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Posts posted by SieghartXx

  1. There are some routes/scenes in the Key visual novels that make me really depressed or angry (like the end of Shizuru's route in Rewrite, for example >_<) but, overall, I like them. Key made me cry, feel happy, and a lot of other emotions, so even if the heroins go through hardships, when the ending is a happy one, I can't complain >u<

  2. Welcome to the forums! It's cool to know someone from China, as I like it quite a lot >o<! About the nendoroids, I'm pretty interested in them, as I like to collect figurines (although I have just 4 at the moment, and none of those is a nendoroid ;_; ) You can make a new thread about it if you want to! Enjoy your stay, and have fun.
    Happy new year~

  3. Kamidori is a lot better than Monster Girl Quest. Kamidori game may be shorter if you compare with the three (or not if you play all the routes) but the characters really look like "something", the story is great and the CG are just wonderful and very neat.

    I had like 99hrs of play in Kamidori, as I replayed it like 5 times to get everything (new game content, etc). It was really fun, and latelly, I'm wanting to play it again xD

  4. Well, seeing that a lot of series I was following ended this season, I was thinking of starting to watch something new while waiting for the few ones I'm going to watch the next season (why was this one so good, and the next one's filled with slice of life and silliness? ;_; ). I don't know what to watch, though, as I'm more of the romance-oriented anime, and I've finished most of them x_x maybe Minami-ke or something like that.

  5. Well, Alice no Kuni is famous as well, I've never tried it though (Japanese barrier...)

    Second Reproduction isn't that scary though, if you're more of a Jap otome gamer you should really give it a try (aaaaaand if you want happy ends, I'd recommend a walkthrough 'cuz the bad ends are...pretty bad) xD

    Oh, Yo-jin-bo is a good one for me, it's originally Jap game that's been translated to Eng \m/

    I thought Alice no Kuni was translated, but it seems what I saw was just a project, not the finished translation D; Yojimbo sounds cool D:! (samurai are always cool). And... I'll give it a try to Second Reproduction... But it scares me anyway ;A; Thanks for the recommendations >O<

  6. That's like only watching the first season of Clannad and then asking people who they think it's a masterpiece. XD

    I tend to pass on second seasons of anime I didn't really like, the same goes for visual novels or manga, so I can give only my opinion about the first game. That doesn't change the fact that I didn't like the first one, and if I liked the second or third one, that won't make me change my opinion on the first one, as they're not the same in every aspect xD (and if they are, I'm already guessing I won't like them either). Clannad is a masterpiece, in my opinion, from the first episode to the last one from After Story though. Don't take me wrong, though, I'm not saying that it's a bad game or things like that.

  7. Just in case, I can't read Japanese, so only translated ones (just in case~ xD) so keep them coming >-<
    I took a look at Starry Sky and the tag for love triangle kinda put me off ;A; Second Reproduction kinda scares me, must be the cover image xDD I'll take a look at the other ones later >-< Any of you recommends Alice no Kuni?

  8. Well, I'm more of the Japanese ones, but westerns aren't bad either. As for genres... Romance, happy endings, no cheating and stuff like that. That's why I don't like harems, as they tend to waver the heroine's feelings towards more than one character ;u;
    I'll search the ones that have been recommended, thank you guys!

  9. The battle system was there just for you to get h-scenes when you losed, as the after-battle always gave fixed XP (you would always end with the same lvl if you played all the battles, unless you did certain exploit to grind with Yamata no Orochi, so it really wasn't that appealing to me). The story setting is something I've been seeing in a lot of manga, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary to me. The characters... Few of them had any personality at all, the rest were there just to rape you xDD and I finished it in a short while. Maybe we're talking about different games here? Nah, just our opinions differ, and that's fine xD
    Note that I have played only the first one.

  10. Well... I haven't played a lot of otome, just a few ones and flash-based, but I want to try them out (even when I hate inverse harems... ;A;). So, can anyone recommend me any? It would be great if it didn't have a lot of jackasses (like, the overly cliché player hero who sleeps with everyone but no one cares and still love him, and the heroine hast to fall in love with him, out of all people D:! And if it does have someone like that, I would like it if you can pass that route xD)

    Thanks for reading >-<

  11. In my opinion, my order is Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Shizune>Rin. But really, different personalities will have different favorites. Each girl is different and appeals to different personality aspects. 

    Are you... me?!


    I just didn't like Rin very much for her personality, as I found her really cute and all. I know she had issues, and needed her art over Hisao and everything else, but it was painful anyway, seeing her reject him and treat him like a thing to get inspiration from. The end was good, though, but, overall, I didn't like it as much. 

  12. I can say without a doubt that my tastes are really different from the most of you, seeing almost all of you liked Monster Girl Quest as if it was a masterpiece, and I can't think of it like that, ever xDD just my personal opinion, though :c


    Yeah I also dislike the 'no voices' part in Katawa Shoujo ^^' I played Princess Waltz, Ever 17 an Majikoi before I found that one and I guess I were pretty spoiled with awesome story, arts and voiced characters until then xD


    I can't play them without voices now... It's really hard (luckily, I began with Katawa and Koihime, and after that the voiced ones).

  13. Uh, Baldr Sky and Sachis route in Grisaia are the only things that actually caused visible tears.

    I must ask, is Baldr Sky translated? o:


    Little Busters! - Hoshizora no memoria - Clannad - Rewrite - Grisaia no Kajitsu - Katawa Shoujo - G-senjou - I think I cried with Edelweiss too (I don't really remember) - Majikoi (Kazuko ;u;) - Tsukihime - I don't remember if I did in Muv-luv, but something tells me I did - And I'm sure there are more, but I cry even with anime openings so I can't remember all the things that make me cry xD 

  14. And finished! i done all 4 main routes and the teacher route :D and i must say this VN was amazing! i just really want to play Miyako route :/ 

    Anyway in order of who i liked the most it goes  Momoyo > Yukie > Chris > Kazuko


    Now to play Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! S

    Majikoi is one of my favourite visual novels, and I would love to play more like that one (although I rarely include it in my "personal rankings" because I haven't finished it completely D':). Majikoi S wasn't as good as I thought it would be, it's more ero-oriented (but, well, Kokoro is cute, so is Monshiro and Margit... Well, they're all cute, so I'm fine with it). I would've loved less rushing to ero though :'c

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