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Rahman N

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Posts posted by Rahman N

  1. I completed both Seasons of Grisaia Fruit without Reading VN. Can I continue from where Anime left? Or the Two seasons covered the whole Grisaia Fruit plot?
    As for Anime plot first season seems to be the overall backstory of all five girls and Main character's involvement with them . Second season covered 


     up to Which Yuuji kills his nemesis with the help of his girls.

    Flashback of his Sensei was also covered on second Season. 
    So the anime Covered the whole plot of VN in two seasons?

  2. I completed Muv luv Alternative and got some questions. (Spoiler Alert)


    1.What happened to Takeru at the End of Muv Luv alternative?
    2.What are your impressions on the ending? I mean everyone in the team died! Especially during that Meiya part I lost it.
    3.What is your overall Review on this VN?
    4.Did Jinguuji Sensei's Death scare you? If it did Explain it. :( 

    Thanks for Reading this.


  3. On 12/15/2021 at 5:04 AM, Chronopolis said:

    bruh no spoilers in the thread title. should call it G-senjou no maou ending question or something

    edit: to answer your question, I don't think there's an official answer. Some JP person guessed 春菜 (haruna), as it's similiar to usami haru.

    Thanks for Answering!
    Yeah I will avoid it from Hereon. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Dreamysyu said:
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    The funny part is that I kind of predicted the twist because I didn't believe that the authors were skillful enough to write a good conclusion if the twist didn't happen. 🙂 Like, I literally thought: "Don't tell me that the MC has a twin brother or something?"

    Yeah, it was a pretty stupid twist.




    LMAO That twin brother part got me! 



  5. 11 hours ago, Zalor said:

    I just want to know, am I the only person who hated that complete asspull of a "plot twist" in G-Senjou no Maou? 

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    Never (from what I remember) are we ever told that Kyousuke has a brother or siblings. Then literally right before the "twist" we are given an info dump about how Kyousuke has this brother that the story never bothered telling us about even though he plays a significant role in the plot. They didn't even bother to lazily foreshadow it.

    Literally this breaks the very first rule of Knox's rules for Mystery stories: "The criminal must be someone mentioned in the early part of the story, but must not be anyone whose thoughts the reader has been allowed to follow." There are other reasons why I think G-Senjou no Maou is a crappy VN, but this is the factor that has always pissed me off the most. Mostly because I rarely see people talk about this very obvious and significant oversight. At least the soundtrack is good, was probably the only thing that kept me engaged enough to finish the VN... 


    Well I kinda predicted when Kyouhei's death mystery (He iz a genius too) and when Usami was sure that Kyousuke can't be Mao. I was expecting a showdown between kyousuke and Harumi from the start of VN. I Pretty much got disappointed too.


  6. I finished G senjou no Mao now. But ....


    Question: What is the name of Usami's Daughter in the Epilogue of G-senjou no Mao?
    when Usami tells Kyousuke the name of their Daughter the VN ended without displaying her name. Anybody knows it by chance? Kindly Relay it here if Possible.


  7. On 11/17/2021 at 3:09 PM, Zidan209 said:

    Steins;Gate and Clannad are arguably the only good ones. Both of them being really highly rated in both mediums (at least the After story in Clannad's case)

    I completed both anime and Stil didn't touch their respective source VNs.
    Thanks for suggestion! 🤗

  8. On 11/21/2021 at 8:00 AM, Zalor said:

    Shame you didn't mention Kanon's 2006 adaptation, as it's not just a good adaptation but one of the very few instances where the anime adaptation probably surpassed it's source material. And those who know me, know I thought long and hard before arriving at that conclusion. 

    Well I didn't Read Kanon VN.
    But I enjoyed the anime and its routes more than afterstory of Clannad though.
    Thanks for suggestion!

  9. On 12/24/2015 at 1:35 AM, Nosebleed said:

    You probably don't hear a lot on it now because most people have already said everything there is to say about it.

    As for my opinion on the game: Asuho best grill, Chinami is the ideal imouto, Yume a shit, GotStarCancer/10

    If there was a change I could make, it would be to have Chinami say Onii-chan more often.


    When You said about Yume I almost fell from the chair due to laughing! 😂😂
    I too personally thought about Yume like you.
    First I completed Asuho route.(I thank Forumfuwanovel for the order though)
     Then the game went downhill pretty much.
    What are your opinions about Mare, Aoi and the Twin's route?

  10. Just completed some Key VNs. Rewrite Anime adaptation is beyond repair. Little busters refrain is the only plus point. Didn't read Clannad to compare it to Anime. Can you guys recommend some of the good anime adaptations of VNs which stays true to the plot of VN. (Saw some animes with just VN adaptions in name only too T.T)

  11. 2 minutes ago, Dreamysyu said:

    About 2:

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    Different routes in Rewrite were written by different people, and there are quite a lot of inconsistencies, sadly. I think it's true that in some routes he seems to use his abilities quite extensively, but t isn't enough for him to turn into a familiar, but in Shizuru's route he seemingly doesn't use them that much, but somehow it's enough.

    Terra spoilers:

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    If we consider Romeo Tanaka's routes as "canon", then it becomes a lot more consistent. In Terra he obviously uses his abilities a lot more than he does in Akane's or especially Kotori's routes, and he becomes a familiar there and not in the other routes, so we can more or less gauge how much he needs to use them.


    Well, maybe you can still explain everything by some sort of handwaving. :)

    Thanks man for Hiding Terra spoilers!
    I did'nt read it.
    Thanks for Replying!
    Which is your favourite route in Rewrite VN and Tearjerking moment?
    Also tell me your favourite Soundtrack in Rewrite !

  12. On 3/2/2018 at 4:21 PM, Ben 777zero said:

    Have someone try Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki or Dracu-Riot! Have they good? And about Dracu-Riot! Have they patch good because you know was leaked before having quality check and sakusaku have good?

    Dracu riot is Good. But not as good as Grisaia or Rewrite!
    It got obvious predictable plot and twists and only some route will be good for mystery genre.

  13. 6 hours ago, Stormwolf said:

    Has to be little busters for me. Thats just one hell of a cast. But then i like different key vn's best for different reasons. Rewrite the mystery and also has a quite alright cast. Summer pockets however.. i dunno. It got less good the further in you went.

    Gonna go into Little Busters as next VN !
    It is pretty long too! 
    Thanks for Replying! 🥰

  14. 6 hours ago, Silvz said:

    There's also Angel Beats! and Charlotte.

    As for my favorite, no doubt it's Clannad. The anime adaptation made me cry right at episode 9 and fall in love with the stories Key produces. The others were good - I didn't like Planetarian 😕 - but no other VN would make me go through the whole 50 hours again like Clannad.

    That said, I also love Summer Pockets and can't wait for Reflection Blue to be released. Unfortunately the newer games are written by different authors, so although they mimic Key's old style well, it's not the same.

    Reflection Blue is a Key VN?
    Tell me more about it and Other future Key Projects!🥰
    I didn't play Clannad and also Kanon!(Only watched anime ) .
    Both of them  got seperate routes with romance of mc with that specific heroine ryt?(Like rewrite)
    Or Nagisa/Ayu  is the only heroine and true ending only happens in their routes like anime?( Not a branching plot but a Linear plot?)
    And Angel Beats iz the adaptation of anime ryt? How good is it from anime POV?
    Thanks for Replying! ❤️story animes GIF

  15. 9 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    Well there're Sora from Yosuga no Sora and Kazusa from Hitotsuba. Other than that, there're Hare from Sugar Style and Renna  from Tsujidou. I hope that my recommendations here will be helpful to you.

    PS - I know that Yosuga no Sora translation work here is still unfinished, although since there's a patch that translate all of the scenes (Still unedited though) you can already read the VN if you interested.

    Thank you so much for replying to me again! 😇

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