her!!! After part 2 started, i spent the 150 gems i had left to get miss alter and got nothing but that event CE with the 3 old men on it . The event was pretty fun though
  11. I will never think of tickets as being worthless ever again.
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