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Blog Entries posted by kivandopulus

  1. kivandopulus
    The 4th Unit - Wyatt is the only masterpiece game of April 1992.
    1. The 4th Unit - Wyatt 第4のユニット WYATT [920403] DataWest 1 2 Judge Badnack is restoring vicious criminal organization and for doing that he kidnapped Zero and took control of UN assault space satellite Wyatt. Bio-win and Dalzy must use any means necessary to oppose Badnack and rescue Zero. This is the last episode in the story before company went bankrupt so the story is left unfinished. This 7th episode is the most technically advanced with timed choices left only for battle scenes so it finally can be run like a normal VN. BGM and voice sounding are also improved. Difficulty-wise it has become relatively less punishing with only one serious pitch moment to reload a lot.  
    2. Dr.Stop! Dr.STOP! [920415] Alice Soft 1 In Dr. Stop! you control Takumi, who works in a hospital and whose mind is mostly occupied with female patients, most of whom are young and pretty. One day, during a visit to a patient, an explosion occurs. Who caused it - one of the patients or an outsider, or maybe a staff member? It's up to you to investigate, and win the affection of your lovely patients. An unusual work in that text takes from half of the screen here to the whole screen and the pictures change location all the time and are sometimes presented by just a modest square in the corner. It's a suspense game in the hospital, but also a charage. All the characters are weird, but funny enough. In the end the lack of backgrounds and graphics is a big hit on the impression.  
    3. Lam-Mal 蘭丸 [920424] Fairytale Yagyu Jubei orders secret order ninja Ranmaru to investigate Yoshiwara murder case and you are an assistant of Ranmaru. The story looks serious with the Edo period Joy resistance as a theme, but actually story is all messed up from youkai to the aliens. What's weird about the system is that upon command selection you need to click on the head part in right lower corner and clicking on bare brains is not too nice... While story moves in ordinary command selection pattern, battles are done in RPG manner and weapons can be bought. Some subtle aspects of the game leave a pretty sour aftertaste. So even if you're ready to listen to an unserious story, there's no guarantee that you'll enjoy it.  
    4. Dead of the Brain ~Day of the Living Dead~ DEAD OF THE BRAIN ~死霊の叫び~ [9204] Fairytale 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cole's friend Doctor Cooger invented a tissue that caused zombie infestation. Now Cole and assistant Sheila need to find a way to stop them. There are English reviews on the game.  
    5. Lunatic Fantasy Lunatic Fantasy [9204] Studio Light Cross 1 2 The story starts with an amnesiac woman, who is only able to remember her name - Fab, waking up in the forest. With the help of local dryads Fab reaches a nearby town and stops at the tavern. Suddenly she is approached by a blind girl who proclaims: "Mommy, you finally returned"... There is an English review.  
  2. kivandopulus
    Sotsugyou Shashin / Miki is the VN of March 1992.
    1. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kinsenka Kyo Ezara Satsujin Jiken 山村美紗サスペンス 金盞花京絵皿殺人事件 [920306] TOSE Software 1 While on a trip to Kyoto a restaurant review writer decides to investigate the murder of a woman from a rich family. As far as I know all the games of TOSE Software are based on real life novels, so reality and unexpected turns is what they excell at. It has all the ordinary stuff like questioning and exploration, but there's also an element of 3rd sight view, zooming and lots of point and click action. This point and click actually brought the most damage since it was not comfortable and it hurt the tempo. A solid plot and enjoyable Kyoto views, but overall it's a modest work.  
    2. Otogirisou 弟切草 [920307] Chunsoft 1 2 3 4 5 A couple gets lost in the wood and decides to spend the night in the abandoned mansion. A classic horror tale that even made its way to PlayStation 1. There are quite a few English reviews on the game here.  
    3. Sotsugyou Shashin / Miki 卒業写真/美姫 [920312] Cocktail Soft 1 2 3 Sotsugyō Shashin / Miki consists of two Japanese-style adventure games that were not released separately before. Both focus on the theme of high-school romance. In Sotsugyō Shashin, the player takes control of a male high-school student. Unable to form a solid plan for his future studies, he is more interested in romantic relationship, and attempts to make things right with his schoolmate Hiromi Kamura before the graduation ceremony takes place. In Miki, the protagonist is Shinji Fujisawa, who attends the high school of the peaceful mountain village Tsubana. During a kagura dance performance, a time slip occurs, and he and his schoolmate Ayumi are miraculously transported to the feudal Edo era. Shinji's soul enters the body of the young blacksmith apprentice Shingo Benibana, and he attempts to change the tragic events of the past involving Shingo's love to the beautiful Miki. There are English reviews, but they fail to grasp the uniqueness of the work. First of all it's all ages work, but it's mentally suitable for adults the most. Secondly, it's a rare work to cry of drama content right from the box cover. Graduation photo is the main work here. Even though heroes have tender feelings for each other they have to part and treasure their graduation memories. PC-Engine version introduced multiple endings, but totally contradicted the original atmosphere. Miki story is there to offset Graduation photo. The theme of first work is sadness about not being able to change past, but Miki actually is a story about travel to the past and changing dramatic events that used to happen and it all ends with a happy ending. At the same time both works are beautiful and have good sound support which makes the whole play a pleasant trip.  
    4. Mamono Hunter Youko - Makai Kara no Tenkousei 魔物ハンター 妖子 魔界からの転校生 [920313] TamTam Co., Ltd. 1 2 3 108th Devil Hunter Mamono Youko gets transported to another dimension with her classmates Shoma and Chokako. Somehow this world inhabitants are familiar with the guests. There is a nice English review here and since it's not original story, but an anime side-story, it looses much of its appeal.  
    5. Phantasy Star Adventure Phantasy Star Adventure [920313] Sega 1 2 3 4 5 The player's character is an agent in the town Paseo on Motavia. The year is 1268 A.W. The player's character receive a letter while on base from a long time friend Ken Miller. Ken is a scientist currently studying on the ice planet Dezolis. The letter is rather cryptic and only says the following: "How are you? I have succeeded in the discovery of the century. You must come and see it." The player make plans to travel to Dezolis and find what Ken is so excited about. After take the space shuttle to the planet, you travel to the town of Carsonville. There, you discover that Ken invented a machine that can transform humans into immensely powerful beings. Because of the implications of such an invention, Ken is kidnapped and his device is confiscated. As an agent, the player must solve this mystery. Ken's sister, Lila,assists the player during the investigation. There is enough information in English.  
    6. Tenshin Ranma 天神乱魔 [920318] Elf 1 2 3 Angels and demons are determined to decide human race fate by evaluating the abilities of a school boy Takami placed inside a dungeon swarmed with monsters. Yet another school student Yuima realized possession of magical powers and she is going to help Takami and destroy the rules once and for all. Finally a game without an English review! And an Elf game besides. It's a dungeon-crawler and only available for old platforms. Whether you choose boy or girl - they meet early in the game and venture deeper together. The game linear and it makes it very tedious to run over all of the shrines just to advance some talk. Every enemy attack was animated and while usual monsters had just two types of attacks, bosses might have much more. The mechanics were kept as simple as possible - only basic stats, very few armor and weapon types, few spells etc. And you can only equip main character but not your companion. So it is a nice mediocre game, but its mechanics prepared ground for one of the most famous Elf titles - Words worth.  
    7. Fushigi no Umi no Nadia ふしぎの海のナディア [920327] Gainax 1 2  14-year old French inventor boy Jean travels with runaway circus actress Nadia to reveal the secret of her pendant. Gainax lost 80 million yen on anime series without rights to gain profit on it. But it had the rights to make games on the franchise... and it made as many as seven (!!!) game releases under this franchise to get balances even. And so finding information in this mess was not easy, but there seems to be quite many English reviews on this exact interactive adventure game of 1992, so let's enjoy them together.  
    8. Martial Age マーシャルエイジ [920327] Tenshindou 1 2 Masahito is a Japanese teenager who studies martial arts. However, instead of studying, he prefers to chase pretty girls. Finally, after a quarrel with his father, Masahito leaves his home. Accidentally, he bumps into Keiko Yashima, the principal of Yuai girls school. She tests Masahito in combat, and against all rules, accepts him as the only male student in the school. Naturally, our hero uses this opportunity to "get lucky" with his all-female school mates... Tenshindou debut work, but I actually rate it as masterpiece. The story is not much as you mostly meet girls and challenge them for a fight and that remaining 1% of the game is the actual tactical fighting mini-game. The basic tactic with the nine opponents is weakening hits, then a hit to a crucial area (restoring hp during battle is ineffective and a waste of turn). The game is notable for H events mostly. The text is dense and Tenshindou does miracles with 16 colors in skin drawing. Anyway, the impact was big.  
  3. kivandopulus
    Joker II is the only masterpiece game of February 1992.
    1. Bacta Bacta [920204] Himeya Soft 1 2 Jinpachi looks out for demons and fights them. Since demons may hide as female humans, he has to use unorthodox physical techniques sometimes to reveal their true identity. The protagonist really sticks out as a cool guy always wearing glasses and having affinity for guns. He has two important talents - ability to detect demons and ... he likes women. He's absolutely sure that upon reaching orgasm any demon would flee from possessed body. Demons have "Bacta" engraved on the body, but game's not really telling us what it is or maybe they don't know for sure themselves. And there's hardly any conclusive apart of blowing demons headquarters. It's a light game where hero actually rapes women on suspicion but does not feel bad about it. Game has a serious atmosphere, but actually it's a collection of gags. What makes it special is that it's first game of Himeya Soft, brand very well known in the West due to the fact that they officially released every VN in English since 1996 till breakup in 2003. And although it's not a serious game, the impression is brilliant for a new brand.  
    2. Joker II ジョーカーII [920214] Birdy Soft 1 The story picks up 6 months after prequel. But the job is not done. Laura keeps coming to him in dreams asking to rescue her and this time he has to get to the bottom of it. The first part ended in devastation for Wild, so this time there's a more satisfying ending. Systems have not changed since the prequel, maybe with the exception of graphics. The number of girls is still big and vampire Blanca is still gorgeous. Unusual wild west setting in combination with fantastic atmosphere make Joker II very cosy. Prequel really seemed short and lacked impact. You literally came to town, gathered information, involved in relationship with a girl, confronted monsters and night and that's it. So few of the owners of Joker were motivated to try the sequel. This time the story gets darker, much longer and even more serious with an abundance of blood scenes. A masterpiece game, actually, but it was easily forgotten of in Windows era.  
    3. Uruma うるま [920227] Softhouse Bonbee Bonbon Takeshi went hiking with his girlfriend Mai. As they approached a strange monument it burst and Takeshi regained consciousness at the hospital. The local townspeople explained that it was a monument to Chinese humanoid god Uruma and hero who unlocked the seal now got the ki power to attract women. In order to save Mai Takeshi needs to cross the sea and seek advice from the shrine maiden on a Sun island. First Bonbon work has a clunky interface and not really intriguing story.  
    4. DOR [920228] D.O. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 There is a door in front of you... A strange door, which has been created by the Devil. On the other side of it, three different worlds await you. Don't be scared, but don't get caught up in the realms of fantasy! The Devil is waiting to lead you along... Kanako's Depression You don't have a girlfriend, and you don't have any money either. You're moping around in your apartment, when a girl suddenly shows up at your door. Her name is Kanako; she's a timid little thing, but wait until you find out what she really is...! The Telephone Scandal You want to have a girlfriend. You call a dating service and guess what!? You get a girl and go out on a date. Wait a minute... Is this girl...? Planetarium The scenario depicts a meeting between the male protagonist and a mysterious young woman near a giant observatory telescope. The hero finds out about the woman's tragic past and proceeds to "console" her. Game has enough English reviews.  
    5. J no Higeki Las Vegas Renzoku Satsujin Jiken Jの悲劇 ラスベガス連続殺人事件 [920201] Thinking Rabbit You are a detective in Los Angeles and need to investigate a murder case with a more veteran policeman. Man was murdered in hotel room and had baseball chip in his pocket. Basically it's remake of JACK VN back from 1988, now for pc-98 machines. And it was not officially released, more like published unofficially after company bankruptcy. And since we tackled on JACK story and appeal points previously, moving on.  
    6. Abunai Bunkasai Zen'ya あぶない文化祭前夜 [9202] Alice Soft

    Bonus game included on Rance 3 Hint Disk It's a mini-adventure with culture festival a the stage. Command selection is used to look around, talk with everyone and just be at the right place in the right time.  
  4. kivandopulus
    Himitsu no Hanazono is the most curious game of January 1991.
    1. Green Oasis グリーンオアシス [920120] Ucom Green Oasis is a system of rebuilding any undeveloped planet into an environment suitable for life over the course of several years. A development officer responsible for Oasis Plan on a certain star was attacked and injured with important documents stolen. Relix is an investigator sent to the star to deal with the incident consequences. So it's an SF investigation obscure game with no reviews in japanese.  
    2. Business Wars ビジネスウォーズ [920124] HECT 1 The game takes place during the 1980s in what would be called the Age of Consolidation. Companies were merging together to be conglomerates. All the consolidation among the corporations were starting to affect the U.S. economy in an unprecedented way. Even the Caribbean was affected by the corporate giants of the 1980s. A lot of strategy is used when players have to make decisions and negotiate. Messages always arrive using the data feed style to make the game more business-like. The game can end with a loss if the wrong decision is made at the wrong time (similar to dying in an action game). The player will have to deal with loan sharks in the Caribbean, ruthless corporate executives from rival companies, arbitration sessions, and components that make the game look more like a strategy game at times. There are no items to use and very little action (with moving the guy around a virtual office building). I'm not really going to discuss an economic simulator without a story and characters.  
    3. Gomenne Angel ~Yokohama Monogatari~ ごめんねエンジェル 〜横浜物語〜 [920131] JAST One day the hero picks up a notebook and it turns out to be a possession of a girl student of St. Francis girls academy where his fiance is teaching. All three of them meet in a cafe, but girl looks very anxious. Her sister disappeared. And we'll help to find her. First part of Angel's afternoon special series. Difficulty is high since you can't just bruteforce it - wrong actions can easily prevent further progress and result in bad end. You feel like on an Eastern Express - you need to be at exact place at exact order. You move from place to place and get information from beautiful girls, sometimes forcing a relationship to get it out. There are some 6 routes, so it looks much like charage.  
    4. Himitsu no Hanazono 秘密の花園 [920131] Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co. 1 One day a beautiful adult woman moves to live next to the main character. She turns out to be a new teacher, but she actually is a private detective investigating the case of school president granddaughter murder right at school. Hero gets to know about her true identity and decides to help the investigation. Command selection varies from spot to spot. Hero can investigate alone or with one of three girls including main heroine. There is actually one ending but in order to get there you'll need to switch heroines to accompany you a lot. This kind of character design cannot be confused with anything else. Urasuhara-sensei is in charge of graphics and it's supercute. There is also eye and lip animation. Story is actually lacking and full of H-scenes. But later there was pc-engine version that had all characters voiced and had all the H-scenes cut. So it turned out to become a noteworthy charage.  
    5. Himitsu Chouhou Buin - 00Nanako-chan 秘密諜報部員00ななこちゃん [920101] Overture Nanako comes from a spy family succeeding after her father and older sister. Finally she gets her first task... A doujin game on a horrible visual basic 5 engine that I failed to launch. Still there are couple gameplay videos at niconico. This is basically a bakage with weird events happening around Nanako. There are quite a lot of beautiful illustrations in the game.  
  5. kivandopulus
    Year 1991 was the first with monthly issues and for that reason the hardest. Let's first try to determine its prominent features for VNs:
    - Number of adult games increased greately to some 100 titles overall
    - PC-98 era arrives with mouse support and the older systems finally lose support
    - RPG percentage remains high at some 20% while ADV grows significantly to  some 50%
    - New sub-genres appear - point-and-click, quiz, board game.
    - Some games start to use action icons instead of command selection thanks to mouse use.
    - It's the last year without any government regulation. After November 1991 shoplifting incident regulations being created.
      Masterpieces of 1991:
    1. CAL II
    2. Cosmic Psycho
    3. Cybernetic Hi-School Part 4 ~Ape Hunter J~
    4. ELLE
    5. Gidyy
    6. Jesus II
    7. Nike
    8. Nostalgia 1907
    9. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 4: Orgel
    10. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 5: Nightmare
    11. Rance III - Leazas Kanraku -   Those were the games with great stories and a professional touch. And I'm biased here towards ELLE since it's the only one that got renewed version in 2000s. Otherwise it might be a serious competition.
  6. kivandopulus
    Gidyy is the only masterpiece of December 1991.
    1. Ranma 1/2 - Toraware no Hanayome らんま1/2 とらわれの花嫁 [911206] Tenky 1 2 3 4 5 6 Each chapter focuses on separate theme in Ranma 1/2 universe. There are English reviews.  
    2. Strush ストラッシュ [911206] Orange House Hero is ninja detective on a request to investigate disappearances in a famous private school. Mostly an average school mystery story. Characters are cute and moe enough with good animation of eyes and lips. Graphics is definitely above average. The feature of the game is that you have a partner following you and you can change that partner to another girl at will. There are H scenes, but they aren't abundant. But the story is rather weak.  
    3. Mirage ミラージュ [911210] Discovery 1 2 It happened long time ago, when mankind possessed the secrets of magic. One time, when a comet was approaching the Earth, a young woman gave birth to a baby. He was taken into the nearby village and grew up there. But he knew he was different from other children: he could not use magic, and on his hand there was a little star. He believed that he was cursed, and so did many people in his village. He learns that the ominous cave in the Northern Mountain might hold the answers to his questions. He embarks on this journey, determined to find out the identity of his father and his true role in the world. It's a story driven RPG and it even incorporates talk between party members while in the dungeon, even though without much success. The fighting is done without stress and the game can be enjoyed as an RPG. A good quality work.  
    4. Birdy World バーディーワールド [911213] Birdy Soft Birdy World is a collection of 3 games from Birdy Soft. None of them were released separate from this compilation. The three games are as follows: Sugoroku Game Pal 2 Joker Parody Demo I tend to dislike fandisks, but tried the board game for a bit. It lacks everything including common sense, so parodies must be the salt of the package.  
    5. Gidyy ギディ [911213] Heart Soft Main character here is left totally alone in this world with the death of his grandfather. But in grandpa's belongings he finds a time machine and gets back in time to conquer hearts of the most famous girls in world history. Wow, setting is exciting just because it refers to world-wide known women. It's a point-and-click adventure, but you actually need to choose an action icon before clicking somewhere on a screen. But at least there are more screen exploration options. And here there's also an inventory to keep and utilize various items. Game's cool because of long spiritual conversations with the famous women. We help each of them this or that way too. There are H scenes as well which are good. There are some bad endings along the way. So good impression is achieved mostly thanks to emotional affinity to such characters as Cleopatra and Jeanne d'Arc and the game can be considered a minor masterpiece of its time.  
    6. Mai - MAI Funifuni Papyuun to Iwasecharu! 舞☆MAI ふにふにぱぴゅーんといわせちゃる! [911214] Fairytale 1 2 3 Mai has cat ears and studies magic. She can be unattentive at times. After she cast a spell on her classmates her life turned to action. Dungeon crawl with cute pictures, but the system is quite serious. It's not just a gag story. There aren't real stats and battles are described by just text messages. Events are rare and most of the time we look at maze maps and brick walls. Nice retro dungeon crawl, but not exactly usual VN material.  
    7. D.P.S. SG Set 3 D.P.S. SG Set 3 [911215] Alice Soft 1 2 The scenarios in this game include: A rather mundane depiction of a young couple's day directly after their wedding. The two return home and prepare for the "big event" in the night. The player can choose to control either the husband or the wife. A story entitled Graduation, which begins with a rather standard premise of a shy high school boy trying to express his love to a pretty school mate. However, the events take an unexpected turn when a dragon appears and the girl is hurt. The player can determine the personality of the hero before the start of the episode. A bizarre fantasy tale with the title Rabbit P4P. The protagonist follows a mysterious "bunny girl" into a fairy tale-like realm, where he has to figure out what to do in order to win the graces o Game has an English review.  
    8. Ranma 1/2 - Hiryuu Densetsu らんま1/2 飛龍伝説 [911220] Bothtec 1 2 3 Game features an anime side-story focusing on relationships between series characters. There's an English review.  
    9. Beast 2 ビースト 2 [911227] Birdy Soft Events take a year after the prequel end. The relationships between the characters still remain uneasy after what had happened in the mansion. Main hero girlfriend Itoko's mother starts to behave strangely. Once again friends gather together and forward to Itoko house only to find out that a mysterious organization is involved. Prequel gameplay was boring as hell and now it's even worse. Point-and-object clicking every pixel to move on. Same maze structures with infinite rooms. The number of H-scenes decreased at least.  
    10. Karei Naru Jinsei - Mina-san no Okage Desu 華麗なる人生 みなさんのおかげです [911227] Fairytale 1 It's a board game like Monopoly and adult dating sim in one set. Up to five players/AI make turns while encountering life events and girls. Finally a really relaxing game without frustration and the need to brute force every option/pixel. There are three stages for every game match - high school, university and work and in the end whoever gets the more money wins. Maybe one match is not too long, but there are 55 girls available to get acquainted and even having H scene upon reaching certain stats levels. It's a mediocre game since gameplay does not change with number of matches and quantity definitely prevails over quality. There's only one thing I'd want to say to creators. Brilliant life! Thanks to everyone!  
    11. Momotarou Gaiden Momoko-chan Fight 桃太郎外伝ももこちゃんファイト [911230] Softhouse TODO

    Story is based on Momotaro classic fairy-tale. Momokodokoro goes to fight demon marauders, but their leader princess Kokeshi easily seduces him. A doujin fantasy with H-tilt.  
    12. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Nei no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャーネイの冒険 [91] Sega 1 2 3 This chapter features Nei (Japanese: ネイ, Nei) - a Numan created through an experiment to breed humans with biomonsters. After her escape from Neifirst, she is rescued by Rolf and adopted as his little sister. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
    13. Mana [91] BMP

    A short date with girl Mana. It's not the same BMP that issued Mana'94, so better use japanese name for search. Needless to say, nothing is known about this weak doujin game.
  7. kivandopulus
    Psychic Detective Series Vol. 5: Nightmare is the only masterpiece of November 1991.
    1. Shinsengumi - Bakumatsu Genshikou 新撰組 ~幕末幻視行~ [911110] Wolf Team An ordinary school girl experienced time slip to the Edo period while on a school trip. And since she resembled captain of Shinsengumi unit Okita Souji, she just pretended to be him. Who likes Shinsengumi? Or should I better ask who does not like Shinsengumi? Those brutal men establishing justice in the Edo are a safe pick for a story, but a woman as their captain does not look much better than those dozens of woman Oda Nobunaga countless parodies, to be honest. Game was issued after another shinsengumi tv show the same year. Graphics and especially depiction of emotions is great. Action is good. So it's a fairly enjoyable show if you can adapt to this fiction setting. And it was also quite disturbing to see how noone really figured out their captain was a female... not in bath, not in hot springs...  
    2. Vision 2 VISION2 [911110] MIN 1 In this sequel, the player, who is now in a steady romantic relationship with love interest Arisa, finds himself falling for another girl named Yui. Naturally, Arisa is unhappy about this. You must help the protagonist make the right decisions, or he'll have nobody at all. First part was mostly H oriented work, but this one becomes a story oriented love triangle story. Such serious stories weren't yet mainstream and a doujin company such as MIN was needed to raise the issue. Hero is indecisive and he is attracted to Yui mostly because he got in the same class with Yui and in a different class from Arisa. Game has few sounds, but those sounds are masterfully used like when players telephones Arisa to ask for pardon and she besides the phone and does not take it. Such nakige game does not lose its meaning even today, but at that time there were really few nakige.  
    3. Majokko Kumi 魔女っ子クミ [911114] Family Soft 1 Kumi is an ordinary Japanese teenage girl. At least she was ordinary until one day, walking back home, she spotted a shiny object falling from the sky into a nearby forest. Upon examining the object more closely, Kumi found a cute rabbit-like creature, who called himself Popp claimed to have come from a magical world. Popp granted Kumi the magical ability of shape-shifting: turning into an adult male of her choice... an ability Kumi will need in order to fulfill her mission: sexually satisfy female students and teachers from her high school... Command selection turns into point-and-click for H scenes which are quite numerous since there are five sub-heroines whom we must help and also the main heroine. It can even be observed as just stories of five women. But the graphics are beautiful and animation level is high which along with the playful magical events create a bright atmosphere.  
    4. XIX! ギゼ! XIX [911123] Fairytale 1 2 3 Young treasure hunter Zion found an orb in the ancient ruins and a girl came out of it. She needed to confirm something in the labyrinth beneath the ruins and Zion could not leave her alone there. First of all, Fairy Tail has given birth to several very solid RPGs by the end of 1991. So the field part of the game is very short and underground one is where the main game starts. So there are a lot of maze floor with enemies. Along the way, your companion Physis meets here acquaintances from perished 500 years ago civilization. It's an ok RPG. Slow, monotonous, but with a good old feel. But as a VN... plot is not exquisite, events aren't often and they are mostly about meeting sexy monsters or Physis getting tortured, wounded or just in need of attention. But if you've done with all Dragon Knight series and willing for more, XIX will fill its shoes allright.  
    5. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 5: Nightmare サイキック・ディテクティブ・シリーズ Vol.5 ナイトメア [911127] DataWest 1 The psychic detective Katsuya Furuyagi is finally able to enjoy a peaceful life with his sweetheart Rieka. But a strange nightmare begins to haunt him. He sees an unknown young woman locked in a secluded castle, begging for help. One night, the nightmare takes a different shape - the woman turns into a miraculous creature as Furuyagi enters the castle. Knowing that his unique psychic skills allow him to communicate directly with people's minds, Furuyagi begins to wonder if the nightmare has anything to do with reality - which he will find out soon enough. Another excellent game and it's not just a horror - there is enough investigation and plot twists. Alas, pc-98 and Win versions are very rare and FM Towns one can't be hooked.
  8. kivandopulus
    Rance III - Leazas Kanraku  finally gets solid mechanics and is worthy to be called VN of October 1991.
    1. Sore Yuke Nanpa-kun それゆけナンパくん [911004] Virgin House 1 A young man named Hidetsugu dreams of having a girlfriend. One day he meets a girl on the street and tries to impress her. However, a rival appears unexpectedly and the girl is unable to choose between them. The two have a conversation and agree that the stronger men is the one who has more experience with women. Hidetsugu then embarks on a quest to meet young women and work his charms on them. There's an attempt to depict nanpa in a comic way, but it's plain the worst topic for that.  
    2. Rance III - Leazas Kanraku - ランス III -リーザス陥落- [911015] Alice Soft 1 2 3 4 5 Rance is asked to help stop an invading force aided by demons from taking over the kingdom of Leazas. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
    3. Present プレゼント [911017] Orange House A collection of three stories: - "Isolated island" is about the protagonist suffering a shipwreck and getting on an inhabited island with two beautiful girls. - "One's Last Resort" tells the story of protagonist infiltrating the base of a certain country on request as a free agent. - "Holy night" is spending the night on a date with a girl. The stories are lacking in explanation of people and scenes - that's why I don't like multiple stories. The stories are mostly to watch H events. There is no save function so one story should be done in one sitting.  
    4. Rose ロゼ [911018] Ange 1 The young private investigator Hiroshi Musō has a troubled past involving amnesia and the death of the man he considered his father. He opened his office to pursue crime, aided by his lovely servant Medi. One day, a school girl calls Musō and tells him her father has disappeared. The detective agrees to take the case and soon discovers a net of crime and corruption in the city. A girl requested to find her father and none of them expected of this case to develop into a drug story. Debut work of Ange. Overall a normal mystery case. One feature is that we'll be able to look from the eyesight of the guardian spirit as well. The atmosphere is good, but graphics are lacking and heroines aren't pretty. Story oriented work.  
    5. Saori -Bishoujo-tachi no Yakata- 沙織 -美少女たちの館- [911018] Fairytale X-Shitei 1 2 A young woman named Saori is returning home late in the evening. Sex-related events seem to pursue her, from the word "sex" written on the wall in the public toilet to a couple having sex on a bench in the park. Shortly afterwards, Saori is abducted by a sadistic woman who locks her in a mysterious mansion. By visiting the rooms within, Saori unlocks erotic memories of its inhabitants, ultimately exposing them to the owner's cruel pleasures. Game has an English review.  
    6. Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City Cobra Mission: Panic in Cobra City [911025] INOS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The story takes place on a small, fictitious island off the coast of Florida. The main character is Jr. (although the player may change their name). Right off the boat he spies on a nude beach and is quickly attacked by some of the island's punks. Jr quickly dispatches them through with the use of his gun. After which he meets up with his friend and high school sweetheart Faythe Watson who tells him that guns are illegal on the island. Faythe tell him the story of how girls on the island are disappearing at a rapid rate and the mob boss of the island Kaiser is believed to be the one causing it. Jr makes it his job to find and stop whoever is causing the girls to disappear. Game has English reviews.  
    7. Satsujin Roman Kikou - Koi no Nagano Bojou 殺人ロマン紀行 恋の長野慕情 [9110] Heart Soft Heroine works for top brand fashion company. One day the president of the company disappears. As the business starts to crumble hero with three friends go Nagano ski resort to cheer up. By coincidence this place is close to president's hometown and they get caught up in a series of murder cases involving the disappearance of the president. Game is point-and-click adventure! After encountering such mechanics in Elle and De-ja 2 I really prefer them to usual command selection. All of four friends are women and H element gets strong. Very few games had females featured as protagonist, so it's a fresh view presented here. As story goes the perspective changes from one heroine to another. The bad part is in the system. Heart Soft has done couple not bad SLG previously and now it intervened in pure adventure story with the strange solutions. RPG style map, direct movement can only irritate in pure VN. Writing is vertical - unusual, but tolerable. But screen is also divided in five parts with four for main heroines and 5th for random speaker. We get to watch at heroines portraits almost all the time and you never know where new text line going to appear. So a very very unusual work that has mediocre story and a lot of hindrances on the way to get to know this story.  
  9. kivandopulus
    Cosmic Psycho is the only masterpiece of September 1991.
    1. Joker ジョーカー [910905] Birdy Soft 1 2 Wild is the nickname of protagonist. The setting is american Wild West. Years ago "The Great Disaster" happened to the village and Wild's father sacrificed his life to deal with it. On the anniversary of the event talented witch Laura was to see the future of the village, but for some reason she saw nothing. You are sent to a neighboring town to find out about the upcoming danger for the village and probably for the whole world as well. There is an English review of the game.  
    2. Cosmic Psycho コズミックサイコ [910914] Cocktail Soft 1 2 High-school student Kazuki sees a dream where a girl asks for help. The next day after he receives a phone call he finds himself on board of space ship and the girl turns out to be special anti-alien squad member Marin. The phone call was for a different receiver, but it's of no help to Kazuki since he's not stuck on this ship. There is a good review of the game here but it's written from viewpoint of a modern user. Game indeed had morally old 200-lines graphics even for the time of issue, but this game was actually a masterpiece of 1991 and should be given its dues. Lower graphics level allowed to game to be issued for as many as four gaming platforms of the time. First of all it's Cocktail Soft. The same Cocktail Soft that issued astonishing 400-lines Nike two months before. Psycho in title refers to the psycho portal through which the teleportation to another dimension occurred and to alien monster race Ex. The story is not too good, but thriller part is. Game's been called roller coaster adventure for a good reason. While being shorter than usual there is constant sense of urgency in any speech. Events happen one after another and tension keeps stacking. Story develops slowly due to these constant interruptions. This can be called a new method in telling a story. Music was so good that it was probably the first VN that had a separate VN music CD issued. But unlike even in quality Nike, Cosmic Psycho has enough weak sides. And it should be treated as an ambiguous game that was a masterpiece of its time.  
    3. Hacchake Ayayo-san 3 - Watashi, Icchattan Desu - Ayayo's Life After はっちゃけあやよさん3 私、逝っちゃったんです AYAYO'S LIFE AFTER [910920] Hard 1 Watashi, Icchatta n' desu is the third installment in the Hacchake Ayayo-san series. This time, Ayayo and her friend Tomoko are taking a stroll and encounter a mysterious creature. Eventually they realize that they are both dead. From that point on the plot focuses on their sexual experiences with demons and Buddhist deities in heaven and hell. There should be no second thoughts what the third part of the series is about - only about H. And since it has realistic HCG, it got banned from selling after the Saori incident.  
    4. Vision VISION [91] MIN 1 When the hero goes to the shopping district it starts to rain. His classmate hides from the rain next to his house so he invites her to dry wet clothes. MIN is a doujin circle from where famous Sogna company originated. The volume is not big, but every wrong selection brings a game over. Game does not have animation, but heroines are cute and graphics are good, so it's a very high level compared to commercial brands.  
    5. Réserve 1/2 レゼルブ1/2 [91] MIN 1 2 3 4 5 You play as one of the regular enemies from the first game, who, this time, must go and hunt humans. Lucifer (Satan in translation) has put out a reward for human girls, and it's up to you to bring them to him. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
  10. kivandopulus
    Kimi Dake ni Ai o... is a very curious game and is worth being VN of August 1991.
    1. 2069 AD [910803] Home Data Year 2069. The number of women decreased sharply. Many of the remaining women started to behave rigidly towards the men and men suicide cases skyrocketed. The hero starts to wear a dubious costume and the mask of a wrestler calling himself "Mr. S". He will punish arrogant women. The battle sequences don't allow to get bored. It's also the first game to have sound CG attached to the game. Overall the content is not special.  
    2. Can Can Bunny Spirits きゃんきゃんバニー スピリッツ [910810] Cocktail Soft 1 The third in the Can Can Bunny series, Can Can Bunny Spirits deals with a nameless hero (the player has to give him a name) who is - in accordance with Can Can Bunny tradition - a lonely guy who can't get a girlfriend. One night he sits at home and stares at the moon. Suddenly, the magic fairy Ariko appears in front of him and gives him... no, this time not the Magic Book, but a Magic Crescent! With the help of this crescent, the hero can turn into totally different young men - which will naturally increase his chances in impressing girls and ultimately having sex with them. Game has more than ever SIM elements. We get to choose one of two possible locations for the nanpa and customize lots of traits in the magical resume. Not only you should suit the selected girl, but also any really wrong answer immediately results in reject.  
    3. Youjuu Club 2 妖獣クラブ2 [910823] D.O. 1 2 Main hero is an evil wizard. He worships demons from another dimension. It’s your job to use your magic powers, open up a portal to Hell, and let the demons out so that they can feast on the humans. It's not really visual novel, just a Xonix game in PC98 version, so moving on.  
    4. Shangrlia SHANGRLIA [910828] Elf 1 2 Ordinary high school student Tooru was shocked to know that the soul of parallel universe Erion prince Nyuckel possessed his body and in 25 days will gain full control of it. There's no time to loose! Give orders to your ten female officers armies and try to stop the invasion. Elf's new game. Basically it's reincarnation of Foxy franchise in fantasy setting. Same TBS, as many as 10 types of units with advantages, disadvantages and a whole pack of characteristics. Complex rules and harsh penalties for withdrawal and defeat make this game quite difficult even for native speakers. And 10 campaigns are best to be played in particular order due to difficulty spikes. After each victory female general takes off one garment. After capture there are 20 more special maps that you can play with old units.  
    5. Metal Slader Glory メタルスレイダーグローリー [910830] HAL Laboratory 1 2 3 4 8 years after the great space war orphan Tadashi Himukai buys a mecha robot to set construction business together with his girlfriend. Robot turns out to be a war unit and he keeps saying that the Earth is in danger and to save it they need to find Creator as soon as possible. And so the space adventure begins. Game has achieved a legendary status, mainly due to 4 year development period and tragic fate. Game was issued at the same year as FF4 and surpassed it at graphics and animation. But it was released for NES and at the same year SNES machines started to sell so as few as 5,000 copies only were sold and company went bankrupt. Game was reinvigorated by SNES release 9 years later and Wii release even further. Plot is quality SF matter, but after Jesus, Jesus II and Snatcher it was not something special. But in addition to good plot game has great number of female characters drawn with love. It can be considered a first full-scale Moe game for NES platform auditory who had access almost ultimately to action games.  
    6. Kimi Dake ni Ai o... キミだけに愛を・・・ [9108] Fairytale 1 2 We play as Akio-kun who attends the wedding of his older brother Satoshi and his unrequited love Misa. But the newweds start to quarrel often and then Misa gets into a traffic incident and looses memory. This is a drama and every actor in the love triangle has his circumstances. So the will to sympathize to main characters and dive into complex relations is to determine whether you like the game or not. Fortunately, Misa is very cute and - FINALLY - Technopolis shifted to 400-line graphics. Pure love dramas were still fresh at that time for VNs and setting of living with older brother and loving the same girl was really good. There were also multiple endings. There were other girls as well and many of them were older than protagonist, so can be also called an oneesan-ge. Story looks simplistic compared to nowadays nakige, but it was one of the first nakige and should be given credit for that.
  11. kivandopulus
    Nike is the VN of July 1991. I also value Cybernetic Hi-School Part 4 ~Ape Hunter J~ high, but in the end it's just a bakage with quiz mixes.
    1. Nike ナイキ [910705] Cocktail Soft In 2526 pilot Nike (22) with co-pilot girl Miho (17) are participating in interstellar space race after winning the race the previous year. However the princess of the host planet Athena got kidnapped and Nike is going to search for Athena while participating in the race. Cocktail Soft new title! And again a great one. Fully story oriented work in SF setting. And my recollection of "Redline" anime with similar setting is still fresh so I got hooked right off the bat. The set of selection commands is not predefined bat varies according to the situation. Choice needs to be done within time limit and many choices lead to game over. All kind of adventures await - both planetary and space ones. Kindapping, evil cult, space monsters, ship arrest, planet destruction. Game has all of it and much more. Events change each other with a high pace and in-between we get to communicate with our two cute heroines. Athena is regarded as a pure princess while Miho is an attractive pal-racer and Nike gets sandwitched between the two of them. And this time it's played out in a more fun way than in Artemis. Sadly, there is a single ending for this game and there is no place for Miho in it. This game is a top class story and it's a real shame it never got released on newer machines.  
    2. Dragon Knight III ドラゴンナイトIII [910706] Elf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Takeru had just finished the events of DKII when robbers took all of his possessions and clothes. The epic quest this time is to get some money. And while on it the mayor has an assignment for which he's willing to pay in gold. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
    3. Pocky 2 ~Kaijin Aka Mantle no Chousen~ ポッキー2 ~怪人赤マントの挑戦~ [910710] Ponytail Soft 1 School newspaper club led by Miki investigates various cases of item disappearance and girls harassment and pranks that got frequent at school. Longer, cuter, simpler version of prequel. But while graphics were considered advanced in 1989, in 1991 8 colors with 200 horizontal lines was already archaic, so the impact is gone. Kumiko-chan is the main heroine but from time to time viewpoint changes to Miki-chan and Tomoko-chan. The mysterious Red cape had many opportunities to set pranks to school girls and to three main heroines, of course. It's not a big work and only takes 6 days in game time.  
    4. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo IV -Yuuko- 天使たちの午後IV -ゆう子- [910710] JAST 1 Strange events have started to happen at all-girl Sophia High School - strange sounds, strange smells and strange pupils appearance. The principal requested the new teacher to investigate. Yuko-chan from literature club will assist him in that. It's 4th part of the series. Now most of H scenes mean bad end. So plot line is relatively serious. We establish platonic relations by the end of the game with Yuuko which is totally new for the series. Yuuko admires the new teacher and their conversations is the major bright spot in the game. The atmosphere is actually different from previous three games. It's a valid mystery detective case and protagonist is a valid teacher (ok, using sex for interrogation was not really what teacher does). The resolution of the case was an aggressive and abrupt one, so satisfaction level remained low. But text rendering speed is a real torture and in 10 minutes I failed even to finish the first talk with the director...  
    5. Artemis アルテミス [910712] Birdy Soft 1 Notos and Ing were separated by an ambush of a giant woman-snake. Ing fled for his life and found shelter in a village. But soon all the village girls disappeared. Ing now has to find them and carry out plans for revenge on snake-woman. Birdie Soft in its blossom. Beautiful CG, different color lines, mouth and eyes animation. Although drawing is uneven, some faces and bodies look non-proportional and ugly. Game is based on a conflict of two heroines and the hero sandwiched in between. And since there is just one ending the hero is being torn apart between commoner Luna girl and mysterious adventurer Elutia girl. Another prominent feature is that the hero has a face and often is seen from the side, so player does not have to sympathize with him. But since game focuses on human relationships a lot, the plot gets lacking behind. And since the setting is as if taken from a fantasy RPG game, the overall impression suffers a lot.  
    6. Branmarker ブランマーカー [910712] D.O. 1 2 3 4 Island got infested with monsters kidnapping inhabitants. All kinds of warriors set to end monster infestation but noone returned back. Now it's time for your group of warriors to try luck. Quite an ordinary JRPG with turn-based fights, recovery at inn, armor gathering and of course grind. It's the third strategy game of D.O. already and they finally play it safe with just a fantasy setting, not entertainment park invasion or school fight for principal daughter. Shammy girl is main hero, she is both proficient in magic and light weapons. Vega boy joins later and he's full-scale warrior without any mp. The H-element is presented by finding princes and her multiple maids in peculiar situations. But the fact is that main hero is the girl cuts any H-scenes to the level of just nudity. But balance and graphics are good. And the atmosphere is somewhat relaxing compared to usual epic rpgs, so appearing of a sequel was not much of a surprise.  
    7. Legend of Killcool Legend of Killcool [910712] Soft Plan During the ancient war of humans vs demons the goddess descended and erected mountains to protect the humans. But demons kept living beyond the mountains. The black demon built a black tower threaten the human kingdom. Main hero is a warrior who receives a task to rescue human princess confined in the black tower. To open the seal he must find red, yellow, blue, green and black orbs. A doujin exploration game. There are buttons for moving N, S, E, W, but no map or any means of direction, so a manual map is supposed to be drawn. There are occasional battles. The game resembles Eiyuu Densetsu Saga the most. There are tiny bits of animation at times.  
    8. Manami no Doko made Iku no? まなみのどこまでイクの? [910713] Wendy Magazine 1 2 3 In the beginning of summer school girl Manami received a letter saying that she was chosen to stop a criminal syndicate in her town. After that she meets a masked man Black Pack who guides her to the underground activities. There is an English review.  
    9. Quintia Road クィンティアロード [910719] Communication Group Plum 1 2 3 In 1944 German pilot got into air vortex and appeared in parallel magical world of Quintia. He was greeted as god and was requested to use his aircraft to defeat monsters. Plot is not the strongest side of this work. But Quintia Road does not get boring. There are all kind of monsters to take care of and there are also 5 princess in this kingdom to harass. So it's really fun and fresh work that does not stop to thrill. Commands are simple, there are almost no puzzles, graphics are great. Battles seem difficult since they afford an abundance of commands, but actually battles are scripted and so whatever you do they will proceed in its own way. The feature of this game is full-mouse control. And this control is so full, that no keyboard control allowed. Naturally, it's not too convenient.  
    10. Cybernetic Hi-School Part 4 ~Ape Hunter J~ 電脳学園4 ~エイプハンターJ~ [910720] Gainax In 2006 the people had just one anxiety - "Monkey". Elimination of ozone layer by ultraviolet rays after 1980s caused ape mutation evolution. Mutants were intelligent and since they started to look like humans they secretly infiltrated human society. Thus appeared ape hunters - specialists in identification and "processing" of monkeys. You are such ape hunter and you've just received a request from school director to reveal monkeys in the school. The only way to check it is undress the subject and find evidence of his red ass and tail. Oh my, that's the whole point of Gainax. Take a laughingly crazy setting and make it even crazier, totally surreal. Oh and don't forget fanservice. Few Gainax works had none of it since creators were otaku themselves. First three parts were very short and simple quiz+adv+strip games. So is the 4th part as well, it's just longer and has more fancy setting. It's not Adv with quiz elements, not vice versa. Quizes were hard for that time and nowadays they seem even harder even though there are just three variants. Game was sold with a booklet describing the fake history since the end of 80s till 2006 and many questions based on that fake history, naturally. Game is full of stupid characters and yet it's crazy fun, or should I say funny craze. Such is this work in the zenith of Gainax power that it can be considered a masterpiece.  
    11. Sweet Emotion スウィートエモーション [910720] Discovery There are five scenarios presented from different viewpoints and connected with each other. Together they let us approach the truth about Slan murder. Debut work of Discovery which is actually a new division of Birdie Soft so graphics is the best of the best. Partial animation makes it shine even more. I tend to block short multi-story VNs, but in this case every episode is connected and they all lead to a logical end. We also have to change protagonists all the time - we get to be a victim, a witness and a detective. So in Part 1 we play as a victim to be killed. In Part 2 we are students who found Slan corpse in Part 1. Part 3 is when we step up as a detective. Part 4 is journey to the land of the dead to get to know circumstances of death from Slan himself. Part 5 is resolution of the case by the detective. The work loses its charm when we get to know murder circumstances by the middle of the story. So story is not particularly good and H scenes are kind of too frequent. So quite a typical Birdy Soft work.  
    12. Kounai Shasei Vol.1 - Yonimo H na Monogatari 校内写生 第1巻 世にもHな物語 [910726] Fairytale X-Shitei 1 "Kounai Shasei 1" opens with a text introduction that describes a miraculous Girls' High School that can be accessed by sailing through the Indian Ocean or walking along the Silk Road - a school that even the famous Marco Polo allegedly describes in his memoirs. This establishes the humorous tone of subsequent narrative, which has little to do with history and a lot to do with pretty high school girls. The game has no real story, being instead composed of five unrelated vignettes, short episodes that feature a sexy high school girl, a male protagonist (named "God" by default), and various comical and erotic situations under different circumstances: meeting in a school, haunted house, crowded train station, etc. The series is the face of Fairytale X-Shitei. Dumb, but cute and occasionally fun.  
    13. Kounai Shasei 2 校内写生2 [910726] Fairytale X-Shitei As hero returns the fee to the town chief he hears a story about a masked girl who attacks men at night. He is promissed 50,000 yen if he brings the chief the mask taken from the girl. And so the hunt starts. Based on manga. Being a part of Kounai Shasei series there's no doubt it falls into another bakage H plotline. But at least it's an attempt to put up a coherent story and not just throw in a bunch of mini-stories.  
    14. Kounai Shasei 3 校内写生3 [910726] Fairytale X-Shitei The confrontation between Sailor suit warrior Akko vs. Pretty masked girl on the school grounds where the hero studies as a student. The part with the most original content ... to the point that hardly anything makes sense. Well, this series is not here for making sense, but rather for invoking reflexes.  
  12. kivandopulus
    Foreword: I just had to try Elf adventure title. Now I joined the army of Hiruda scenario fans.
    Title: ELLE
    Original Title: エル
    Developer: Elf
    Release Date: 1991-06-23
    Summary: Post-nuclear world last survivors dome city. "Black Widow" organization is trying to obstruct plans for human survival while anti-terror organization along with lady sniper Elle oppose them.
    VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v2293
    Video playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLENAECnNmAq_KMeaBzd3g0HXL2znhn-eQ
    Game Type: Point and click adventure visual novel
    Story Length: 7 hours.
    Complete Story Clearing Difficulty: Easy!
    Comments of Difficulty: One-way road. The worst thing that can happen is that you can miss optional H-scene or couple CG.
    Character Design Rating: 9/10.  Story Rating: 10/10. Protagonist Rating: 10/10
    Game Quality: 10/10
    Overall Rating: 10/10 Rating Comments: I did not really expect this work to surpass De-Ja. But it actually did! Could not stop till finished it in one sitting. I can not give excellent mark to Characters since it's an adventure story and there's little time to crack complex characters. But apart of that I loved every second of it. Point and Click is much more fun than Interactive Adventure choices. There is much less effort needed to capture flags to progress the story compared to De-Ja, mostly because you don't need to think/look/investigate etc - story progresses just by talking and checking different locations for new stuff.

    Structure: Game is one piece so it was difficult to say how much progress was left. Almost at the very end I was still of large amount of story to come since there were still two locations closed - but - BAM - unexpected stuff showed up and story shortly ended.
      Story: First things first. I've NO idea what girl is depicted on game poster. The only blonde girl in the game was secretary side-character. That's not fun making a poster out of non-existing character. And there is zero trace of game's alias title - L-Elle.
    Story felt a bit shorter than De-Ja. I can't avoid spoilers although promise not to spoiler heavily about the ending. So you join a unit of snipers to investigate recent abductions of humans by Black Widow organization and their leader Gimmick. "Sniper" is just a cool title, all you have is a hand stun-gun with volume ranging from light stun to lethal shot. So five of them are of low ranks and their officer is of S rank. You actually are of SS rank but you can't reveal that so it's blank rank and you're subordinate of a different intelligence body. One of lower rank snipers is girl named Elle who takes you on a tour around Media center and the city and then leaves alone. First you encounter a girl sexually assaulted by two Black Widow members, then as story progresses there are two more sexual assaults that you prevent right in the media center, the base of sniper organization. The attackers have bombs explode on arrest. Then one by one fellow sniper team members start to die just after they approach the mystery of Gimmick identity. Their bodies are gravely destructed, partly dismembered with all entrails out. Eventually Elle joins you as an investigation partner and together you eventually manage to reveal the secret of Gimmick. Then Ex-Machina happens (in a good meaning, nothing extraterrestrial or stupid) and everything ends in the spirit of Matrix.

    Characters summary: Characters are all depicted very lively. It's a brutal man world story so males advance the story while girls here are just service staff : waitress, receptionist, nurse, pop-idol, tv drama star. They have quite episodic roles and involve a single H-scene each (Chris actually has one and a half since you save her from street gangsters in quite an intriguing state). So Elle is the only heroine here.   Elle: El Mines is a sniper division member. Right from the start she marks you as a pervert and you by chance come to the same place together following the same lead and find the body of first fellow sniper. After that She feels responsible and volunteers to join you to find Gimmick. She's quite a typical Elf main heroine very similar to Gachako from De-Ja. Loud voice, constant use of "ne, ne" , emotional behavior. Just like Lipstick ADV and De-Ja written by Hiruda before, the most fun stuff happens when she follows you to well-known locations and comments on everything and quarrels with every female around.
      Protagonist: Joe Takanaka is the default name, but actually you get to insert your own name just as game starts. Again, very similar to De-Ja, protagonist is one hell of a pervert. Whenever he sees something with a skirt, he can't stand but to try to grab it, to lick it, to kiss it and to devour it with his eyes, of course.
      Sexual Content: Low. But freaking funny! There are five sexual assaults made throughout the game by gangsters and in four of them you actually join the assaulters! One superfun scene is of Section chief who we found guilty in murder. So he takes his secretary hostage stripping her while threatening with a knife. We don't have a good angle to shoot him so we just join him to harass her together. The fun part is that he cries : stop right now, it's my secretary, what are you doing to my subordinate. Since it's point and click adventure, you can't skip scenes but must gradually kiss/touch/lick etc, but the good stuff is that H-scenes give you a new lead by the end of it, so it's not just a senseless act, but a plot move.
      Affection for the Characters: High. Every male characters has strong individuality and you won't be able to forget them. Every female character is very cute and fun in her own way.
      CG Score: 10/10. There aren't too many CG here, but I just love Elf CG, even H-CG and guro ones. Special note should be given to animations. There are hundreds of 3D animations in the game. Most of objects grow legs and other limbs and do weird things on clicking. Very fun stuff. Really. Every second object on a screen. Another great feature is short videos in most important plot moments. They are of great quality and they make you forget that you're playing a visual novel game. It's totally like anime in those scenes.   Sound Score: There are some 20 compositions and most of them were so-so, just to break the silence. I have not remembered any brilliant ones, but it probably due to the fact that all the multiple animated scenes have their own sound, not the usual compositions. But I never once got tired of any track and never ever felt like one track was looping for too long. So 8/10 it is. Addictiveness: I'm hopelessly addicted to early Elf works now. And ELLE is awesome mostly because of point-and-click style. Now it's really interactive experience and you really feel like playing, not clicking every possible variant in each location over and over. Just talk and walk.
    Humor: Yes! I'm distinguishing a special column for humor here. Game treats everything unseriously. Just look at this picture. Nurse whipping patient to make him drink medicine properly. One guy hanging on a rope. Another one in speed wheel chair. 3rd one smells a pile of poo. Next pair are having sex. Next to them is a nurse who's masturbating with a sofa. To the right is the guy who holds his own eye. Just below is the guy with his head in his hands. This nice grandpa in lower right corner has a dick showing up from his head and cumming on clicking. Every object is clickable and everything produces fantastic commentaries and/or animations. This no restraint humor is the best!

    Technical Difficulties: Game is based on old fullscreen Direct-media and DirectX so it basically freezes on Alt-Tab, but as soon as I tried to run it in window-mode with DXWind, it was perfect.

    Conclusion: Game that I'll never be able to forget. Every piece that I like came together and produced pervert protagonist comedy adventure story in sci-fi setting with a single intriguing story-line and great shock in the end. It's the first VN game I played that I liked without any but's.
  13. kivandopulus
    ELLE is my favorite in June 1991.
    1. Cobra II: Densetsu no Otoko コブラII―伝説の男― 寺沢武 [910607] Hudson Soft 1 2 3 4 Badass space pirate Cobra is here again. This time he's accompanied by sexy bounty hunter Jane who turns out to chase after his own head. But all the conflicts are forgotten when Cobra's archenemy Crystal Boy shows up. And both of space adventurers have valid enough reasons to join forces and hunt for Crystal Boy. I darn love this atmosphere. City Hunter, Dirty Pair, Cobra, Captain Harlock, 009-1 are all fantastic sci-fi series that stand at the fundamentals of anime. Action and fast pace is what keeps interest as well as fine humor in there. VN format for them might look inappropriate to many. There are a lot of English reviews for this game here and most of authors blame lack of action gameplay (which is nonsense for a VN work).  
    2. Kyou mo Campus Hana Ranman 今日もキャンパス花乱満 [910610] Computer Brain A school trip on an airplane can bring lots of unexpected events! Game is obscure, but its H nature does not raise any doubts. Just random and semi-random H events.  
    3. Crystal Chaser: Tenkuu no Mashoukyuu クリスタルチェイサー 天空の魔晶球 [910615] Wolf Team 1

    For a long time, five magical crystal orbs have been protecting our universe. One of them was hidden on the Earth. But there was a young woman who desired too much power, and she came to the Earth in order to harvest the power of its crystal for her selfish purposes. The only ones who can stop her are Takanoshin, the son of a samurai warrior, and the young girl Noichigo, who teaches little children. Together, they embark on a long and perilous journey through the land of Japan... Game looks like an RPG, but the only battle that happens here is singing battle. A cheerful game, but with a lot of interaction, including freedom of movement and inventory use.  
    4. ELLE エル [910623] Elf 1 2 Postnuclear world last survivors dome city. "Black Widow" organization is trying to obstruct plans for human survival while anti-terror organization along with lady sniper Elle oppose them. First japanese point-and-click adventure, just like western quests when you move cursor and it changes shape depending on object. But unlike western games it's 1st person perspective which is really original. Judging from the plot synopsis alone it's well seen that Hiruda wrote the scenario. And post-apocalypses and sci-fi themes make it even more desirable. Story has a good pace since incidents occur one after another and don't leave much time to get bored. Point and click is also fun since at some clicks objects start moving with animation so it's not just comments. Details are in my review.  
    5. Tsukune-chan no Daibouken Dotou no Karimenkyo Hen つくねちゃんの大冒険 怒涛の仮免許編 [910628] Game Technopolis Tsukune is a 16-year old girl who works as a witch's apprentice. Today is the test day for becoming a witch and she forgot her magic pants! Ugh, this work is ugly for 1991. And it has enormous number of commands which make gameplay lacking as never before. The number of commands needed to select can easily surpass a hundred. I'm not joking. Game feels like it was abandoned since the start of 80s and then forced to production.  
  14. kivandopulus
    Ginsei Senshin Guynarock is the VN of May 1991 by default - it's the closest thing to a visual novel this month.
    1. Ginsei Senshin Guynarock 銀聖戦神ガイナロック [910520] Techno Brain In 2125 a special unit SIS was created to defend against extraterrestrial life. It consists of five female members - Erie, Louis, Megu, Remy and Io. After investigating an unidentified spacecraft heading for Earth, Erie was attacked by a scientist Baikal who vanished 150 years ago. Io is captured and the rest of the crew, except for Eri, are forced to rescue Io and ride giant robot Guynarock to oppose the giant robot of Baikal. First of all there's a whole series of Guynarock series with very similar plot and titles which causes lots of confusion. Story is short, but has nice animations and impressive robot battle. Girs are drawn in the 1980s style and are cute enough.  
    2. Smell of Blood スメル オブ ブラッド [910524] Heart Soft Year 2270. Glen is a worker who returns from a 6 month shift from Mars. He awakes in Shuttle 2 only to find out that the spacecraft is breached by alien killer monsters. Game is obscure. Heart Soft is the main experimentation company of 1991. Most of its games have kinky mechanics that are difficult to grasp. This game has 10 command variants for each dialogue, lots of rooms and technical information on the station.  
    3. Gakuen Toshi Z 学園都市Z [9105] Striker 1 In the floating in space academic city of Z students compete against each other using their own robots. This year just one day before competition the Red team got intoxicated by food poisoning. Just one red team was intact. So the rules were changed - if Red team gathers five crystals scattered throughout the school - it wins. Otherwise white opponents win. And now single Red robot faces 20,000 white robots. RPG with ADV elements. Setting leaves much to be desired and plot does not invoke any emotions. Both girls from red mechanics team are cheerful and animation is quite widely used, but that alone can't save the game from the depths of commonness. RPG part is actually quite difficult compared to other RPG VNs.  
    4. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Rudger no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー ルドガーの冒険 [911201] Sega 1 2 3 This chapter features Rudolf "Rudo" Steiner (Japanese: ルドガー・スタイナー (Rudogā Steiner or Rudger Steiner)), who after the loss of his wife and child in a Biomonster attack, becomes a hunter dedicated to their extermination. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
    5. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Shilka no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー シルカの冒険 [911201] Sega 1 2 3 4 Shir Gold (Japanese: シルカ・レビニア (Shiruka Rebinia, Shilka Levinia)) – the only child of a wealthy family in Paseo, she belongs to the well-to-do of Motavia. Growing up and wanting for nothing, Shir felt that becoming a thief would remedy the monotony of daily life. She enjoys the outside air, the cool night breeze, and hanging around on rooftops, taking up the nickname "Shir of the Wind". Her adventure takes place in Autumn of AW 1282, about two years before the events that take place in Phantasy Star II, as she plans to steal a valuable painting entitled "Opa-Opa", which is on display in a hotel exhibit. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
  15. kivandopulus
    I put Psychic Detective Series Vol. 4: Orgel above other games in April 1991 even though there are also such masterpieces as CAL II  and Nostalgia 1907.
    1. Sadistic Gamers Part 5 Burusera Play サディスティック・ゲーマーズ PART-5 -ブルセラ・プレイ- [910401] Sixteens

    Brucella issue of Sadistic Gamers doujin game. Same lesbian sadists, but nothing else is known about this game.   2. Nostalgia 1907 ノスタルジア1907 [910402] Sur De Wave 1 2 Ship "Nostalgia" is crossing Atlantic Ocean when explosion breaks out. Playing as captain and passengers you need to find out who planted the bomb. Game has an English review.  
    3. CAL II キャルツー [910410] Birdy Soft 1 2 3

    You are Wataru Ishibashi, a high-school student in modern Japan. Up until recently you led a normal life, enjoying the relationship with your lovely girlfriend Mika. But short before the graduation ceremony, you had a strange vision that you first believe to be a dream. But when you are contacted by Venus, the goddess of love, you realise Mika was abducted by Aeon, the goddess of time, and transferred into the Realm of Time. You must now travel to the legendary dream world of beautiful goddesses and bring Mika back. Game has English reviews. The most famous work of Birdy Soft and definitely a masterpiece.  
    4. Foxy 2 Foxy 2 [910412] Elf 1 Planet Charon has done its first steps in space exploration when mysterious organization "Giras" kidnapped senior space scientist and then his niece. Her friends are determined to save them and storm "Giras" strongholds. Well, it's Foxy - what's to write about it? Same turn-based strategy, same half-naked girls rescue in between the battles. It's got several differences of course - it's no more blue vs red stupid confrontation. Units got more complex. Now there's limit for number of turns. So it can't be beaten without some love for the strategy games. The cool part is rpg elements - units receive xp and get transferred to next battles. At the same time it means that loss of even single unit is fatal, so repeating is expected.  
    5. D.P.S. SG Set 2 D.P.S. SG Set 2 [910415] Alice Soft 1 2 The scenarios in this game include: A horror story entitled Antique House, in which a young couple is trapped at night in a secluded haunted mansion, possessed by monsters. The player can choose the personality of the female character before beginning, influencing the story with this choice. A modern-day story without any supernatural elements, entitled Red Night. The protagonist is a man who finds himself in a hotel when a fire starts. Trying to escape, he enters a room occupied by a prostitute. The following events evolve slightly differently, depending on the personality choice made by the player before the start of the game. A sequel to the second episode of the first D.P.S. game. Once again, the player chooses either the male doctor Katsuki or the female doctor Katsumi whose goal is to seduce the patient, the cute school girl Yumiko. There is an English review on the game.  
    6. Imadoki Junjou Monogatari いまどき純情物語 [910425] Allot

    Main character falls from a cliff and awakens at a hospital will amnesia. With the care of Chizuru nurse he regains physical strength gradually. The two fall in love with each other. However, one day Chizuru goes missing. Protagonist stands up to find her. It's actually more of a suspense RPG than a love game. Enemies come out and attack, we gather experience, buy gear... Well, it's fresh to establish an RPG in a non-fantasy setting, but really...  
    7. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 4: Orgel サイキック・ディテクティブ・シリーズ Vol.4 オルゴール [9104] DataWest 1 One day a mysterious woman clad in mourning dress appears in the office of Katsuya Furuyagi, a private investigator who possesses a unique ability to journey into the minds of people. The woman has a strange request that makes Furuyagi doubt her sanity. For generations, a beautiful doll has been in the possession of her family; however, recently it has disappeared, and the woman is convinced the culprit is the devil himself. Furuyagi travels to the countryside where he begins to investigate this unusual mystery, determined to find out the truth. Command selection ADV. This work stands somewhat alone since we don't get to travel to other peoples' minds, but explore an ancient western mansion instead. Game's one of the highest masterpieces of the series with its horror atmosphere and great synthesis of animation and sound. Game has a huge number of guro scenes, but they aren't animated for the sake of readers health.  
  16. kivandopulus
    Jesus II is the only masterpiece of March 1991.
    1. Hoshi no Suna Monogatari 星の砂物語 [910305] D.O. 1 Gengorou enjoyed his peaceful life in boarding house till one of its inhabitants got killed. House owner asks Gen to make own investigation and this is an offer that can't be turned down since Gen does not have an alibi and is a suspect himself. Plot exists merely as weak excuse to harass 5 girl boarding house members. A remake of the year 1988 game.  
    2. Watashi o Golf ni Tsuretette 私をゴルフに連れてって [910308] Fairytale

    Can you impress of one fifteen girls with your superior golf skills? She may be very happy about it. It's a real golf game with some text. HCG is as reward. Without the nanpa attribute game feels boring.  
    3. Thanatos サナトス [910310] Birdy Soft You're a private detective yourself. One day you're shocked to read in an article that your colleague was shot with a swarm of bullets. Once you set on a trail you get a floppy disk that contains information on a trading company that operates secret medicine "Thanatos" that gives abnormous strength. Setting is science fiction in the near future. It's an action story with gunfire and brawling. But there is quite little information on the game because of one reason. Game is shipped with multiple floppy disks and literally for every background or event game asks you to insert the needed diskette, then after it's seen, need to change back to original one.  
    4. Jesus II ジーザスII [910324] Enix 1 2 3 In the mids of sea voyage Kazuya sees a large container drop from the sky. It's neglected as space junk, but shortly after that several crew members get mysteriously murdered. Kazuya finds a connection to the incident that happened four years ago when alien creature attacked a spaceship. Jesus II had low sales because it shifted far from prequel that had lots of gameplay elements. Jesus II is production oriented, so it has great story, visuals and sound, but has one story line and very simple selection commands that limit freedom of action. Also Jesus II main difference with Prontis is the ending.  
    5. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Eusis no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー ユーシスの冒険 [910327] Sega 1 2 3 Rolf (Japanese: ユーシス (Yūshisu or Eusis)) is a government agent working out of the town of Paseo on Motavia, and the main character of Phantasy Star II. While on a mission, he rescues a young Numan girl named Nei from the Biosystems Lab. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
  17. kivandopulus
    Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha is VN of the February 1991 by default - Prontis is too much of a half-baked game.
    1. Akagawa Jirou no Yuurei Ressha 赤川次郎の幽霊列車 [910208] Mighty Craft 1 2 Based on detective novel. Eight people have vanished and rumors state that they were carried away by ghost train. The key to these events lies in a remote village. It is famicom game so it inherits its disadvantages. As in every famicom detective story that I've seen you have to move around by yourself. So lots of long distances walking and need to search all the corners and the speed of walking is soooooo sloooow. Since it's literary adaptation, story is really good. But original novel was just 70 pages and here we get slightly over 2 hours of gameplay. We get to discover the mystery of disappearance, but not find the culprit. Unlike other detective works, no new criminal cases arise in the mids of investigation, so we do our job in the village and that's it.  
    2. Prontis プロンティス [9102] Cross Media Soft 1 A transmission signal was received from a carriage vessel on the way to Amon. The cockpit was penetrated by a meteorite and no survivors were possible. Vessel fell into planet atmosphere. Your orders are simple - confirm location of wreckage and return home. Among the treasures on the ship you discover a sealed container. Great plot, right? True. There are several incidents and possessions and the reason is creature Prontis from container. You never know who's going to stab you from behind and that's new. This game has no branches. CG are quite good and some moves are even animated. But production values are low, story is not long enough and lack of direction is felt. The reason of that is not so evident. Enix company had a clash among its members and part of them left the company. They used the story that they worked on in Enix to make Prontis game and hurriedly issued it in February 1991. They really needed to be the first, that's why story feels great but everything else is lacking. On March 1991 Enix issues their own game Jesus II which uses the same story with cosmetic details changed. It was a disaster for everyone. Players did not want to play the same game for the second time while the memory of a raw product was still new. Enix did not get its sales aim. But that's already Jesus II story that will unfold in March 1991.  
    3. SAP Tokushu Koudou Keisatsu File:M661-51 SAP特殊行動警察 FILE:M661-51 [910222] Great

    Ron belongs to a special police unit in a near future. He is sent on a mission to rescue certain girls with the help of his laser gun and laser sword. There's more text than in normal RPGs, but it's still an RPG.  
    4. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Huey no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー ヒューイの冒険 [910227] Sega 1 2 3 4 Hugh Thompson (Japanese: ヒューイ・リーン (Hyūi Lean or Huey Reane)) is a biologist who adapts his knowledge of anatomy to combating biomonsters. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
  18. kivandopulus
    There are no masterpieces in January and Dragon Eyes becomes the winner by default since it's the closest thing to a normal visual novel.
    1. Dragon Eyes ドラゴンアイズ [910123] Fairytale 1 Dragon Eyes is a "space opera" kind of story, focusing on a young girl named Ines, who lives on the planet Miu of the Phi Sun. She grew up together with a space agent named Klind, to whom she refers as "brother". One day, her superior from the planet Garudoria informs her that Klind has disappeared during one of his missions and might be in danger. Ines travels to Garudoria to find additional information, and soon becomes involved in a vast space conflict... Space opera type with girl Ines who lost contact with space agent Klind who was like brother to her. She heads to planet Garudoria where he was last contacted only to be involved into huge space conflict... Space opera setting is usually alone enough already to gain appeal. And it really looks like it's here just for the charm. Dragon eyes has splendid graphics on the top. Heroines are beauties (with nakedness not rare). Total number of CG exceeds 200 which was very good volume. But sadly it lacks in every other division. Controls are mediocre since it's usual non-simplified command selection. Sci-Fi setting is spoilt by magic interference. Plot advances feel cheap. It's still would be good work if you really like its graphics.  
    2. Misty Vol.7 Misty Vol.7 [910125] DataWest 1 Misty Vol.7 is a detective mystery adventure game set in modern-day Japan and starring the young private investigator Ryū Kamishiro. The game consists of five unrelated cases that can be accessed in any order from the main menu. These cases range from seemingly mundane matters to thefts, mysterious disappearances and murder investigations. This volume contains the following cases: The Color in the Darkness, Airtight Archipelago, Bonds of Illumination, A Watch Without a Needle and Innocent Vision. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.  
    3. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Anne no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー アンヌの冒険 [910130] Sega 1 2 3 4 Amy Sage (Japanese: アンヌ・サガ (Annu or Anne Saga)) has just finished her internship at the hospital in River Town, and has become a full-fledged doctor. Calm, yet strong-willed, she is dedicated in helping everyone who needs her medical aid. Her chapter takes place in the spring of AW 1284, shortly before the events of Phantasy Star II, giving the player some insight into why she became a doctor and decided to specialize in helping victims of Biomonster attacks. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
    4. Dragon City ドラゴンシティ [9101] Fairytale X-Shitei One day hero is taken to a different world. And in this world women are taught to respond to desires of men. Fairytale X-Shitei is actually the main company name of 1991. It's the first division to produce only specialized H works without much plot, but with top level of drawing. And since there was no regulation yet, it was produced without any censorship. And eventually by the end of the year it led to an arrest of company director for indecency and introduction on censorship in computer games. This game is on par to the overall flow - cute and indecent.  
    5. Soapland Story II -Memory- ソープランドストーリー Ⅱ -Memory- [9101] Hard City nanpa adventure with more complex mechanics and maintaining such stats as Life, Strength, Experience and Money. This is one of the earliest tilts into SIM, but just the nanpa synopsis does not not invoke much interest.  
  19. kivandopulus
    My masterpieces list:
    1. Can Can Bunny Superior
    2. De-Ja
    3. Illumina!
    4. Misty Blue
    5. Sekai de Ichiban Kimi ga Suki!
    6. Slope 
    7. Suijaku Sakusen 2 Moeyo Dragon
    8. The 4th Unit - Merry Go Round
    9. Toushin Toshi
    10. Yami no Ketsuzoku
    11. Urotsukidouji
    12. Urusei Yatsura: Stay With You

    1990 is the year of RPG. Their number and diversity put interactive adventures VNs to shame. 1990 is a revolutionary year in many aspects. First doujin works, first nsfw covers, first explicit sex scenes, first lgbt game, first strategy and SIM VN mixes.
    The big three candidates for the VN of the year are De-Ja, Toushin Toshi and Misty Blue, but De-Ja exploration and humorous nature is much to my liking and thus De-Ja is the VN of the year 1990.
    1. Body Inspection in Belloncho ~Girl's High-School Version~ ベロンチョ身体検査 ~女子高校編~ [900117] Hard 1 2 You are Nanako Hongou, a new transfer student to the all-girls school, St. Belloncho Academy. Hearing rumors of a sketchy body inspection taking place at the school infirmary, you decide to take it upon yourself to unearth the culprit, and expose the secrets of St. Belloncho Academy. Fight an eclectic cast of delinquents while going about your school life and solving mysteries. Simple turn-based RPG. There are also items to use in combat, including different types of panties. There is a limit on items held and that adds a serious difficulty layer. Graphics are fancy and characters are impressive. Graphics are done by Sapporo Momoko who is still in the industry and who is the author of the most erotic visual novel of the 1980s - Ayayo's After Five.  
    2. Slope スロープ [900119] Queen Soft Mai transfers into all girl high school to break ordinary school life and experience everything that a girl school can give, including lesbian relationships. It's totally eroticism oriented yuri work, but it's one of the most beautiful and well-done works of 1990 (being a January release makes it even more astonishing). The number of commands and locations is small, so it's not really painful. There are two types of endings. Even without music (not detected by emulator) this work has just too much charm to be neglected.  
    3. Ligarued リガルード [900125] Game Technopolis Hero is a student who frequents the coffee shop to look at part-time sweet worker Kawano Mai. At one such day some girl sits next to him. She introduces herself as Laseska and claims that she came from the world Ligarued and that the protagonist is a very important person who she needed to protect. A very short and not really interesting story. Basically soon another traveler from Ligarued arrives and the game ends after two battles and some celebration. I'll forever remember this game for the very unproportional big ugly head of Laseska. During the CG it's usually ok, but at gameplay scenes it sometimes looks horrifying.  
    4. Misty Vol.3 Misty Vol.3 [900125] DataWest 1 Misty Vol.3 is a detective mystery adventure game set in modern-day Japan and starring the young private investigator Ryū Kamishiro. The game consists of five unrelated cases that can be accessed in any order from the main menu. These cases range from seemingly mundane matters to thefts, mysterious disappearances and murder investigations. This volume contains the following cases: Backdrop for Murderous Intent, Campus Disappearance, Memory of a Bloodstain, The Wine Glass Smells like Death and Legend of a Scratched Neck. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.  
    5. Sailor Fuku Senshi Felis セーラー服戦士フェリス [900128] Cocktail Soft A UFO came and abducted three girls. Their classmate rode her grandfather fighter spaceship and hurried to rescue! Ugh, a scroller shooter. Game has three areas each divided into four stages. And as you progress girl of the area strips. A very borderline material, indeed. You can visit shop and spend acquired money on lots of upgrades and options.  
    6. Foxy [900206] Elf 1 The story of Foxy is rather basic: a hostile army from a country known simply as "Red" attacks the capital city of the "Blue" nation. Not only the enemy tries to invade the most important strategic points of the city - enemy generals also try to capture and enslave the "Blue" girls! Naturally, they must be stopped! As the commander of the Blue army, it's the player's task to face enemy forces in battles, rescue the girls, and drive the Reds out of the city. Strategy game with a basic country Red attacking country Blue. Between the battles there are cut-scenes involving girls rescue. The first elf strategy game with quite few units and simple rules, so not need to like strategy games to clear. With such a basic plot little can be done to make game worthwhile, but drawing is really good and at least it's not I-ADV but pure turn-based strategy + relaxation pure kinetic novel parts.  
    7. Alice no Yakata ALICEの館 [900215] Alice Soft 1 A collection of additional materials including a new adventure story "Sentimental season". The heroine dates a boy, but the relationship in the pair of her school friend Mami develops much more intensively and the heroine does not want to lag behind. A short kinetic ADV designed just to relax and watch HCG.  
    8. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Hokutosei no Onna 西村京太郎ミステリー 北斗星の女 [900223] TOSE Software 1 2 Hokutosei no Onna (the title refers to the express train connecting Tokyo and Hokkaido in Japan rather than the Ursa Major constellation) is based on the works of the Japanese detective story writer Kyōtarō Nishimura, starring Inspector Totsugawa and his assistant Kamei, who is the protagonist of the game. A man was found stabbed to death in his apartment in Tokyo; shortly after the investigation begins, another man is killed in a hotel room in Hokkaido. Kamei must question witnesses and suspects and examine evidence in order to solve the mystery. Game is reviewed in English.  
    9. Fundation Shinjuku Story ファンデーション 新宿ストーリー [9002] Dott Kikaku Hero has some money and a lot of time to enjoy night Shinjuku life. Just trash about HCG which is surprising since Dott Kikaku has been one of the most interesting developers so far.  
    10. Rakuen no Shoutaijou 楽園の招待状 [9002] Striker Hero is chosen by the gods as a humanity representative and thrown to another world with the only farewell words of "Have fun!". Since there's no purpose given all we can do is meet girls, accept their requests, fulfill them and get CG reward. There's the need to move a lot through the maze-like locations. In the prologue it's mentioned that we also get a map, but actually there is none! Game is mostly about finding items and applying them at the right spots to progress.  
    11. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Super Express Satsujin Jiken 西村京太郎ミステリー スーパーエクスプレス殺人事件 [900302] Irem 1 At 23:49 at Osaka station a woman was found strangled to death in a private room of the super express train. The victim Nogami Kimiko was a president of fashion Tokyo company "Silano". Detective Kamei happened to be in Osaka at that time and he volunteered to proceed with the investigation. The testimonies of the passengers and staff showed that Nogami Kimiko was killed between Nagoya and Osaka, supposedly by her husband who went missing. But on the next morning the husband showed up at Osaka police station denying the crime and presenting an alibi. Another Tokyo fashion company "Knight" wanted to absorb "Silano" and thus its president had a motive to kill Nogami Kimiko, but happened in reality? A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.  
    12. Kaettekita Tanteidan X 帰ってきた探偵団X [900309] Heart Soft A parody game to Tanteidan X and many other games. There are three stories: "Legend of Bravery", "Ganbare Earth Self-Defense Forces" and "Otome tears at the bottom of deep ocean". There's no real info on the game and my gameplay attempt was miserable - no matter what keys I pushed the submarine was getting swallowed by the shark. But there is a video with much longer playthrough on nico.  
    13. Crystal Dream II ~Maou no Genei~ クリスタルドリーム Ⅱ ~魔王の幻影~ [900324] Striker 1 2 Hero is a brave person who is worried that the town stays under tyrannical rule. He sets to talk to magistrate, but on the way there hears a story that demon was revived and town magistrate being manipulated. So he forwards to Crystal castle to defeat demon king. Game is an RPG. But while it's relatively simple on the way to castle, inside the walls are mirrored so orientation is vastly confusing especially when you lose direction after battle. Just as the part 1 there is a command "make H" available to press on will and there seems to be HCG for every girl provided that the conditions for it are fulfilled.  
    14. Cybernetic Hi-School Part 3 ~Top o Nerae!~ 電脳学園3 ~トップをねらえ!~ [900324] Gainax 1 Just like the two previous Cybernetic Hi-School games, the third part is a strip quiz game. This time, it is centred upon Gainax's famous Gunbuster animation videos. You, as an alpha-class Top, are supposed to win three keys to pilot the Great Gunbuster robot against the cosmic threat to humanity. The keys are held by Jung-Freud, Kazumi (oneesama) and Noriko, and you must retrieve the keys by defeating each character in a quiz game, which has the side-effect of stripping them of all their clothes. Quite a gorgeous work with the best Gainax staff members participating. Compared to previous parts there are less HCG here and much higher level of craziness.  
    15. Destruction Gekan デストラクション下巻 [9003] Soft Studio Wing The time of battle between darkness and superpower mankind representatives has come. Final part of Destruction dilogy. Unfortunately second part of the story was unsatisfactory. The battle is transferred to another dimension so it looses all the realism of mystics atmosphere that Studio Wing works are famous for.  
    16. Ikase Otoko Nyuumon ~Ai o Arigatou~ イカセ男入門 ~愛をありがとう~ [9003] Family Soft 1 Choosing the right answer out of the list gradually gets the leaf red resulting in CG. Choosing the wrong answer makes the player drink milk which eventually results in game over. I was pretty sure it would be 4th part of Ikase Otoko, but this time it's just a word game, more like a special edition to the series. Compared to the previous games this one feels story-less and ordinary, without personality.  
    17. Misty Blue ミスティブルー [900402] Enix 1 2 Kazuya Mizukami is a young musician who returns to Japan after having spent four years studying abroad. However, things don't go very smoothly, and Kazuya even quarrels with a music producer who doesn't appreciate his talent. Everything becomes much worse when the producer is found dead shortly after their quarrel, and Kazuya becomes a murder suspect. He must clear his name, but for that he will need the help of his friends. Game is reviewed in English.  
    18. Narutomaki Hichou ~Tsuukai Gag Aventure~ 鳴門巻秘帖 ~痛快ぎゃぐあばんちゅーる~ [900410] Zenryuutsuu Akatsunenosuke is a master swordsman girl in Edo period. She works for detective agency. Once she got a request to deliver a small box with documents to Futura clan castle. A trivial request turns into a big adventure. All the main heroes are girls and while there are truly dangers on the road, there are much more lesbian H events. Since it's a gag (it's even in the title) comedy, there's plenty of fooling around. Command selection type would harm tempo greatly, so game uses plain adventure format with occasional choices. There are lots of bad ends but good ending is just one. Good light ecchi work, but certainly not a masterpiece.  
    19. Sadistic Gamers Part 2 Otanjoubi Play サディスティックゲーマーズ PART-2 お誕生日プレイ [900410] Sixteens

    Birthday issue of sadistic gamers doujin quiz game.  This time both main heroine and her tutor are girls, same as in further games of the series. Same doujin quiz as ever. You know the drill.  
    20. Can Can Bunny Superior きゃんきゃんバニー スペリオール [900416] Cocktail Soft 1 The second game in the Can Can Bunny series follows the story of a young Japanese boy named Takeshi. One fine night he looks out of the window and notices a sexy girl undressing in the opposite building. "Oh, if only I could get her", sighs Takeshi. Immediately, the kind bunny-eared fairy Ariko from the Magic Land appears and... grants Takeshi's wish! He now possesses a Magic Book that will teach him ho to conquer the hearts of pretty girls... and not just the hearts! Simulation element here is simplified greatly and some mode in it that got on the video is just pressing space key to continue thus kinetic novel. Overall there are three scenarios with specific themes.  
    21. The 4th Unit 5 D-Again 第4のユニット5 D-Again [900420] DataWest 1 The criminal trade organization WWWF was finally defeated. The bionic soldier Blon-Win is appointed a high-ranked inspector and sent on a mission to protect the secret service agent Remi Binderk on the way to the United Nations conference in Geneva. On board the TGV train in France Blon-Win encounters her old acquaintance Dalzy, who tells her that former WWWF members have united to form the Einheit group, and are working on a new dangerous weapon known as G-R. From this work DAPS animation system is implemented for this series as well (pioneered in psychic detective series). Still the use of DAPS here is limited due to the need to publish the work on less efficient platforms like PC-98. The standing sprites of girls become somewhat not cute and the talking system is simplified here in that there's no need to choose the topic of conversation. But instead there's a need to constantly choose the same talk command over and over with different emotions to progress. This work has the climax of the series and it's the last multi-platform game of the series with the rest being FM Towns exclusives.  
    22. Urotsukidouji うろつき童子 [900421] Fairytale 1 The game is based on the famous adult manga/anime series with the same name. It generally follows the main plot: the demon Amano Jaaku is banished from Makai (the demon world) to the Earth by the Elder, doomed to be trapped in a human body; he is given the mission of finding Choujin, the most powerful god, who is hiding in the body of a high-school student. Games goes pretty ordinarily as we check out three girls that may be the most powerful God. But at the second half the Makai demons show up for a big battle. The game inherits a great story from the original, has good gameplay with few commands and is hookable - that all makes it a masterpiece.  
    23. Hacchake Ayayo-san 2 - Ikenai Holiday - Ayayo's Love Affair はっちゃけあやよさん2 いけないホリデイ AYAYO'S LOVE AFFAIR [900426] Hard 1 Ikenai Holiday is a follow-up to Hacchake Ayayo-san. It is a short visual novel focusing on the erotic adventures of two young Japanese girls, Ayayo and Tomoko. The game begins with the girls deciding how to spend the holiday. From that point on, depending on the player's choices, the story splits into three vignettes: going to see an erotic movie, buying shoes, or reading erotic books. Each story invariably concludes with a sex scene. A short and simple nukige, but with a bright atmosphere.  
    24. Waterfront Adventure ウォーターフロント・アドベンチャー [900426] Hard The hero lost to a mysterious Mr.H. The winner's request is to bring him 10 used panties. Hero takes a sub to Yokohama Expo to try skillfully get panties from the local companies booths. Money is used to get to different EXPO parts. In contrast to the synopsis there aren't that many HCG here since many girls give away their garments willingly.  
    25. Haja Taisei Dangaiou 破邪大星ダンガイオー [9004] Game Technopolis The four psychic teenagers find girl Ranpa in cryogenic chamber. Ranpa is who Dr. Tarsan is after, so a new wave of confrontation with his robot army ensues. The work has nice character designs and great sound for a pc-88 exclusive. There aren't HCG here - just some fan-service of after-bath towels and heroines being harassed by the drunkards.  
    26. Twilight Zone Vol. 4 Tokubetsu Hen トワイライトゾーン VOL. 4 特別編 [9004] Great 1 2 Aliens have invaded Earth. Seemingly impervious to damage, they took control of the planet. Only a few partisan organizations dared to oppose their rule. All the aliens look like young and attractive human women, and soon it was found out that they have a weakness to sperm. Thus, a young Japanese man and his few male allies embark on a quest to defeat the aliens by having sex with them. This time it's top down view and we finally get outside the dungeons. "Great" needed a well-selling bright game so Chaos Angles was taken as a model and lots of parody elements were winded up on top of it. There are 108 enemy girls overall and difficulty is unbalances turning into very harsh at times.  
    27. Rance II - Hangyaku no Shoujo-tachi - ランスII -反逆の少女たち- [900515] Alice Soft 1 2 3 4 Four magical rings were stolen from Custom Town. A bunch of sexy, but dangerous sorceresses terrorizes the land. The town mayor has no choice but to invite Rance, a freelance private investigator whose mind is mostly occupied with pretty girls and promises to pay him quite a large sum of money if he stops the evil. Naturally, Rance agrees. It's time for him and his trusty cute purple-haired sidekick Shiiru to fight evil once again! Game is reviewed in English.  
    28. RAY-GUN [900515] Elf 1 2 3 4 5 Georgie is a young man who lives with his fiancee Miria in the quiet town of Lakeside, repairing large combat robots which are strangely called "steroids". One day he discovers several such steroids in the forest, and as he decides to inspect them, unknown flying steroids kidnap Miria. Now Georgie has to pilot a steroid himself and to rescue his beloved one. Game is reviewed in English.  
    29. Kaerimichi wa Kiken ga Ippai 帰り道は危険がいっぱい [900516] D.O. Hero fell in love with the daughter school president who is also a student council president. And her father will not tolerate that. RPG where instead of monsters you fight with girls (33 overall) who stay on your way to Saori. School RPG setting was very new so it could be enjoyed at that time. And it was certainly better than Exterlien issued by D.O. the same year.  
    30. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3: Aya サイキック・ディテクティブ・シリーズ Vol.3 アヤ [900526] DataWest 1 2 3 Only a few people possess the unique ability to read people's hearts; those people are called psychic analysts, and Katsuya Furuyagi is one of them. One day, a fellow analyst pays him an unexpected visit and directs him towards a mysterious old man named Kamiya. Reading the old man's mind, Furuyagi ventures into the realm of memories, where a woman's ghost is attempting to avenge her own murder. This work is notable for full synchronization of audio and video, but the story is incoherent and lacks interest especially in comparison to the heights the Vol.2 reached.  
    31. Misty Vol.4 Misty Vol.4 [9005] DataWest 1 Misty Vol.4 is a detective mystery adventure game set in modern-day Japan and starring the young private investigator Ryū Kamishiro. The game consists of five unrelated cases that can be accessed in any order from the main menu. These cases range from seemingly mundane matters to thefts, mysterious disappearances and murder investigations. This volume contains the following cases: Returning to the Sky, Time of Atonement, Moon Walk, Alibi in the Clock and Photo in the Nothingness. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.  
    32. Rouge ~Manatsu no Kuchibeni~ ルージュ ~真夏の口紅~ [900613] Birdy Soft Protagonist's father dies and leaves the will for his son to take care of his secret daughter Eriko in Yokohama or get stripped from inheritance. The hero sets off to Yokohama while having only the picture of the girl. This is one of the most beautiful games of Bridy Soft - and heroines here are very lovely. The bigger part of the game we just search for Eriko while getting information from neighbors and friends. And here comes a big "but" - but the hero actually lays down with each such friend or neighbor to know a piece of information. Add to that a very tragic story of Eriko revealed later and we get a really dark-themed game - which is not necessarily bad, but in my case spoilt the impression from the beginning of the work.  
    33. De-Ja DE・JA [900615] Elf 1 2 3 4 You are Ryuusuke, archaeologist in pursuit of adventures and legendary treasure. One day you dream of finding a secret compartment in a pyramid filled with piles of treasures. That's going to be the discovery of the century! A naked woman appears and tells you not to take out the treasures. When you try to touch breasts, she turns into a monster. You wake up by the telephone ringing. A client brings you an antique cane with engravings on it. Those who possess this cane see the same dream every night with a golden hair girl. You take the cane to try to translate the symbols carved on it and end up in a real adventure yourself. Game is reviewed in English.  
    34. PAL ~Wonder Trip! Chizuru~ PAL ~ワンダートリップ!ちづる~ [900622] Birdy Soft A parody to CAL game. Once upon a time in one dark place there was hero Fuji... how will he escape? There are 10 consequential encounters with different goddesses and Miki comes as 11th and main heroine. There is nothing but funny dialogues and answer options here. I even failed to trigger a single H event and reached happy ending too fast.  
    35. Urusei Yatsura: Stay With You うる星やつら STAY WITH YOU [900629] Hudson Soft 1 2 3 4 5 6 Urusei Yatsura: Stay with You is based on the manga series by Rumiko Takahashi. The protagonist is Ataru Moroboshi, a high school student who accidentally evokes love in the heart of Lum, the princess of an alien demon-like race. The game does not recount the initial events of the manga and instead is built like an episode, assuming the player's familiarity with the general story and characters. Ataru's ex-girlfriend Shinobu disappears under mysterious circumstances. Ataru and Lum must explore the high school building and find out what happened to Shinobu. Game is reviewed in English.  
    36. Lupin Sansei - Hong Kong no Mashu - Fukushuu wa Meikyuu no Hate ni ルパン三世 香港の魔手 復讐は迷宮の果てに [900630] CSK Research Institute 1 Hong Kong no Mashu is based on the manga Lupin the 3rd and is built like an episode in the series, assuming the player's familiarity with the characters. The central character is the grandson of the fictional "gentleman thief" Arsène Lupin, who follows the same profession, traveling in search of riches and adventure with his companion Daisuke Jigen, an expert marksman. Joining them in this episode is Goemon Ishikawa XIII, a descendant of the legendary Japanese swordsman. Finding themselves in Hong Kong for different reasons, the heroes encounter an evasive and mysterious character with a dark past who crosses their paths and forces them to take action. It's an FM Towns exclusive and quite an obscure game, so there's nothing to add to Mobygames article.  
    37. Youjuu Club 妖獣クラブ [900702] D.O. 1 2 Assuming the role of a lecherous lesser demon you must uncover the background image with your marker until 80% of the image is revealed in a Xonix-like game. Game is reviewed in English.  
    38. Wedding Rhapsody ウエディングラプソディー [900720] Queen Soft Makoto Okawa has turned 17 years old and he is ordered by his father to find three ideal marriage partners selected by a supercomputer. All of the girls study at the same school, so Makoto starts attending the same school from now on. He's ordered not to reveal and fight for girls attention like a commoner. Okawa family legend says that marriage in 17 brings luck, so there's no time to waste! One road scenario. There are several commands, but they usually go with many subcommands which makes it rather painful. In order to get along with the girls it's needed to solve their troubles. The H scenes in the game are animated.  
    39. Yami no Ketsuzoku 闇の血族 [900721] System Sacom 1 Miyu is a known designer. Since childhood she has had a red vision that showed up when in danger. Her friend model Marie gets brutally killed and Miyu decides to put her perception skills to good use. System Sacom novelware. It has a lot of interactivity compared to early Sacom games. First part is rather short and leaves a mystery hanging. Flags are somewhat difficult to catch. Game was innovative that it had female as protagonist with her thoughts and fears. It was advanced systems oriented game so graphics and especially sound were excellent for 1990.  
    40. Exterlien エクスタリアン [900726] D.O. 1 2 3 4 5 The plot of Exterlien is very simple: a beauty contest is held in an amusement park. Suddenly, monsters invade the park in an attempt to kidnap the girls. The protagonist, a young man named Masato, decides to venture into the dangerous zone and rescue the beauties. Game is reviewed in English.  
    41. Sora Kakeru Businessman 宇宙翔けるビジネスマン [900727] Zenryuutsuu Hero is a businessman in space trading company. He was able to get mining rights for resources in Norma planet. But ruling family was overthrown by the Queen of Darkness and his rights are in danger now. He undergoes a quest to rescue princess. For corporate justice! Command selection. Graphics are allright. Text field is huge. Why am I writing that? Because game's hardly noticeable. Setting is fantasy kingdom. Light and somewhat stupid adventure filled with lots of girls that you rescue. Not enough of comedy or plot to matter. And amount of naked scenes makes it borderline work.  
    42. Sekai de Ichiban Kimi ga Suki! 世界でいちばん君がすき! [900728] Cocktail Soft You are a show-business reporter who helps idols. One day you're tasked to make photos of rival idol night date. Horny pictures were made without problem, but you start to question such immoral approach and get closer to truth... Quite a typical Cocktail Soft work. Light bakage with cute heroines and occasional flashes of seriousness. Idols are always bright. CG are beautiful, text sets a good tempo despite command selection. Heroines show up one by one so flags are quite difficult in the first half of the game. Nowadays there are quite many cheerful charage, but at that time they were still rare and thus were valued a lot.  
    43. School Wars スクール☆ウォーズ [900801] CreamSoft 1 Main character is a student who is entrusted by the teacher a mission to pacify the violent school girls. Unfortunately PC-98 version is unhookable and there aren't reviews of this game. There are turn based battles with the girls in the game. There are only 4 basic stats - HP, STR, DEF, EXP.  
    44. Mainichi ga H 毎日がえっち [900810] Mini House Main character is only 14 girls away from his goal of having sex with 1000 different women. The first usage of concept of time in visual novels. Actions waste time by increments of 15 minutes. Unlike future time concept games here it's needed to clear all the girls so only one girl shows on the map somewhere at one time. Apart of that a nanpage to the bones.  
    45. PIAS ピアス [900810] Birdy Soft 1 Hiroshi and Mayumi grew up together. They went to the same kindergarten, the same school, always spent time together, and naturally thought that they will never separate. Then the time has come when they both had to go to different colleges. They promised each other than they will still be together. But they both broke the promise... If jealousy and the knowledge of one's own betrayal were not enough to endanger their relationship, something far worse happened... the man with whom Mayumi spent the night was found murdered, and Hiroshi must forget his personal pain in order to solve the mystery... The man that Mayumi spent the night was found murdered and Hiroshi has to overcome betrayal and find the murderer. Wow, this game might be the first Nakige VN. Temptations, hardships, dangers, murder involvement, distance love... Surprisingly, work has many dark themes and even ending slides lack happiness. The seed of betrayal planted its roots in hearts forever.  
    46. Silent Mobius サイレントメビウス [900810] Gainax 1 2 In 1999 portal was opened to Nemesis by mage guild in order to exchange Tokyo polluted air, but it was sabotaged by one mage and massive invasion followed through portal. Mage guild fought it relentlessly but most of it was destroyed over the next few years. In 2023 an AMP 5-female police unit was formed to protect civilians from attacks. Case: Titanic starts when real Titanic ship from 1912 is seen flying in the sky and AMP unit sets on its investigation. Manga is well known and cool but isn't Gainax just feeding on its popularity? It did not even do a single anime work on this setting! Let's figure out. Game's beautiful, all right. Command selection is simplified as much as possible. There are battle sequences and each AMP member has unique battle style. But most of the time you just walk over luxurious ship and gather flags to move the story. There's no mystery around and no real plot. And such work cost 14800 yen - that's the price of 5 full price games! That's an engrossing price for such an average game under a famous franchise.  
    47. Nenriki Momoiro Yuugi 念力桃色遊戯 [900810] Ankoku Baitai Softwares

    Main character is an aspiring photograph. But for some reason he is only interested in nude girls photo sessions. Genre is pure ADV that is basically a HCG collection with some text.  
    48. D.P.S. SG D.P.S. SG [900815] Alice Soft 1 2 D.P.S. SG is the second entry in the D.P.S./Dream Program System series. Like the other D.P.S. games, it is a collection of three short scenarios, which are unrelated to each other story-wise and can be played separately. Those scenarios are presented as cartridges played on a fictional console named Dream Program System. Each scenario allows the player to choose between two different protagonists, or two different personalities for the protagonist. All of the scenarios feature nudity and/or sexual situations. The scenarios in this game include: A traditional account of a private lesson given by an experienced male tutor to a cute teenage girl. It can be played as either the teacher or the student, the latter involving deliberately giving wrong answers to English questions in order to gain time to seduce the teacher. An episode entitled Fahnen Fliegen (German for "flags flying"), depicting capture and torture of a female war prisoner by an SS officer. The player can choose to control the officer, effectively torturing the victim himself, or take the role of a soldier who tries to ease her pain, hoping to gain her sexual favors. A scenario set in the Sengoku period of the Japanese history, in the house of the famous warlord Oda Nobunaga. It is possible to play this scenario as Nobunaga himself, or as his daughter, the spoiled princess. In either case, the goal is to seduce the cute maid who works in the house. Game is reviewed in English.  
    49. Kujaku Ou II 孔雀王 II [900821] Pony Canyon, Inc. 1 2 3 The adventure continues as Peacock faces the incarnation of general Nobunaga Oda. Team up with Asura, a fiery spirit, Jukindo master Onimaru, and Zen master Kou Kaifou to fight Nobunaga's missionary minions with a vast array of Shingon spells! Travel to the mystic world of the Lotus mandala and defeat Hindu demons, dark boddhisattvas, and the shadowiest villain yet, the Phoenix! Exciting story line where Peacock King discovers his dark origins and his evil twin sister! Game has enough information in English.  
    50. Misty Vol.5 Misty Vol.5 [900902] DataWest 1 Misty Vol.5 is a detective mystery adventure game set in modern-day Japan and starring the young private investigator Ryū Kamishiro. The game consists of five unrelated cases that can be accessed in any order from the main menu. These cases range from seemingly mundane matters to thefts, mysterious disappearances and murder investigations. This volume contains the following cases: Pretty Devil, Witness (Ryū Kamishiro), Stolen Gem, The End of Love and Hate and Mystery of the Snow Manor. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.  
    51. Bishoujo Shashinkan Bangai Hen Outside Story 美少女写真館 番外編 OUTSIDE STORY [900907] Hard This is a story of everyday life in female-dominant police department. Yuko conducts investigations, arrests and enjoys her work as police officer. PhotoClub Outside story is a very misleading title. The truth is that first two parts of the series were just shooting of girls and stripping them, the third part was actually an adventure story that concluded taking pictures of girls and stripping them. And this is the forth installment of series which has nothing to do with taking pictures at all. Women just pick up on each other and solve cases by stripping. What was very weird for that time - that the game was adventure novel without usual command selections. It's quite a short work and its purpose is just to entertain.  
    52. Mitsubachi Gakuen みつばち学園 [900914] Hudson Soft

    Main character is a newly appointed teacher at the only idol training girls' school in Japan - Mitsubachi high school. For a year he looks after twenty students and solves a number of difficult cases targeting the girls. Game is unique for live action still images and aggressive animation style. Idol wave was only starting, so some things are still crude, but at least one girl became a real life idol after the game.  
    53. Yesterday イエスタディ [900918] System House Oh! 1 2 In the far future, human beings learned to travel to faraway solar systems; as a result, human civilization has spread across the entire galaxy. However, as they tried to explore the outer space beyond it, they encountered a huge black hole. It was said that a strange light emanated from it. A brave scientist and pilot named Sonya traveled to the black hole, and discovered a medieval-like world, whose inhabitants consider her a divine savior... I can't really add anything that's not in Mobygames article already.  
    54. Marchen Paradise メルヘン・パラダイス [900920] Great Main character is a high school student who peeked inside a suspiciously looking pipe and got warped into a fairy-tale world. This work can be considered of the same series as Girls Paradise Rakuen no Tenshi-tachi released a year earlier. The are a lot of fairy-tale heroines featured like Little Red Riding Hood or Snow white. They are all nymphomaniacs, so H scenes are rather bright. It's very easy to get a game over, but frequently saving helps to progress steadily.  
    55. Pure My Dool ピュアマイドール [900925] Agumix The big box arrived from a friend as a birthday present and a girl who does not know anything about this world jumped out of it. There are six endings depending on whether the girl develops into a long-life partner or stays just for fun. Game is short and is just for CG.  
    56. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Toki no Sugiyuku Mama ni 探偵 神宮寺三郎 時の過ぎゆくままに [900928] Data East Corporation 1 2 The fourth game in the Jake Hunter/Tantei Jingūji Saburō series, the second on a regular Famicom cartridge, and the last for the Famicom. There is a burglary at a mansion, which Jake goes to investigate. He sends his assistant Yulia Marks to search for the home of a young boy. While both cases seem simple on their own, they get more complicated when they become one. There is enough information in English.  
    57. X-na X・na [9009] Fairytale 1 2 3 Tetsu is a young warrior who has left his home country in order to serve human rulers in their battle against the dark elves. But one day the valiant knight was heavily wounded in battle. Unconscious, he was found by a female fighter named Mei, who brought him to her house and cured him. Grateful, Tetsu promises Mei to help her venture into the huge tower standing nearby, which was built by the princess of the country and is now overrun by monsters... Game is reviewed in English.  
    58. Ougon no Rashinban 黄金の羅針盤 [901005] Riverhill Soft inc. 1 2 3 Ōgon no Rashinban ("Golden Compass") is the second case starring the private detective Ryūnosuke Tōdō, following Kohakuiro no Yuigon. Like the first case, the adventure takes place in the 1920's. This time the investigator finds himself on a ship sailing from San Francisco to Yokohama. A mysterious murder occurs, and it is up to Tōdō to gather evidence and find the culprit. A serious detective game, but with a lot of point-and-click interactivity. The story is interesting, but there's a lot of effort needed to get through all the evidence gathering and interrogations. On the good part - mouse is used and clickable objects are actually highlighted. It's the detective game with the best system so far and it's an easy start for genre beginners.  
    59. Yami no Ketsuzoku: Kanketsu-hen 闇の血族 完結編 [901005] System Sacom 1 Yami no Ketsuzoku: Kanketsu-hen is a direct sequel to Yami no Ketsuzoku. After a series of murders has occurred in Tokyo, Miyu Izawa, the heroine of the game and amateur detective endowed with supernatural senses, travels to Mexico with her friend Risa. There she has to learn about the history of the country's indigenous peoples, and venture into mysterious temples in order to finally discover the whole truth about recent horrifying events. 2nd part of the game. It infodums on the Maya civilization, gets much more realistic and more and more complex as narration goes. So it kind of stops to be entertainment matter and gets difficult to read. 2nd part has almost no flags surprisingly. Still, the ending looks hasty and leaves a shallow impression.  
    60. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Amia no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキスト アドベンチャー アーミアの冒険 [901103] Sega 1 2 3 4 5 This game is one of the eight text adventures that chronicles the lives of characters before their story continues in Phantasy Star II. This particular game covers Anna Zirski, a counter-hunter. A counter-hunter hunts down and arrests hunters who have become criminals. Anna is tasked with capturing criminals holed up in a Motavian town. These criminals are accused of illegally accessing Mother Brain in order to disrupt the food production of that region. Anna must put a stop to these hackers. Game is reviewed in English.  
    61. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyoto Zaitech Satsujin Jiken 山村美紗サスペンス 京都財テク殺人事件 [901122] TOSE Co., Ltd.

    Main heroines goes to a meeting with best friends. But one friend goes missing. Soon friend's body is found. Protagonist starts an investigation to discover the circumstances of sudden death. Third work of the series, this time with the sudden shift from Taisho era to more modern one. As usual, I could not care less.  
    62. Misty Vol.6 Misty Vol.6 [901122] DataWest 1 Misty Vol.6 is a detective mystery adventure game set in modern-day Japan and starring the young private investigator Ryū Kamishiro. The game consists of five unrelated cases that can be accessed in any order from the main menu. These cases range from seemingly mundane matters to thefts, mysterious disappearances and murder investigations. This volume contains the following cases: Second Music Box, Requested Directions, Foggy Apparition, Devil's Stronghold and Shadow Testament. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.  
    63. Akazukin-chan あかずきんちゃん [9011] System Delta A parody work to the Little Red Riding Hood. You are given a task by mother to visit grandmother. There are multiple traps awaiting on this way... Game uses items. So each time there is obstacle you need to check your backpack for a suitable item or keep searching. Game is not particularly interesting. But art is good and comedy-styled with two separate windows for sub-images. That's the feature of the game.  
    64. Review -Jashin Fukkatsu- REVIEW -邪神復活- [9011] Orange House Ryoko Kawashima suddenly lost consciousness on the way home from school when she met a mysterious boy. When she regained consciousness she was in a different world and the priest passed her the sword with words that she was summoned to save the queen of that land. Story is quite short and all the commands have to be depleted to progress. Ryoko gathers friends to rescue the queen together so it inevitably falls into yuri action. The world is actually going to be destroyed unless the queen is saved, but Ryoko is not given any money so she has to exterminate rats in the cellar of the armor shop. Girls CG are quite cute, but the unproportionally big heads make shiver at times.  
    65. Illumina! イルミナ! [901205] Cocktail Soft 1 2 3 4 A young man wakes up, only to find himself in a bed, in an unknown house, in an unknown place. A lovely girl enters. She says that her name is Ryuuna and that she is practicing the art of White Magic as a priest. However, the young man cannot remember anything. He cannot even remember his own name. Ryuuna says that he was found unconscious outside of the village, with a pendant lying nearby. There is just one name written there, his name: Seraphis. Also, there is a strange engraving on his hand. Who is he really? Game is reviewed in English.  
    66. MIRRORS ミラーズ [901210] Soft Studio Wing 1 2 3 The plot puts the player in the role of a musician, the lead singer for the band "Elleno Vision", haunted by terrible nightmares and stalked by a mysterious murderer during the band's world tour. Game is reviewed in English.  
    67. Sadistic Gamers Part 4 Rumi no Climb Play サディスティック・ゲーマーズ PART-4 ~留美のクライムプレイ [901210] Sixteens

    Rumi issue of sadistic gamers doujin game. This time genre is pure ADV, without quiz. It's probably the last game of the series. Finally all quiz traces are eliminated in favor of action.  
    68. The 4th Unit - Merry Go Round 第4のユニット MERRY GO ROUND [901214] DataWest 1 2 Merrygoround is the sixth installment of The 4th Unit series and a sequel to D-Again, being the second chapter of the Einheit story arc introduced in the previous game. Koshinaka's research of the data bank on board the Diabolique, a stealth aircraft carrier of the United Nations, is aimed at increasing the life adjustment factor of bionic soldiers. However, members of the Einheit assault the laboratory, and the bionic soldier Blon-Win must decipher the clues left in order to proceed with the research and confront a mysterious person named Rua Rip Salisbury in the Original Matrix. FM Towns exclusive with full DAPS support. From this game it's not longer a command selection adventure, but rather an adventure with the limited error choice allowance. There is life bar and "wrong" command selection eats up a huge chunk of it. There's also timer for each selection so no relaxing available. But watching it in record is as satisfying as never before.  
    69. Battle Skin Panic バトルスキンパニック [901215] Gainax 1 2 3 4 Arigawa walks Mimi from scool when they get attacked by female martial artist hooligans. Mimi admits that she studied fighting from the "Teacher" but many people use that to attack people. And Arigawa now gets involved into that face-off. Game is reviewed in English.  
    70. Toushin Toshi 闘神都市 [901215] Alice Soft 1 2 3 4 Custom, a swordsman from a small village, is on a journey when he comes across a carriage being attacked. He defeats the attackers, rescuing the lovely maiden Kumiko. Kumiko was on her way to Toushin Toshi (Combat God City) to search for her father. She suspects her father is in the Combat God Mansion, residence of the annual combat tournament's champion. In order to get in, she needs to partner up with someone who can win the tournament that year, and Custom agrees that she can be his partner. They head to Combat God City to enter the tournament. Although victory in each round of the tournament earns one gold, special medicine, and other wonderful prizes, perhaps the most interesting prize is the opponent's partner. Each participant is required to have a beautiful female partner, and if the participant loses in combat, the victor gets his or her partner to do with as he/she pleases for one night. Female warriors in the tournament can choose to act as their own partner, as do the ninja Yayoi and swordswoman Morris. This monster-filled underground maze is located on the outskirts of Combat God City. One of the requirements to participate in the tournament is the retrieval of a Hero Crest from here. While the Hero Crests are on the first level of the labyrinth, there are several more floors and surprises waiting deeper inside. Game is reviewed in English.  
    71. Dragon Knight II ドラゴンナイトII [901220] Elf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strawberry Fields - a magic country populated almost exclusively by beautiful young girls (that is, if we don't count the Wise Old Man and a couple of other male exceptions). All went well in this peaceful place, until the evil witch Mesaana abducted some of the country's lovely inhabitants and placed a curse upon them, turning them into hideous monsters. Enter Takeru Yamato (whom you might know as Desmond, the hero of Knights of Xentar), a young adventurer who happens to be in Strawberry Fields at that time. Takeru is told that in order to remove the curse one has to find three sacred writings, buried deep within three dangerous dungeons. Looks like a job for our adventurer - especially because the rescued girls will probably be very grateful! Game is reviewed in English.  
    72. Pure 2 ピュア2 [901220] Queen Soft 1 The situation at the high-school soccer club is not good, and the coach is even afraid of getting fired... that's where the hero of the game, a student named Kitayama, steps into the picture. The coach asks him to become a "beauty manager", to search out pretty girls and to convince them participate in club activities. Kitayama is aided by two other schoolmates, but the player has to do the job all by himself... When title says Pure, it usually means the opposite. Pretty much the same happened with this game prequel "Pure". But game is very beautiful and girls drawing is cute so why not give it a try. Well, don't. Game has ridiculously difficult flags, morally old command selection formula and literally zero reward. But the main point of such games are characters, right? Supposed to be so, but here characters are so bland that no affection is possible. So game has great looks, but offers absolutely nothing, just torture, torture, more torture and then credits. It's a fraudware, not a real VN.  
    73. Phantasy Star II Text Adventure: Kainz no Bouken ファンタシースターII テキストアドベンチャー カインズの冒険 [901226] Sega 1 2 3 4 Josh Kain (or Kain Ji An, Japanese: カインズ・ジ・アン Kainzu) is an 18 year old aspiring engineer who always loved machines, and had become quite knowledgeable in how electrical devices and robots function. He built many small devices, fixed appliances, and even learned to hack computers. However, due to being scatterbrained and clumsy, he would sometimes destroy the things he tried to fix. Eventually, after one particularly disastrous repair job, he gave up trying to be an engineer, deciding instead to put his "talent" for destroying things to good use. Thus did he become a "wrecker", his job being to trash anything electronic. He starts off joining a gang of rebels out to destroy Mother Brain, and eventually ends up teaming up with Rolf in Phantasy Star II towards that very end. Game is localized and has enough information in English.  
    74. Beast ~Injuu no Yakata~ BEAST ~淫獣の館~ [9012] Birdy Soft 1 Muneto and his 4 friends seek shelter from the rain in a forest mansion. Servant does not allow to take them in but mistress Kiriko welcomes them inside. Next morning only Sandaihu is in his room. You must hurry and find your friends. There is an English review of the game.  
    75. CAL キャル [9012] Birdy Soft 1 You are mostly interested in spending time with cute girls at school. One day a goddess of love Venus shows up and tells you that you'll soon be needed in the world of Cal which is populated only by cute girls. That was a dream, right? Time to figure out. Game emphasis lies in graphics. As in every game of Birdie Soft. Depending on the branch you're sent to eight worlds each with different atmosphere, so satisfaction level is high. Game follows the usual command selection formula pattern and presents ok'ish stories in a marvelous atmosphere. The atmosphere is nourished by introducing a lot of fairy-tale characters like Peter Pan, Rapunzel, Mermaid princess, Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. It's difficult, but possible to get a bad ending, so frequent saving is recommended.  
    76. Yaritai Houdai 3 - As You Like - Europe Tour やりたい放題3 アズユーライク ヨーロッパツアー [9012] Lucifer Soft The third part of the series follows the same nanpa flow, but this time with international girls at exotic world locations. Finally the last game in the series or the next one would be multi-universe one. At least there is some sightseeing involved and girls personalities are very different.  
    77. Yuuko Monogatari 優子物語 [9012] Heart Soft Hero is a famous novelist. One day woman Yuuko bursts into his mansion with demands to make a child with her. Heavy strategy mix about breeding. Strategy elements are different for each of four chapters. Breeding has never been so difficult! It's probably a grandfather of Princess Maker series.  
    78. Circuit's Edge [9012] Westwood Studios 1 2 3 4 5 6 The player assumes the role of Marîd Audran, a private detective. The game is set in "The Budayeen", an entertainment/criminal quarter in an unnamed city somewhere in the Mideast that is a seedy reflection of modern-day New Orleans. While running a series of errands/"business deals" for "Saied the Half-Hajj", a friend of Marîd's, Marîd is framed for the murder of a man named Kenji Carter. Although Marîd's influential patron Friedlander Bey clears him with the local police, Bey asks him to look into Carter's death. Doing so leads Marîd deep into the criminal underworld of the Budayeen. Game is reviewed in English.  
    79. J-Thunder J・サンダー [9012] 1 In order to save his sister and his girlfriend's father the hero rides a huge robot called J Thunder and confronts the kidnappers robotic squad. There is an English review of this game.  
    80. Lime Light Lime Light [9012] Hypa Soft Lia's mother who was aiming for prima donna suddenly collapsed from illness and now Lia has to substitute for her. By a twist of fortune Lia's doll Tia arises to help Lia with this goal. An adventure game for hypocrites with a heartwarming story - that is self-description of this doujin work. The content looks all-age to me, but I never got out of the maze of the forest to know for sure.  
    81. Madoushi Lulba 魔導師ラルバ [9012] Compile Co., Ltd. World is getting drown in hatred. Resurrected Lulba has tremendous power and army of 240 million monsters. Only a warrior Cybercat who can handle the sword of light can oppose him. Game is a predecessor of Madou Monogatari rpg series. Game has 4 chapters that were serialized separately. A simplified rpg with command selection and no real 2d gui, so it's like text rpg with small images. You travel and fight monsters and bosses most of the time, so it looks like a normal shounen adventure.  
    82. Réserve [9012] MIN 1 2 3 4 5 You play the pink-haired heroine Mio, who just wants to go on a date with her boyfriend. However, she slips through a crack in timespace and finds herself in a realm of monsters that all want to do lewd things to her. Make it to the end and go on a nice date with your boyfriend! Game is reviewed in English.  
    83. Sweet Girl [9012] Burning☆Apple The purpose of the way is to get into intimate relations with the main featured heroine "Milady", but there are a lot of encounters on this way. Another doujin game. Game's here for spontaneous H encounters. There are also items to use, like chloroform.  
    84. Sweet Girl 2 Sweet Girl 2 [9012] Burning☆Apple The ghosts have haunted the girls and the aim of the main character is to exorcise them. The game system is also very funny because elements like ACT ADV are incorporated. The content got even nastier. The system is now action mostly as we run through locations looking for items or people in action mode - and the events are usual ADV.  
    85. Yuugekitai 遊撃隊 [9012] TKO Soft The story of adventures of a school boys band. Just saying that game is a parody is not really enough - it just can't run a single CG in a normal way. Distorted face features, funny emotions and extravagant behavior of those guys can't leave anyone indifferent unless there's strong aversion with those faces. The flow is several short stories driven in a kitetic novel form.  
    86. Yuugekitai Bangai Hen 遊撃隊・番外編 [9012] TKO Soft A submarine suddenly appeared on the coast and the fighting squad is back to uncover its mysteries. The main difference about the second part is inclusion of action scenes when we control a boy and whirling blades wrecking the enemies. As for the rest it's new short stories and new portion of absurdism.  
    87. Angel Commander 2 Gaiden Angel Commander 2 外伝 [90] Fairy Craft

    Game features a story with Angel Commander 2 scroller game characters living a normal school life after the adventure. Another obscure doujin game of the early era.  
    88. Sadistic Gamers Part 1 Shinjinkyouikuteki Play サディスティック・ゲーマーズ PART-1 新人教育的プレイ [90] Sixteens

    Rookie issue of sadistic gamers doujin quiz game with chibi characters.  This doujin series has poor information coverage. But it's still a quiz game.  
    89. Sadistic Gamers Part 3 Telephone Play サディスティックゲーマーズ PART-3 テレフォンプレイ [90] Sixteens

    Telephone issue of sadistic gamers doujin quiz game. Genre is ADV+quiz again, not really sure what this game has to do with telephone.  
    90. Suijaku Sakusen 2 Moeyo Dragon 衰弱作戦2 もえよどらごん [90] H.E.O.software

    Main character Rie-chan is a master of karate. This summer an evil shadow surrounds a quiet town. Rie finds herself in the middle a mysterious incident. It's a very fascinating Sci-Fi romance comedy. For example,  first time Rie-chan introduces herself as a she-male, and we never get to know if it's a joke or not as only bust is shown in the lewd scenes. Game develops as a bakage with  lovely character until Dr. Himalaya who aims for a transfer device shows up at which point there are even battles (only command selection is used everywhere). Game has 80 CG strips, but no character sprites are used, so it's still only a moderate volume. It's the best doujin pc-88 visual novel that I know.  
  20. kivandopulus
    Foreword: I've wanted to play this game for a long time. I've always considered it to be the grandfather of all adventure visual novels, but only found time for it while doing year 1990 coverage. So this is Elf's first grand work and the first Elf work to have Hiruda as story writer. Game is amazing but at the same time there aren't that many japanese reviews and as many as zero English ones. How can that even be possible?! I've no answers. My best guess is that work is prior to internet era and Multi-pack (2004) only brought contemporary systems and graphics, so japanese didn't really bother to discuss a remake. Let's start already.
    Title: De-Ja
    Original Title: デ・ジャ
    Developer: Elf
    Release Date: 1990-06-15

    Summary: You are Ryuusuke, archaeologist in pursuit of adventures and legendary treasure. One day you dream of finding a secret compartment in a pyramid filled with piles of treasures. That's going to be the discovery of the century! A naked woman appears and tells you not to take out the treasures. When you try to touch breasts, she turns into a monster. You wake up by the telephone ringing. A client brings you an antique cane with engravings on it. Those who possess this cane see the same dream every night with a golden hair girl. You take the cane to try to translate the symbols carved on it and end up in a real adventure yourself.
    VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v2338
    Game Type: Adventure Interactive novel / Chuunige
    Story Length: Took me some 8 hours or so.
    Complete Story Clearing Difficulty: Tricky! I'd even say difficult.
    Comments of Difficulty: First half of the game was steamrolled while after that you first get into situation where you need to use game manual shipped with the game to pass through puzzle, next there's an abyssal difficulty puzzle where you need to understand which symbol signifies which planet and then place them in a special order. It took me four days (1h per day) to solve that puzzle and in order to do that I had to load old save twice and go through all the dialogues VERY attentively writing down every detail and both walkthroughs that I found gave no real answer what to do. At some point I was able to find 3rd walkthrough that finally clarified things. So here is my 5 ring puzzle clarification for all the poor souls like me: 1) you need to talk to everyone and click everywhere till you get in a state when you can't exit the puzzle screen - only then the right answer will be accepted 2) Initially planet signs are set (and reset to this state after each bad try) this way: "Sun" · "Mercury" · "Venus" · "Earth" · "Mars" 3) You need to get signs to this state "Earth", "Sun", "Venus", "Mars", "Mercury" 「太陽」・「水星」・「金星」・「地球」・「火星」 4) The fastest way to do that is this: №1-up*2, №2-up*1, №3-intact, №4-down*1, №5-down*2. That's it! And it took 4 hours of my life.
    Character Design Rating: 9/10. 
    Story Rating: 10/10.
    Protagonist Rating: 10/10
    Game Quality: 10/10
    Overall Rating: 9/10
    Rating Comments: Isn't it obvious? Game is a masterpiece and the only flaw I can invent is that characters lack depth. But they don't need it in the first place. It's light adventure novel and not a charage/nakige. The overall rating is 9/10 just because it's an I-ADV and you need to click the same stuff and revisit the same places over and over - repetitiveness sometimes makes you miss really important info.
    Structure: Game is one piece but you always see how % of story progress after each significant event.
    Story: Story is not too big since it's an I-ADV and most of the time you need to click at everything some three times to advance the story. Mild spoilers may arise. So you get the cane for research. You see the dreams of blonde hair woman each time you sleep. You track down cane's seller and little by little find out that archaeological society is somehow connected. At the same time the backstory unfolds that recently archaeological society head was found dead and new one is keen on kicking you out. Once you get back to office only to find it turned upside down and cane missing. Your friend Gachako's house got rampaged as well. Since everything keeps pointing at archaeological society, you find a way to infiltrate it and eventually get into underground cellar with your cane and adjusting crystal ball. After that you're being threatened frequently by new archaeology boss Hyuga. Anyway, you get to translate the signs on the cane and set out to the airport. You wait for Gachako there and after a while you're being approached by man in black who passes a video tape. Kidnapped strangled Gachako is on it so you the rest of the game you search for her whereabouts, discover the site of mysterious blonde girl temple and set on a trip there to finally find out the inter-planetary inter-dimensional mystery concealed.
    Characters summary: It's not a charage and thus girls exist there mostly to get info from. I actually referred to Gachako as just one of such girls. I only found it a bit odd that after each piece discovery you usually need to go to her place, think it over together and set further actions.

    Gachako: Gachako is an easy-going cheerful girl that either always helps you with advice or just makes fun of you and gives her comments. She's fun and doesn't really have strict morals. She is a daughter of the murdered archaeology head and thus really interested in finding the truth behind it. But she actually shined only when at some point she joined you for a small time in your constant jogging around that town. Since Ryuusuke is constantly sexually harassing everything that has a skirt, it was real fun to watch the very same scenes but now with her intrusion and commentaries. Then she gets kidnapped and thus comes the recognition of her as main heroine. And she's going to be main heroine of De-Ja 2, so we'll sure see her soon again. I really loved that time when Gachako kept Ryuusuke a company since it really reminded Lipstick  ADV, Hiruda's previous game.

    Protagonist: Ryuusuke is awesome! Actually, that's totally my favorite type of main hero. Grown-up who constantly harasses girls and makes fun of everyone else. So far my favorite one was Taichi from Cross Channel, but this time it's even more fun. What's more to aspire of protagonist?
    Sexual Content: Low. There's one desperate housewife in the middle, couple illusions and just a bit more in the final. But those are are very short ones and a way to push even more jokes through.
    Affection for the Characters: Sky high. Characters are most beautiful and charming. Sub-characters are mostly fun cartoonish faces. It's an adventure light story so don't expect any depth from characters, but oh my they are great. Here's a little example of mass scene.

    CG Score: 10/10, naturally. Every single CG is a masterpiece

    H-scenes: Since it's quite an old game (and remake of it), there weren't real sex scenes. Just girl naked. And that's much more fun. Or ojiisan naked. Don't ask. See for yourself.
    Sound Score: There are only 11 compositions. But none is irrelevant or irritating. 8/10
    Addictiveness: If only not I-ADV mechanics. I'm addicted, for sure. Can't wait for playing De-Ja 2 already.
    Conclusion: Game that I enjoyed a lot. Good adventure story, awesome characters and lots of wild talk with loads of laughs. If you can bear I-ADV system clumsiness, a great experience is almost assuredly guaranteed.
  21. kivandopulus
    Year 1989 masterpieces:
    1. Burning Point
    2. Dororo ~Jigoku Emaki no Shou~
    3. Dual Targets - The 4th Unit Act.3
    4. Paragon Sexa Doll
    5. Tawhid
    6. 38 Man Kilo no Kokuu
    7. Dragon Knight
    8. Twilight Zone 3 Nagakute Amai Yoru
    9. Hare Nochi Oosawagi!
    10. Imitation wa Aisenai
    11. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Blue Train Satsujin Jiken
    12. Asoko no Koufuku
    13. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 1: Invitation - Kage kara no Shoutaijou
    14. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 2: Memories

    The two main candidates for VN of the year for me are Burning Point and Imitation wa Aisenai. The first is a very integral work with all the elements fitting flawlessly. The second is a hard-boiled SF adventure and I favor that the most! Imitation wa Aisenai is VN of the year 1989.

    Let's try to distinguish what features year 1989 brought:
    - number games with multiple endings greatly increased
    - while still being interactive adventures, VNs started to have simplified command selection mechanics
    - simplified game mechanics led to higher game volumes and thus higher satisfaction with the story
    - most of year 1989 games are story-driven and it's the golden age for adventure theme in VNs
    - proportion of rpg games and elements got higher
    - school setting games got more numerous
    - science fiction clearly lost to mystery
    1. Dororo ~Jigoku Emaki no Shou~ どろろ ~地獄絵巻の章~ [890110] Quasar Soft Hyakkimaru is a young man who lacks 48 body parts because they were taken from him by demons before birth, as payment by his father, Kagemitsu Daigo, to obtain his wish to take over the country. When the baby boy was born he was missing 48 parts of his body, and thus was abandoned—thrown into a river. Hyakkimaru has grown up and now has obtained fake body parts so he can eliminate the 48 demons that were made from his body, and to retrieve his missing parts. Along for the adventure is the boy thief, Dororo, with whom he becomes friends. Well, game basically retells the anime story with a different ending. And that anime a black and white one, year 1969, hardcore stuff. Unlike anime game's is colorful and it saved the unique graphics of original. Game uses lots of animations and vivid colors which looks like a miracle for January 1989 - that all earned the game the fame of a cult game.   2. Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery: Blue Train Satsujin Jiken 西村京太郎ミステリー ブルートレイン殺人事件 [890120] Irem 1 2 3 4 5 Blue Train Murder Murder Case is based off of a book by Kyoutarou Nishimura with the same name, published in 1978, which was his first installment of railway mysteries. This adventure games starts with a murder incident on a blue train (in Japan, blue trains are long-distance sleeper trains named after their overall color), and you will switch controls between three different detectives in order to fully clarify the mystery. During your investigation there are no wrong choices which may result in your being killed or game over. You can take your time to go about the clues, investigate suspects and solve the mystery behind the murder. Game has English reviews.   3. Gram Cats グラムキャッツ [8901] Dott Kikaku High school girl Sayaka is kidnapped by the secret organization Eagle (Earth Defense Force) on the way back home. According to the organization's commander, Sayaka has a special ESP that can help fight against aliens. Sayaka acquires a supernatural ability to transform into a cat and her first mission is to infiltrate Momozakura student Academy which is a base of alien forces. Despite the synopsis the game's main advantages lie in graphics, not in story. There are two mini-games on the way to the alien base and a special card game as well. I could not even pass through the maze corridors. And the main feature of the game is an ability to change clothes on will - that's a definite step to moe games.   4. Pocky ポッキー [8901] Ponytail Soft 1 The principal of the Pocky Private High School is a lecherous man who thinks only about having sex with female students. One day he announces a competition for the male students, promising a reward for the one who brings him most girls' underwear. The protagonist is one of these students who must succeed in this dubious enterprise. Bra and panty images with count against them aren't here for decoration - that's the measure of success in this game. This is definitely an adult work, but all the heroines are cute and everything is done in a fun and bright way. The biggest drawback is the big number of commands and quite many locations - the tempo suffers greatly because of that and it's easy to get stuck in many places having to bruteforce every possible command.   5. Burning Point バーニングポイント [890223] Enix 1 2 The story begins with Private Detective Mike Steel, who has opened up a new detective agency in Santa Chris, California. One day he receives an unusual request from an elderly couple to help search for the body of their granddaughter. Needless to say it turns out to be a much more complicated matter than first thought. Game has English reviews.   6. Hacchake Ayayo-san - Ayayo's After Five はっちゃけあやよさん AYAYO'S AFTER FIVE [890228] Hard 1 Hacchake Ayayo-san is a very short visual novel starring Ayayo, a seventeen-year-old girl who finds a part-time job as a clerk in Mr. Suzuki's shop. Further plot is dedicated to her sexual encounters with customers and the owner. There's nothing much to talk about there since the game stops like couple minutes after where the video stops only providing some more HCG. So this work is very beautiful, very lewd and it uses lots of animation. A very limited one-sided work.   7. Kokuren Uchuugun Shikan Gakkou Saotome Gakuen Nyuugaku Annai 国連宇宙軍士官学校 早乙女学園 入学案内 [890228] STUDIO ANGEL MILITARY ACADEMY OF U.N. SPACE FORCE is a special women-only academy where students are trained to control mecha. The reader can have a look at academy's facilities, participate in the everyday life of the students and have own simulation and perchance even real mecha battles. Every second CG in this game is actually a HCG as students seem to be more interested in each other than in robots. Anyway, this work is more of a preparatory work for the second Satome game where the real story starts.   8. Lupin III ~Babylon no Ougon Densetsu~ ルパン三世 ~バビロンの黄金伝説~ [8902] Toho Mysterious Babylonian Tablets unearthed in Manhattan provide tantilizing clues about the location of the Tower of Babel - not the biblical one, but the original one, built out of solid gold! The Mob is out to get the gold, but so is Lupin III. Game has the same stage as the anime version, but lots of subcharacters differ. Castle of Cagliostro was a silent action RPG, but this game is pure command selection with lots of BGM. The game starts with Lupin meeting mysterious woman Rosetta at the bar. She definitely seems to know something about Babylon's gold. He gets to find for clay sticks in her apartment, then prison chief promisses to give him a clay board if Lupin steals a famous diamond. So it's mostly a game of errands and there's a long path to the mystery of Babylon's gold.   9. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyoto Hana no Misshitsu Satsujin Jiken 山村美紗サスペンス 京都花の密室殺人事件 [8902] TOSE Co., Ltd.

    The second game in the Yamamura Misa Suspense series, also featuring American detective Catherine as its protagonist. Let's just be done with these detective games as I can't appreciate them.   10. Private School プライベートスクール [890313] Elf 1 Private School is about a man trying to sneak into an all-women school so that he can cause mischief and possibly make it in bed with one of the girls that go there. It's a pretty standard sex comedy that uses the look/talk/move/etc. form of advancing the plot. Game has English review.   11. James Clavell's Shōgun James Clavell's Shōgun [890314] Infocom 1 2 3 4 The player assumes the role of John Blackthorne, Pilot-Major of the Dutch trading ship Erasmus. During a voyage in the Pacific Ocean in the year 1600, the Erasmus is shipwrecked in Japan. Blackthorne must survive in a land where every custom is as unfamiliar to him as the language. After learning some of the society's ways, he is drawn into a political struggle between warlords and falls in love with a Japanese woman. As the title indicates, the game is based on the book Shōgun by James Clavell. Game has English reviews.   12. Cobra: Kokuryuuou no Densetsu コブラ〜黒竜王の伝説 [890331] Hudson Soft 1 2 3 4 5 Based on an original manga/animé series, this is a Japan-only release of the first part of space pirate Cobra's story, the second part being The Space Adventure. Cobra is a brave renegade space pirate who fights the evil Pirate Guild and helps innocent people, cruising from planet to planet in his spaceship, aided by his trusty companion, the cyborg girl Lady. The adventure starts on a space station near the planet Eldo. The ancient civilization of this planet has long been destroyed, but the unusually beautiful light that surrounds the place attracts tourists from all over the galaxy. Cobra notices that a suspicious man watches his every step. Before long he realizes that his ship is under attack. Who is after Cobra? Will he be able to survive? That's what you have to find out! Game has English reviews.   13. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 1: Invitation - Kage kara no Shoutaijou サイキック・ディテクティブ・シリーズ Vol.1 インビテーション 影からの招待状 [8903] DataWest 1 2 Katsuya Furuyagi is more than just a private investigator with a troubled past. He is also a psychic detective - a person who possesses extraordinary powers which allow him to "dive" into minds of people. One day he is contacted by the wealthy Shiratori family; their youngest member, the sixteen-year-old Asami, has lost her consciousness under mysterious circumstances and cannot recover. Furuyagi has to use his special abilities and learn more about the family's secrets in order to bring the girl back. The series is notable for two distinctive features - the protagonist has psychic powers and he he actually travels in the worlds of other persons' minds. That allows to present different worlds in each game. This is the first bullet in the series, so it presents quite a conventional world, but that also results in a high completeness of the game. The series uses the DAPS system - the most advanced sound and animation system of the time which results in outstanding performance. Unlike further games, here both mouse with point and click and command selection used. Furthermore, here time concept is used which add a layer of difficulty. Multiple gameplay elements were welcomed at that time.   14. Tawhid タウヒード [890426] Champion Soft Year 2031. Main character is 28 year old ex-operative photographer who travels around the world while taking pictures of ruins destroyed by war. A 12-year old girl who joined you in Egypt is being chased by secret organization and even the farthest corners of ruins around the world won't stop them. Champion Soft last game while on transition period to become Alice Soft. It was already brave to get Middle East into the setting. Each country had its own unique atmosphere. Egypt, Israel, Mongolia and Nepal are stages for each chapter and finally hero gets back to Japan. There's a vast attention to details and game can be enjoyed just by looking at the exotic views alone. There is enough of both adventuring with exploration of ruins and escaping from the pursuit. Interactive command selection is simplified so pace is good. There are adult scenes since girl gets naked on the battlefield, but it's by no means an eroge. The most important feature about the game is the unique atmosphere that was not ever repeated by any other game. That makes game memorable years after play-through.   15. Dual Targets - The 4th Unit Act.3 デュアルターゲット -第4のユニット3- [8904] DataWest 1 Three months have passed since the destruction of the oceanic base of the criminal organization WWWF. One day, Blon-Win and Asshu spot an android assassin attempting to infiltrate the Unified Force base. It appears that the androids, controlled by the WWWF, intend to kidnap the scientist responsible for the revolutionary device known as PPB (Psycho Power Booster). In addition, they have developed a bionic soldier who is a clone of Blon-Win. As if this weren't enough, Blon-Win's old nemesis Dalzy appears on the stage as well... From the third part the game gets a hard-boiled feel, but continues to use moe heroines. It's the first game in the series that can be called graphically impressive. Another new aspect is that now it's possible to say phrases with a chosen emotion and it diminishes the use of command selection. The battles become a commonplace, but the difficulty rises significantly. The volume is smaller this time, but it finally flows quite naturally and leaves a great impact.   16. Entführer - Yousei Yuukai Jiken エントフューラー 妖精誘拐事件 [8904] Grocer Sakakibara Takashi is looking for his missing girlfriend Azusa Hiromi at school. The difficulty of this work is high even though the number of commands is small. There are many game overs scattered around. There are a lot of H events that look very spontaneous to me. The target is to find the kidnapper and the game moves by picking up items and properly using them when suggested to.   17. Meitantei Holmes - M Kara no Chousenjou 名探偵ホームズ Mからの挑戦状 [890501] Another 1 2 As the fictional detective, the player must through places like Paris, Austria, and even Berlin to solve the mystery. There is a lot of talking and some investigating to do (just like in all the Sherlock Holmes books, television shows, and movies ever made). Game has enough English information.   18. J.B. Harold no Jikenbo 3 - D.C. Connection J.B.ハロルドの事件簿3 - D.C.コネクション [890513] Riverhill Soft inc. 1 D.C. Connection, the third entry in the J.B. Harold Series, is - perhaps not very surprisingly - set in Washington, D.C., the capital of United States of America. Walter Edwards, the chief of Liberty Town police, was found murdered near the grave of President Kennedy. His son Frederick is the prime suspect. However, when it becomes known that a very important FBI document has disappeared, the private investigator J.B. Harold decides that he must investigate the case on his own, without trusting the authorities... A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.   19. Pure ピュア [890513] Queen Soft 1 In this game, the player takes control of Shin Tadokoro, a 17-year-old exchange student. He attends the new school for one year only, because of his father's job. Afterwards, he'll have to go back - so there is no time to lose! The boy must do something about all those pretty girls in his school. But in order to capture their hearts, he will have to know them better... Game has great looks and this is where the advantages end. There's no real plot and you fail to perceive whether the story is going anywhere or not. The tempo is pretty bad due to a big list of commands and no real directions. The only aim is to get to each girl's HCG. It's really unclear how the game got a sequel.   20. Angel Hearts エンジェル・ハーツ [890516] Elf 1 2 3 In a certain girls' high school, students have begun to mysteriously disappear. Authorities suggest that a secret society is at work. A spy needs to be sent in order to solve the mystery, and this mission falls into the hands of this game's hero. His boss explains to him that the quest is dangerous, indeed: many students associated with the mysterious cult have gone rampant and will attack any trespasser on sight!.. The secret organization of the school is feeding on the students. Main character gets a request from a newspaper department manager to destroy that organization and rescue newspaper members that never returned from this task. It's an rpg+stealth. All the enemies are girls and hero uses attacks like whispers, kisses and chest massage. Since what you need the most is full HP, you're going to run back to school infirmary after each fight. And the encounter rate is high, so overall it feels very monotonous. Elf experimented quite a lot with the genres from the start, but it's only in ADV and later in SIM where it succeeded.   21. Shoujo Tantei Rinn-chan no Jikenbo - Dennou Shoujo Densetsu 少女探偵RINNちゃんの事件簿 電脳少女伝説 [890520] Agumix 1 Medieval fantasy world. Sister Norico accidentally got a curse item and turned into an evil witch. Rinn-chan learned the secrets of sex from a mysterious Chinese person, got a special sword of the fox from an alchemist of Central Europe and set to challenge Noriko's demonic dungeon. A very simplistic first-person RPG with the main focus into erotics. There is no party, no stats rise on lvl-up, only fixed enemies location - really simple systems and quite a short adventure for an RPG. The main purpose is to find "commanders", defeat them and get items and information from them via interrogation.   22. Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo ファミコン探偵倶楽部PART2 うしろに立つ少女 [890523] Nintendo R&D1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Famicom Detective Club II tells the story of a nameless fellow (you), who is taken under the wing of Shunsuke Utsugi, a private detective, after he is found on the street escaping from the police. Your character is assigned a case by Utsugi - to locate the person that murdered a schoolgirl near a waterway. Game has English reviews.   23. Crystal Dream クリスタルドリーム [8905] Striker 1 2 Angelo is a young man who had to leave his homeland and is now wandering the world, looking for adventure. One day he arrives in a town populated only by women. Brutal assassins attack the town, but Angelo swiftly deals with them. The head priestess of the town thanks him and explains that peace can be restored only if the two goddesses who protect the land will return. It appears that the goddesses were captured, so our hero decides to find them and bring them back. A standard one-man first person RPG. Combat system is quite basic. There's a tilt into erotics since there is a command to do H which seems to be possible with any female character under proper conditions.   24. Gaudi ~Barcelona no Kaze~ ガウディ ~バルセロナの風~ [890601] Wolf Team 1 Gaudi: Barcelona no Kaze was the first adventure developed by Wolf Team. It takes place in the Spanish city of Barcelona, which just the year before the release of the game was chosen for the celebration of the 25th Olympic Games. This is important to mention as the game takes place in the summer of 1992, the time at which the Olympic Games were being held in Barcelona. While the whole world enjoying Olympics of 1992 in Barcelona a catalonian political unrest grows in the very heart of the city. You are consultant sent to settle matters with local separatists. Setting was really far from most of gamers. Olympics in Barcelona terrorism and tackling with separatist movement lacked interest. Main hero as "information consultant" also rose lots of questions. You're neither detective nor fighter but rather a negotiator of some kind who must rely mostly on information manipulation. Depending on made choices, there were multiple endings. Graphics weren't good enough to be able to depict good scenery of the city. Very unusual game that could not find its audience.   25. Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur [890606] Infocom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The player assumes the role of a young Arthur, before the legendary days of Camelot. The "sword in the stone" that would signify Arthur's destiny to rule has been stolen by the evil King Lot. In the quest to regain the sword, Arthur must prove to Merlin that he has the qualities needed to be a great king: chivalry, experience, and wisdom. Merlin assists Arthur by giving him periodic advice as well as the power to transform into animals, but also tells him that unless Excalibur is recovered within three days, Lot will usurp his destiny as a king of legendary stature. Game has English reviews.   26. Dragoon Armor for Adult Dragoon Armor for Adult [890608] Fairytale 1 2 The lovely princess was abducted by a mysterious giant black bird. The bird carried the prisoner to a tower on the lake shore. Who would be brave enough to venture into the tower and to rescue the princess? Only the courageous knight Landis, aided by the Goddess herself! Game has English review (actually, Russian).   27. Soft de Hard na Monogatari 2 ソフトでハードな物語 II [890616] System Sacom 1 2 Hiroshi Saijo has done the impossible: when his father fell ill, he managed his software company with success. Now his father is the boss again, Hiroshi can relax and focus on his college studies and dating plans. However, he is still very much needed at the office, and matters become even more complicated when the new receptionist Rie Ishida arrives at the workplace. In part 1 Hiroshi had to substitute ill father as a president of a small soft company and tear it from the claws of bankruptcy. This time Hiroshi returns to Mocha Systems after a while as scenario writer and new receptionist girl Ishida joins the company and claims to be Hiroshi's fan. Soft de Hard na Monogatari 2 is novelware with some choices that determine branching. First versions were very difficult to capture and only in FM Towns version it's normal visual novel choices. Game is great. Pictures are superb since they are scanned. Humor is top notch. The atmosphere of old soft developing company is unique and great. Lots of contemporary parodies make it even better. Plot matters little since it's mostly situation comedy   28. Tanteidan X 探偵団X [890622] Heart Soft School detective group X investigates a case of a runaway school girl. It's a gag comedy and it's always difficult to try to understand those absurd ones. There is not even a single impression on the game so I'll just assume everyone before was just as puzzled as I was.   29. Ayumi アユミ [890629] Game Technopolis 1 Ayumi had been an ordinary Japanese teenage girl - until one day, when summer vacation was just about to begin, a strange creature appeared and told her that a parallel world is in danger. Only Ayumi can stop the evil warlock Baram and his monster minions, since the inhabitants of the other world consider her a goddess incarnate. Game is of cheerful comedy nature and it has great visuals with funny characters. But RPG top down style movement adds a lot of backtracking. The need to collect items and deploy them at the right place adds another layer of time wasting. The pace is getting killed completely and it's very easy to get stuck. Well, such a challenge was welcome at that time.   30. Evil Stone イーヴルストーン [8906] STUDIO ANGEL Hero is the Incubus of the red ball who can not move himself, but can possess any human who holds the stone to get information from that person. The flow is the same with stone being passed to some girl - dressed girl - naked girl - repeat. There are some choices to be done, but whichever I chose, the flow stood the same. It's too big of a failure to even try to understand what's the aim of the game.   31. Lonely Heart ロンリーハート [8906] Takeru The story of a lonely boy in a big city. There is no info on the game and pc88 is not hookable so I was not able to get much from the start of the game - the boy is a gentle one and in some poor life conditions. He seeks for a soulmate in the school and outside of it.   32. Misty Vol.1 Misty Vol.1 [8906] DataWest 1 Misty Vol.1 is a detective mystery adventure game set in modern-day Japan and starring the young private investigator Ryū Kamishiro. The game consists of five unrelated cases that can be accessed in any order from the main menu. These cases range from seemingly mundane matters to thefts, mysterious disappearances and murder investigations. This volume contains the following cases: Strange Naked Body, Red Fountain, Murderer's Laboratory, Tail Lights Disappearing in the Old City, and Decaying Family Tree. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.   33. Tenboudai 展望台 [8906] Victor Musical Industries

    There is an observatory set atop the skyscraper building. Main character becomes a witness of a murder through the telescope. Is it possible to stop the murderer remotely? Yes, main character does not go far from his observation point in the game. It's a two-stage game with first one being preventing a murder and second one being saving own life as murderer advances to the observation point next. But commands have to be typed manually, and it's not fun with so many items to use.   34. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo III -Bangai Hen- 天使たちの午後III -番外編- [890706] JAST 1 2 The second Bangai-hen (a side story) in the Tenshitachi no Gogo series is set in the same environment and features recurrent characters from "Tenshi-tachi no Gogo 3 Ribbon". The protagonist is a high-school student, who also happens to be the brother of Haru Okamoto, the main love interest in "Ribbon". Like in most other games in this series, the story revolves around the main character's effort to have sex with every female character, including school mates and colleagues in part-time jobs. Special edition II was an original story, but Special edition III gets back to the origins with the help of characters used in part III. This game feels like a nanpagame with spontaneous H scenes. So the bad part is that the story is very loose - we just bruteforce the choices and see some unexpected events happening around. But there aren't too many command options to deplete and the pictures along with the characters are very good.   35. Cybernetic Hi-School 電脳学園 [890715] Gainax 1 2 3 You have been selected as one of the few lucky male pupils to go to the famous Cybernetic Hi-School. But before you can enroll, you must undergo three tests executed by fellow female pupils. As you finish a round, your examinator takes off some clothes, until they are entirely naked. Game has English reviews.   36. Intruder -Sakura Yashiki no Tansaku- Intruder -桜屋敷の探索- [890715] Alice Soft 1 Boy meets a girl and he falls in love with her. He loves her so much so he decided to get into her home... That's where real drama begins! It's a mansion search game where it's easy to get caught. Game was shipped as a part of collection initially due to quite simple nature. There's a lot of exploration to do and I guess it's useless to describe that.   37. Rance - Hikari o Motomete - ランス -光をもとめて- [890715] Alice Soft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The story is pretty simple - Hikari ("Light"), the red haired girl that you see in an opening clip, has been kidnapped. And Rance get the mission from his boss (the bald guy) to investigate the case. Rance is something like a detective in this story. This also turns the whole game more into a detective-like exploring than into rpg or more less rpg/strategy to which the gamers of the latter games of the series are used to. Rance isn’t alone in his job as he has a helper - 16 year old Sill. She's actually Rance's slave. She was from a rich family but later got kidnapped by some bandit and then auctioned as a slave. The one who bought her was of course Rance. Now with her help you (Rance) have to solve this mystery, bring Hikari back and pay back to the ones at fault. Game has English reviews.   38. Oishinbo Kyuukyoku no Menyuu Sanbonshoubu 美味しんぼ 究極のメニュー三本勝負 [890725] TOSE Software 1 2 3 4 Who knew a game about food could be interesting? Before you can even say kawahagi(filefish) or fugu (blowfish), you too can become an enthusiast of the culinary arts of Japan. You won’t have to watch Iron Chef to know the difference between foie gras and ankimo (monkfish liver). Follow the exploits of Shiro Yamaoka with the help of intern Yuko Kurita to find the best entrée for the Tozai Publishing 100th Anniversary banquet. Game has English reviews.   39. Muteki Keiji Daidageki ~Shijou Saidai no Hanzai~ 無敵刑事 大打撃 ~史上最大の犯罪~ [890727] Family Soft 1 The hero of the game, Daidageki, is a police agent known for his hot temper and fighting skills. He is working together with his lovely partner, Risa, fighting crime in Bunkyou-ku, a district in the heart of Tokyo. An encounter with a yakuza gang leads to the discovery of plutonium being smuggles into the country. very soon Daidageki and Lisa find themselves fighting for their lives, with no one to protect them but themselves... So two detectives dig up that plutonium is being smuggled in the country and end up having all the mafia on the tail. It's actually a sequel of kidnapping detective story of 1987. Game starts seriously but constantly drops into stupid situations and kidding then returns back to seriousness. It's both tackling contemporary politics and some monster may also appear all of a sudden. Game has fighting scenes, mainly punches and kicks. So genre is action parody or something like that. Game has almost all the lines voiced (!), so with listening all the dialogues length would supersede 7 hours.   40. Girls Paradise Rakuen no Tenshi-tachi ガールズパラダイス 楽園の天使たち [890728] Great 1 The protagonist of the game is an eighteen-year-old boy whose destiny is to defeat a legendary demon, thus ending the Age of Darkness. As the hero embarks on his journey, he realizes that he must have chosen a wrong destination, for he becomes stranded on a tropical island that seems to be populated entirely by women. No, the hero does not abandon his world-saving mission because of that; but in order to leave the island, he needs to perform various quests for its young and pretty female inhabitants, which more often than not involve demonstrating... err... somewhat intimate aspects of his heroic nature. Command selection, but often target is chosen with a mouse. Game is clearly of adult nature, so most of the time is spent on fulfilling requests while jumping around map locations and triggering scenes.   41. Can Can Bunny きゃんきゃんバニー [8907] Cocktail Soft 1 2 The story of this game is simple. The protagonist is a lonely guy who constantly dreams about having a girlfriend but doesn't do anything to actually get one. One night, a fairy with bunny ears named Ariko appears in front of him and says she will fulfill one wish for him. Afterwards she simply guesses what the guy needs most badly: a girlfriend. So she gives him a magic book, which will give him information about five beautiful girls living somewhere in the city. With this book the hero's chances are increased. The quest for love begins! Game has English reviews.   42. Dessert デザート [8907] Queen Soft One day an unusual request arrives at the detective office where the main character works. The client's fiancée refuses to gain intimacy to him and he seeks for ways to change that. Compared to the previous "Pure" game of QueenSoft, the systems got more forgiving resulting in less stress. The story is same as absent here too though. Character designs are uneven. The feature of this work is that all the girls are in their twenties and possibly even in the thirties.     43. Kami no Machi 神の聖都 [8907] Studio Panther Kannai town in Yokohama became a ground for a major incident and turned into a limited zone. The lawless city of "Agarta" rose on its place. Two years after the incident a young man Yuuki sets for Agartha in search of his lover missed after the incident. You gather ammo for your weapons and break through monsters to get into the mazed complex with couple comrades. It's a solid animated story with loss of comrades, joy of reunion and mystery of the major incident. It's said that game was in development for 3 years and did not gain much attention.   44. Crescent Moon Girl CRESCENT MOON がぁる [890815] Alice Soft 1 2 You play as a cat that walks into a tent and is transformed into a human by a breaking a crystal ball. You don't want to be a human, though! You liked being a cat! The owner of the broken crystal ball says that she'll reverse the curse if you can go through town and bring her the Crescent Moon Girl. That is how your quest begins. Game has English reviews.   45. Pinky Ponky 1 - Beautiful Dream ぴんきぃぽんきぃ1 びゅうてぃふるどりぃむ [8908] Elf 1 2 The title screen is funny: "Remember, this is a game about picking up girls. No matter how well you do in the game, you shouldn't get all confident and actually try to pick up girls. It will only end badly. Elf assumes no liability in such cases." The game itself is a series of rapid fire scenarios that have to do with picking up women. If you do good, your score goes up and you're more likely to get a sex scene. If you screw up too much, your score goes down, the scenario ends, and the game mocks you. Game has English reviews.   46. Pinky Ponky 2 - Twilight Games ぴんきぃぽんきぃ2 とわいらいとげぇむず [8908] Elf 1 2 The title screen is funny: "Remember, this is a game about picking up girls. No matter how well you do in the game, you shouldn't get all confident and actually try to pick up girls. It will only end badly. Elf assumes no liability in such cases." This is largely the same game as the first Pinky Ponky. You get rapid-fire scenarios thrown at you. The object of the game is to pick up girls, sometimes in bizarre situations. There's almost no character development, plot, or actual storytelling. The whole thing is just framework for a bare-bones choice system and a few situational jokes. Game has English reviews.   47. Pinky Ponky 3 - Battle Lover ぴんきぃぽんきぃ3 ばとるらばぁ [8908] Elf 1 The third chapter in the Pinky Ponky series is identical to its predecessors visually and gameplay-wise. Like in the previous two games, the protagonist, a young man named Akira, must successfully seduce five young women in five different scenarios. The goal is to select dialogue choices and actions that would raise the girl's satisfaction meter and trigger the next scene. Failure to do so will break off the current scenario and end the game after the fifth one. The situations are fairly traditional compared to the second game, involving encounters on a train, in an amusement park, in an apartment complex, etc. Ok, this game does not have an English review, but nothing really changes since the three games have exactly the same mechanics, just different 5 nanpa stories each.   48. Sematte Mitai せまってみたい [8908] Hard An adventure game where you invite young high school girls to go on a date. The date is held in a way that any your mistake abruptly ends it. Also there is a limit on money that can be spent. Game has good character designs and cleverly uses animation.   49. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo III Ribbon 天使たちの午後III リボン [8908] JAST 1 The third game in the Tenshitachi no Gogo series is not connected to its predecessors story-wise. In this installment, the player assumes the role of a male teacher in a high school. Many pretty female students (and pretty female teachers) surround the hero, but he only has one girl in mind: Haru Okamoto, whom he calls "his angel". In order to win her love, the hero will have to know her better - which also means knowing the secrets of students and teachers alike... Game graphics have changed and not in a good way - male characters and support cast sometimes have just hideous faces. Girls are usually cute, but the overall impression gets largely spoiled. A novelty is that there are 6 endings overall. It feels very ordinary in terms of content.   50. Twilight Zone 3 Nagakute Amai Yoru トワイライトゾーン3 長くて甘い夜 [8908] Great 1 Several months have passed since the protagonist of this game experienced the sexual pleasures and horrors of the mysterious mansion. One day he goes on a date with a girl named Reiko, and his girlfriend Yōko gets jealous. Returning home, the young man begins to think of his behavior and how to improve it, and gradually sinks into a dream that takes him back to the mansion and back to sex. A direct continuation of part II which is explained in the initial scenes. Now there are 4 floors and one underground with some floors representing the past and some the future. Youko is found fairly fast but you're told by Reiko that you can't marry her till you become an ideal person for her which means getting popular, fun, kind, powerful, prosperous and clever. That means getting from past to future is needed to gain her empathy and actually watch her grow with time. There is only one ending and it's with Yoko which spawned discussion of what was going with Reiko then. Thus it's possible to say that the game influenced increase in multiple heroines endings. But even though the story gets a strong push, the gameplay stays the same - same H encounters, same absence of mapping. A masterpiece game buried under the rubble mechanics.   51. Yami no Iyo Densetsu ~Joouzuka Satsujin Jiken~ 闇の壱与伝説 ~女王塚殺人事件~ [8908] Hot-B You're a spiritual detective Shura and being requested to help Metropolitan Police Department to investigate murder of a man who was sucked all the blood off and death of a girl in a different prefecture. It's a horror adventure, but atmosphere is not as dense as in Wing Studio works. At battle scene game almost turns into RPG since you have HP, MP that increase as you win battles. Commands to choose from are few and no need for a guide to complete it and the pace is good. All the characters are unique and likable. Quite a few ero scenes are present. Overall a good story-driven VN with good length, interesting narration and high level of satisfaction.   52. Koroshi no Dress 2 殺しのドレス2 [890912] Fairytale Hero is a detective who receives a strange request to fake marry a beautiful client woman. But during the wedding she gets killed by someone. Hero starts to investigate her circle of friends and acquaintances. The first part was an adult work with gore and violence but was hardly erotic at all. This work pushes H events everywhere - it even starts with one that has no significance for the story at all. Scenario part is short and there is also lesser mystery element since we investigate a circle of people and get involved in crime syndicate dealings. Many game elements have evolved, but the the impression and the impact grew thin.   53. ALFAIM アルフェイム [890914] Zainsoft One day a high school academy student runs out of the class and commits suicide - as it was reported - because of sexual misconduct. His best friend Ikeuchi Ryo did not believe the story - because his friend had number 21 on his palm - and went to his friend's house for investigation. There he found a letter saying the boy would die the next day. The next day when the new transfer student arrived to the class Ikeuchi Ryo fell unconscious upon meeting him. After awakening in the infirmary he realized he gained superpowers and using them showed that the new transfer student and the home teacher and related to his friend's death ... Wow, what a story. Unfortunately PC-98 version is nowhere to be found, so no hooking. Alfaim deals with straightforward high-school paranoia and suicide. Transfer student is willing to provoke question was the epicenter of the case, In order to provoke Ikeuchi Ryo's ambition to dominate the world, the transfer student is killing one by one the people surrounding Ryo triggering the battle among the students. Game has great visuals and quite a comfortable gameplay with not too many commands to select from.   54. Idol Hakkenden アイドル八犬伝 [890914] Towachiki 1 2 3 4 Sick and bedridden, the zaibatsu tycoon Tomiko senses that her death is near and must nominate an heir among her three granddaughters. To decide who will receive her whole fortune, she launches a challenge: whoever will give her best in the next three months will be the winner. Shizuka, the oldest granddaughter and owner of several business companies, and Reika, the second oldest and a genius scientist, are sure that it's going to be a battle between the two of them. However, Erika, the youngest, has a plan of her own: using her only talent, singing, she aims to break through as a super idol and to do so, she must first seek the help of seven other companions. Meanwhile, a mysterious man called Dark Lord Iromono is on Erika's track, plotting to have her join his army and become an iromono talent instead. Game has English reviews.   55. Mephist メフィスト [890915] Striker In 1990 lightnings from the sky started to cause multiple aircraft and sea transport crashes. Strange creatures crawled out from the water. Hero is a special agent who is summoned to put an end to these events. PC-98 version fails to start demanding some memory switches to be turned up, so the description is based on information acquired in the game itself. There is not a single impression on the net. The game is quite beautiful, with nice characters.   56. Run Run Kyousoukyoku RUN・RUN 狂走曲 [890915] Elf 1 2 The female inhabitants of a poor village in Japan want to improve the technological level of their homeland. A lazy but patriotic young man who grew up in the same village agrees to organize a world-wide running competition that will hopefully bring glory to the village. Game has English reviews.   57. Marusa no Onna マルサの女 [890919] Capcom 1 2 A female tax auditor, Ryōko Itakura, inspects the accounts of various Japanese companies, uncovering hidden incomes and recovering unpaid taxes. One day she persuades her boss to let her investigate the owner of a string of love hotels who seems to be avoiding tax, but after an investigation no evidence is found. During the investigation the inspector and the inspected owner, Hideki Gondō, develop an unspoken respect for each other. Wow, when I first saw gameplay videos, I thought it's a simulator of a usual working woman. It turned out to be game remake of a film Taxing woman - woman who excels at finding tax avoidance schemes. There are some minor differences with the film in details but you can't talk about the game without seeing the movie which I'm not really inclined to do.   58. Hare Nochi Oosawagi! 晴れのちおおさわぎ! [8909] Cocktail Soft A formal request was passed from school principal to you as the student council president to investigate ghost matter in school. As you question victim high school girls, a connection with a mysterious incident that happened 300 years ago comes to light... Although the system was command select formula, there were very few flags to get so the pace was very good. You question cute witness girls, get close to the mystery, get an ero scene late into the game and then game literally says "to be continued". Girls were totally different so this work can be described as an early charage. Although the investigation struggled to be conducted in a serious the atmosphere was rather a light comedy. Anyway, this game made Cocktail Soft a serious player on eroge market and encouraged to work on similar games.   59. Kindan no Paradise 禁断のパラダイス [8909] STUDIO ANGEL Saori drifts to the island where the two female tribes confront compete for the selection of a next queen. Saori will search for "the dew of love of the goddess" which is a condition for becoming a queen . Game clearly does not care about the story and just throws H events at random. The game should at least be acknowledged for having full yuri love setting deployed. As in every Studio Angel works, you just pick one command from the list and as usual graphics is outdated.   60. Yaritai Houdai 2 - Tourist o Nerae!! やりたい放題2 ツーリストを狙え!! [8909] Lucifer Soft The second part of the series follows the same nanpa flow, but this time outside the city. Again the difficulty level is too high. Otherwise just a nanpa game with HCG as target.   61. Abunai Tengu Densetsu - Yomigaetta Tengu ga Yozora o Mau あぶない天狗伝説 -よみがえった天狗が夜空を舞う- [891015] Alice Soft 1 Kazumi Kinoshita and Sanae Kanazawa are two high school girls who go on a school trip together with their classmates. Shortly after their arrival at the camp dormitory, various girls become targeted by unknown assailants. In order to solve the mystery the two heroines must talk to their classmates, collect clues, and eventually find the culprits. Collecting the clues reminds fooling around and picking up on other girls mostly. It's reported that you get a hint of what to do next, but I tried to bruteforce and stumbled upon three floors full of rooms with girls to interact - that's a bit too much. The sudden yuri attacks also left me puzzled. The characters are cute, but I don't see a reason to play this game other than HCG which are abundant when the way to enter the underground floor is found.   62. Psychic Detective Series Vol. 2: Memories サイキック・ディテクティブ・シリーズ Vol.2 メモリーズ [891020] DataWest 1 The psychic detective Katsuya Furuyagi cannot forget his past. Looking at the photo in his office, he recalls Rieka, the woman who won't leave him in his dreams. At that moment, a young girl enters the office; seemingly distressed, she utters a strange request: "erase the memory of my father". Intrigued, Furuyagi uses his psychic abilities to travel to the past and relive memories and people's fates once again. This part has a distinct individuality and thus leaves a high impact. The hero travels to the dark world of his client memories. Everything there is distorted and differs greatly from reality. Guro elements begin to get incorporated heavily starting with this work. Memories is also the first one to run the sound alongside with animation, even though it's not fully synchronized. The gameplay gets easier, just command selection.   63. 38 Man Kilo no Kokuu 38万キロの虚空 [891021] System Sacom 1 Following a devastating atomic war between USA and Soviet Union, the Earth has plunged into chaos and destruction in the 1990s. It was not until the middle of the 21th century that humanity started to recover from its losses. Earth was nearly abandoned, and representative of the most powerful countries concentrated on space colonization projects. The Americans founded an organization called NSCA (National Space Colonized Association). Their project, SC (Space Colony), was a huge tower, comparable to the mythical Tower of Babel. This is also the home of the game's protagonist, who returns after prolonged space travels, and soon becomes involved in a complex struggle between countries and political organizations. This time the story is given a definite emphasis on the scenario and this is the most complex and most serious story System Sacom ever produced. And the company seems to be so confident in the story, that one monochrome picture can easily stay on the screen for 5 minutes or more with only text to change. But there's another secret behind this work - it uses midi a lot and melodies change frequently. If you look at the games before 1990, they are mostly soundless or only with sound effects. As you can see from the video hook only acquires rubbish and no custom hooks help so we'll have only to trust that the story is worth it.   64. Dragon Knight ドラゴンナイト [891101] Elf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In the kingdom of Strawberry Fields, a place inhabited only by women, the Goddess' Tower has protected the land and its people for generations. Then one day, the Demon descended upon the tower, and the people of Strawberry Fields suddenly find themselves threatened. Answering Queen Luna's (Noriko Hidaka) plea for help, the young warrior and traveler Yamato Takeru (Akira Kamiya) takes them on. Game has English reviews.   65. Destruction Joukan デストラクション上巻 [891106] Soft Studio Wing TV broadcast was interrupted by unusual voice saying "Look at the sky at midnight". At midnight a sky object resembling an angered human face appeared on horizon and people seeing it dropped down with their mouths full of blood, but got up with superpowers. Darkness is coming and espers should become the warriors of light to stop it. Soft Studio Wing here. Epic story based on studio's very first black and white series. So epic that it could not fit into one game, so it's the first part of the dilogy. You play as a reporter tasked to investigate the appearance of the sky object that turned out to be absent on cameras and photos made at midnight. Such atmosphere can only be attained by Studio Wing. Part one is introductory one. Tension rises and little by little seeds of darkness embrace the city. Let's wait for culmination in part 2.   66. Idaten Ikase Otoko 2 ~Jinsei no Imi~ 韋駄天いかせ男2 ~人生の意味~ [891110] Family Soft The hero is a Korean wrestler who has been working in a Brazilian farm and now comes to Japan without the proper knowledge of the language. He has an ability to excite girls with random phrases alone. The theme of the second work is "life". The game starts with the first newly wed pair night and follows through other married couple and their future children situations - using random phrases resolves all those situations one by one. The meaning of the work is to read funny phrases from words that are set to numbers. The phrases are refined even further. It's a bakage so some situations are superficial here. Useless for people who could not understand the charm of the prequel.   67. Kibun wa Pastel Touch 気分はぱすてるたっち [891111] Great Main character is count Dracula and he proposes to a Japanese girl Umi. Response is put on hold till Dracula picks her up in the daytime. Three months later he visits her school as a male student to charm girls with magic and get Umi whereabouts from them. There are a lot of bad endings, so frequent saving is a must. Otherwise it's quite a pleasant sligthly erotic bakage.   68. Paragon Sexa Doll パラゴンセクサドール DOLL [891121] Heart Soft Two stars had military agreements to avoid conflict, but a war broke out from conflict on unmanned planet Alpha. Many sex doll robots were upgraded to execute military functions. Sex Doll Tina volunteered to avenge for her friend Barbara who got caught with spying charges. This work is a black sheep no matter how you look at it. The content is all age - that's something extraordinary for pc-88 game. Development is heavy and very serious. A lot of commands are used and the same screen can last for a very long time. The girls here aren't cute, but graphics are strangely impressive. The sound support is on par to it - it really fits the situation. But what impresses the newer generation is the amount of animation used in this work. That's a definite masterpiece.   69. Saotome Gakuen Blue Wind 早乙女学園 ブルーウインド [891121] STUDIO ANGEL 2051 AD. Freshmen from MILITARY ACADEMY OF U.N. SPACE FORCE go to an excursion on a sightseeing ship. However, it gets hijacked by pirates and its passengers become hostages. The heroine and two other second year students are given orders to pass the ransom while the second group infiltrates the vehicle and rescue the hostages. There is a choice whether to be the person who passes the ransom or be one of the two-man team who rescues the hostages. So this is a scenario work, but with multiple HCG hopping here and there. Since all the heroes are females, those are mostly yuri scenes. Those spontaneous HCG and immature graphical level really spoil the impression.   70. Fruit Cocktail フルーツ・カクテル [891124] Cocktail Soft A stripping card game with three opponents. This is NOT a visual novel, so there's nothing to discuss. I hope it to be expelled from vndb someday.
        71. Misty Vol.2 Misty Vol.2 [891124] DataWest 1 This volume contains the following cases: In the Middle of a Fateful Prank, Corpse from the Sky, Judging Sky, Do You Believe in God? and Ambition's Edge. A serious detective game which is a genre that I don't feel confidence to discuss.   72. Teito Taisen 帝都大戦 [8911] Chou Onsoku Adaptation of the eponymous movie. There is no information on the game apart of that it's an adaptation of some movie that noone seen and that it does not have own graphics - all the CG are still images taken from films.   73. Alice-tachi no Gogo Vol. 1 アリスたちの午後 Vol.1 [891201] System House Oh! 1 The plot of this game is very simple: there is a big Expo in Japan, and the protagonist - working as a journalist for a company called "Oh!" (suspiciously similar to the company that designed this game) - must enter each pavilion and take pictures of the female models there. The trick is that the company is interested in erotic pictures of semi- or completely nude models, so the hero must use all his charm in order to convince the models to do so... It's an RPG if consider that the hero has money, level and experience values. There are 100 pavilions in both of the game parts and there's no other goal than to visit them all and undress even the toughest ladies.   74. Alice-tachi no Gogo Vol. 2 アリスたちの午後 Vol.2 [891201] System House Oh! 1 The second volume has exactly the same story as the first: as a journalist working for a company named "Oh!", the player has to explore a huge Expo area and take pictures of as many pretty girls as possible, preferably undressed. Second part has the same gameplay, but this time there's no introduction and hero is thrown right into pits of eroticism.   75. Koube Ren'ai Monogatari 神戸恋愛物語 [891207] Zainsoft A love story unfolds while sightseeing in Kobe. The main feature of the game is multiple digitized real photos of Kobe town. The atmosphere is unique and evaluation depends on the level of immersion. What actually ruins the immersion is a great number of misspellings.   76. Seirei Gari 星霊狩り [891208] Hudson Soft 1 2 3 4 5 Mike (or otherwise known as Michimune in Japanese) with the help of Professor Kiyojo must rescue his girlfriend Miu from the nefarious clutches of the phantom of Christian Rosencreutz. Travel to a haunted manor, mystic ruins of Asuka, and to the mythical land of Shambala in order to uncover the mysterious trail. Game has English reviews.   77. Cybernetic Hi-School Part 2 ~Highway Buster!!~ 電脳学園2 ~ハイウェイバスター!!~ [891210] Gainax 1 Something strange is afoot in town. A midnight rider is assaulting drivers on the highway, bombarding them with tricky quiz questions. If the driver can't answer the questions, he and his car is blown up. Out of fear of the so-called Highway Buster, people dare no longer use the highways. As a student at the Cybernetic Hi-School, the player is given the task by the headmaster of finding out who the Highway Buster is, and ultimately defeat him. The first three parts have relatively the same quiz nature mechanics. The difference in this work is addition of help section and panic mode. Most of the questions relate to road safety etc.   78. D.P.S. D.P.S. [891215] Alice Soft 1 2 3 D.P.S. is a collection of three short scenarios, which are unrelated to each other story-wise and can be played separately. Those scenarios are presented as cartridges played on a fictional console named Dream Program System. Each scenario allows the player to choose between two different protagonists, or two different personalities for the protagonist. All of the scenarios feature nudity and/or sexual situations. Game has English reviews.   79. Otome Party おとめぱーてぃ [891215] Game Technopolis There is a short story prepared for each game character, but story is chosen according to gender and one of the five age categories selected. The contents varies from a child story about the kitten if woman is chosen to the nursing story about the hospital if an old man is chosen. The stories are short and vary in quality. But the heroines are cute and even H scenes are well done. What's especially good is that difficulty level is not high and there are only 3-4 commands available at a time.   80. Arcshu ~Kagerou no Jidai o Koete~ あーくしゅ ~陽炎の時代を越えて~ [891216] Wolf Team 1 Arcshu: Kagerou no Jidai o Koete is loosely related to the greater Arcus series. It is a visual novel created in the parody style, and in the process hits many common pop culture items of the day (movies, novels, comics, animation, etc.). The story follows the main character, Jeda, through a series of still images and standard adventure-game puzzles and menu-based navigation as the player works through an overlying mystery. As the story progresses, Jeda finds that there is a hole in his dimension, and the only way to repair this hole is to travel through other dimensions (and time) to seek out a mystical holy sword and a group of CDs that will restore things to their proper nature. Throughout this journey, there are numerous cameos and other appearances by other Wolf Team and Nippon Telenet characters from various other media (The Valis Series, Midgarts, Final Zone, etc.). Musically, there are also numerous tracks that have been pulled from these same properties (and in some cases comically rearranged) and are used to good effect here. There are 8 dimensions overall with each corresponding to some theme or game. Since it's a parody it heavily relies on Arcus games and other contemporary media. The difficulty level is not high since there are few commands to select from.   81. Imitation wa Aisenai イミテーションは愛せない [891216] Great In near future women fertility deceased and "imitation women" were created for this purpose. 20 years later the fertility values normalized and "imitation women" lost their existence value. Android women were all stunning beauties, so women organizations conspired to eliminate this threat. Hero is a first class android hunter D who is now given a new task to find three runaway imitation women. Remake of Imitation City of 1987 and probably the most impressive SF story of the 80s. It's difficult to sympathize with D at first as he ruthlessly kills the unarmed and begging for mercy imitation women, but little by little we get to know that he does not have memories of the past and eventually he finds out that his own lover is also an imitation woman and is queued for elimination. The sound in this work fits brilliantly. On the shortcomings side the character design is somewhat shabby. That actually may be for the best since we have to kill so many androids - it's as if saying that it's a scenario oriented hard-boiled work and if you're looking for H look elsewhere.   82. Zerø - The 4th Unit Act.4 Zerø - ZERO 第4のユニット4 [891220] DataWest 1 Only a few days have passed since the andoird assaults and the shocking encounter with Blon-Win's clone. The Unified Force gathers all its resources, preparing to engage the shady trade organization WWWF. However, a strange accident leads Blon-Win to assume that one of the Unified Force's members might be a traitor. The game retains combat system and emotionally charged responses, but it goes back to first two parts for everything involved with graphics. Since we're tasked to find the traitor we can attack any ally, but if it's a different person than a traitor there's going to be game over. It's very easy to get stuck here since the story progresses with conversation progress of each character, so continuous hitting talk button is needed with every character using all the possible emotions. So this work differs from the predecessors because it's mostly about talking (and escaping some deathbound situations).   83. Princess wa Street Girl? プリンセスはストリートガール? [891221] Lucifer Soft 1 You play as The Prince. Your father expects to to marry someone by a certain date and there is no one you are in love with. Then you meet a prostitute and it's love at first sight! The problem is that your father doesn't approve of this "street girl". It's up to you to teach her how to walk like a lady, dance like a lady, read like a lady, and learn lady-like manners. Can you earn your stern father's approval, show him that there's more to your girlfriend than just a prostitute, and live happily ever after? Surprisingly there's an English review of this game.   84. Trilogy Kuki Youka Shinden トリロジー 九鬼妖華真伝 [891221] Hard The fight of the Kuki and Yasha clans continues from the Meiji Restoration. Yasha clan member is weaving threads around the heroine Kuki Kyoha. The work was supposed to be a prologue a series of three works, but they never came out. This work has very small volume for that reason and just can't be evaluated as a full work. The CG are great and there are some yuri scenes in the game.   85. Hero Syndrome ヒーローシンドローム [891222] Takeru

    Main character is a second year high school student who always see mysterious fantasies during sex with girls. Sometimes it's a dark church, sometimes a sandy patio... and someone stands there, but illusion wears off as soon as he tries to remember the person. In order to solve this mystery he randomly invites girl to have an intercourse, and there is one special girl among them... We see that there's command selection implemented, but nothing else is known apart that it's a lesser known H-tilt doujin title.   86. TM Network: Live in Power Bowl TMネットワーク ライブ イン パワーボウル [891222] CBS Sony Group

    The story starts on New Year's Eve in the year 1999 with the player lounging around in his room generally doing nothing early in the morning. After turning on his computer, he suddenly acquires information that the strategic defense satellite "Colosseum" has picked up some nuclear weapons being fired.
    These nuclear weapons are being fired at a rapid pace between two forces (presumably the Americans and the Russians). Without knowing it, World War III is breaking out in front of the player. All the major cities in the world end up getting catastrophically damaged; including Paris, New York City and Washington, D.C.. A nuclear blast mysteriously sends the player back to December 22, 1989; with only two days remaining until the official launch of the satellite system.
    The nuclear war will not be prevented and civilization will destroy itself unless the player can manage to get the TM Network band to a concert for world peace even if he has to drive a truck to get them to their destination. Comman selection is impelemted. We gather information and items. Game features music of promoted channel TM Network a lot.   87. Lime ライム [891226] Software House Parsley Toshihiko Kondo is a high school student who wants to make a name for himself. One day he finds a map in a library book - the map shows the location of treasure in Ishikawa prefecture. He sets on a journey for the treasure not forgetting to visit sightseeing spots of the place. The feature of this work is that it uses 400-lines graphics and thus does not bother to prepare a degraded version for pc-88. The graphics actually don't impress at all, but character designs are ok. I was largely disappointed by multiple spontaneous H scenes.   88. Endan Rekishi Emaki ~Nukata no Ookimi~ 艶談・歴史絵巻 ~ぬかたのおおきみ~ [8912] STUDIO ANGEL Main character occasionally activates time machine and gets to 7th century Asuka period, the time of Taika reform establishment and Soga clan dominance. The final part of the trilogy, but the least interesting historical period is chosen this time and thus there is even no walkthrough of this game available. Hardy anything is known about those ancient historical figures apart of the names and the women of the period are quite generic noble women. Another important difference from the prequels is that we used to boldly change history, but this time we need to repeat Taika reforms accurately and never try to quarrel with the Soga clan or we get game over.   89. Lipstick. ADV 2 Lipstick. ADV2 [8912] Fairytale 1 This is the second entry in Lipstick Adventure series. Once again, the protagonist is the young private detective Gorou. One day his girlfriend Otomi introduces to him a customer, a man who calls himself Sakamoto. When Gorou meets him at the train station, Sakamoto hands him a suitcase, saying he should deliver it to his company in Osaka. However, the suitcase contains a bomb, and the poor Gorou is brought to police headquarters as a terrorist suspect... Gorou gets a request to deliver a suitcase to Osaka. However, a bomb is found inside and Gorou charged with being a terrorist. So scenario writer changed. But surprisingly enough the charm of characters and the plot remained on high level. Whether Hiruda made a carcass for it or remaining staff was intact, but game is same funny. Same heroine accompanies Gorou with the sole change that she is now a college student. It suits her less so in part 3 she's going to be high school girl again. Still, since it's part 2 with relatively the same cast, the degree of freshness is poor and this time it's no revolutionary matter, but a very good one still.   90. Asoko no Koufuku アソコの幸福 [8912] Zeit The theme of the game is metamorphosis. There are several short fetish stories with different protagonists and progression of interacting with surrounding items at a specific order to answer a fetishist question in each scene. What a crazy game. It was supposed to be based on manga, but it soon flew in a different direction. The scenes on the screen are totally surreal and mindblowing. The minigame is quite entertaining and it's always possible to summon the cardinal who says what to do next. Fetish erotics mixed with gags supported by great music create a truly unique atmosphere that pushes to keep on playing even despite the somewhat slow minigame progression. That's truly a masterpiece.   91. Idaten Ikase Otoko 3 ~Sengo Hen~ 韋駄天いかせ男3 ~戦後編~ [8912] Family Soft Japan is occupied after the end of the World War II. Hero is a soldier who does not speak Japanese, but has an ability to excite girls with random phrases alone. This time the phrases are refined even further and the game is made less painful to progress with gauge filling much faster. At the same time the pictures of afterwar chaos mixed with a lot of satire give the game a more playful feel. Despite all the improvements I just can't appreciate a game that's based on inputting digits to make random phrases of them.   92. ZorkQuest: The Crystal of Doom ZorkQuest: The Crystal of Doom [8912] Infocom 1 2 3 4 5 The caravan of the brave adventurers heads towards Accardi-By-The-Sea, each of them motivated in his (or her) own way. The magician Frobwit is on his way to the Convention of Enchanters and Sorcerers; the lovely Acia is travelling to visit her sickly grandmother; the merchant Gurthark simply wants to sell goods; and the scout Ryker ponders the new feeling that has entered his life: love... Game has English reviews.     93. Sadistic Gamers Part 1 Kateikyoushi Play サディスティックゲーマーズ PART-1 家庭教師プレイ [89] Sixteens

    Tutor girl comes by. But if quiz questions are answered correctly, then it may become time for main character to teach her something. It's possible to demand different kinds of rewards for correct answers, even extreme ones, as title suggests.   94. SD Toki no Kagi SD時の鍵 [8912] Hypa Soft
    Main character receives a key from a girl and sees a mysterious dream at night. Where does this key lead? Game is kinetic novel less than 5 minutes in length. It seems to be a promo for manga.
  22. kivandopulus
    In 1988 there are even more games, but I have only selected 9 as masterpieces:
    1. Soft de Hard na Monogatari
    2. Chatty
    3. Famicom Tantei Club: Kieta Koukeisha
    4. Lipstick. ADV
    5. Onryou Senki
    6. Psy-O-Blade
    7. Angelus ~Akuma no Fukuin~
    8. Snatcher
    9. Akira

    Year 1988 is the year when PC-98 won. In 1987 there were only couple games with pc-98 versions. Occasional games start to have animation and sometimes even certain phrases voiced. In 1988 there's a very big share of visual novels made deliberately for famicom.
    Lipstick ADV was very revolutionary for that time and marked the birth of "Elf" games. It is a worthy champion of 1988.
    1. Ripple Island リップルアイランド [880123] Tokai Engineering 1 2 3 4 5 The game takes place on a small island called Ripple Island, where humans and animals lived together in peace. However, one day, the evil emperor Gerogēru suddenly appears on the island and kidnaps the king's daughter. The king promises that he will allow whoever can rescue his daughter to marry her, and a young boy named Kyle sets off on a long journey to rescue the princess. Game has English reviews.  
    2. Dome ドーム [8801] System Sacom 1 DOME is based on Shizuko Natsuki's novel of the same name. The original work as well as the game's plot focus on the construction of a nuclear shelter called "The Dome", capable of protecting humans from an impending atomic war. The player takes the role of an employee in an advertisement company, whose job is to raise people's awareness of the shelter's importance, and donate money to the project. Novelware was a concept to oppose tiresome gameplay and at the same time present serious text-intensive stories. Game scenario reached over 700 pages which was unseen before. It got some backers, but was generally neglected due to bland reading gameplay, poor quality digitized photos and lack of innovation. On the other hand I'd really welcome one-direction story, but there is a lot of interactivity here. It's basically about a usual japanese office workplace and communicating with co-workers even though for such extravagant goal as the dome. Game is hookable with nkpt (agth compatible) + ITHVNR just fine, but there is little control over the pace and text just poors till the selection with lots of text extracts getting smashed together which does not add comfort. But I recorded the footage from x68000 version to show the quality of digitized pictures.  
    3. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Yokohama-kou Renzoku Satsujin Jiken 探偵 神宮寺三郎 横浜港連続殺人事件 [880226] Data East Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In the second mystery, the search for a missing girlfriend results in the discovery of her hiding guns, and the police begin to suspect a link with an underground trafficking organization. There is some English information on the game.  
    4. Endan Genpei Souranki ~Irohanihoheto~ 艶談・源平争乱記 ~いろはにほへと~ [8802] STUDIO ANGEL Main character is a normal school student. He sleeps during the history class and gives the wrong answer on the question. In the night he slips into the school to correct the mistake, but the annswer is already input in the computer. When he messes with the computer he arrives to 1169 year, the events before the Genpei War. If he can't fix the answer, he will change history instead to fit the answer! First bullet in the trilogy. The main feature of the game is that it's neither command input, nor kinetic or command selection. Instead each scene has some 4 choices and you just make a choice and the story goes on till a new choice - that's akin to modern visual novels, but in this work there is quite little text between the choices. Unfortunately pc-98 version came after Sharp and pc-88 versions and thus pc-98 one is close to impossible to find and without it there's no way to hook it unlike the sequels. Game features real historical figures as well as gore and adult content.  
    5. Yume Shoujo Sayaka 夢少女さやか [8803] Bond Soft Main character is tired of spending days alone in the apartment watching beautiful dreams. He goes out to meet beautiful girls in person. Adult nanpa game with the only real aim to see all the 38 HCG. It ends with getting with the girl to the hotel. There's very tiresome progression with a huge list of commands to choose.  
    6. Hoshi o Sagashite... 星をさがして・・・ [880402] Sega 1 2 3 Hoshi o Sagashite is a sci-fi text-adventure game for the Sega Mark III. It begins when the main character takes a vacation to visit his girlfriend and buys her an egg as a present. The egg hatches into a creature called a "Mio". You must discover what a Mio is, how to care for it. There are English reviews on the game.  
    7. Sacchan no Daibouken サッちゃんの大冒険 [880404] Agumix Main hero hears a rumor that Kojima Sachi (Sacchan) loves 500 yen coins. To get close to her he needs to get a rare coin. Then he discovers that Ayako and her lesbian partner have one and the hunt for the coin begins. Agumix decided to capitalize on the success of the manga and the first game Shiritsu Tantei Max and started releasing a whole series of adult work with the same theme. This BIG adventure is actually just going around the school and triggering lots of H events. Command selection is more or less convenient and digitized pictures are very cool.  
    8. Famicom Tantei Club: Kieta Koukeisha ファミコン探偵倶楽部 消えた後継者 [880427] Nintendo R&D1 1 2 3 4 5 6 The story begins with a man named "Amachi" discovering the fallen protagonist on the ground near a cliff. The protagonist discovers that he has lost his memory, and after recuperating, he revisits the cliff and meets a young girl named Ayumi Tachibana. He learns from Ayumi that he is an assistant detective investigating the death of Kiku Ayashiro. There are English reviews on the game.  
    9. Bishoujo wa Check ga Osuki 美少女はチェックがお好き [8804] Sepias You participate in personality quizzes with several girls giving Yes or No answers. If you appear to be the personality the girl likes - she will be undressing with each new round. The mechanics are simple, but fun and engaging enough. Questions are of all kind of weirdness so it was awkward to answer on the video. I'm not really sure this game qualifies for visual novel though since there is absolutely no story or characters to get to know - just reward HCG.
    10. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo II -Bangai Hen- 天使たちの午後II -番外編- [8804] JAST 1 Tenshitachi no Gogo 2: Bangai-hen is a side-story of Tenshitachi no Gogo 2: Minako. The game's protagonist is the brother of Kozue Yanagisawa, one of the female characters that appeared in Minako. Their parents want to send him abroad to study, but he can't bear to be separated from his sister. Do his feelings to his sister cross the line, becoming forbidden love?.. Command selection with a moderately big selection and lots of bruteforcing needed. The story is very shallow and should thread on brother love to Kozue alone. Might it be the first siscon visual novel? The story takes just one day before the departure to the foreign land. I guess there is nothing to loose anymore since protagonist's advances on the nearby females are rather strong. I did not succeed in hooking pc-98 version.  
    11. Little Vampire Little Vampire [880505] Champion Soft Miki is kidnapped by Dracula and Kentarou is on the quest to save her. Alice Soft is ashamed of its past as Champion Soft, but not of this work. Somewhere in 2003 Alice Soft announced a big list of its works as freeware. The first work in this list was Little Princess and the Second - Little Vampire (here's the link to the full list of freeware links). Game shares much with its prequel Little Princess and the characters of these games can be seen in future Alice Soft games like Rance. The game has one of the longest list of commands to select that I've seen - it's just a torment to bruteforce it. In my pretty long video I failed even to find something to eat for the heroes let alone figure what's the big aim behind it all.  
    12. Maison Ikkoku Kanketsu Hen ~Sayonara, Soshite...~ めぞん一刻 完結編 ~さよなら、そして…~ [880528] Micro Cabin 1 2 Set in Tokyo of the 80-ies, the story can be described as a romantic tale with a touch of comedy. It centers on a boarding house which is managed by the young and lovely widow Kyoko Otonashi. The protagonist is a college student named Yusaki Godai, and his relationship with Kyoko is the main plot line. The game's story approximately corresponds to the middle volumes of the manga until the conclusion. There is enough of English (actually, French!) information on the game. 6 days overall and basically need to repeat main events of the original and for the rest of time usual Ikkoku stuff - setting up parties, improving mood of inhabitants with bribes, struggling with money.  
    13. Gakuen Senki 学園戦記 [8805] Champion Soft Hero is student council president and everyday he solves requests from students. With each new request he approaches the secret behind this school. That's the third game of the Alicesoft freeware list (link to the full list of freeware links) which means they're not ashamed of this game. Game is exclusive for MSX which explains why it's so obscure. It also is shipped at five disks, so I stopped video recording at the first time I was prompted to insert a new disc. There's a lot of disk shuffling and a lot of bruteforcing with a long list of commands. The atmosphere is lighthearted and the drawing is quite cute, so poor mechanics should not really stop people from trying it.  
    14. Harajuku After Dark 原宿AfterDARK [8806] Kogado Studio A corpse of a fashionably dressed man was discovered in the part and Harajuku police department started investigation. A a simple murder case developed into a major incident involving Harajuku's clothing industry. A very boring, very thorough investigation of several cases. But at the very least it's realistic and integral. I don't think such pace can be tolerable today, but this kind of gameplay was totally ok for a realistic mystery story.  
    15. Kohaku-iro no Yuigon 琥珀色の遺言 [8806] Riverhill Soft inc. 1 Kohakuiro no Yuigon ("Amber Testament") is the first in the row of detective games starring the fictional Japanese private investigator Ryūnosuke Tōdō. The events of the game take places in Japan in the year 1921, and Tōdō must investigate a mysterious murder of a rich man in his own mansion. The deceased had many relatives, and its the detective's job to find out which one of them (if any) has committed the murder. And another example of through realistic detective game. It is very time consuming. Lots of questionings and gathering evidence needs to be done. But game is based on a famous detective novel and also 1920s Taisho era atmosphere helps a lot. There are as many as 27 characters in this work, but there aren't too many locations so the complex social relations are portrayed very well. But the game is still alive today since it has been released for mobile platforms - an ideal solution to kill time in some traffic jam.  
    16. Waga Seishun no Youkai Yashiki わが青春の妖怪屋敷 [8806] Dott Kikaku A group of four people gets locked into a mansion full of youkai ghosts. They move around together to find a way out. A surprisingly well done game for pc-88. I awakened 43 minutes later to find out that I've finished the first playthrough of the game and there are so many other options to try out on the way. I'll definitely take a keen look at further Dott Kikaku visual novels. Game uses the same system as Endan trilogy. You're not bothered with different commands, but at scenes you get to choose one of several variants and the game branches off according to the selection made. That also promotes consequent playthroughs since lots of paths get skipped. Game has no adult content at all. One of the amazing features is the clear drawing of the text - the best I've seen for pc-88. The text scrolls down automatically and not disappears and reappears - that helps readability a lot. But the biggest feature of the game is its dialogues. The characters explore the house together and comment nearly every your action. It really makes the game feel alive. I have a weak spot for party-based adventures like the Gao-Gao series.  
    17. The 4th Unit 2 第4のユニット2 [880714] DataWest 1 The 4th Unit 2 is a direct sequel to The 4th Unit. The young and pretty bionic soldier Blon-Win has exposed the dark schemes of the trade organization WWWF. However, a new conspiracy is rising. WWWF has employed another bionic soldier, a young woman named Dalzy, who manages to seal Blon-Win's psychic powers. Blon-Win is arrested by WWWF and must find a way to contact her friends, escape, and defeat the treacherous organization. A worthy sequel with a bit of more comfortable gameplay. The systems are the same, just a bit fewer commands used. This time the story is bigger, deeper and more action-packed since the majority of the game Blon-Win spends on the enemy territory. The game features a battle scene, but it's not action-based like in Wingman, but rather command selection based one like in rpg. All the damage done in the battle is determined by pure luck. The big changes for the series only start with part 3.  
    18. Jarinko Chie: Bakudan Musume no Shiawase Sagashi じゃりン子チエ ばくだん娘の幸せさがし [880715] Konami 1 2 First you help those who in trouble as Chie, then as a lost cat searching for way back and finally as Chie's father Tetsu with money being the main theme. Based on manga. There is some information in English on the game, but I feel that discussing the game is useless, since the game does not really have its own meaning - it just follows the plotline of several episodes of the anime and gameplay mostly consists of different minigames with some small goal.
    19. Lovely Horror - Ochame na Yuurei ラブリーホラー おちゃめなゆうれい [880721] STUDIO ANGEL Hero Tatsuya is a school student who decides to rent an apartment. The manager of the apartment is a beautiful girl who tells that her father gone missing and that the apartment is being haunted by ghosts. She asks Tatsuya to get rid of the ghosts and find her father and Tatsuya just can not say "no" to her. The residents of the house are easily possessed by the ghosts and are lewd in that state, so there is a H scene for everyone. But everyone needs his own approach and the wrong turn brings a bad ending. Thus the difficulty degree is high and guide is welcome here. Otherwise the system is same as Endan trilogy - we're give a set of choices and upon selection the game moves on till the next choice. That alone sets such games at very high comfort level. Well, the game has too many spontaneous H events to evaluate it as masterpiece.  
    20. Soft de Hard na Monogatari ソフトでハードな物語 [880730] System Sacom 1 2 The protagonist is the son of a software company manager and has to fill in as a temporary leader when his father falls sick and is hospitalized. Himself an avid gamer, the young boss has to use his employee's strengths and his own imagination to produce a successful game such as the "Nobara Series" DAME (an obvious parody of DOME). Second bullet in the novelware games. It inherits all the merits and disadvantages of the genre same as the Dome. The game actually starts with Dome intro pictures and music, then stops midway, strikes out the title and goes another direction - that was nice. Game is mostly a comedy with drawings as if from real manga, but the choices you have to do all the time are very real and serious, so it has high interactivity. Gaming industry was an awkward setting choice back in 1988. And it does not matter whether gaming industry was really like that - what matters is the feeling of freshness and joy during the play. Such games stay in memory with the passage of time. I wish text was not moving automatically messing with the text parts, though.  
    21. Genji 源氏 [8807] Hot-B Main character is legendary Genji who searches for a killer. The first three games of Hot-B were original and left a really good impression. This material is much more difficult. This work is almost entirely stripped of eroticism which makes it even more difficult. Still, they really tried to spice things up. We find out the the criminal actually came from future to change history and we ride the time machine ourselves to get him. That's the twist worthy of Hot-B! Still the flow of the game is not even remotely good enough to fit for a masterpiece.  
    22. Joshikousei Idol Osanazuma Funsenki 女子高生アイドル おさな妻奮戦記 [8807] STUDIO ANGEL A school girl is newly married and works as an idol after school. She describes one day of her life. The work dripping wet with fanservice. The game is a kinetic novel and lasts only a couple of minutes. It's just fanservice CG with provoking commentary. I did not believe that was the whole game and one box even had "DEMO" written on it. So I tried to find the full version and ll the versions were the same. It's really the full work. There used to be such works as well - cute character + nukige.  
    23. Chotto Meitantei ~Misa-chan Monogatari Series~ ちょっと名探偵 ~美砂ちゃん物語シリーズ~ [8808] Champion Soft Misa-chan is a cute high school student detective. Her father is changed with an accusation in a hit-and-run incident and she is asked to find the real criminal. Her best friend Kanako will assist in this task. This work is not included in the Alice Soft freeware list which can only mean one thing - this work is trash that the company wants to forget about. The system is ancient text parser with only some common verbs attached to function keys - that's why I could not move even past the first scene. Story is one-way road with interrogating witnesses, investigating evidences. A characteristic feature is that the screen is divided in two sections - one is usually occupied by Misa-chan picture, but in important moments it's actually used to depict something dramatic. There are no H scenes. The mystery is very plain. Nothing really stands out in this game.  
    24. Dokkin Minako-sensei ドッキン美奈子先生 [8808] Tect House A game version of an adult manga with the same name. Student Kenta loves his teacher Minako-sensei very much. Everyone has come to the sea for a holiday, but Minako-sensei disappeared. Kenta starts to search for her. The manga was a pioneer in portraying only full-weight bodies while still putting child faces. Multiple ending work with branch depending on chosen actions. It's a lighthearted work to enjoy pictures and funny characters, nothing more.  
    25. Azusa 108 Jimusho あずさ108事務所 [880920] Agumix Main character Azusa is a female private detective. While on a major case of finding the missing relative she also takes a request to investigate consecutive rape cases that occurred at her girls' school dorm. The second bullet after Sacchan in Agumix fanservice works. Again original manga drawings are digitized. Again story is only nominally there. This time there are only women characters so it's yuri love only.  
    26. Kujaku Ou 孔雀王 [880921] Pony Canyon, Inc. 1 2 3 4 Kujaku Ou the Peacock King, who is a young monk from Mt Koya with the direction of his Master, is sent to investigate strange paranormal incidents taking over Japan. There are English reviews on the game.  
    27. Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken えりかとさとるの夢冒険 [880927] Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc 1 2 3 Two children, the girl Erika and the boy Satoru, live together in a small house somewhere in modern Japan. One day, before going to sleep, they notice a strange creature outside: it looks like a pink-white cat (Final Fantasy fans would immediately say: a moogle!), but talks like a human being. Before the mysterious creature disappears, it says only a short sentence: "Children! Find the Time Crown!". Without understanding what he meant by this, but realizing it must be something important, the two young heroes embark the next day on a dangerous journey - the quest for the power of the crown! There is enough English information on the game.
    28. Kimagure Orange Road ~Natsu no Mirage~ きまぐれオレンジロード ~夏のミラージュ~ [8809] Micro Cabin 1 2 3 The game is based on the manga and anime series Kimagure Orange Road. The protagonist is a young boy named Kyosuke Kasuga. He and his siblings (twin sisters) possess supernatural abilities: telekinesis, teleportation, time shift, etc. The tradition of their family forbids them to use these powers publicly. Whenever they fail to hide their unique nature, the whole family has to move. But now Kyosuke has met a beautiful girl, who is being courted by another guy - a big temptation for him to use the powers... There is enough English (actually, French) information on the game.  
    29. Onryou Senki 怨霊戦記 [8809] Soft Studio Wing 1 Hiroyuki Kitahara was leading a rather ordinary life in a quiet Japanese town, and decided one day to take a stroll at night, enjoying the picturesque landscape. All of a sudden, a horrifying monster appeared right in front of him. Kitahara wakes up in the hospital and tries to convince the doctors that he was not hallucinating. Teaming up with a young female journalist, Kitahara begins to explore the city, searching for clues to solve the mystery and seeking meeting with onryou - ghosts of people who were wronged in their lifetime and who are back for revenge. Soft Studio Wing new release. Nothing else needed to be said. After Shiro to Kuro unorthodox start and shock of Makai Fukkatsu and Hadou no Hyouteki expectations are sky high. And in many ways it lives to expectations. First of all, it's the longest game of this studio so far. Mechanics have been greately improved. Now there's only 4 actions with "look" action not needing to select an object, so the pace got higher. At special areas there are some special icons as well like computer at home and spell when u get demon banishing spell. The only remaining drawback that lots of backtracking needed to be done and sometimes up to 15 areas needed to be walked through to get to a needed area. Oh, the plot! You happen to get into monster ambush on a street and since then are determined to prove existence of monsters. At first ghosts appear only for a few seconds but as game progresses they become permanent and agressive. You need to get to the bottom of ghost case and find the god responsible for outrage. Easy like that. The shocking part of the game was how real it looked (not literally, but game still looked great even though it used some 8 colors only). People used to deny existence of spirits, then spirits get coverage in mass media and people just adapt to them and tend it like an everyday problem. They even start counsel practices and set tour guides to make money on it and all are enjoying all the media fuss about their little town. Game lasts 12 days (and nights). Struggle with the ghost god is impressive, just like in previous two games. Solid and memorable game if you got a stomach for this type of VNs.  
    30. Fushigi no Kabe 不思議の壁 [8809] System House Oh!

    In AD2069 girls of a famous school become attacked by monsters. According to gathered information, they become trapped in a mysterious wall. Main character challenges this wall to save the girls. Plainly speaking, it's a block break gameplay game with some text and strip images as a reward.  
    31. Lipstick. ADV Lipstick. ADV [881015] Fairytale 1 In Lipstick Adventure, the player takes the role of Gorou, a young Japanese private detective. One day, a wealthy and powerful old man contacts him and asks him to find a box which - according to him - contained a family treasure. The young detective thinks that fortune has finally smiled to him, but when his pretty girlfriend Otomi disappears, he realizes that the mystery is bigger than he thought... It's a mix of great plot and humor setting standards for many years to come. That's actually a revolutionary game and because of that it had a great number of sequels. So we play as detective Gorou and investigate disappearance of some box with heirloom. But there's also high school girl Mami who is a member of school girl detective club who lives next door and accompanies us. The heirloom was easy to find, but on return the office was in chaos. Game's well remembered because the scenario was made by creator of elf studio in next 1989. Despite embracing interactive adventure genre, story has a great tempo, lots of humor and overall comparatively easy flags to trigger as well as main decisions being done only at the very end. Why is this game revolutionary? 1. It's the first game that I know that used the contemporary opening with scene shots sequences and astonishing musical theme. 2. It's the first original game that actually empathized charm of characters rather than plot. Seeing a woman walking side by side with the main hero the whole game was a novely itself. 3. It was the first erotic game where erotic content did not play a big role but rather was an element in the plot. And not having an erotic scene with Mami was a nonsense in bishoujo game. 4. Game had gallery collection inside the game called "lipstick". The game has only one huge shortcoming - pc-98 version is not hookable by any means which makes it off limits for English auditory.  
    32. Pension Story Hana no Kiyosato ペンションストーリー花の清里 [881025] Adult Inn Main character Kanzaki Hayaichi is invited to Kiyosato to look after the pension house in his absence. However, the uncle gets killed in the bathroom of the pension house... All the boarders have a motive for the crime and all of them tell different stories. Where will the investigation bring him? One-way scenario with the branch only for the very ending. The flow is talking with the inhabitants, H scene, showing items and collecting information and when everything is done - final scene where you make a decision of what to do with the evidence. The contents is very ordinary and the shabby plot exists only for the abundant H scenes.  
    33. Derringer デリンジャー [8810] Clest You're a private detective and you get a letter saying that 13-year old model Miki is restrained. The first work of Clest that sets an attempt to introduce idol Miki character that had to appear in the trilogy of the company. In this work Miki is 13, in the second work she's 19 and in the third work she should have been around 15, but third third work was never finished. So this work is not really long - we get to find Miki tied in the warehouse fairly fast. Still this work is notable since like in Lipstick ADV Miki is shown as a heroine with personality and not just an object of desire.  
    34. MISTY ミスティ [8810] Champion Soft You are a high school student. One day classmate Miyuki suddenly lost memory. The investigation leads to his girlfriend who suspiciously disappeared a year ago. Game is not listed in Alice Soft freeware list, so yeah - it's a trash game of Champion Soft. You search for items and use them little by little uncovering Miyuki's past. Game features money so you actually need to save it to buy essential items. Game's only released for very basic platforms of pc-88 and msx which determines its low quality. The interface is horrible, the drawing speed is slow and game just hangs the emulator. Well, if Alice Soft wants us to forget about this game so much, let's just comply.  
    35. Seikimatsu Tanemaki Densetsu Shoujo Yuugi Ai no tame ni Shine! 世紀末種蒔伝説 少女遊戯 愛のために死ね! [8810] Great Since the 1970 the new technologies and introduction of computers resulted in deviation in the male reproductive ability. At the beginning of the 1990s more than 60% of men lost "male function", and women got frustrated with more and more incidents of men raped by women to occur. By 2000 the civilization was about to ruin due to women violence. Kentaro's sister Yuriko got kidnapped mysterious "Lolita invaders" squadron. Kentaro tried to stop them but got defeated by their captain Yui. A strange old man instructs him how to get to their city base, but now the encounter will be on his terms. One of the biggest works of Great - an erotic parody on many big hit works of the time including Fist of the North Star, Sukeban Deka, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. It's a good thing people of the 1980s were ignorant about the copyright! The scenario is basically a single road, but during the command selection battles it's important not to use certain commands in the first half of the battle. The game is just too fun to play and it's hookable just fine. That's a masterpiece game despite its disturbing nature at times.  
    36. Skapon Tankentai Skapon 探検隊 [8810] PSK 1 The year is 2028. It is said that an eccentric genius scientist has constructed a laboratory on an island known as Ero-Manga. This island is populated by robots and beautiful girls. An exploration team consisting of an intrepid adventurer and his female assistant, who is looking for her missing father, lands on the island and is prepared to explore the wilderness in search of the laboratory. PSK last work and - yes - about lolitas again. Skapon Taikentai is a humorous erotic adventure game. There are lots of girls around, but to get to the end of the game it's needed to participates only in absolutely obligatory H events. There is a limit of 9 items to carry with you which is pretty tight considered the number of locations and options. There are two branches and three endings here. At the end of of the game you are warped to Skapon 2, but the sequel never saw the light of the day.  
    37. Twilight Zone 2 トワイライトゾーン2 [8810] Great 1 Youko, the protagonist's girlfriend, has disappeared. In order to find her he must venture into the dreaded mansion inhabited by sex-hungry women. The prequel with the command input was hardly playable so now it's pseudo-rpg from first person view. This is an eroge to and from - attack items are erotic journals, defensive items are condoms, fights are H events and venerological infections are status penalties. There is no automapping feature in this game and the territory is huge so manual drawing of a map is needed. This work is memorable for the enemies which had lots of types. It had fish girls, cat girls, dog girls etc
    38. Yaritai Houdai やりたい放題 [8810] Lucifer Soft A nanpa game to choose one of four women and seek their favor in a dialogue. What differs this game from a usual nanpa game is the high difficulty level. You make choices, but get the result only much later so there is no way to determine what the wrong answers are. In the 1980s kinetic novels and and command selection adventures were considered inferior since anyone could bruteforce them with enough time. But text parser was obsolete as well, so new methods to bring freshness and uniqueness for the genre were thought of.  
    39. Touhou Kenbun Roku 東方見文録 [881110] Natsume 1 2 3 4 Touhou Kenbun Roku ("The Travels of Marco Polo") is an adventure game that uses the then-ubiquitous NES adventure game system of having a series of menu commands with which to interact with the world. As a text-heavy Japanese adventure game, some fluency with the language is required in order to play it. The game depicts a troublemaker sent from the future back to 1275, when Marco Polo was in the midst of his explorations. There is enough English information on the game.  
    40. Byakuya Monogatari ~Winchester-ke no Matsuei~ 白夜物語 ~ウィンチェスター家の末裔~ [881111] East Cube College student Hiroyuki Sato came to a hot spring resort and was shocked by western type mansion known as witch's house and decided to sneak in. This is a museum horror game inside a mansion, but also with comedy elements. It's command selection with verbs selected from vertical row with 2 and 8 keys and nouns selected from horizontal rows with 4 and 6 keys. I tried to bruteforce commands as usual, but I spent over 10 minutes on the 2nd scene and was not able to move on... this game is the hell for bruteforcing. The game is reported to feature battles inside the mansion and multiple endings, especially bad endings.  
    41. Cosmos Club コスモスクラブ [881111] JAST Main character is a freshman student who gets to enter a student dormitory "Cosmos club" full of girls. He is secretly in love with one of the girls and seeks her attention. This work could easily be a part of Tenshitachi no Gogo series, but for some reason it's not. Basically you search for your secret love everywhere and pick wrong doors at times. You get your hands on a certain key and can open only one door with it and the branching depends on which door you get to open. There are two good endings depending on whether you bring the girl some 5 yen coin or not. There are also bad endings. One of the good endings actually has the explanation on the "cosmos" part of the title - it's not just the name of the dormitory.  
    42. Samurai Sword サムライソード [881115] Capcom 1 2 3 "When the dark priest Soron threatened to engulf the world in shadow, heroes and wizards alike rose against him. All were defeated. But a lone warrior still stands..." You play the role of a samurai that must destroy the forces of Soron. You find, however, that you cannot defeat him alone, so you must find a light mage who will aid you on your quest, and most importantly, the sacred weapon known as the Samurai Sword. There are English reviews of this game.  
    43. Psy-O-Blade サイオブレード [881119] T&E SOFT Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 In 21th century, there are three main powers on the Earth. The free world and the communist block carried over from the 20th century; the third power is the New Communist Federation. Since a program of denuclearizing was supported by all those powers, the New Communist Federation developed a devastating non-nuclear weapon: the satellite "Raiden". The two other powers competed with the New Communist Federation, developing their own killer satellites, and the danger of total annihilation became once again an issue. Seeing no future for the Earth, humans started to colonize other planets. In 22th century, they sent an experimental ship "Septemius 1" to a star six light years far away from the Solar System. The ship's main computer, "Racoon", sent a strange message before stopping any communication. You are Keith McDonnell, a seventeen-year-old crew member of the ship "Septemius 2" that was sent to investigate the strange disappearance. Will you be able to uncover the mystery? There are English reviews on the game.  
    44. Snatcher Snatcher [881126] KCET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 On June 6, 1996 , a chemical weapon known as Lucifer-Alpha under development in Chernoton, Russia, is released into the atmosphere, resulting in the death of 80% of the Eurasian and Eastern European population which in turn results in the death of half of the world's population. The contaminated area becomes uninhabitable for a decade, when Lucifer-Alpha mutates into a non-lethal form. This tragic event later becomes known as "the Catastrophe". Fifty years later, a breed of artificial life-forms or bioroids known as "snatchers" began appearing in the artificial island of Neo Kobe City, killing their victims and taking their place in society. Nobody knows exactly what they are or where they come from. As Gillian Seed, an amnesiac working for an Anti-Snatcher task force called J.U.N.K.E.R., the player's goal is to track down the source of the snatchers and discover Gillian's mysterious connections with them. There are English reviews on the game.  
    45. Chatty シャティ [8811] System Sacom 1 Chátty is the second entry in System Sacom's Novel Ware series. Its story is set in the future and involves a man who was framed for a crime he did not commit. In attempt to clear his name, the protagonist discovers a device that allows interdimensional travel, and ventures into a parallel dimension in search for answers. Chatty is pc-88 exclusive which determines technical limitations. I would not call it a novelware at all since all you do is struggle through command selection most of the time. A professional novelist was working on the scenario and it's indeed a serious adult story with even some H scenes included. There are multiple endings in this work. System-wise it's unusual in the way that there is an inventory and items in it to manage. This work established novelware principles as a genre, not just one unique work and thus holds the historical credit for it.  
    46. JACK ジャック [8811] Thinking Rabbit You are a detective in Los Angeles and need to investigate a murder case with a more veteran policeman. Man was murdered in hotel room and had baseball chip in his pocket. Thinking rabbit was well known for good adventure stories. Casablanca had a very good plot. This one is not an exception. Black and white America was already stylish. Feature of the game is Joker command that could let you achieve unexpected results but could as well be wasted easily. There's less excitement than in Casablanca, but it's same fulfilling since it tackles with complicated human relationships rather than tricks.  
    47. No-Ri-Ko 小川範子 No・Ri・Ko [881204] Hudson Soft 1 2 3 It features the japanese singer pop singer Noriko Ogawa, who was just 15 years back in 1988. The games starts with an invitation to one of her live concert. The player, the Lucky Boy as called in the game, will take a day out and probably end up on a date with the young and cute singer. Game has English reviews.  
    48. Doki Doki Shutter Chance!! ドキドキシャッターチャンス!! [881208] Elf An action game to make photos of 10 girls while evading the teacher within a time limit. The first Elf work, but I'm not really sure it can be called a visual novel. Well, there are couple pages of synopsis and rules description. It's a pure action game with the only reward in the end. Game is very difficult since there are barriers everywhere and it's not clear where to move. On top of that when you make a photo the girl should stay in the range for like three seconds. If the teacher gets you, you'll have to start anew. I'm not even sure where those 10 girls are since there seem to be few characters on the map. And it all has to be done within a strict time limit on top of that! There are three editions of the game - girls school one, nursery and bus editions.  
    49. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Kiken na Futari 探偵 神宮寺三郎 危険な二人 [881209] Data East Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Detective Hunter and his assistant Yulia have been invited to watch Yulia's friend Sabin participate in a motorcycle race. It doesn't all go too well when he crashes in the race, but when the racing team checks up on him it turns out to be Thomas, Sabin's apprentice, under the helmet. The mystery deepens as another friend of Yulia is found murdered in a hotel room. There are English reviews of this game.  
    50. Telephone Club Story テレフォンクラブストーリー [881210] Wilduck Enter a private room and make a call. If conversation is good who knows what it may lead to... A nanpa game with short etchi scene in the end of each girl part. Three rooms out of five are available and the other two are empty. The heroines are 28 year old married woman and two high school girls of 18 and 16 years old. There's a conversation and it's needed to fill in blank spaces out of the list of pretty absurd variants. It's possible to make 7 mistakes overall.  
    51. Kaguya-hime Densetsu かぐや姫伝説 [881216] Victor Interactive Software 1 2 3 4 The legend of Kaguya-hime is one of the most popular stories in Japanese mythology. Once upon a time, an old man went to the forest to cut some bamboo, and found a little baby girl. He took her to his house and named her Kaguya-hime. She grew up there, and soon became the most beautiful girl of Japan. Many young men, including the son of the emperor himself, tried to conquer her heart, but for no avail. One day Kaguya-hime confessed she was a moon angel, and returned back to the moon. In this game, you control the son of the emperor, and you'll do your best to reach Kaguya-hime and to protect her. You must overcome various obstacles and meet characters from Japanese folklore. There are English reviews of this game.  
    52. The Old Village Story オールド・ヴィレッジ・ストーリー [881223] Enix 1 2 King Kaiser, the mighty ruler of the country Fa-Ral, had a daughter named Lisa, who became gravely ill. Anxious to know what will become of her and his kingdom, the king looks into a magic crystal. The crystal tells him that the one who can make things right is a boy named Shion, who lives in a quiet village far away from the capital city. The king tries to find Shion, but forces of darkness have plans of their own... Game has English reviews.  
    53. Akira アキラ [881224] Taito Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Akira is a graphic adventure game based on the 1988 animated movie of Katsuhiro Otomo's epic Manga. Released in 1988 by Taito for the Famicom console, the video game version has the player in the role of Kaneda. Events begin with Kaneda and his motorcycle gang in police custody after their friend Tetsuo has been abducted by the military. Game has English reviews.  
    54. Pro Yakyuu? Satsujin Jiken! プロ野球?殺人事件! [881224] Capcom 1 2 Fictional baseball player is condemned as murderer. He has to hide from police and find the culprit to clear his name. There is enough English information on the game.  
    55. Bishoujo Noriko 媚少女NORIKO [8812] System House Oh! A part of "Sexy voice" series. Noriko Noriko sees a strange dream where she is attacked by Sexdroid. When she consults a psychiatrist about it, he suggests an experimental therapy. The game has no other meaning than watch a collection of HCG accompanied by lewd voicing and some animation. Noriko part has the fewest choices in the series and is presented by three consecutive rape scenes that are scrolled in 5 minutes time.  
    56. Datenshi Kyouko Part 1 堕天使KYOUKO Part1 [8812] System House Oh! A part of "Sexy voice" series. Three esper fallen angels are sent to Kyoko to play with her. The game has no other meaning than watch a collection of HCG accompanied by lewd voicing and some animation. Wrong choice here results in rewinding back.  
    57. Endan Tokugawa Kouryuuki ~Gorakuin~ 艶談・徳川興隆記 ~ごらくいん~ [8812] STUDIO ANGEL Main character occasionally activates time machine and gets to 1582, right after Oda Nobunaga is ambushed and killed. The purpose in this work is to take decisions so that the wars in the country are eliminated and stability establishes for 300 years to come. I was so excited about this work that I made a full video playthrough till happy end with English machine translation. Game covers the most famous period of Japanese history and tackles it with a lot of care. Over 30 real historical figures are concerned here. There is only one right path to happy ending and the others lead to mysterious girl telling you what was done wrong and asking to try again. There are some more girls encounters if wrong paths are taken, but there are over 10 H scenes even in the main path which I'd even call abundant. This game is a huge masterpiece and it's great that the Western audiences can immerse into it thanks to hook-ability of the game.  
    58. Makenshi Kumiko 魔剣士KUMIKO [8812] System House Oh! A part of "Sexy voice" series. Kumiko was indulged in self-satisfaction when she was warped to the island 's ruins where she is attacked by a monster who is an incarnation of her ancient enemy. The game has no other meaning than watch a collection of HCG accompanied by lewd voicing and some animation. The longest story in the series.  
    59. Project A-ko 2 プロジェクトA子2 [8812] Tatsumi Publishing Two minigames of slot machine and cards are used to outscore opponents who have enormously more points at the start. The first part of the series was interesting for its gameplay. This time it's just some cards game and slot machine. You start with 100 points while the second girl has 2,000 at the start and the third has 48,000 at the start. I did not have the patience to see what happens when you actually outscore the other girls.  
    60. Satsujin wa Tegami ni Notte 殺人は手紙にのって [8812] TwinSoft Main character is high school student who hears of his friend being fatally hit by train. He has 7 days remaining till school studies start and he intends to find out the truth behind this accident. The cover is funny, but it's not a light story. Serial murders, attempt suicide, main hero orphan. Most of the game passes in investigating the school and then the university where the murders occurred. The difficulty level is low, so it's possible to bruteforce. Solving this mystery does not really make an impact.  
    61. What's Michael ホワッツマイケル [8812] Micro Cabin Cat Michael's beloved got lost and he searches around the town for her. The adventures of the cat are quite trivial, but if you saw the anime there's a good energetic music, lots of face expressions and beautiful graphics to enjoy. Game's mostly a comedy, so there are many funny scenes in it.  
    62. Angelus ~Akuma no Fukuin~ アンジェラス 〜悪魔の福音〜 [8812] Enix 1 2 3 4 A business man in Peru and a girl visiting Japan both suddenly fall victim to a strange disease that turns the skin green and partially disfigures the face. The most unusual thing is that these two incidents occurred at the same time. Brian Pall, a journalist from the London Post, was on a flight to London when suddenly one of the passengers is struck with the same disease. These series of outbreaks have lead Brian and his partner, Eris Miler, to start their own investigation. Their discoveries eventually lead them going up against a mysterious religious group. Game has English reviews.  
    63. Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru Densetsu 暗黒神話 ヤマトタケル伝説 [8812] Tokyo Shoseki 1 2 3 4 The game is based on old Japanese legends about Yamato Takeru, a legendary hero of ancient Japan. The game starts when Yamato Takeru is a thirteen-year-old boy. His father was killed under mysterious circumstances. Searching his things, the boy found a postcard that gave him his first clue for the investigation. From that moment, his adventure begins. Game has English reviews.  
    64. Gamma Force in Pit Of A Thousand Screams Gamma Force in Pit Of A Thousand Screams [8812] Tom Snyder Productions 1 2 3 4 In a dangerous world, individual superheroes are not enough. Even the best of them - a humanoid made of flame, an elf princess with a mean bow, and a musclebound waterbeast - can't do it all themselves. When they come together, they are the Gamma Force. Can anybody stop them? Game has English reviews.  
    65. Josei Shain o Ikasu Hou 女性社員を活かす法 [8812] Champion Soft Main character is a cosmetics sales division section manager in an Osaka big company. He has a wife and a child, but he does not know how to deal with this subordinates who are mostly beautiful women. He will have to determine an effective approach towards them so that the company flourishes. There is not a single written world on the game on the web, so I'll have to pull the thoughts from my short experience of the game. First of all, I liked the game despite the fact that it's not in the Alice Soft freeware list. It's a really good game, but I guess an overly serious one, so it did not fit the target auditory of reborn Alice Soft company. Day by day you watch the women of your section and you make decisions like to praise them or to scold them or to call them for a talk. My approach was pretty random and I was actually waiting for a H event to pop up... but nothing happened. In about two weeks of random behavior on my behalf I got game over, so I'm not even sure if it's an eroge or not. It's hookable, so I'd hope to see attention to this game in future.  
    66. Lane Mastodon Vs. The Blubbermen Lane Mastodon Vs. The Blubbermen [8812] Tom Snyder Productions 1 2 3 4 5 The year is 2029 and the evil Blubbermen have invaded earth. Only heroic Lane Mastodon can stop them, in a setting resembling science-fiction of the 1950's. Game has English reviews.  
    67. Shadow Hunter シャドゥハンター [8812] Champion Soft A famous writer announced his engagement and his bride started to get threats and blackmail. Main character is a detective set to identify the stalker and protect the girl. But as investigation proceeds a murder happens. Another Champion Soft game that did not get in freeware Alice Soft list. And it uses the same game system as MYSTY which was very crappy. So we gather as much information as possible without taking breaks since those bring a band end. The majority of time is spent while searching inside the buildings. And eventually the mystery gets revealed.  
    68. Yoru no Tenshi-tachi ~Shitetsu Ensen Satsujiin Jiken~ 夜の天使たち ~私鉄沿線殺人事件~ [8812] Clest Hero is a detective investigating suicide case. Sister of the deceased girl claims that railroad crossing was the place that girl used to visit a lot. A sequel to Derringer. Derringer's purpose was to introduce Miki who was 13 years old. And it was rather short game, felt more like a promo material for next game to come. Also there should have been the 3rd Miki game to depict Miki gradually becoming an idol, but it was cancelled. In this game Mike is 19 and she has become an idol now. There are also several friends of Miki present, so it's a nice girl company to enjoy. It's the second game after Lipstick ADV. (Lipstick ADV. was issued first) where girl is not a capture object, but a full-fledged character to follow main hero. It was also the first attempt to make a mascot character, grandfather of all idol games.  
    69. ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth Castle ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth Castle [8812] Tom Snyder Productions 1 2 3 The Egreth Castle, once the royal abode of the proud king Duncanthrax, has now become a terrifying, haunted place. Trolls, hobgoblins, and night gaunts have turned the castle into their permanent residence. On top of that, an evil, insane, and powerful wizard is controlling everything that happens in and around the castle. A caravan of brave adventurers, guided by a magical amulet, reaches the castle. Will the heroes be able to overcome all obstacles and find a way to defeat the evil?.. Game has English reviews.  
  23. kivandopulus
    The number of visual novels in 1987 increased greatly, but the number of masterpieces is relatively the same:
    1. Amazons no Hihou
    2. Urusei Yatsura
    3. DNA
    4. Koroshi no Dress
    5. Hadou no Hyouteki
    6. Jesus
    7. Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School
    8. Hiatari Ryoukou!
    9. The 4th Unit

    1987 has become a great breakthrough for visual novels. Text parser has been made obsolete by command selection and quite many games that amplify text over gameplay or graphics have showed up (even though the graphics have evolutioned immensely as well). But the most innovative and engaging game of 1987 is Hiatari Ryoukou adapted from anime by Toho. That's the first galge in modern sense - it's about daily routine and chasing one of the girls with lots of sunshine and comedy scenes. The charm of characters is overwhelming and gameplay is quite easy and infectious. If only it could be hooked...
    1. Dennou Suikoden 電脳水滸伝 [870112] Hot-B 1 Game is based on the classic Chinese four-book epic "Suikoden" and uses the same character in an original story. Three scenarios are available from the start and upon clearing them the fourth one opens up. One of the stories starts with two journalists investigating a strange get into an ambush. One of them gets a strange disease that kills in two months time. To get the cure it's needed to break through three gateways and reach the peak of a mountain. There's a good English walkthrough of this game, but it covers only one story out of four due to ingame bugs. It's a rather complex game since you control multiple characters at each story and they hold various items. You can easily get stuck without knowing what specialization each character has. The number of commands and sub-commands is rather huge so bruteforcing is painful. Such a complex game is a welcome addition since majority of visual novels of this time are very primitive and crude.  
    2. Lolita Hime no Enikki ロリータ姫の絵日記 [8701] Bond Soft A kinetic novel containing graphic strips of Lolita Hime alongside with a bit of text. It's more of a CG collection than a synthetic work. Even though it's the same series with the scatology Lolita, here the system is different and is rather a pure ADV. It's very short too so there's nothing really to discuss here.  
    3. Teki wa Kaizoku Kaizoku Ban 敵は海賊・海賊版 [8701] Victor Musical Industries I am a first class pirate. There was a call from my noisy boss to settle one matter. While on it, two ships of my old enemy appeared. Together with my alien cat Apro I was able to settle the incident. However, strange incidents started to happen one after another. Based on the light novel series. The story is almost fully original though using novel heroes. You actually are playing for the cat! The game uses icons for actions which is welcome, but there's a need to keep in the head conversation keywords to go on which is very painful. The work was not really popular with original novel fans.  
    4. Touch タッチ [8701] Toho The story centers around three characters—Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami. Kazuya is the darling of his town as he's talented, hardworking, and the ace pitcher for his middle school baseball team. Tatsuya is a hopeless slacker who's been living the life of giving up the spotlight to Kazuya, despite the fact that he may be more gifted than him. Minami is the beautiful childhood girlfriend and for all intents, sister from next door who treats both of them as equals. Society largely assumes Kazuya and Minami will become the perfect couple, including Tatsuya. Yet as time progresses, Tatsuya grows to realize that he's willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of his brother, except at the expense of giving up Minami to Kazuya. And thus the story is told of Tatsuya trying to prove himself over his established younger brother, how it affects the relationship between the three, and both brothers' attempts to make Minami's lifelong dreams come true. Another obscure Toho adaptation of an anime work. It's pure command selection. Characters are cute enough, but graphics are dated. The next Toho anime adaptation feels much better than this one. And at least touch here means baseball touchdown rather than something perverted.  
    5. Las Vegas ラスベガス [8701] Starcraft Co., Ltd. 1

    Las Vegas is a Japan-exclusive graphical variant of Softporn Adventure, and hence can be seen as an earlier version of Leisure Suit Larry, which was released a few months later. The gameplay is, by and large, identical to the original text-only version, with the exception of a few adjustments made to the monetary system and a few commands handled slightly differently. Soft Porn Adventure released in 1981 is considered world's first adult game, so the will to imitate it with graphical presentation seems natural.  
    6. Dwelling デウリング [8702] Cross Media Soft 1 In "Dwelling" we have to infiltrate the mansion of Count Dracula and save a kidnapped girl Anna. The game is bizzare. It shows all kind of weird creatures in bright poisonous colors. It's pretty cool that in important scenes the command selection is taken away and you're being left alone with text parser and text "THINK YOURSERL". But it's mostly about visual shock and there's no real story apart of walking around the estate and seeing all kind of things, so it can't be called a masterpiece for me.  
    6. Twilight Zone トワイライトゾーン [8702] Great 1 Twilight Zone is a text adventure game with graphics. The protagonist is a young man who finds himself in a mysterious mansion created by an equally mysterious old woman. His goal is to escape the mansion and have sex with as many young women living there as possible. The interaction with the game is performed by inputting text commands (Japanese kana only). Navigation is performed by typing the Japanese words for the four directions, and locations are represented as still first-person screens. The game has no real puzzles and very limited item usage. Mansion search type. We need to find eight girls in the mansion and then can finally leave through the door. Search around with command input is no fun at all. The game spawned multiple sequels.  
    7. Amazons no Hihou アマゾネスの秘宝 [8703] Studio Lime Those who find the secret treasure of amazons will get immortality. The hero takes up this challenge and now he needs to deal with a lot of amazons that dwell in this forest. This is a rare work since it actually places fun and pleasure of playing above everything. There's a moderate eroticism present, but mostly it's a lighthearted comedy. On your travels you need to gather and appropriately use items (10 max, so need to throw something out at times). There are many commands to search from and when you don't know what to do you can use hints from the "voice of God". But if you hit the appropriate one, you move through, so no need for useless repetition and bruteforcing. But there are lots of optional things you can miss on. It may still look troublesome today, but compared to constant repetitions of Manhattan Requiem it was a real heaven and a very addictive work.  
    8. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou: Shinjuku Chuuou Kouen Satsujin Jiken 探偵 神宮寺三郎 新宿中央公園殺人事件 [870424] Data East Corporation 1 2 3 4 Police inspector Scott Kingsley has asked Jake Hunter for help when a young woman was found dead in Aspicio Central Park. Jake accepts the case, but first he needs to find witnesses that are willing to speak out. Game has some English reviews.  
    9. Guin Saga ~Hyoutou no Kamen~ グインサーガ ~豹頭の仮面~ [8704] JAST Based on first volume of Guin Saga novels. You are the survivor of the royal family and are chased by mongolian raids. Game is based on the very first volume of the novel that nowadays has huge development in media. It is an adventure game which progresses by making various choices for every scene with his point of view in mind. It even had some voice of protagonist when connected to JAST sound. The difficulty degree is comparatively low.
    10. Imitation City イミテーションシティ [8704] DataWest 1 In 2017, a rebellion of clones made with the use of biotechnology begins and you get caught in the middle of it. Three "Doll" robots have rebelled and escaped the factory and their managers hired you to find and return them. A classy and fashionable plot resembling Blade runner. But this game uses text parser in the year when it was abandoned already. It feels like the game tried to empathize freedom and pose a challenge for hardcore gamers. It seems have been shipped with a parser that produced hints and write a map. Well, this game hardly has any information coverage, so I supposed it did not really meet the needs of the crowds.  
    11. Loliventure no Shiro 幻夢の城 [8704] Champion Soft You are asked to find rescue the sister of your acquaintance. You need to find information about her in the town and then infiltrate the castle where she is kept evading all the traps laid about. Yet another text parser dated game. The systems have not gone anywhere since Pop Lemon and the difficulty level is really insane - sometimes you need to enter the same command many times to get a result. Now you can pretty much guess why Champion Soft decided to change name for Alice Soft - it's because Champion Soft was stamping the same dated ugly games over and over while almost everyone else moved on.  
    12. Makai Fukkatsu 魔界復活 [8704] Soft Studio Wing 1 The story begins with the fact that one reporter Akira Kamishiro gets a call from a friend archaeologist - Professor Masunaga. As it turns out, with archaeological research has been a stolen valuable artifact - "Divine Stone". At the same time in the nearby village disappears abbot of the local Buddhist temple. Trying to understand what happened, Kamishiro and Masunaga are involved in the chain of mystical events. Occultic adventure game are rarely good since they rely on things other than consciousness, but Soft Studio Wing is particularly known for creating very realistic setting and gradually inserting the insanity. This is also the first game of the brand for pc88. It's command selection, but you need to confirm each selection with pressing enter since any wrong choice inevitably brings a bad end. No bruteforcing will work here either since sometimes to move the story on the right order of commands is needed to take, like speak → talk → see. And there is no hint mechanic or context on the order. Games at that time weren't supposed to be cleared by everyone and were made as difficult as possible.  
    13. Project A-ko プロジェクトA子 [8704] Tatsumi Publishing An alien space craft crashed into Graviton City, wiping out the entire population and leaving a massive crater where Graviton City is rebuilt. Students A-ko Magami and her best friend C-ko Kotobuki, a bubbly, carefree optimist, enter a new year of school at the all-girls Graviton High School. Although A-ko possesses superhuman speed and strength, she considers herself an average teenager; she mostly worries about getting to school on time, chronically oversleeping her alarm clock each morning. The pair catch the unwanted attention of B-ko Daitokuji, a rich, spoiled and brilliant fellow student. That's what anime is about. And the game is just a dice game with A-ko/B-ko/C-ko competition. Rolling dice, using all kinds of buffs and just seeing the events constantly happening on rolling are quite fun even without reading the text. Playing with two people is possible with each player rolling himself and choosing his own buffs to hinder opponent's movement. That's a rare example of a game that empathizes ease of use and fun.  
    14. Soshi Hime Adventure 素子姫アドベンチャー [8704] Tatsumi Publishing Soshi Hime is science fiction writer. After finishing writing a novel she was sucked into the novel and you're the only one who can save her. Game only operates with function keys without the additional text input which is great. The contents is quite weird like a hundred of cats in one room. I guess the knowledge of original novel is required to understand what's happening. Game uses very few colors which makes images to look very simplistic.  
    15. Fairy Tale ふぇありぃている [8705] Fairytale Hero has been keeping an eye on the pretty girl Yumiko-chan and now succeeds now in getting in her apartment impersonating himself as a gas company staff member. On the pretext of a regualar check-up he searches the kitchen for useful items and then approaches Yumiko with an intention to get in her pants. The debut work of Fairy Tale and quite a lighthearted one despite the synopsis. System is pure command selection type and it's easy to manipulate allowing to bruteforce all the variants. Another nice feature is that the work actually uses hiragana+kanji and hot that horrified half-width katakana that old works had to adhere to because of technical limitations on symbols drawing. There is one branching so it's possible to say that it's a multi-scenario work. It can also be viewed as a comedy since hero has access to chest area but he only aims for the panty and he uses lots off strategies to get there - there is no real act in this game, but there are lots of erotic CG still. Yumiko is funny looking and her personality is bright leaving a good light impression on the game.  
    16. Fukashigi Denshou ~Kabara no Himitsu~ 不可思議伝承 ~カバラの秘密~ [8705] Zenryuutsuu The story is of the village of Syria close to Greece at the time when the German army invasion approaches in 1941. This work's motif is the search of holy grail and occult research performed by the Germany. Player is village chief's son who  travels to get two secret books about Kabbalah. It's a strange game that reveals mysterious things one after another, such as the secret behind Nostradamus predictions and immortal clones that rule the Earth from the shades.  
    17. Still Sword すてぃる・そーど [8705] Fairytale 1 2 This medieval world is divided into 5 countries. The demon Incoma is jealous of the world's beauty and imprisoned the Princess from each of the 5 countries in their own castles. You are to rescue the princesses and stop Incoma's ambitions. Top down action rpg, an early predecessor of Ys series. It was first released as an all-age work, probably without text scenes, but later the game was reworked with addition of H scenes due to the popular demand. In adult version the main character is a girl, so there aren't many H scenes while you're successful - most of them packed close to the finale - but this is a lot of radical stuff when you lose, so it's an ancestor of Beat Blades Haruka and the like.  
    18. Urusei Yatsura うる星やつら [870605] Micro Cabin Scenario is original from the anime. We get and invitation to Okiko birthday party. The person who finds her first is going to get a kiss, so a fierce competition among the invited guests ensues. The mansion is a maze with lots of traps laid about. The characters are carefully transferred from the anime so it's needed to know the original to get the most of fun. It's possible either to go the shortest way or to eliminate all the other competitors, so it can be considered multiple-branch story. The ending also depends on how other characters are dealt with so it's multiple endings as well. The system is command selection, but the number of commands is quite large, so the difficulty level is really high. In the early visual novels years lots of works were clinging desperately to the popularity of anime franchises, but this work is really well done and it shows how a game can be better in many elements than the original anime.  
    19. Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsk ni Kiyu 北海道連鎖殺人 オホーツクに消ゆ [870627] Login Soft 1 2 A total remake of Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsk ni Kiyu. The version reworked for famicom. There is some info in English on this version.  
    20. Abunai Josei Shinrigaku Nyuumon あぶない女性心理学入門 [8706] Fairytale A kinetic novel comprising of four very short erotic stories about 15 screens each dwelling on women psychology. Each story lasts only some 2-3 minutes so it's faster to click through them than write about them. The feature of the work is that the stories are shown from the woman perspective. So from today's perspective it's useless to talk about this work. But from historical perspective it's quite eminent. First it's a kinetic novel while all the other works use command selection. Secondly, it's one of the first works from woman perspective and thus the work that separates the hero from the gamer. The third important aspect is that I don't really remember games before that had multiple stories in it - it presented a pleasant concept and more of multiple stories works spawned because of it.  
    21. Hot Milk ほっとMILK [8706] Fairytale The story is about a super rapist who violated 994 women already and he only needs six more to become a legendary person with a name "Weirdo 28" written forever in the history. Eroge of the 1980s rarely just relied on image alone, but were mostly conceptual games with much gameplay involved. Despite a pretty gloomy synopsis this game has rather light feel. It's a command selection ADV with the use of items - some have non-trivial use like stunning the girls with the smell of the socks. The game flow is six girls consecutively, but the big command list and the use of items distinguish it from just an eroge.  
    22. Akujo Densetsu II ~Sailor Fuku Rhapsody~ 悪女伝説 Ⅱ ~セーラー服ラプソディ~ [8707] Dott Kikaku A nampa game where the hero needs to get the girl interested, raise the affection level during conversation in a cafe, beat her in the blackjack card game and lead her to the hotel as a result. The prequel is not listed on VNDB and it was a very ugly (VERY few colors used) first adult game for MSX. But pc-88 chosen for the prequel has much more instruments in the department of picture beauty. Now the images are digitized from the drawings which make them especially cute. That's very different from the games of the time where the cover was mostly supercute, but the contents remaining ugly. The system is command selection, but several wrong answers lead to game over. While in the cafe it's needed to guess the right answer about 10 times to move on. But the game has a firm place in the history as one of the first with really beautiful girls.  
    23. DNA ドナ [8707] Himitsu Kessha KID DNA (Donna) is the name of the star in the universe. The giant city Megaro Dynamo is is inhabited by the two classes - titan (ruling class) and oak (laborers). The titans have excellent abilities, but their existence is endangered as they are cursed with reproductive function weakened with every generation. There is a girl from the titan class Mercedes who wished to undergo an experiment to fix this fatal trait. And the hero is an oak class member Cesare who wishes to protect her. Just like the previous game of Hot-B Youkiden - DNA uses manga strips for the screen - that really adds dynamic to the scenes. This game has adult content - the opening scene that I shot alone has two and it's cut just before more of it continuing. That's one of the reasons that the game was often overlooked as a trash adult game. But in fact it's a thrilling SF work with serious topics raised. The system is command selection and it goes without much stress. The character design is poor, but this is one of the first original heavy scenario oriented works and is a masterpiece in this regard.  
    24. J.B. Harold no Jikenbo #2 - Manhattan Requiem - Yami ni Tobu Tenshi-tachi J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 - マンハッタンレクイエム - 闇に翔ぶ天使たち [8707] Riverhill Soft inc. 1 2 3 24 year old pianist Sarah Shields was found dead after falling from the 25th floor of her apartment window. The cause of death was a fractured skull from the horrific impact. With no evidence of foul play, an act of suicide was the best explanation - but J.B. Harold thinks otherwise. Having recieved a letter from Sarah beforehand, the famous detective heads towards New York city to find the truth. There are English reviews of this game.  
    25. Adrenalin Connection アドレナリン・コネクション [870821] Amorphous "I shall take my revenge on the peaceful St. Eastern high school" - an anonymous letter arrived at the school. The principal asks the new teacher to investigate the source of the letter. At the same time transfer students are being forced to drop out one by one because of bullying... This is the only game every developed by Amorpheus company. I was not able to play this game since could not find a ROM for it. Although I really wanted to. Just look at the magazine ad - there's a very colorful company gathered in here. At least it would not be boring! I'll do my best to present information from japanese reviews on this game in a readable format.
    Setting is close to real world but events turn around school girls and the idealistic vibe of "let's be together forver" spoils it a bit. The atmosphere of the game was very light, but story was unexpectedly bulky. Schoolgirls were unrealistically glamorous.
    Multiple command selection helped to keep the good pace and concentrate on plot and the multi-ending was one of the first appearances in game. Graphics were of high standart considering hardware limitations of pc-98. Almost all the characters who talked actually had mouth animation. Sound would make you excited from the start of the game. Pity it could not have voices included yet. Every girl had her own ending. There were 5 endings overall.
    Its existence in 1987 was a miracle itself. Rather than having outstanding advantages and features, it was rather the work without shortcomings. It's not really remembered as masterpiece, but it was one of first quality works to pave the road for next generation of quality VNs.  
    26. Lovely GAL ラブリーGAL [8708] Champion Soft "Get three hidden treasures, then the door to another world will be opened" - said the mysterious old man. If you manage to collect the famous sword, secret medicine and ancient documents you may try to enter there. Game is basically divided into two parts - first you search for those three items and in the later half you'll have to find a way to awaken the Queen of the floating city Meniere in the alternative world from a deep slumber to prevent the crisis. The game is about gathering information and by coincidence only beautiful girls have that information and thus there's a need to interrogate them. So this is another Champion Soft game which means it has dated text parser system, low number of colors and not cute girls. And even though there's an attempt to introduce fantasy setting the gameplay is just your old guess what to write in H scenes. The difficulty level is again insanely high.  
    27. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo II -Minako- 天使たちの午後II -美奈子- [8708] JAST 1 The sequel to "Tenshi-tachi no Gogo"; instead of playing as the obnoxious male protagonist of the previous game, the player takes control of Minako, a female Japanese high-school student with a strong interest towards sexuality. The story mainly depicts Minako's sexual encounters with men and women, which take place on school grounds, in various locations of the city, etc. JAST decided to just go with popularity flow and introduced a with the dated command input systems and even bolder erotic content. They did not bother to introduce any story and just depicted the two days of Minako's saturated life. This work is a step back from the original in terms of storytelling, but it was even more popular than the original because of amplified eroticism.  
    28. Timeparadox タイムパラドックス [8708] DataWest After his girlfriend Aiko is mysteriously killed, the hero hops into a time machine invented by his uncle and goes on a journey through the time to save her. DataWest releases yet another command input work after Immitation city. That and the fact that the synopsis does not leave much mystery ahead made this work obsolete already. Game also uses lots of difficult terms related to SF time travel.  
    29. Dreamy Town MAJO ドリーミータウン 魔女サンドラ [8709] Great On Sunday, I made a promise to date. When I entered the coffee shop her body began to get distorted suddenly and I understood that she was a witch. Now I'm dragged into her world and need to find her to get back. It's an adult adventure, but with some really weird transformations into monsters. System is basically command selection, but there is also command input possible and - needless to say - many steps are impossible to pass without manual input. The difficulty is very high. Sometimes you need to repeat the same action over and over to get a result and sometimes you need to know the contents of some novel to write the right input. The map of the town is total 7x7 squares which adds another layer of difficulty due to multiple locations.  
    30. Love Chaser ラブチェイサー [8709] Champion Soft Adventure game to investigate the case of fake kidnapping to stop political marriage that developed into a real abduction. Champion soft so we get another command input system again. In the beginning of the game we're given a huge puzzle to combine and 900 points of power. Upon puzzle completion we're left with the leftover power only and power is used on lots of actions, so effective puzzle completion is a must if one aims at clearing the game. In the terms of the content there is not much originality. The picture lacks originality either. A bit of deduction is still needed though, but the overall difficulty is reported to be moderate.  
    31. Ikenie no Machi いけにえの街 [8710] Adult Inn While exploring Shinjuku hero finds out a SM club "Ikemei' s House" - the world of pleasure and craziness. The content is on par with the synopsis. But these are mostly pictures of tied women. One interesting aspect though is that Shinjuku is displayed quite precisely.  
    32. Koroshi no Dress 殺しのドレス [8710] Fairytale Best friend's fiancé is found dead and naked at the park's toilet. Hero starts an investigation, but then the second murder occurs and his girlfriend disappears mysteriously. It' suspense mystery from the start since we don't really understand what's going on or who is the killer (but naming the game "killer dress" helps with guessing). It can hardly be called an eroge, but the adult atmosphere is everywhere including many gore scenes. It's a breakthrough game that broke the trend of games being treated as erotic cg collection. This is a game that carries away with the story alone and just couple of erotic cg thrown for the story's sake. System is command selection with a shortlist of commands to select from - very convenient to use. The story is basically a single road, but with good and bad end branching close to the finale. Another rather new feature is the ability to name the hero. This game is a paragon for all the future horror mystery scenario games to come.  
    33. Lolita Violence ロリータバイオレンス [8710] Adult Inn One usual day from the life of one girl, but as she returns home late there are various dangers on her way back. Kinetic novel or rather a picture story. On the way back girl's attacked by a gang and there's a help button that's possible to be pressed - that summons her boyfriend who rescues her and it develops into another H scene. The work is rare enough that I could not find it, but the focus is on graphics alone.  
    34. Shin Tamatori Monogatari 新玉取物語 [8710] Cross Media Soft The hero needs to find five balls scattered around the four worlds. A sequel to Shin Taketori Monogatari. It's the first such big ADV for pc88 - six diskettes! The content stays pretty much the same - explore everything and have fun. Age is requested at start and some scenes actually differ depending on the input.  
    35. Anjela [8711] Cross Media Soft

    The highly civilized star Obelix citizens use preserved red liquid as food. But production crisis occurs, and many of them find feeding grounds on the Earth by sucking animals and humans blood - thus they start to be called vampires. Anjela comes to the Earth in search of her father who was among the first generation to migrate to this planet.
    Commands are difficult to figure out, but as an additional layer of difficulty there are multiple challenging action fights.  
    36. Gakuen Monogatari 学園物語 [8711] Great Hero enters a well-known private high school and falls in love with his English class school teacher Norico at the first sight. One day a Noriko-sensei is suddenly expelled, apparently on the reason that she is intimidated by someone. The hero launches investigation to get to the source of it. Command selection adventure. In order to find the criminal and know more about Noriko-sensei the hero interrogates school girls. The story is a single road, but the difficulty level is high as it's needed to ask the right things in the conversation and use proper strategies to make people stop.  
    37. Hadou no Hyouteki 波動の標的 [8711] Soft Studio Wing 1 Events of "Hadou no Hyouteki" begin with a strange incident in a small Japanese village: one day all members of a local religious organization "Church of the Messiah" were brutally murdered. Our main character is a journalist Shiro Kusanagi, who came to the place of slaughter, to shoot the reportage. Soon begin to clear up the details of the incident - it appears that the sectarians themselves killed each other. In addition, inside the Church of our journalist discovers a strange secret altar. What actually worshiped members of the "Church of the Messiah", and that was the cause of the massacre in the village? All these questions remain unanswered, and meanwhile, the authorities sent Mr. Kusanagi on shooting a new story. The fact is that in the middle of the Vietnamese jungle suddenly there was a huge black tower, and it is rumored that in the nearby vicinity bred some creepy monsters. Can all these strange events be connected somehow? Peaceful Japanese village. One day all members of "Church of the Messiah" were found brutally murdered. We play as journalist Shiro Kusanagi who is sent to make a reportage. More and more shocking details come up. Sectarians killed each other and a strange altar discovered. With all questions hung in the air Mr. Kusanagi being sent to shoot another story on appearance of a huge black tower in the middle of the Vietnamese jungle. Who coould have thought that those were the events of one chain... I don't like horror stories. But reading about a good horror story is another thing. So let's investigate this outstanding work together.
    This game has a great dark atmosphere. Death comes at every corner and you constantly get bad end on the screen. Bullets are scarce, enemies keep appearing and only a small hope keeps beating. System was finally well done. Comand selection implemented. Graphics are great and rendering in an instant. There is even animation at many scenes. Cruel shots are especially impressive. The use of multiwindow makes actions dynamic and it starts to look like manga. For example you get picture in the left upper corner then the next picture appers in the left lower corner and in serveral lines some shocking picture appears in the center of the screen so that about 50% of first and second one remain seen. That's genius.
    I'll retell the plot here just to get a grip on the game story. I won't tackle any characters or important details though. The whole plot intorduction actually happens in the game and jungle infiltration is 5th chapter already. You can't even land the jungle peacefully. You have to destroy boobytrapped vietnamese barricade and border patrol starts to use arms against you. Water surface glows and huge water worm attacks your boat. In the cave there's a dead body of another reporter. Further on skeletons with different weapons assault you and you running low on bullets. Having made it to a tower, monster attacks and he can't be even killed with bullets.
    You get surrounded by feline monsters and skeletons with no weapons and no way back only to be miraculously saved by your fellow reporter on a military helicopter.
    You gain consciousness in the hospital and get to know that a black tower now appeared right in the center of Shinjuku. Somehow inside Shinjuku turns out to be a new village with a manor. You get to investigate the manor which happens to be a training facility for espers. The tower is awaiting. Men in black open fire on visual contact. One of survivors advises to find Shirai, who is good at teleportation. Mansion now is heavily guarded. At the verge of being shot you get teleported to the gathering of men with unique abilities like telekinesis. Mansion now is being guarded by both military and ESP. You manage to break through only to be cornered again with it all disappearing by a whirpool of hallucination. The final battle of you and ESP against the mansion darkest secrets awaits. Who's the enemy and who's a friend? What's that altar with a sword? What was that whirlpool? What is black tower? What is that double edged sword? All the mysteries get answered. In a way.  
    38. Jesus ジーザス [8711] Enix 1 2 3 4 5 The game takes place in 2061. Halley's Comet has been approaching Earth for quite some time, and the nations of Earth send a mission to investigate the Comet, as some form of life has been detected inside the gas of the comet. The main character of the story, Hayao Musou, is a Japanese soldier-in-training and the second-youngest member of the mission. Coincidentally, his girlfriend, Eline Suleyman, is also a participant. The game has multiple reviews in English.  
    39. Nakayama Miho no Tokimeki High School 中山美穂のトキメキハイスクール [871201] Nintendo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The game begins with your character, whose family has just moved to the area, entering his new school for the first time. After class, you accidentially run into a conservative-looking girl wearing glasses. She introduces herself as Mizuho, but you can't help but notice her striking resemblance to your dream pop idol Cher (I mean Miho, of course). You pick up a good-luck charm Mizuho dropped to give back to her, then make a startling revelation - your photographer brother took a picture of Miho carrying the exact same charm! You go to the music room to confront her with this evidence - and this is where the true challenge of the game begins. There are English reviews of this game.  
    40. Seilane セイレーン [871210] Micro Cabin 1 One day when Prill visits Bukimi forest, he finds all the villagers have all been turned into stone statues. But more worringly his sister was nowhere to be seen. As he explores the forest, he later learns that the person responsible was the Demon King Pazul. With help from his friends, Prill sets off on a journey to save both his sister and the villagers, but it won't be easy as the Demon King is determined to stop him in his tracks. There is a good English review on the work.  
    41. Shiritsu Tantei Max ~Sennyuu!! Nazo no Joshikou~ 私立探偵マックス ~潜入!!謎の女子校~ [871220] Agumix 1 Max is a private detective who is known - beside his investigative and combat skills - for his way with women. One day, he receives just the case he was hoping for: he has to travel to a remote space colony near the Sun - more precisely, to the women school in this colony. The principal of the school has committed suicide. Two agents that were sent to the colony disappeared under mysterious circumstances. It's time for Max to find out what's going on - an interesting side-quest to his main mission: have sex with as many girls as possible! It's mostly collection work since there are some 12 girls that appear randomly and some are predetermined to resist Max's charms from the start so multiple new games needed for 100%. The H with the girls also restores Max's esper powers. The best part of the game the quality of girls pictures - they are digitized and thus look very good and cute.  
    42. Hiatari Ryoukou! 陽あたり良好! [8712] Toho The story focuses on the relationships of Kasumi Kishimoto, a high school student. When she enters Myōjō High School, she moves into her aunt's boarding house, where four boys attending the high school are tenants. Despite her steadfast determination to stay loyal to her boyfriend, who is studying abroad, Kasumi finds herself slowly falling in love with one of the boarders, Yūsaku The first really impressive TOHO adaptation of an anime work. On top of that it seems to be the original galge ancestor - here you raise favorability rate with one of the girls during the game events and if you reach a high level with some girl you get her ending. I think the point of the game is to engage deeply in the world of the original and it worked 100%. We now refer to the slice of life scenes as to necessary evil in galge, but before Hiatari Ryoukou there have been very few games with focus on everyday routing. The game system is command selection ADV and it's easy to manage and possible to bruteforce to go on, but actually getting some girl's ending is quite difficult. The character cast is awesome and there are a lot of very funny scenes. There is no special aim in the game but living the everyday life and falling in love with someone. The graphic level is the highest of 1987. A very sunny and heartwarming work.  
    43. J.B. Harold no Jikenbo - Kiss of Murder - Satsui no Kuchizuke J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 - キス・オブ・マーダー - 殺意の接吻 [8712] Riverhill Soft inc. 1 2 Kiss of Murder, is set in a parallel world to Manhattan Requiem, and while featuring the same set of characters as that title, has a completely different scenario. Early releases of the game were addons to "Manhattan Requiem" and used its graphical data. Later iterations became stand-alone. The game was not usually shipped alone, but with Manhattan Requiem, so it does not have as many English reviews, but I'm sure there should be some reference in the numerous Manhattan Requiem reviews.  
    44. Kudokikata Oshiemasu 2 ~Kind Gal's~ 口説き方教えます2 ~カインドゥギャルズ~ [8712] Hard A nampa game with five adult women as heroines. First of all the game is R-18 same as the prequel. The game is famous for the conversation system it derived. So this time you get the beginning of the sentence prepared and need to input a correct continuation which would rise affection if right. Each of the heroines has some personality archetype. The game has very impressive graphics that alone is enough to overlook its many shortcomings.  
    45. Lagrange L2 PART2 D-SIDE ラグランジュL2 PART2 D-SIDE [8712] Vehicle Software Game starts in the shuttle right after the end of Lagrange L2. The breath is relieved now but the first challenge is already there - the need to escape from missiles of approaching Zera enemy. And the sequel still uses the same ancient systems... same ugly with text input. The only difference that now animation is frequently used. The overall difficulty is easier than part 1, but there are less hints displayed. As I see it this work is only for hard-boiled fans of first part.  
    46. Tennyo Densetsu 天女伝説 [8712] Champion Soft There are girls who descend from the celestial love weaving beings. Letters are hidden on their bodies and if you solve the mystery a celestial woman will appear. Champion Soft continues its odyssey to pour same loads of crap on the gaming community. Over and over. Now there is command selection but that's made really painful since even text lines take time to draw and there's the need to press enter after each selection. I guess noone ever tried to find the celestial woman since the game has zero reviews and even no CG apart of the two ones in the beginning that I saw.  
    47. The 4th Unit 第4のユニット [8712] DataWest 1 2 Yuusuke, a common boy back from school, finds a naked girl in the forest while searching for his hidden bike. She is amnesic and only remember a name: Blon-Win. Four days ago, a mysterious battle between unidentified aircraft occurred above Tokyo. One of them, shot down, felt in the same forest the girl was found. The authorities never found any body in the debris. Might this girl be linked to this case? This is what she is decided to discover. There is an English review of the game.  
    48. The Byouin ザ・病院 [8712] PSK 1 Patients begin to die one by one under mysterious circumstances in a mental hospital. A young nurse named Ikuko Matsuda doubts that these deaths were natural. On day, Ikuko disappears, leaving behind a blood-stained cash card. Her fiance Katsuyoshi Yamazaki ventures into the hospital, attempting to investigate the mystery. It's mostly a text adventure with CG only occasionally showed. In order to show that much text in good quality 400 lines were needed and The Byouin is the only PC-88 game in history to have 400 lines. All the new keywords are added to the list of commands and soon this list grows to huge lengths. The story is not bad, but without corresponding CG it feels lacking. PSK as the fathers of visual novels marked a new path - shifting from gameplay elements to focusing attention on reading and that's the game's biggest achievement.  
    52. Yamamura Misa Suspense: Kyouto Ryuu no Tera Satsujin Jiken 山村美紗サスペンス 京都龍の寺殺人事件 [8712] Taito Corporation

    The protagonist is American investigator Catherine Turner, who has just been accused of a crime commited in the grounds of Kyoto's most famous temple. She'll have to do some detective work to clear her name. Detective investigation is not my genre.  
    52. Wingman Special -Saraba Yume Senshi- ウイングマンスペシャル -さらば夢戦士- [8712] TamTam Co., Ltd. The story is the same as the the original Wingman game, but with enhanced size and quality. Same Powdream, same assassins sent for Aoi. The synopsis is really the same. The graphics are superb. The controls have not changed much and the operability remained difficult. Puzzles are inconsistent and are easy to get stuck on. The new scenes are cool, but reading the same story for the second time is much less fun and most of the fans of the series are felt unsatisfied.  
    49. Idaten Ikase Otoko ~Mugiko ni Aitai~ 韋駄天いかせ男 ~麦子に逢いたい~ [87] Family Soft The hero is a Korean wrestler who has been working in a Brazilian farm and now comes to Japan without the proper knowledge of the language. He has an ability to excite girls with words alone so now he phones to different phones saying ridiculous phrases getting them to the state of ecstasy. That's a nanpa bakage. Basically we get to choose numbers that correspond to some words and with three of those we construct a phrase. If the girls finds the phrase especially crazy or funny her excitement meter rises and when at top the reward erotic CG are show. There are five girls to call to. The words selected are funny so the result phrases alone can be entertaining to read. The game had many sequels and was sold cheaply in packs so it got quite a wide spread.  
    50. Mayonaka no Love Call 真夜中のラブコール [87] STUDIO ANGEL Mika and her boyfriend are having an intimate telephone talk with her becoming excited with each right answer. Another gameplay oriented erotic picture collection. The right answer out of three variants takes to new scene while the wrong brings back to the previous scene. And whether the answer is right or wrong is chosen at random, so clearing can take a while. The good point of the game is the ease of use since only three numbers and clicking is enough for clearing.  
    51. Melon Soda メロンソーダ [87] Bond Soft The hero arrives to the town where the secret of fobidden pheromone juice "Melon Soda" is concealed. He will have to interrogate the girls in the town to get to the secret. There are 13 girls in the game with H-scenes reserved for 12 of them. But the important part is that you have the endurance stat the depeletes with actions. There are multiple tricks not to waste endurance in different scenes, but still it's impossible to H with all the girls and get to the ending, so multiple playthroughs needed for 100% clearance. Command selection is used.  
    53. Zenkoku Nanpa Shugyou ~Tasogare no Kyouto Hen~ 全国ナンパ修行 ~たそがれの京都編~ [8712] STUDIO ANGEL To excel in nanpa the hero comes to Kyoto for training. The game is about choices. Choosing totally bad line brings game over. Choosing normal lines does not bring effect and you need to search on for the best variant. The game is not particularly interesting and Kyoto exotics does not really make it better. Emulator gets stuck after the first scene for some reason.  
  24. kivandopulus
    The masterpieces of the year 1986:
    1. Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu ~Rinne Tensei Hen~
    2. Wingman 2: Kitakura no Fukkatsu
    3. Boukenshatachi Kenja no Yuigon
    4. Alpha
    5. Hokuto no Ken: Violence Gekiga Adventure
    6. J.B. Harold no Jikenbo #1 - Final Mystery - Murder Club
    7. Casablanca ni Ai o Satsujinsha wa Jikuu o Koete
    8. Gall Force - Eternal Story
    9. Maison Ikkoku ~Omoide no Photograph~
    10. Suishou no Dragon
    11. Little Princess
    12. Toki no Tabibito
    13. 1000-nen Oukoku   1. Final Lolita ファイナル ロリータ [8601] PSK 1 Final Lolita has little to do with PSK's previous similarly-named titles gameplay-wise; however, it shares with them the macabre premise of sex with underage girls, and is the most explicit and violent of the three. The game's genre is closest to RPG format, since it focuses on a character's attributes and allows the player to increase them. These attributes are Power, Arm Level, Defence, and Technique, each playing a role in upcoming battles. The player can choose to distribute a hundred points among these parameters in the beginning of the game. We get to set four parameters from the beginning and start the search. Just walking alone spends your precious power, so first of all gasoline and bike need to be found. It's indeed the final loli work of PSK - next ones feature more mature characters.   2. Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu ~Rinne Tensei Hen~ 白と黒の伝説 ~輪廻転生編~ [8603] Soft Studio Wing 1 The second part of the "Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu" tells the story of the victims of the Bermuda Triangle, which was pulled into the distant past. To get back to their world, the crew of the ship will visit the ruins of Atlantis, medieval Europe, ancient Japan, and fight demons. Again, MSX exclusive and again pretty obscure. This time even more since this work does not seem to be remastered in the future. The game system is the same. One drawback of it is that in order to save there's a need to shift cassettes. The work is memorable for its music that occupied a full cassette. The story is very intriguing. An anomaly is found in the Bermuda triangle and UN mission is sent there. As a result the Atlantis land is discovered that drifts through the time with the power of demons. We get to execute a number of missions through the time to resolve this anomaly like the hundred year old war in France (meeting Jeanne d'Arc, of course) or the end of the Warring States period in Japan. This game is quite crazy and that's a pity it's forgotten.   3. Wingman 2: Kitakura no Fukkatsu ウイングマン2 - キータクラーの復活- [860410] TamTam Co., Ltd. 1 The aim of the game is to find the killers sent from Podrimus dimension and neutralize them. The clues are to be found in the eight locations of the school. Original story. This time it's more fun since we're accompanied by Aoi or Miki who do all the feedback. It's a pretty cool system that it's enough to write the proper verb and just click on the object - that's almost point-and-click here! There are three chapters with first two moving between the same eight places and the third final one without any moving. In the prequel the fights were happening on a narrow black line with two small characters - this time there is a full battle screen and animation is much better. The scene of transformation to wingman was especially impressive since it has "Ching!" real voice cry coming out and there have not been voiced games yet. There seems to be only two battles in the game though compared to four in the original. So with only 8 locations and two battles the game is really short and a perfect run can be done in 10 minutes if know the exploration part already.   4. Arion アリオン [8604] ASCII Corporation Game follows the story of anime with the same title. In Thrace, Arion is taken from his mother Demeter by the god Hades. In the Underworld, Arion is trained to be a warrior. His training is driven by revenge: Arion was told that his mother's blindness was caused by Zeus and Zeus' death will remove the curse. Finally, Arion and Geedo (a huge ape-like creature who had become Arion's friend and companion) left the Underworld to find Zeus. Seneca, a small thief, makes off with Arion's sword and this leads Arion to his first encounter with the forces of Zeus, commanded by his daughter Athena. Arion is captured but is later set free by Lesfeena, Athena's mute serving girl. As Arion rejoins Geedo and Seneca (and worries about Lesfeena), the forces of Zeus and Poseidon face each other in battle. In the background sits the scheming Hades, and the calm Apollon who seems to have plans of his own. Game has very beautiful graphics since the real scenes from the anime are digitized and used as CG. Command selection is used. There are battles with commands and hp bar, but the result depends on luck and it's not unusual to lose to average even though you're an ultimate assassin god with superior weapons. The story is about Greek mythology and is quite specific - it's actually easy to get stuck without knowing the contents of the OVA. Sometimes you need to not do anything at a certain map in order for a new opportunity open up elsewhere.   5. Galppo Club ギャルっぽクラブ [8604] Micro Cabin You are a teenager in glasses and with 450,000 yen in the pocket at the center of entertainment part. There are a lot of girls around to get to know. The systems of the game are quite peculiar. There are 9 squares you can move around. There are random and not random encounters with girls. There are also lots of stats that deteriorate with certain actions like fighting. The rules are actually quite difficult and need lots of dedication to get to know. Game seems to be influenced by Tokyo Nampa street.   6. Boukenshatachi Kenja no Yuigon 冒険者達 賢者の遺言 [860523] ASCII Corporation Chinese style gag-comedy. You train in the mountains with your master. One day a mysterious stranger hands over a golden a key. And so the adventure starts... Game symbolizes transition period between text parser and command selection. You start writing a verb, find the needed command in the list and then set it to function key and can use it from there later on. There are over 100 CG here and most of them are really funny, so the gags must be alright. There are some nude images and you can just undress yourself and walk like that - haha - but don't expect for anyone to talk to you while you're like that.   7. Alpha アルファ [8605] Square Co. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Once the natural resources on the Earth were exhausted, mankind started to look up for the next world to go to. Now their destination is a planet in the system of Epsilon Eridani - a star 10.7 light years away. As no means for faster than light travel or frozen hibernation exists, many generations of people will live and die on the ship "Daedalus", before it reaches its target... There's enough of English information on the game, including English reviews. Great characters and graphics are alone enough for it to be a masterpiece.   8. Hokuto no Ken: Violence Gekiga Adventure 北斗の拳 バイオレンス劇画アドベンチャー [8605] Enix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Set in a post-apocalyptic world, the story follows a man named Kenshiro - successor to the deadly martial art known as Hokuto Shinken . Kenshiro travels the world fighting ravagers and rival martial artists, whilst also protecting the innocent and weak. The game covers the first arc of the story, where Kenshiro goes up against his old rival Shin. I was really astonished by the quantity of information in English on this game. This seems to be the beginning of fighting franchise that really stirs people's minds even today.   9. Mahoutsukai no Deshi 魔法使いの妹子 [8605] Teikoku Soft

    In the first part wizard apprentice gets caught in a variety of troubles in the village on her adventure path. Initially a doujin game that got commercial rerlease in 1986. The drawing is surprisingly nice, but game is quite short.   10. Cosmo Angel コスモエンジェル [8606] PSK 1 In the year 2888 an interstellar organization named Gammos began to terrorize space. Using a powerful new weapon known as GRAY-Q, Gammos launched an unprecedented assault on the headquarters of the Galactic Federation. The special government squad Cosmo Angel was assigned to infiltrate the Gammos base and destroy GRAY-Q. The agents in charge are a young woman named Lina and her ex-boyfriend Akira. A new PSK game and finally not about lolis... Or wait... is it? Lolis fighting in space? For realz, PSK? The story is quite absurdist and is made just to present cool SF nude pictures as I see it. Just as other PSK works, it's still the same text parser without any development.   11. Day Dream デイドリーム [8607] Cross Media Soft The theme is visit of aliens. There are three scenarios to choose from: "driver", "policeman", "pilot". Depending on the scenario chosen the story starts from different points, but the fabula is the same - you get restrained by the aliens in some room and need to get out of there. Otherwise there's no novelty - a very slow drawing speed combined with text parser.   12. Erika エリカ [8607] JAST Near future. The unknown black shadow enemy is planning to conquer the Earth. Erika is a special agent on a mission to investigate enemy's new weapon Spectron. Protagonist is an information agent that gets into contact with Erika to receive information from her. Together they must infiltrate enemy base and destroy the secret weapon. So JAST abandoned its Aftrernoon Angels series for the serious SF action? Not really. The game is mostly about Erika H scenes both with hero and enemies and there's not that much adventuring compared. The system is the same as in Afternoon Angels - command selection out of big list of commands.   13. Seijo Densetsu -Five Holy Girls- 聖女伝説 -Five Holy Girls- [8607] Studio Blue The hero is a detective who chases the mysterious criminal girl Remy who is rumored to have stolen the treasure "GOLD LADY". In the game you get to interrogate girls one by one with the aim to get information about Remy. That's a pretty lame synopsis, but anything really goes for a nukige. There are five chapters each for a new girl and the sixth chapter finalizes the deed. Game is pretty disgusting since pretty much all the time is spent on interrogating the girls and there's nothing "saint" or "holy" in it.   14. 1000-nen Oukoku 1000年王国 [8608] LOG 1 2 The prophet Nostradamus has foreseen that the world as we know it shall end in the year 1999, and the thousand-year kingdom of angels and children will commence. A young boy named Shou is at first unaware of these prophecies, enjoying a normal life with his sweetheart Alisa. However, a series of events changes his life forever, as he is entrusted with the task of saving humans by discovering the ancient continent of Atlantis. There's a good big walkthrough in English and mobygames article on top of that.   15. Five Sweet Dream ファイブスイートドリーム [8608] Great There are five rooms and you are to fulfill the wishes spoken aloud there. This piece of software is quite close to the Five Holy Girls. Same number five, same doing H to five girls, same troublesome and long process. The company actually had to take all the extreme scenes out of it and publish them separately.   16. J.B. Harold no Jikenbo #1 - Final Mystery - Murder Club J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 - 殺人倶楽部 [8608] Riverhill Soft inc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A horrible murder has taken place in the sleepy little town of Liberty. Bill Robbins, a wealthy man known for his wild womanizing ways is the victim and, list of possible suspects keeps growing. As J.B. Harold you must figure out the who, what, where and why of the case. To solve the mystery you will need to travel to various locations, interview people and search for clues. Game was localized in English and sold over 20 millions copies in the West, so it has a great press coverage. I only list here five of the more conventional sources.   17. Shoumakyou no Densetsu 照魔鏡の伝説 [8608] Starcraft Co., Ltd. 

    Main character is caught by the enemy and starts in prison. He needs to break free and explore Japanese castle to find five pieces of the mystery mirror within time limit. There is both time limit and number of commands input limit, but overall commands aren't difficult.   18. Casablanca ni Ai o Satsujinsha wa Jikuu o Koete カサブランカに愛を 殺人者は時空を越えて [8610] Thinking Rabbit 1 June 1945. Chicago newspaper female reporter Jerry Randolph gets a letter from missing school friend saying that friend's father Mr. Edgar was conducting a dangerous scientific research. Jerry hurries to that adress only to find out that Mr. Edgar is stabbed and the research is a time machine. Jerry undertakes a time travel to year 1916 to get to the root of mystery. Quite an ok nostalgic SF mystery story, but it's stuffed with the same text parser so feels ancient while everyone else already shifted to command selection. The colored X68000 version actually uses command selection formula and colored screens, but misses much of the charm of the original version along with the cool original character designs. It still can be called a masterpiece.   19. Christine クリスチーヌ [8610] PSK 1 2 3 A young girl was enjoying a happy life with her boyfriend when suddenly, out of nowhere, a powerful spell was cast and the poor boy was turned into stone. A sorceress named Christine appears and says that another sorceress called Jane was the culprit. The young heroine must find a way to defeat Jane and revert her boyfriend to normal. There are two English reviews of the game (from the same person, but for different versions and are somewhat different).   20. Kudokikata Oshiemasu 口説き方教えます [8610] Hard Nampa game with CG reward for the right answers in dialogue for each girl. The game does not really leave any doubts of its content with nude images showing up twice during first couple minutes of the game. So each girls needs her own approach and you can use hits to try to guess her likes. If you still fail, you just move on to the next girl. Thus is the title - Please teach me how to speak.   21. Nichiyoubi ni Uchuujin ga…? 日曜日に宇宙人が…? [8610] Soft Studio Wing Absurd story based on a novel. A reporter and photographer are sent 20 years back in time with the help of mad scientist to write a special article. That brought attention of aliens who attacked from Andromeda. Soft Studio Wing again which means that the game is MSX exclusive again and is difficult to find. The development is quite absurt, but the commands set are fairly usual. The text drawing speed has increased significantly since the Legend of White and Black. The difficulty level is reported to be moderate and the progress quite fun.   22. Dead Zone デッド ゾーン [861120] Sunsoft 1 2 3 4 In the space calendar 0385, the Earth suffers from overpopulation and humans started to build space colonies. Kirk, the protagonist of Dead Zone, works for the Earth federation's space development office. He is a brilliant engineer in space physics and he is working for Sirius third planet colony. He also got engaged with his beloved girlfriend Marry, but they had to postpone their wedding. Five months later, Kirk, accompanied with his robot Carry, decides to meet Marry at last, and prepare the ceremony. But when he arrives at the space station, everything is quiet. Then a beam of light hits him. He wakes up sometimes later, inside a sort of underground graveyard. The game was released for NES and thus it's more familiar for the Western auditory than pc88 counterparts. There are some English reviews on the game.   23. Cinderella Perudue シンデレラ ペルデュー [8611] STUDIO ANGEL The hero gets a strange message from communication club "BC" one day. In the encounter with five girls he needs to get the information to decipher the message. Five holy girls, then five sweet dream and now five Cinderellas. This time there's at least normal gameplay. You have time limit, 45,000 yen and the girls in the town to talk to. This is an actual talk, not an interrogation with torture, but there are enough H events in the game anyway. There is no explanation of the title in the game - the best I can think of is that we're give time limit (24 hours) to settle the deal as well.   24. Golques ゴルコス [8611] DataWest Hero is dragged into an alternative dimension in pursuit of woman named Daisy. This dimension is a battlefield between warrior girls and grotesque monsters who serve the Queen. This is not really a game to reflect on. When I tried to make a longer video I encountered two H scenes right after that. It's more about cool and cute girls assaulted. Text parser is still used for game progression.   25. Lolita Hime no Densetsu ロリータ姫の伝説 [8611] Bond Soft An adventure to rescue princess Lolita trapped in a certain castle in Europe. A kusoge from the creators of Time Secret and Time Tunnel. The evergreen text parser is present. This game was shocking as it introduced scat scenes for the first time in game history.   26. Seijo Panic 聖女ぱにっく [8611] Studio Blue The game picks up where the prequel ended. The "GOLD LADY" turned out to be a fake and the hero chases the girls to reveal the truth. So five holy girls weren't already enough and thus here you with a sequel made just 4 months after that. Five more girls to assault. Game system pretty much the same. The ending is reported be kind of heartwarming, but I'm not going to check out with this kind of a game.   27. Gall Force - Eternal Story ガルフォース Eternal Story [861210] ScapTrust The game is based on the anime series. Gall Force is a unit of seven girls that reach the satellite and get on a mission to protect if from the Paranoids. The game implements command selection (short list!) and looks absolutely gorgeous for pc88 game. I totally loved this game and would probably get to an end of it... but I found video walkthrough and thus I recommend it instead.   28. Maison Ikkoku ~Omoide no Photograph~ めぞん一刻 ~想いでのフォトグラフ~ [861210] Arrow Soft 1 2 You are Godai Yuusaku. You begin the game in Godai's room no. 5. Now then, what should you do? First how about trying to get the beautiful Kanrinin-san of Maison Ikkoku? To do that you will want to enter her room right? And you can meet her face to face and drink tea... And after that you can take her hand and... There are two reviews of this game with one being of yours truly.   29. Suishou no Dragon 水晶の龍 [861215] Square Co. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The game is set in a science fiction-like setting, where the teenage main character must investigate a series of kidnappings and the mysterious dragon that suddenly appeared in outer space. The game is released for NES and has multiple English reviews.   30. Little Princess リトルプリンセス [861225] Champion Soft 1 2 3 4 5 The first game for Windows OS of Champion Soft (the later Alice Soft), contains pretty girl Miki and young warrior Kentarou trying to save her beloved one kidnapped by some evil guy. The game has an English release for Windows and there are some English reviews of it.   31. Toki no Tabibito 時空の旅人 [861226] Kemco Corporation 1 2 Based on the events of anime work with the same title. Time Stranger is the story of several teenagers getting transported back in time through Japan's history, and getting mixed up with samurai shenanigans. There is an English review and a guide for this NES game.   32. Cream Lemon - Star Trap くりぃむレモン スタートラップ [8612] JAST 1 2 The game faithfully follows the part 10 "Start Trap" of anime series Cream Lemon with some insignificant for the plot additional scenes. The game does not really follow anime episode faithfully. The very start shows the battle with the robot. Then there are some everyday life scenes and then the H scene that I failed to get through even with walkthrough. The text parser is very painful even with a list of frequently used commands to the right.   33. Luna City Satsujin Jiken ルナシティ殺人事件 [8612] Bond Soft You play as detective in charge of investigation of Luna city mayor murder in 2216 AD. You have both male and female body with a single personality and can switch them on will. The zapping potential is not realized here at all since everything important for the plot can be done with either character, but it's still the first zapping game. The personality is single between the two bodies, so it can't even be called multiple perspective one or multiple sites one. Otherwise nothing special.   34. Pop Lemon ポップレモン [8612] Champion Soft Game is a gag comedy. Main hero aims for a true pedometer. He sets on a journey to get "Eros", the source of power of lolicon. I failed to get through the text parser, but there is actually a full video walkthrough at nicovideo. And there is too much loli dubious content to even try to investigate it.   35. Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu ~Asuka Hen~ 白と黒の伝説 ~アスカ編~ [8612] Soft Studio Wing 1 The final part of the trilogy "Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu" takes us into the 199X-th year. Humanity is on the verge of extinction because of mysterious climate catastrophe. The city lays in ruins, food supplies running out, day temperatures reaches +50, and at night drops to -40 degrees. Rumor has it that all of these events are associated with the advent of the demons in our world and are signs of impending apocalypse. A group of brave heroes decides to use the last hope and goes into the mountains in search of a mythical temple, which according to legend hid all the answers. The third part brings some point-and-click elements. This is hands off the darkest work of the trilogy and the most depressive one. And the ending here is quite miserable, so I fail to see the appeal in this final work.   36. Youkiden 妖姫伝 [8612] Hot-B 1 Coming to rest on the nature, six friends accidentally stumble into the woods on a strange cave. For fun they decide to look into it and find there the remains of an ancient temple. That's a find! Inside the temple, the main character catches the eye of a beautiful comb - and she decides to take it with you as a souvenir. But as you know, steal things from the temple - a very bad idea. From this day girl nightmares every night, and her friends begin to die one by one. "YoukiDen" became the first Japanese horror containing erotic scenes. Another notable feature of game is the abundance brutal shock-content - a scene, where a zombie samurai cut hands alive girl (and then raped her), made "YoukiDen" most brutal and bloodthirsty horror game of its time (however, this status from the game will last long, because a year later in the arcades will legendary "SplatterHouse"). The novelty of this work is that the screen is displayed as manga strip. There are 9 commands given for selection, but soon you realize that you need to manually enter other commands as well. It's not the first work to introduce eroticism together with gore (Christine had the same stuff), but the first one with such huge amount of it.   37. Soapland Story ソープランドストーリー [8612] Hard City nampa adventure. There's nothing special about this work apart of the fact that it paved the way to future SIM mixes such as Welcome to the Cinema House by Hard later on. There are stats so it may even be called an RPG. The view is top down and the graphics are rough.      
  25. kivandopulus
    So there are very few VNs in 1985 and even fewer account for masterpieces. Karuizawa Yuukai Annai was obviously a favorite after Horii Yuji won the previous two years, but the game lacks the mystery and fills it with lots of fanservice. El Dorado Denki gets a pretty devastating review. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo is an eroge that I would strike out if it weren't in the 80s. Abyss II and Dezeni World still use text parser. So why not Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu first title? The story is fresh and serious. There is only command selection. That's definitely not the worst option and a good read!
    1. El Dorado Denki エルドラド伝奇 [8501] Enix 1 2 3
     A young Japanese man receives an unexpected call from his friend Akira in the middle of the night. He hurries to Akira's house, only to find him dead under unclear circumstances. Checking out his computer files reveals information about his sister, who was allegedly kidnapped. The trail leads to the mysterious land of El Dorado in South America, populated by tribes of Amazonekos ("Amazon cats"), who look like young attractive human females with cat tails. In order to solve the mystery, the hero must find a way to view tattoos adorning various body parts of the young ladies.
    There are two English reviews on this game.  
    2. Saiyuuki 西遊記 [8501] Gamu
    Saiyuuki or Journey to the West is one of the four great books of China. Sanzo Hoshi and Son Goku to go on a journey to examine Buddhist scriptures. Sanzo Hoshi gets caught by a monster and carried to the top of the mountain. Son Goku sets off to rescue his friend. He will need to defeat numerous monsters and pass through three demon gates. 
    There are four layers of the mountain, so we need to travel around and look for a gate while getting into numerous fights.  
    3. Juggler Stone ジャグラーストーン [8501] Riverhill Soft inc.

    Collecting all three juggler stones is supposed to bring great power.
    Main character acquires one stone by chance and heads to Alpha Town to find traces of the other two with the help of characters met along the way.
    A classic short adventure that's notorious for instant picture display and unexpected ending.  
    4. Asteka アステカ [8502] Nihon Falcom

    Main character Annie comes to the recently discovered archaeological site at Latin America. She believes that he can finally reveal the mysteries of ancient Aztec civilization.
    A rather unique game with adventure spirit. The prominent features are ability to write commands with a commas and to track back your progress. The difficulty is high since commands are elaborate.  
    5. Time Zone [8502] Starcraft Co., Ltd. 1 2 3 4 5

    Time Zone is a multi-disk graphical adventure game written and directed by Roberta Williams for the Apple II. Developed in 1981 and released in 1982 by On-Line Systems (later Sierra Entertainment), the game was shipped with six double-sided floppy disks and contained 1,500 areas (screens) to explore along with 39 scenarios to solve. Produced at a time when most games rarely took up more than one side of a floppy, Time Zone is one of the first games of this magnitude released for home computer systems.
    There are English reviews.  
    6. The Count ザ・カウント [8502] Starcraft Co., Ltd.

    Main character heads to Count Dracula castle to rescue travelers lost in stormy weather. There are only three days given to defeat the vampire with the help of garlic and holy cross.
    Quite a creepy horror adventure. If Dracula manages to drink hero's blood for several times, then protagonist becomes vampire himself.  
    7. Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken 道化師殺人事件 [8503] Thinking Rabbit

    A summer resort town Brighton stands not far from London. A small circus troupe becomes the main attraction of the season. Just a day before the premiere clown Charles Dubois is found dead in a shower wagon. The cause of death is a knife strike from the back. Main character is a detective who is called from London to resolve this case.
    A particularly famous game of the time. The entire town is the stage, and moving is done with common 2 4 6 8 numerals. There's a huge number of suspects. Game even has Sega Saturn remake with prominent graphics and normal command selection system.  
    8. New Godzilla ニューゴジラ [8504] Toho
     The aim is to repel Godzilla and prevent the Soviet missiles from launching. The story is divided into three parts and proceeds according to the film events.
    Again Toho, again Godzilla. The "New" in the title is set to mean the shift from child cartoons back to original horror. The plot actually follows that one of the movie quite faithfully. There are some real time elements included while searching. At the very least this time the graphics are tolerable and the drawing speed is fast.  
    9. Tokyo Nanpa Street Tokyoナンパストリート [8504] Enix 1 2 3

    You have to manage your stay at a local hotel and, during the day, use your wiles in conversation to snag a girl for the night. The most crucial phase of the game is the restaurant conversation you have with a date, which involves careful selection of options from a text tree.
    There's no real plot, just these conversations with artificial intelligence. There are some numbers to take into account while talking, especially the money factor. There are 55 females in the game with only small differences about them. This game still is the founder of the whole genre and historically significant.  
    10. Karuizawa Yuukai Annai 軽井沢誘拐案内 [8505] Enix 1 2 3 4

    Kumiko and her younger sister Nagisa are spending their vacation in Karuizawa. One day Nagisa went out to the supermarket to do some shopping, but then failed to return to the villa they were staying at. Kumiko also receives a strange phone call later that night. With the police not being very helpful, Kumiko and her boyfriend (i.e. you) decide to take matters into their own hands.
    This is actually the third work from the same people who did Portopia and Okhotsk detective stories previous years that became game of the years 1983 and 1984 from my point of view. There is enough English information on the work including the full review from an author whom I nearly worship for playing these old games these days.  
    11. Tankentai 2 - Makyou Amazon no Okuchi ni Kogane Densetsu o Mita! 探検隊第二弾 魔境アマゾンの奥地に黄金伝説を見た! [8506] DataWest
     Game is a parody on famous Japanese geographical TV show. It is reported that gold is found on the Amazon river with the aim of raising TV rating and expedition is sent there alongside TV unit.
    This is the game that I failed to find rom for which explains why it's so obscure. Anyway, text parser is used and you need to guess not just the appropriate answer for the situation, but the best one to raise TV ratings of the program. Item collection is important. The whole location takes 6x7 squares, or 42 screens. The end TV ratings depend on the actions taken, so it was nice to compare results afterwards.  
    12. Tenshi-tachi no Gogo 天使たちの午後 [8506] JAST 1 2 3 4
     Tenshitachi no Gogo is an adventure game set in a Japanese high school. The goal of the game is to seduce Yumiko Shiraishi, the star girl of the tennis club. To seduce her, the protagonist will have to become acquainted and intimate with her friends by talking to them.
    The ancestor of bishoujo games since before there were mostly lolicon games. And finally the characters are drawn really cute here. There is a list of commands to the right, but inputting your own is also allowed. The game is also notable for the glorious JAST sound. It's the shockingly good visual and audio quality that makes this game a masterpiece.  
    13. Abyss II ~Tears of Emperor~ アビス Ⅱ ~帝王の涙~ [8507] Humming Bird Soft 1
    In the year 3006, various organizations in the galaxy are searching for a legendary weapon known as Tears of Emperor. It is said that possession of this weapon will allow its owner to dominate the entire world. A criminal syndicate called Grimp has devised its own scheme for procuring the weapon. They kidnapped a well-known space explorer and infused his body with a tiny neutron bomb. If the explorer will not obtain Tears of Emperor for them, the bomb will detonate...
    It's still text parser, but common commands are set to function keys. The graphics are much better. This is actually a work of high completeness.  
    14. Yellow Lemon イエローレモン [8508] PSK 1 2
     Yellow Lemon is a simple text-based simulation game consisting entirely of conversations with four school girls. The player has to type conversations topics and responses, hoping to increase the girl's "liking" parameter. Once it is high enough the girl would assume erotic poses and sexual relationship is implied. Afterwards the game switches to another girl for the same procedure.
    Tenshi-tachi no Gogo released two months before really shifted the gears from lolicon games to bishoujo ones. Even the originator of loli genre PSK introduced older girls in this new game. It's not a real conversation that's used in the game since you don't really ask questions. You only get to answer them, so interrogation or a quiz is more appropriate. The reward is nude CG. At this time there was already EMMY artificial intelligence bishoujo software, so this game felt dated. There is an English review on the game.  
    15. Will: The Death Trap II ウィル デス・トラップII [8509] Square Co. 1 2 3

    President of the United States of America receives a letter with simple, but blood-chilling words: within the next twenty-four hours, the entire life on Earth will be annihilated. Specialists track the sender of the letter to a small island named Torinia somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Special agent Benson is sent there with the ultimate mission: find out who sent the letter, or prepare for the destruction of the world...
    The game has enough information in English including one review.  
    16. Shiro to Kuro no Densetsu ~Hyakki Hen~ 白と黒の伝説 ~百鬼編~ [8511] Soft Studio Wing 1
     Story begins with an incident in a psychiatric hospital - at midnight the third floor of the building suddenly burst into flames. Reporter from the local newspaper arrived on the scene to write an article. After interviewing witnesses it appears that the fire started in the chamber of 301 - but the cause of fire remained unknown. Moreover, the patient of this chamber disappeared - even his body could not be found. After a long search, the reporter still finds the missing patient on the streets - but he just mumbles some strange prophecies. The next day, the usual trip on the train turns into a nightmare for our reporter: when the train enters a tunnel, the world outside the window suddenly begins to change and he find ourselves in a terrible alternative world. But all this is only a prelude to the coming apocalypse.
    First game of Soft Studio Wing and MSX exclusive. MSX placed really harsh limitations on the games and thus very few colors are used. The drawing speed is slow. Pure command selection is used, so it's at least user-friendly. The game was later released as Desctruction series and better known as that.  
    17. Dezeni World デゼニワールド [8512] Hudson Soft 1 2
     This time the player is put in the role of an onscreen character - Dezeni Man, a fat dishevelled loser who bears some kind of resemblance to Hudson spokesperson Toshiyuki Takahashi (also known as Meijin Takahashi, who was also the main character of their Adventure Island series, although he denies the connection.) His goal - to infiltrate Dezeni World and disable the evil computer HAL3 (a parody of the HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, although in Japanese it's pronounced "harumi", a girl's name.)
    There's a good English article on the game.  
    18. Lupin Sansei ~Cagliostro no Shiro~ ルパン三世 ~カリオストロの城~ [8512] Toho
     After a successful robbery leaves famed thief Lupin III and his partner Jigen with nothing but a large amount of fake money, the so called "Goat Bills," he decides to track down the counterfeiter responsible—and steal any other treasures he may find in the Castle of Cagliostro, including the "damsel in distress" he finds imprisoned there. However, as usual, Inspector Zenigata is hot on his trail.
    RPG game based on animation movie of the same name. Player chooses Lupin or one of the other two heroes and investigates the castle. Scenes from the OVA are used for as title screen and demo screens. This game is obscure because in 1985 there was another Lupin III game with the same title but being an arcade and that game got much better spread and coverage.  
    19. Harry Fox ~Yuki no Maou Hen~ は~りぃふぉっくす ~雪の魔王編~ [8512] Micro Cabin
     Mother Fox died of hunger in the snowfall. Little Fox was found and nursed by girl Mari.
    Basically they wanted to give slightly different story, just in winter aesthetics. Now we get to meet winter animals and birds and there's also girl Mari looking for the fox.  
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