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Posts posted by pb08

  1. Just now, Okarin said:

    We don't have to forget that Kanon is a nakige, not an utsuge, so it pretty much needs a happy ending. Maybe the game could be better with a more harsh ending, I don't know (and I doubt it). In a way, after so much distress, the happy endings feel forced, because indeed they are achieved by deus ex machina. But that's the concept of a good-neutral-bad ending. If you want an enforced bad ending made by Key, you have Planetarian (that feels different, because it hasn't Maeda around).

    or from what i heard tomoyo after , I dont read games with only bad endings, my problem isnt with the ending but with no explanation or foreshadowing

  2. Just now, Okarin said:

    But as I said, in Kanon it isn't the point.


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    Ayu is saved and so long folks, joy and rejoice (I take Ayu's example as the most prominent, but it could also be Shiori or another). The impact lies in scenes such as the one searching for the doll (done superbly in the 2006 anime), or in the vision at the tree stump, when Yuuichi regains its memories. Nothing more, nothing less.


    Clannad I haven't played, sadly.

    I understand but it pass the impression of hand waving or lazy writing even so i like all this games so...

  3. 57 minutes ago, Okarin said:

    In some games, reflecting on the mechanics behind the plot feels necessary to bring the game to further heights, like in Steins;Gate (if it hadn't used so much time explaining time travel and its intricacies, it would have been an inferior product, in my opinion), but in Key's case, it's not.

    Likewise, in Zero Escape, I think minimum consistency is achieved, but still there are some things explained "because morphogenetic field" or something. And well, as far as I know the Many Worlds Interpretation hasn't been succesfully proven, so building games on that premise is hit or miss, from the point of consistency, but still good games can come from it. It would certainly be funny if in the future Steins;Gate and Zero Escape are refuted, and funnier still if they're proven to be right, but they have a lot of time to enjoy before it happens.

    Little busters i agree but on clannad and kanon i dont , on lb i had foreshadowing about the "magic" but on the others it was more of a hand wave then anything else.It cause strange things like

    light orbs exist on clannad and not on tomoyo after , where it also should exist but it is never used ,  at least a outside of the game explanation of mechanics would be good

  4. Interesting comment on steam discussion:

    Interesting theory.

    But didn't Ushio grant Tomoya's wish in the main game with the light orbs that he shared with Nagisa. So, if he never met Nagisa, he could not use the light orbs because Akio never told him about how special this town is and how the trees saved Nagisa when she was a baby.

    In other words he would continue his life without even knowing about light orbs. Oh and light orbs only exist in Hikarizaka and

    the Illusionary World.

    So even if Tomoyo helped people over the internet maybe it doesn't count since the person isn't from the town or the person needs to be right next to you (close by) for it to count.

    I hope you like my theory.


  5. Just now, WinterfuryZX said:

    I'm playing tomoyo after right now, who knows when and if I'll read another CLANNAD route.

    i on the other hand dont have any will to read tomoyo after , after knowing how it ends I simply ignore it

  6. 2 hours ago, WinterfuryZX said:

    It is... dull... the drama is based on her succeding in becoming the seitokaichou and stupid society constraints such title birings upon her, it isn't engaging at all.


    so probably you are going to like the other routes more, i liked kyou route too try it.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Fred the Barber said:

    I don't think Key stories share a universe. Each one has some amount of magic, but the nature of that magic is pretty different in each one. I admit, though, that since it generally isn't very well-defined, this is certainly debatable. The exception would be Rewrite, in that the magic there is relatively clearly defined, and thus often quite a bit more gratifying to see in action. Modern fantasy author Brandon Sanderson has interesting things to say about poorly-defined magic systems vs. well-defined, and I'd encourage you to read it. I think he accurately points out the problem that leads you to condemn the true ending of Little Busters! as lazy writing: http://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-first-law/

    They fairly recently announced they were still planning to release it in 2016: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2016-05-26/visual-art-key-harmonia-kinetic-novel-delayed-again/.102521


    I didnt codemn refrain as lazy written i said that create at least 3 games with almost the same magic system if on different universes is lazy writtten as seem here:

    7 hours ago, iamnoob said:

    Maybe maybe not. 

    It's probably because it's done by the same writer?

    7 hours ago, pb08 said:

    So its lazy writing because at least on little busters its almost the same idea , if you consider the ending of refrain the

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    real world, its also time travel or same that happened on clannad


    I am going to read the article .Ps i like little busters kanon and clanand , i am only making a point of the end of tomoyo after and the magic

  8. 1 hour ago, Silvz said:

    I didn't read all, but I think Clannad and Kanon are indeed similar, mostly because of the idea of miracles, wishes, and things like that. However, I can't see Rewrite being in the same universe of those two, or Angel Beats! being shared with any of the other stories at all - but I only watched the anime so far.

    If you read the true route in Rewrite, you know that it is kind of impossible to consider it "one" timeline anyway, so where would Clannad fit in that? Only if

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    all routes in all games happen for the same reason, of the world restarting every time, which would explain how we do the same things over and over with variations until we get all girls[\spoiler]

    However, Rewrite and Charlotte could totally be on the same universe, since both have super powers and "changing the past" abilities available


    Never played rewrite so cant say .


    1 hour ago, solidbatman said:

    ding ding ding ding ding! 

    I like you. 

    for what i read only place that i can see another part that is lazy writing is ayu route and the end of tomoyo after, the last one didnt read but by the coments the

    reason for the cyrurgy looks too much forced

  9. 49 minutes ago, WinterfuryZX said:


    Is Tomoyo's route subpar or is CLANNAD entirely like that?

    Tomoyo After intrigued me being not placed in an High School as usual, therefore I decided to read CLANNAD Tomoyo's route but I didn't like it very much.

    I liked her route but i think for what people said nagisa is better . why didnt you like her route?

  10. 3 minutes ago, iamnoob said:

    Maybe maybe not. 

    It's probably because it's done by the same writer?

    So its lazy writing because at least on little busters its almost the same idea , if you consider the ending of refrain the

    real world, its also time travel or same taht happened on clannad

  11. I started rereading Clannad on steam and tought something,  does Clannad ,Kanon and Little busters happen on the same universe?

    My arguments are : Ayu

    projection and recovery

    and makoto.
    All the story of little busters.

    recovery and light orbs that looks like the enforced run of rin2 and refrain 

    Also that brings the question about

    the ending from Tomoyo after , because if all routes of clannad happened wouldnt tomoya have be able to cure himself or tomoyo have the same light orbs?


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