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Everything posted by Angmir

  1. ok then - recomend me 1 single best JRPG that I should try as a newcomer to JRPGs. I would like this to be moderatly new (not 20 years old ) and if it contained ERO it would be a huge reason to try it out good story and nice girl heroines are a must !
  2. Yeah ! I am scared shitless just seeing somebody mention JRPG I have a biased opinion I know, but I see JRPGs as a endless 1000 hours long grindfest, where only numbers change with time. I thought about trying them for the story, but the gameplay kept me away.
  3. That was both fun and awkward ;] I guess it would be best if we let this thread to rest a little bit - writing 100 posts in day is a bit overboard - and it is all off-top too ; ]
  4. you wana hear a bad pun - hereyego that the Pickupline You want to know my lifetime dream ? I want to become space explorer and probe Uranus !
  5. Ths game is actualy good - althousgh i wish night crawling part was a bit more advanced ;p anyway there are like 150 sword fighting styles (and all are realistic !)
  6. Anyway thats what i play recently ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrQAOvR5oFY
  7. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAGARA SOSUKE GUNSHO !! seneni TALETHA TESTAROSSA ! my first Anime EVER !! (not counting Pokemon in ;p)
  8. You guys are on whole nother level ... ; ] and I know Mon is robot but istn she online like 24/7 ! ! Doesnt she need to repundish her energy from time to time ! ! ! I bet she is going through her bananas like Gatling gun through bullets !
  9. Fu fu fu fu They are no doubt leaving the best for the last ! I expect nothing less than whole stand alone game focused entirely on Me ! Maji de Fushikawa Kokoro ni Koi Shinasai ! ho ho ho ho. Oyasumi Nasai butaningen ! ;p
  10. YEY for Seiso Nei for that trecherous vixen Tsubame ;p swallow is a trecherous bird ;] Although she had some supa sexy H-scenes Well - as I say I dont like how sometimes trival matters are blown out of proportions in VN in order to increase Drama cheaply. But I wholeheartly agree she is way to great a character to be sold cheaply like she has been in "S" And there is so much more that could be told about her. But then whole Majikoi S is a nukige, bearly focusing on anything besides Sex. Well ... I am greatfull for whatever I get. Good night everyone !
  11. thx I would pick Kokoro Seiso Kazuko (but give her a new route - without that dietetician and glasses crap ! )
  12. She was in top 10 ! ? And here I almost stoped believing in mankind ! got link to that poll ? ED; thx nevermind ............................................................................ Another promising girl that was handled even worse in S was Iyo, She deserved better route, and it was stupid how they limited her character to just a Baseball team suporter.
  13. IF you dont want to miss anything you might want to look at that. There arent any real spoilers there only Routes names. But it will show you how much you have seen,
  14. U think A5 will be the end of Majikoi universe ? btw Long time ago I made a plan for future Majikoi game I would like made ;p If Ill dig it up I'll let you know ;]
  15. Exacly what I think ; - ] I am a little bit disapointed since conquering of her didnt lasted longer. I would love is the spanking scene was longer and developing farther, It feels like she yelded to Yamato way too fast. And she is too dare since that. I dont usualy like tsunderes, but with Kokoro i think her bratty side is spot on ! It is sad her route in S is mostly H-scenes, but I guess she got a great deal of development in original Majikoi. She was my favourite ever since Majikoi Yukie route - even before I heard about Majikoi S and that Kokoro has a route there. It was a wasted potential that you could not start her route right there in Mayuchi route, by agreeing to become her butler I secretly hope for her after route, or even another Majikoi game where she would get a long route like characters from A1-5.
  16. By the way DIMDITO ! You still havent answered my question from yesturday ! Now that you played Kokoro route. Are you in love with her too ;p ?
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