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Posts posted by marjoni01

  1. The one VN in which I liked most of the female characters was rewrite. Others are close but just not quite. :P

    Same here...I like female characters in Rewrite too :P


    For the other VN I think I haven't find any female characters that suit my tastes (Or should I say I haven't played many VN so I think that female characters in Rewrite is the best for now) ._.

  2. ARENA 01: [Kirishima Shōko] Sanka Rea

    ARENA 02: [Kurasaki Fūko (Sky Raker)] Araragi Tsukihi

    ARENA 03: [Takanashi Rikka] Hasegawa Kobato

    ARENA 04: Roromiya Karuta [Konoe Subaru]

    ARENA 05: Honma Meiko [Kotegawa Yui]

    ARENA 06: Shirakiin Ririchiyo [Natsume Rin]

    ARENA 07: [Kashiwazaki Sena] Ayano Keiko (Silica)

    ARENA 08: Tōwa Erio [Momo Belia Deviluke]

    ARENA 09: Araragi Karen [Yūki Mikan]

    ARENA 10: Kirigaya Suguha [Nōmi Kudryavka]

    ARENA 11: Yui [shiina Mashiro]

    ARENA 12: Takanashi Tōka [Chitanda Eru]

    ARENA 13: Nyarlathotep [Oshino Shinobu]

    ARENA 14: Akemi Homura [Kanzaki H. Aria]

    ARENA 15: [Aoyama Nanami] Mikazuki Yozora

    ARENA 16: Misaki Mei [Makise Kurisu]

    ARENA 17: Yūki Asuna [Kuroyukihime]

    ARENA 18: Nibutani Shinka [Yuzuriha Inori]

    ARENA 19: [Kōyama Mitsuki, Morikawa Yuki] Komatsu Nana, Mylene Flare Jenius

    ARENA 20: Illyasviel von Einzbern [Nymph]

    ARENA 21: Holo [Fujibayashi Kyō]

    ARENA 22: [Eucliwood Hellscythe] Nakano Azusa

    ARENA 23: [Furukawa Nagisa] Hirasawa Ui

    ARENA 24: Last Order [Aragaki Ayase]

    ARENA 25: [Charlotte Dunois] Nagato Yuki

    ARENA 26: Akiyama Mio [Hirasawa Yui]

    ARENA 27: [sakagami Tomoyo] Louise Vallière

    ARENA 28: [Victorique de Blois] Katsura Hinagiku

    ARENA 29: Shana [sengoku Nadeko]

    ARENA 30: [Yui-nyan] Aisaka Taiga

    ARENA 31: [Konjiki no Yami] Misaka Mikoto

    ARENA 32: Iwasawa Masami [Kuroi Mato]

    ARENA 33: [izumi Konata] C.C.

    ARENA 34: Suzumiya Haruhi [Nakamura Yuri]

    ARENA 35: Tōsaka Rin [senjōgahara Hitagi]

    ARENA 36: [Tachibana Kanade] Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko)

    ARENA 37: Saber [Kōsaka Kirino]

  3. Thanks that was a great help, as for the first thing I already started to think that there is no way to remove it and that I would have to load the game and replay ewriting. As for the second thing I thought that I might missed something.

    Well I'm pretty sure if you take it slow you will not miss anything :D

    Don't rush to increase your rank just take it slow and complete anything you can for your current rank and I'm pretty sure you will not miss anything~ :3

  4. Well...

    1. About chapter 4 there will be "Deadbeat God" dungeon in Deadbeat complete it and the Deadbeat title will be gone

    2. Well just follow the story and Aht will be purified to perfect form :D If I'm not wrong it's in chapter 3 :D

  5. In general, would you prefer Japanese or English voice acting in localized visual novels originating from Japan (assuming quality of the voice acting isn't an issue)?

    Answer : Japanese voice with English text

    Reason : Because I really like japanese voice than english voice because if it's japanese game then it have "Something" that english voice couldn't make it good as japanese voice ._.

    Do you prefer VNs originating in Japan or OELVNs (VNs developed by Westerners)

    Answer : Japanese

    Reason : Well maybe you could say it's from my inner self ._. I prefer Japanese VN than OELVN .-.

    If you prefer Japanese voice acting, why? (you may select more than one choice)

    Answer : I prefer localizations that are as close to the original as possible, and I believe a dub is a step further from this ideal than a text translation

    Reason : just as my answer said ._. I prefer localizations that are as close to the original as possible~ :3

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