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Posts posted by IcryEvrytime

  1. On 4/14/2018 at 9:40 AM, Homufate said:

    Second Higurashi and Umineko also Saya no Uta as well

    I saw those 2 titles a lot around. I ll definitly look into those :)

    Thank you

  2. On 4/13/2018 at 3:16 PM, Sparteh said:

    Assuming you want more serious type of mystery:

    • Umineko series - a must read. Personally I consider this to be the best VN series ever. Story is very well written, characters developed. Furthermore, its soundtrack is amazing. Just make sure to read it in the right order. Also, the entire story is very long. From what I heard it took at least 90-100 hours to complete it for most readers.
    • Kara no Shoujo  series - this is another great detective story, but I have to warn you. If you have weak stomach and cannot handle horror elements (dead bodies at least), you might want to avoid it.
    • Sharin no Kuni - probably the closest thing that I can recommend as something similar to G-Senjou, though not really a mystery VN. Not in terms of plot, but rather feeling it gives. Though, G-Senjou was vastly superior to me.


    G-senjou was amazing...just wow...

    I bought it blind and I didn't expect for anything like what that vn is...so good..

  3. 18 hours ago, wei123 said:

    Oh my bad. It's because you said "Wonderful Everyday down the rabbit hole" in your original post instead of "Wonderful Everyday" , so I just assumed you didn't patch it (since Down the Rabbit Hole is the first arc). 

    Ahhh ok :) actually the first time I started it, finished the first chapter (DTRH) and got really angry couse i thought I ve spent 30euro for 1 hour of vn xD then I red the comments on steam and...

    a whole new world...(licterally xD)

  4. On 10.4.2018 at 2:33 AM, Dreamysyu said:

    Did you install the 18+ patch by the way? The Steam version (called Down the rabbit hole) contains only the first chapter of the whole game.

    Also, can you specify what exactly you liked about these two VNs? They aren't very similar to each other.

    Yhea man and played all the routes as well! (including end sky2) . Oh ok sorry is the first time I post on a forum :) and I didn't reall knew what to write down eheh

    So for DTRH I liked all the introspective trip of the characters, the style of writing, all the philosophic journey till the very end(s).

    On the other side for The devil on G string (first vn ever read) the firt thing that got me good has to be the soundtrak..so good!!All the deepening about the classic music and the different girls on various routes sourprised me as I didn't knew how multiple choices VN worked. At the end, to be onest, if you want to know what i really liked about those two vn is how they make you fall in love with something on one route and then go in a total different direction  with another one and not just for the sotry...


    Sorry for the broken english :(

    Thank you all



    On 10.4.2018 at 2:53 AM, VirginSmasher said:

    If you want mind-bending mysteries, dark material, and plot twists galore, read Ever17, Myth, Root Double, the Kara no Shoujo series, Sorcery Jokers, and Remember11.

    Edit: If you've only read Down the Rabbit Hole, PLEASE read the rest. You're missing out on the best parts of the VN if you don't.

    Thank you so much for all the titles :) I ll look into them as soon as I can find them!!

    And yhea I patched it an played it till the very end. Took me nearly 40 hours and it was SO GOOD...one of the best story I 've ever red...


    Thanks again!!


    On 10.4.2018 at 2:53 AM, wei123 said:

    If you've only read Down the Rabbit Hole I (which I think is probably the case), then you've only completed 1/6 of the game, which means you should install the patch to get the remaining 5/6.

    For G-senjou no Maou, the only other vn that's closest to it in terms of intensity (but not plot) is probably Sharin no Kuni.

    For Subahibi, I can't really comment since I have not completed it.

    And why does it seams to you that I didn't patch it?


    btw I did put the 18+ patch...steam comments were JUST TALKING ABOUT THE 18PATCH..how can anyone miss it?


    On 10.4.2018 at 7:19 PM, littleshogun said:

    As Subahibi, unlike other Steam release using 18+ patch is very mandatory because the majority of the VN was in the 18+ patch.

    For the recommendation, both of Higurashi and Umineko sounds good. Other than that, maybe I can suggest you to try both of Enigma and Seabed. I hope my recommendations here will be helpful to you.

    They are! thank you very much. I really am new in the VN world and it's so cool to meet so many people with so many title to suggest!!

    Ann I wrote down your titles as well :) will check them out for sure!! Thanks!


    On 10.4.2018 at 9:22 PM, PiggiesGoMoo said:

    I you do play Higurashi, definitely do not google anything about it. Especially not google image searches. I've never seen a VN that has spoilers so prevalent all over the place.   It's the anime's fault :amane:


    The other thing about Higurashi is that only 5 of the 8 chapters are actually translated. Personally, if I had known this at the time, I wouldn't have read the first 5 when I did. I ended up reading spoilers because I didn't want to wait for 6-8, and didn't want to watch the anime.

    Why are there so many spoilers? Is it the anime fault?


    On 10.4.2018 at 9:42 PM, MaggieROBOT said:

    Danganronpa. Don't even try to type a characters' name, google will probably suggest "character A death/execution". The main culprit was spoiled for me with fanarts alone, when I barely knew what the game was about... :komari:  I didn't even went looking for it and it found the way to me...

    I'm playing 2 right now and as much as I tried to avoid spoilers like the plague, I ended up seeing like 4 spoilers, dammit. None as big as the one for 1 tho. Maybe because 2 doesn't have an anime.

    I saw it on steam but the teddys blocked me at the buy time.


    So I should definitly play it, shouldn't I?


    Thank you all fantastic people! Didn't expect all those titles to come in!!!! You all made my day <3

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