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Everything posted by VNturePodcast

  1. 2nd Anniversary! That's right, 2 years of bringing our love of VNs to the world! Today's episode is a little different, as we answer fan questions about the show and look forward to our future!
  2. The sequel! Welcome back Bored Ronin as we CHUUNI IT UP in the visual novel sphere!
  3. Big shoutout to Bored Ronin, out latest guest of the hour!
  4. May is behind us, so let us talk about what we've been up to last month. It's time to turn back the Clock Tower!
  5. For the big milestone 100 episode, Cub is back! Let's dive into the review thought process of VNs!
  6. It's time for a guest appearance, starring cublikefoot! Huge thanks as always to sharing some valuable insights about VNs, content creation, reviews, and favorites!
  7. It's Mother's Day, and to celebrate we'll explore some of the parental figures in VNs! Despite MCs usually being teenagers, parents are usually shoved offscreen and are a rarity to ever see mentioned. But today we'll showcase the moms and dads who stand in the spotlight!
  8. Another month is behind us, so time for a monthly Readport! But this time, we focus on a single title we both read - Mandemon! Hope You enjoy! P.S. Despite allegation, I am not a vampire! I think...
  9. Today it's time to delve into discussion about different kinds of Sci-fi! Mecha? Steampunk? How about the difference between hard and soft sci-fi type of settings? All of that and more in today's episode.
  10. This Sunday we talk all about best friend groups in VNs! Have a listen or better yet: grab a friend to listen with!
  11. Previous week, the dastardly AngeVNs and BruceGoneLoose tried to hijack podcast for their own evil deeds! Check it out if you're interested: But today, we're back with scheduled programming: March readport!
  12. "Wait, THAT was the reason?" Join us in today's episode, as we discuss the ridiculous asspulls encountered in VNs!
  13. It's time to end this! Together with NeNeiSan we talk about what makes an ending in Visual Novel!
  14. Today we have a pleasure to talk with another Nasu-verse fan! Tune in to today's episode for NeNeiSan!
  15. Another month is behind us, so it's time for us to report what we've been reading!
  16. We need to go deeper! This episode not only we talk about VNs, but even VNs within VNs! Let's see what happens when the reader reads how characters are depicted as consumers of other media! It is true weebception
  17. Two episodes talking about VN translation with a friendly Bee are up!
  18. January is behind us, so now is the time for the first readport of the year! Hope You enjoy!
  19. The Loose One returns! This time Bruce is Unleashed onto soundtracks in VNs!
  20. Another installment of weekly VNture Podcast! This episode we have a special guest of unhinged proportions - BruceGoneLoose!
  21. It's time to delve into the topic of Fandisks! A mystical place where side characters get a chance to be upgraded into heroines!
  22. Sunday arrived! It's time for protagonists to clash with their rivals!
  23. This week we have an opportunity to talk with another amazing guest: therustyfountain! Listen to him gush about all things romantic!
  24. Wanna hear about popularity polls? In the latest episode of An VNture Podcast, we check out some of the history and impact of character polls in the world of VNs!
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