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Posts posted by Semicolonkid

  1. UPDATE: Demo 1.1.0 is now released!!

    +20k words
    +100 (arguably more) CG's, as well as several more backgrounds and sprite emotions
    +10 songs
    +A bunch of random shit, like the very first of several ANIMATIONS,
     added to Chapter 1.

    This is a MASSIVE update, extending the content from roughly two hours to three! The demo left off halfway through Chapter 8, and now covers up to the beginning of Chapter 12.

    There has been a mild character revamp across the board. David, James, and Eric all look better now, and nearly EVERYONE in the story has had that weird eyeliner removed from the bottom of their eyes! Unfortunately, I think it would be too much work to propagate this change to the CG's I already made.

    Some of the text in the first two hours have been polished here or there, and one or two songs have had some re-balancing done to the instrumentation. Beyond that and the additional animation, the original content is largely unchanged.

    So, the story continues! Should you decide to check it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Enjoy!

  2. WARNING: Rated 16+ for explicit language and some adult themes.


    A magical and incredible ability, granted to the wearers of summoning rings.
    If you possess such a ring, all you need to do is focus, and the person bound to that ring will teleport to you.
    Doesn't matter how far away they are, doesn't matter what they're doing...
    Doesn't matter if they don't WANT TO.
    Doesn't matter if, oh, I dunno, they're ASLEEP or BRUTALLY INJURED or in the middle of a FUCKING CONVERSATION.
    ...Sorry, this isn't a story about how cool it is to be able to summon a servant to do your bidding.

    This is the story of how my life became filled with bullshit.

    Maybe I'm just enjoying a nice walk outside, looking up at the sun and almost forgetting that my life's the worst, when suddenly ZSHZSHIIIINNGGG!!!! Brad barks at me to help him cut boards for his home remodeling.

    Then, after we finish, if I'm lucky I might get an entire 8 seconds of free time before ZSHZSHIIIINNGGG!!!! Stella and her rock band need me to set up their musical equipment.

    Whether it's walking David's night shift as a mall security guard, helping Brenda drag people out of burning buildings, or attempting to protect James from high school bullies, it's safe to say that THIS JOB SUCKS.

    At least there's Amy...the one person who never forces me to do anything, and is in fact quite nice to me. I think with her help, I might just make it through this year with my emotional sanity intact.
    That's assuming my boss, Steve the Demon Lord, doesn't find more piles of shit for me to do.

    In any case, my name's Flin Paltwell, and I hope you enjoy my modern tale.



    Demo Stats:
    Words: 68k
    Images: 390+
    Songs: 26
    Projected Final Word Count: ~300k (153k written so far)

    Total Progress: ~20%
    There's a long way to go before completion, especially considering this is a 100% solo project, but I'm determined to get there. I've already put in over a year, so what's a few more?

    The following screenshots showcase most the characters and just a few of the many, many custom images shown throughout Summoned.



    If you play the demo, I would love it if you could answer these questions:
    1. Does the 3D-ness or the art style in general bug you? Did you get used to it if it did?
    2. What do you think of Flin, the cynical protagonist?
    3. Who's your most-favorite character? Your least-favorite? How come?
    4. Did any of the music seem out-of place or annoying?
    5. I believe Summoned gets better and better over time, but the first two hours shown in the demo are burdened with a lot of exposition and setting establishment. Did the demo succeed in grabbing your interest? Are you curious what happens next in the story?
    6. Finally, any critiques you may have in general about things you liked or disliked are greatly appreciated! This is a passion project, and I shall strive to make it as good as I can!

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