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Everything posted by Sovapex

  1. LOL. Got dat G-string already, so I'll take a crack at Soul Link. Seems pretty good.
  2. Well, the thing is, I'm only really comparing narrative design. I understand that MLA had an oppressive atmosphere unlike anything save 999 and Swan Song (imo ofc), so a lot of the inner monologue is going to probably be dark and gritty in contrast to the very light quips that are present all over Majikoi. That being said, my point was that Majikoi's and Grisaia's inner monologues did not obstruct the story. And, maybe, less whiny. That'd be nice. Yeah, in all fairness, there was really good OST in the game. There was that OST that played in the epilogue for the Coup'detat arc that I cannot find was also superb. Wouldn't it have been better to take that bloated '40+' hour sign and invest it in something worthwhile, like character development, so that we actually feel something rather than 'oh well'? I don't mean to insult it any further than I have, but I have to say, it just seems like incredibly incompetent writing. I've never felt so much apathy for characters ever, and the finale where they all die was about as emotionless as I could expect. Except for, perhaps, Meiya. Still didn't care, though. But since we seem to be on the same wavelength whilst not being at buttbuddy level, recommend me something. <3
  3. What? I know that. What do you mean I didn't understand the plot? That doesn't make any sense. I never even mentioned anything about the original Takeru or the alternate realities, so using that as proof that I 'don't understand the plot' is odd. Yes, but why did they do all that to Sumika and not Takeru? Answer: Shock Value.
  4. Gotta say, I'm beyond disappointed with Muv Luv Alternative. I slogged through Extra and Unlimited with naiive anticipation of reading the 40+ hour epic rollercoaster that VNBD, and all of Alternative's fans, led me to believe. Shame that this is what I got. I have no idea how it got rated so high on VNBD or why it has such a devoted following. It's certainly not the worst VN I've ever read, but it still sucks. I feel as if it's important to say that I played most of it, and kinda read up on the ending because it got so unbearable. So maybe my thoughts are contradicted by things happening near the end. I don't know if I'm going to be kicking the hornet's nest posting this here, but after investing so much time into the game, I feel as if I have to rant, so this is happening regardless. Here's my grips: 1. The protagonist sucks. He starts off great. He's a marty stu and you root for him because we've become invested in a world that has little to no chance, but then one little thing goes wrong and he goes down a path of self-degradation. He's so self-important and arrogant that he believes that everything that does not go 110% is his fault. And he never shuts the hell up with his internal dialogue. 24/7 he's repeating obvious nonsense or raging inside his head about something. There is no good scenes in Muv Luv that have Takeru's presence, which is 99% of them, because he has to interrupt with his inane angsty prattling throughout even the most dramatic scenes. Think of Majikoi. Think of Grisaia. Remember the Main Characters inner dialogue? If you do, you barely do, because it was so seemlessly inserted into the narrative that it was almost undetectable. 2. The pacing. There's too many times where Takeru is talking back and forth about nothing pertinent with people (or, of course, himself). Most of Muv Luv is just full of nothing happening. This kinda leads onto the next point. 3. Infodumping. Self-explanatory. Even if you disagree with every other little thing I say, this is simply an undeniable fact. Exposition is supposed to be weaved into a dialogue, not fed to you like you're in a classroom, which you are half the bloody time in Muv Luv AND Alternative. Reading this stuff feels like work half the time. Yuuko, your life tutor, seems to love the sound of her own voice. I get that Quantum Physics is a thing in Muv Luv, and it's very hard to understand for even 'experts' or whatever, but do we really have to have lectures in 20 minute intervals that drone on forever about a subject nobody cares about. Steins Gate did it fine. 4. The plot is garbage. It doesn't go anywhere. There's really not much more to say. The only time there was any semblance of a plot was the Coup-Detat, but that's hardly ever mentioned again except for whenever someone wants to gush about how awesome 'the Shogun' is, even though it's clearly established she's nothing more than a walking figurehead. Other than that, what was actually going on in between all of these raids on Hives that wasn't Takeru just mindlessly talking to his companions about nothing in particular? 5. Shock value. The chomp scene was the only death scene that had any significance, since an entire almost-unendurable arc was based around it. Everyone else just died randomly and had little impact on the story on their way out. Hell, they didn't even serve as development for anyone else, with the exception of the one Captain lady, and that was so forced and spontaneous it was pathetic. Like, they all instantly become the characters they end up as in their routes because a dying woman that they knew for less than a couple of weeks told them to. Yeah. Humans don't really work like that. Speaking of shock value, let's talk about the Beta Rape scene. 'Spoilers' were included in the title, so no whining about that. It was utterly stupid, simply put. So, the Beta decided randomly after not even seeing us as worth worrying about, or as 'life forms', for so long that they're going to find out how to make a human female moan? Even if there was a reason, why the female and not the male? Objectively speaking, what's the difference? We're not talking about reproductive qualities, of which females are far superior, we're just talking about pleasure. Answer = Because that fate would shock the viewers more, of course, and conjure some stupid reason to put Sumika in a sympathetic light. Well, I couldn't care less about her because that was contrived and her character is weak. 6. Characters were horrible, yo. Their dialogue was inane and their growth non-existent, at least by any believable or substantial means. They served little more than as triggers for Shirogane to do stuff. It's very easy to forget the original cast exist in Alternative. They're overshadowed by other characters, and even they suck. Most of them exist just to die, and the ones that survive have NOTHING compelling about them at all. This entire game is like a submit of a clumsy first draft. 7. Romantic interests. This is more of a minor gripe, relatively. Why give us all these options and characters to explore with in the last games and then force us into a relationship with the most generic and insipid character ever created? A character that has NO depth, even in the original. A character that has no likes or interests that are not Takeru related? A character that whines, complains and is only useful due to a power that is not her own? A character two steps from becoming a Yandere, and yet even that somehow prevents her from becoming the least bit compelling because she doesn't do anything. She is the main heroine because, and only because, she inherits the bewilderingly popular role of 'Childhood Friend'. /puke. 8. The ending. What? It's bad. It erases literally everything Takeru did so he can be placed smack bang into square one. And he doesn't even remember! We might as well consider Alternative non-canon. 9. Angst. So. Much. Angst. Takeru is always screaming and nobody inside of his head, and even outside of his head in front of people, creating awkward atmospheres. The one point where I was like "Oh, this dude is awesome" was in the retelling of the scene where those two jealous soldiers sock the crap out of him. He embarassed himself in Unlimited, but took the situation like a champ in Alternative. Where did that Takeru go? The dude who was willing to get beaten the hell out of to get stuff done, and stay calm throughout the whole thing? He was awesome, and he didn't stick around long. He was replaced by a dude who screams in the middle of an entire classroom and hugs his teacher. People thought Shirou from Fate Stay/night was embarassing? Lmfao. So, that's my rant.
  5. Yeah, perhaps I should have worded my title and that differently, but I had no inkling it would turn into this kind of discussion. I really just wanted to put the word out there on how damnably good BBCSE was.
  6. House in Fata Morgana is definitely good, yes. I think there is problems with it's dialogue, but I loved it. I especially likes Michel's chapter, where his backstory is explored. The ending to that chapter was heartbreaking. Is Remember 11 really good? I played the Zero Escape series. Shame he used the same plot twist of VLR and 999 for Ever 17. When I figured out what the big twist was for Ever 17 I dropped it. Still, I never hear people talk about Ever 17.
  7. The story mode is a VN. I'm not sure how you can deny that, the VN format is used for the vast majority of that mode, and that mode in BBCSEX is easily over 40 hours. What other game that presents their stories in VN format is that consistent? It's certainly not common. And what's this percentage figure you pulled out of nowhere? Not even 10% of an entire game is VN? What methodology are you using to determine this, because there are people who pick these games up mostly for the story. I am one of those people. You prefer Guilty Gears and Under Night In Birth. For what? Gameplay? If so, that was not what I was talking about, so you're going on about something irrelevant.
  8. First post of Fuwanovel, but I've got to get something off my chest. BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend is my favorite visual novel of all time, and I am shocked that many people overlook this title. I've read Umineko, Fate Stay Night, Saya No Uta, Steins Gate, and whilst I love all of them, this surpasses them by a country mile. IMO, of course. Sure, it's not 100% visual novel. It's a 2d fighter, but nonetheless, it sports a story mode that is full of compelling, indepedent and well-written characters and some of the most amazing dialogue I've seen in a Japanese game (maybe because of it's stellar translation, but a lot of VNs I read have 'meh' dialogue). Plus, it's got a 'stylish' mode there for players who just want to enjoy the story and not worry about getting their ass whooped, and the fights are nowhere near as frequent as, say, MK's story. I'd mention the premise of the story, but to be honest, it's generic. That doesn't matter though. The characterization, plot development and the setting of Blazblue more than make up for it. The one problem I have with it is that it requires a intermediate understanding of science. Shroders Cat, Quantum Physics etc. play a role in the story, and a lot of terminology will be lost of you if you do not understand what terms like 'Causality' and 'Observer (Catbox theory)' mean. At first I had no idea what any of it meant, but the pros outweighed all of this like a truck was dropped onto it. Nonetheless, it's freaking great. Any of you played it?
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