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Posts posted by Entai2965

  1. Are you talking about https://vndb.org/v25964?

    I am not sure about mainline, but Garbro-mod works fine for that title.

    • Open Garbro.
    • Navigate to the game folder.
    • Double click on voice.xp3.
    • In the "Archive parameters" window that pops up, select "Motto Haramase Honoo no Oppai Chou Ero Appli Gakuen [Official Chinese-Eng Ver].
    • Press OK
    • Select whatever.
    • Right-click->Extract.
    • Make sure "Convert audio" is unchecked and extract to an appropriate folder.
    • Play audio using your preferred audio playback software.

    If the mainline client does not have the correct option in the "Archive parameters" window, then try the the more recently updated fork of Garbro that I linked.

  2. If you are dealing with .xp3 files, then you are usually dealing with the kirikiri game engine because the kirikiri game engine typically uses .xp3 files as archives for its game files.

    However, Itigokuruiza uses an archive format called 'asar' to archive the game files, not .xp3. Garbro, including the fork, has not been updated to support 'asar' yet, so use another archiving program.

    @electron/asar an actively maintained nodejs project that can deal with 'asar' archives.

    1) Install NodeJS (v10+ LTS) from: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
    Guide: https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm

    • Open an administrative command prompt
    • node --version   #double check to make sure node is actually installed
    • npm --version    #double check node package manager is installed
    • npm install -g @electron/asar
    • asar --help #double check to make sure it actually installed

    If the above does not work, try the depreciated version: npm install -g asar, but this should not be necessary.

    The syntax is:

    asar extract <archive> <destFolder>

    The destination folder will be created after running the command.

    So for Itigokuruiza, you would type something like...

    asar extract "itigokuruiza_ver1.01\resources\app.asar" "itigokuruiza_ver1.01\resources\app"

    Important: Adjust your paths appropriately.

    That would dump all the assets for the game under a folder called "app" in the resources folder.

    • Then rename "resources\app.asar" to "resources\app.asar.backup" for safe keeping.
    • Rename the FOLDER "resources\app" to "resources\app.asar" so that it has a .asar extension (even though it is a folder).
    • Launch the game.

    It should still work and load normally using the assets from resources\app.asar\* provided there are no game breaking changes.

    From there, translator++ should understand the tyrano script, or you can just translate stuff yourself manually. Most of the dialogue is in "resources\app.asar\data\scenario\". Tip: Create regular backups.

    • Search for your novel on vndb.org
    • What did you like about the novel? Click on the tag that most represents what you liked about it. That will search for that tag on vndb.org Example: https://vndb.org/g1986
    • The Score on the left of each entry is how frequently the tag you searched for appears in that title. The Rating on the right is what other people thought about the title.
    • Add extra options to narrow the search, like Language: English, Platform: Windows, Linux, MacOSX, and any child tags.
    • Go through each entry listed in your search and refine your search settings until you find something you like.
  3. The main script for the translated game is embedded in the executable itself at: "Armored Warrior Iris\iris.exe\scenario\newgame.ks"

    Garbro has no problems opening up the executable file as an archive (no encryption). Use "Unicode" to view the .ks files in plaintext. The "Unicode (UTF-8)" and "Unicode (Big-Endian)" options do not work. Other files in the same game are encoded as Shift-JIS, so just be careful about the "Encoding" selection before extracting text files.

    It looks like the game was originally in Japanese but then translated by MangaGamer that repackaged it and embedded their English translation into the main executable.


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