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Posts posted by Ishiko

  1. 6 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    For platform I used laptop, and obviously I used Windows to play the VN. As for the reason, it's simply because the one that the initial OS which available on my laptop is Windows, and it's practical enough anyway in that almost all of the VN developers released their VNs for Windows. By the way I used to have desktop PC in the past, although nowadays I just have my laptop.

    exaclty, I see many dev release their novels for Windows and also Windows still remain the common platform for many games.

    Are you also planning to create novels?

    Me personally, I would love to release some... I'm learning for now :)

  2. I see this new game which seems to be interesting. I just commented those guys there. I post the link because I dont know how to post image here (I mean... texfield is alwasy red!)

    A new AI vn game

    Personally I think there is nothing wrong in using the AI, the result looks good, but how many VN will be relesead using those tecniques now?

    I think at thispoint the AI is game changing.

    I create assets for VN games and I think I have to use it

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