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Posts posted by Wendyy

  1. 41 minutes ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    I'd say bishoujo and yuri, mostly because there's relatively few females active here.

    I'm kind of a yuri fanatic myself, so if your otome's going to have a token female route you get like 30-40% bigger chance I'll read it and review it. ;)

    I'm quite a big bishoujo fan myself! 

    And that's actually a relatively good idea to have a female route, even though it's not popularly done. Maybe a kickstarter stretch goal :3 

    Thanks for giving me something to think about! I know a lot of people love Yuri. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Clephas said:

    What are the themes and genres you are planning for the otomege?  I'm curious... 

    The game is fantasy/mystery with dark themes. Each character's route has it's own theme, if not two, such as dealing with inner conflict, struggling with interpersonal relationships, letting go of the past or moving on from tragedy, and finding yourself against societies pressures. Such a long winded answer, but my game is packed full of conflict! Thaks for asking. :)

    6 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

    Welcome to Fuwa! Cool to see an otome dev visiting our community, it's definitely not the dominant genre around here, but you'll definitely find people interested in your project. :)

    Could I ask what the popular genres are here? Just out of pure curiosity. :D

  3. Hey guys! Just found this site, and I'm excited to be a part of the community! I'm on Lemmasoft more than I'd like to admit so it's great to find another place to hang out at with like-minded people! 

    I have a few projects under my belt, but my passion project is a big one! It's a story driven Otome game, meaning it's marketed towards females, and I'm looking to have a demo and host a Kickstarter in early 2020. This means I need to start marketing, so I'm trying to put myself out there before hiring a marketer. I'm starting with a devlog and website, that I might post on here once I learn my way around. 

    Thanks so much for reading! Hope to make some friends. 


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