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Posts posted by gunter

  1. 3 hours ago, LinovaA said:

    Confession: I feel that because so much time has gone by, my image here is no longer what I had once built it up to be. Therefore, I feel it is safe to use a different avatar, despite my long track record of it always being Fuuko.

    Confession 2: I'll probably make a signature banner with her in it, so I don't feel naked... xD 

    well ,she was prolly great ,but HEY : punpun is da best grill!

  2. 7 hours ago, Funyarinpa said:


    Awh. :( That has to be really difficult. I feel for you.

    prolly the hardest thing i've ever experienced in my short life eh . thank you for the support :')


    7 hours ago, Kenshin_sama said:


    Ooh, that is a serious predicament. It sounds like this girl is someone you care very deeply about, and I think that's very admirable given her circumstances. And no matter what decision you end up making, I think you deserve some respect for the kind of support you've given her. And for what it's worth, I think you are making a difference, even if it's not noticeable. No matter what decision you make, you will have regrets, so try not to allow guilt to be the driving force behind it. Do what you want to do.

    I wish you the best.

    thank you too  , i really appreciate what you've said .... probably the more usefull thing that anyone said to me about this situation :) 

    and yeah , first love , first friend i made while entering in high school ... she's the more important person in the world for me at the moment , and even if it's not really a positive point , i think i'm actually addicted to her . i really hope that everything will go smoothly :')

  3.  well , i'm not searching any answers or advices , i just wanted to say this somewhere , dont feel forced to read it   :leecher:

    talking about relationships ...

    next year , i'll be moving to tahiti, for something between one year and a half and 4 years (it depend of if i want to come back in france to try the exams for art school or if i enter  tahiti's art school for the two first years , ant the two second will depend of my mother : she can just stay two years ,but she will have the opportunity of staying another two years )

    on one hand , i'm just really happy to move there , cause i was born in new caledonia , wich is too far away from france , but if we live in tahiti it's way more acessible . plus the fact that i always wanted to go back in island like these.  i think it will also be an overall great human experience, and a good opportunity to paint many interesting spots in a more than magnificient setting .

    on the other hand , i'm affraid that this big change  will just worsen my relationship with my father  (wich is already pretty fucked up ...) , and eventually put a term to a 3 years relationship with my grilfriend .  and i know that it's not such a big deal in fact , cause it's a bit of a toxic relationship , but i'm really affraid to lose her. it was my first relationship ,and i really invested myself in it . i tryed my best to help her to cope with her  recurent melancholia ,to help her with suicidal toughts , somehow for almost no results . the fact is that i'm more or less acting like a psychiatrist , a friend , a boyfriend , sometimes as a big brother at the same time . i give everything i 'm able to give her , everything i know how to give , and get almost nothing back ( i know it's not equivalent exchange ,but still,it's not supposed to be a one sided relation  ...)  she dont have any social life, friends , just barely acquaintances , and i'm almost sure that once i'll be gone she will not make any effort to meet other peoples . and the tought of just leaving her alone ,crying in the corner of her room is not the most pleasant...

    i konw it's quite stupid / pathetic to say things like this on the net in the hope of finding some comfort from unknown peoples , and that in fact my situation is not such a big thing , but still , i think that sadly it's the only place where i can talk a bit about it ~


  4. saya was my first vn , and i found it pretty easy to read tbh. i wasn't bothered by anything ,it was spooky , but in a nice way :)

    i still have really good memories linked to this game , for instance this one :

    there is one moment in the game where you have something like a jumpscare. i played the beginning of the story   twice , and the second time was with my girlfriend ... when we reached the 'jumpscare' moment , i shouted , and she was so surprised that she fell from my bed... after that we laughed so hard that it was hard to go back into the game's mood x)

  5. ear boner? sounds quite interesting.

    while i'm thinking bout it , my ears do weird shit too , but more like hearing non existent sounds like some "beeeeeeeeep" from time to time , or starting to sounds like it's stuffed with  cotton or something . quite disturbing

  6. this kind of thing was pretty frequent in my middleschool (not the car thing tough ) , it often happenned that somebody get into a fight , even just verbal ,and then call his big brothers and the said brothers friend to beat the shit out of his opponent. form what i recall , school was enough to avoid serious fight and harm , but this kind of thing can happen anytime sadly.

    i dont have any advices, since the best i was able to do when i had problems with violent persons was to lock myself up in the WC at the breaks to avoid their contact , but just dont give up , and talk about this to your friends/family /  school  psychologist ? the worst thing to do is to dont talk about it and act like that never happened . stay strong ,and good luck :)

  7. On 13/01/2017 at 11:51 PM, Akimoto Masato said:

    それはディックの動きです (that's a dick move....more or less) also faux <_<


    next person wants a fucking exhaust pipe of a truck in their ass

    isn't it chinko ? cuz you wrote it chinku it seems :D

  8. heyo !

    my girlfriend asked me to post here ,because she's desperatly trying to find the title of a manga someone recommended her some time ago.

    basically it's the story of a girl who's into coma and has access to something like a vast dream , in wich she can see dead / in coma people.  when she get out of this coma, she still see those dead or unconsious peoples in her dreams . also , my girlfriend told me that there was prolly a reference to this japanese dog who waited his human in front of the hospital for ten year when he died (was it hachiko? i dont remember well ^^ )

    anyway , if someone could help me finding this, it'll be really nice :Chocola:

    have a great day ya'll , and thanks for the attention

  9. eh bien ,pour etre tout a fait honnête , j'ai essayé une fois l'anse est un peu etroite , mais si on force un peu ca passe ... (well , to be honest , i tryed once . the handle hole is a little bit too thight , but if you try enough it's legit ... )

    next person believed my (obviously fake , who can be stupid enough to try this ? ) answer to akimoto's question

  10. 16 hours ago, RimiNishijou said:


    Next person gets hit with jumper cables.

    man, you fuckin made my day. i'm laughing so much that i'm crying (well, i'm pretty tired ,so i can't really help it )

    true , i'm dat boi

    next person once felt some attraction for a person of the same sex even if he never considered himself as interested in homosexual relationships

  11. 16 minutes ago, Nekuro22 said:

    I masturbate on filthy frank's pictures

    that's pretty lewd.


    i'm pretty depressed by the perspactive of going back to school . the end of this year will be shitty, filled with exams , fight with my girlfriend , fight with my mother about what i want to study after highschool and wich artschool i will choose , fight with my father ( that can't be helped , he always do things to bug me and my mother ~ ) ... i feel like staying in my bed an eating chocolate forever.  and you know,i dont even like chocolate this much :makina:

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