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Posts posted by Toastywafflz

  1.  Like many games, wouldn't it be incredibly easy to "game" the system.

    See, that's what I was thinking.  The way it's described, nobody is actually really watching you (anymore than they already are, that is) so you could just pool together and manipulate the system.  Of course, it's still terrible, and some people are probably going to be incredibly shafted by this.

    What about people that don't use social media? 

  2. I have a few ideas I might like to write out at sometime.  There's this one that would be absolutely absurd in my opinion, so I guess it's perfect.

    The basic concept is that there's this artifact floating around the world, a magical artifact.  In fact, it's a magic hat.  When you pick it up and nobody's used it recently, it's just a piece of cloth, so you wrap it around your head.  Doing so activates the hat, which comes to life by becoming either the hat you most desire subconsciously.  It turns into said hat gains a personality that's concurrent with the hat you chose, and grants you powers befitting the lore behind said hat.  Oh, and you play as the hat, the different routes being different people who wear you.  It's silly but it could be fun, I think.

  3. I picked it up mainly cuz of Tiara who made a cameo in Hyperdevotion Noire; her tsundere-masochist personality is auto-win

     See, this is why Plutia is the best girl.

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    I uh, need to finish Neptunia 1 and 2 and then get Victory still.  Then I'll be able to handle me some Fairy Fencer F.  But yeah, these games ride on their characters and charm more than anything, so if you get it for any other reason you risk disappointment.  As for me, besides Neptunia, I need to play more Akiba's Trip (Akiba Strip >:D), and get around to some of my other RPG's.  Get together with my friends and finish Symphonia, play more Trails in the Sky, get better at Ys so I don't get slaughtered constantly, and so on.  I also recommend the Kung Fury video game for those of you who have seen that little gem.

  4. Maybe some Yanagi Nagi might fit that?

    Nano has a really good acoustic version of Hysteria

    And some other ones:

    Kalafina has some great vocals IMO, I love them.  Their music might be too much considering your criteria though, so I dunno.

    And before this gets too longwinded:



    I'm sorry there's so much, heh, I hope you like some of it~

  5. Thanks everybody~!  I'll be sure to ask away when that time comes.  I'll probably be going to read WORLD END ECONOMiCA next, and try to get my hands on Grisaia.  As for waifus and husbandos, well...Hitagi-chan is pretty great; Snow Senjou is adoreable.  Kaiki is also a glorious glorious example of the best humanity has to offer.  I also offer up Migi for either position.

    Anywho, I'll be sure to have fun, and thanks for all the suggestions thus far!

  6. So.  I'm new here, in pretty much all of the ways, but of course I am to be posting here.  So, hi!

    I'm Toastywafflz.  I love writing, and relatively recently, a good friend of mine got me into my first VN, Fate Stay/Night, which I'm still working on reading (life likes to get in the way of quality time >_>), and I've basically fallen in love with the medium in every way; the blend of reader interaction with the writing, the sounds and other audio, the visuals...it's honestly beautiful, to me.  I love getting lost in that when it all comes together well.  From a writing standpoint, I'm big on good characterization, which from what I know is inherent to writing for the medium in some ways.  I want to read more in addition to what I'm reading now, and I eventually want to make one myself, once I get my writing together.

    Aside from that, my interests include gaming and anime; the last one I finished to completion, I think, was Parasyte, and I'm catching up on Owarimonogatari, to name a few.  I do have a steam account by the same name, because I do literally go by Toastywafflz pretty much everywhere.  If I have an account for it, you'll be able to find me (usually).


    Err, that little rant about myself aside, it's nice to meet you all!

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