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Everything posted by Dexmael

  1. Are Beat blades haruka and funbag fantasy regarded as nukiges? Having played them they seemed a bit more elaborate as the average 4 hour title I would normally consider a nukige
  2. Use Sil and Shizuka to damage him it should break h is charge the impenetrable buddy won't react to magic
  3. It gives a random boost to Rance Atk Magic Res DeF Evasion It does not have a cg like the sexy armor for Sanakia
  4. Well thank you for digging up that quote because I never found it and believe me I looked It was indeed the bug that was mentioned with the lower left corner. After completely resetting every puzzle and trying again finishing in the lower left corner I finally managed to complete the puzzle I thought I was going insane here Cheers mate
  5. I was wondering if someone could explain to me what is going on with the calculator cube mission I completed the puzzles in the 4 corners they are lit up green but the star is still not accessible for me I just don't get what I am missing
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