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Posts posted by morisummer

  1. Quite frankly, I don't see this going anywhere. On the one hand, it really is extremely hard to find good applicants, and a central hub for applicants to apply to groups would be a dream come true. On the other hand though, the market for TLs and editors really is just too small to make it worthwhile. The only way your efforts will be made worthwhile is if people actually visit your hub, which they probably won't. Most competent people that want to apply for positions already have a good idea of which groups they want to join or what they want to do. I'm not trying to be a downer, but I really just think it's a waste of time.

  2. I think it makes perfect sense not to release your unfinished scripts to the general public. He's probably looking for someone trustworthy to hand them off to, and you can't really blame him for that. If he releases it to just anybody, they might just end up finishing it in a shitty manner and make him look bad. Anyways, unless he gives us a clear-cut reason as to why he isn't releasing anything, you can't really assume anything.

  3. I decided to create a new topic for our project since we've made many changes to our team and how we do things. I'll be putting any recruitment news into this post, as well as any relevant info on the game itself and how to acquire our patches.


    Koiken Otome





    We've released a prologue patch here. Ignoring the typos and script errors that popped up at the last minute, this is the type of product that you can expect when we release a full patch. We expect to have the large majority of problems to be fixed in the final product. Our team is currently recruiting only translation checkers at the moment, though we will never turn away anyone who is good at what they do. We're currently making slow and steady progress, though we have no estimate of when we will finish. Line by line progress will be updated here.


    Our current team consists of:



    • nfinite
    • accorda05
    • Rankendrake
    • SoraSky


    • Morisummers
    • corntastic

    Patcher Guy

    • nfinite

    Server Hosting

    • ACF

    Image Editors

    • JeMhUnTeR
    • OakloreLogic

    Quality Checkers

    • Kenny
    • Others to be decided closer to release

    Special Thanks to Former Members

    • Defendos - Leader
    • Joshyan - Translator
    • Congt - Editor
    • Cairus - Editor
    • Klownzie -  Head QC
    • anokutara - Translator
    • derpigreg - TLC
    • RyanAshfyre -  Editor
    • WhiteGlint - Editor

    Although we don't have a strict hierarchy of any sort, I'll be leading this project for this forum's purposes. You can also contact ACF, corntastic, or nfinite in the forum regarding any inquiries about this project. If you have any questions you want quick answers to, or just wanna hang around, join #pantsu-vn on the Rizon network. Hopefully, some of us will be happy to accommodate you.

  4. Oh. In that case, JeMhUnTeR is literally perfect. Rumor has it though that he's actually not human.


    @Clephas: I don't think that's necessary. There's a lot of people willing to join a project just because they want to do something to contribute to the community. Just about all the recruits in the Koiken Otome project were that way. He can always keep recruiting a month from now anyway, so there's not really much point in waiting.

  5. Thanks for finding those. We made more than a thousand last minute changes to the lines, so it was pretty much inevitable that errors would pop up. The patch kept getting delayed for silly reasons, so I was kind of rushing this out. That said, I highly doubt we'll do a 1.1 patch for what's supposed to be a demo. We'll have it all fixed for full release, and hopefully won't have as many errors. I hope we've given you a good idea of what to expect when we choose to release the rest of the lines :)

  6. Before too much drama erupts...

    It is rather unfortunate that the "old culture" has basically adopted an anti-technology stance and drove those who use MT to be ostracised and marginalised; if he can be faster and/or more accurate with MT than without, it makes sense to. Of course a better human translator can be more accurate than MT, but otherwise you shouldn't let what the old culture thinks get in the way of how you can best translate with what you have.

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    I don't think anyone here really has too much of a bias against using MT. Unfortunately, translations just don't turn out well when MT is all you have. I do think it's a good tool to use, but you can't rely on MT completely for translating such a context heavy language, unless you're saying it's perfectly okay to have someone copy and paste stuff from google translate into a project.

  7. Oh, okay. Well, I'll just keep an eye out and see if I can manage to squeeze my way into some translation project or something sometime. I'm guessing it might be kind of futile since I can't read, write, or speak Japanese, though. There's probably a bunch of people like me roaming around.

    Honestly, if you have the time, and can pass high school english, there's a place for you in many teams. There's plenty of people who know English running around, but quite frankly, there's not many people who are willing to stick to a project and do the work required for free. Come into #pantsu-vn and I'm sure we can find a place for you if you are willing to put in a couple hours a week. Quality checking and editing doesn't require a PhD in English. Just make things sound natural and correct. That's the meat and bones of our job.

  8. I don't have a problem with anything you just said, really. I just have a problem with you telling everyone what you think a leader should be. Your standard of a leader, is quite simply, way off. You were pretty much implying that if you have a job other than leader, you can't be leader, and I'm calling bullshit. In fact, you haven't really defined what WOULD be a good leader. You've only given your thoughts on what MIGHT make a BAD leader. It's a silly train of thought that should stop early. Although I haven't ever been a leader of a translation group, I really highly doubt that it takes so much work to be one. Finding good members is the only real hard part about it, and that is something that people within the group can take care of without piling it onto one person named "leader."

  9. For Zakamutt.

    They told me enigma is better played with 1 conversion, 1 malefice, max conversion, max midnight pulse. Take BH when possible. This is after the 6.78 change.

    I think you're nuts lol. Maxing malefice is absolutely worth it. You get 3 entire seconds of stun out of it if you level it. Midnight pulse is more of a one point wonder, since it destroys trees and such. The potential for damage from midnight pulse is quite big, but it never actually ends up doing the damage you want it to do. You'd be hard pressed to find someone standing in it for more than 2-3 seconds. Also, maxing conversion is questionable, since you really only need 2-3 levels of it for your summons to not die instantly to an ursa stomp. The speed at which you farm is not increased significantly from the damage increase of leveling conversion, so it's much more useful to have a leveled malefice for ganks.

  10. I think you're going a bit far with this. Not everyone who works on fan translations gets exhausted from TLing/editing/hacking. A lot of people in this community genuinely enjoy what they do. I personally am in the military working normally 45 hour work weeks, sometimes extending into 84 hour work weeks. When I come home, I play some DotA 2 with my friends, but there's a lot of downtime when it comes to playing with friends, so you know what I do to entertain myself during that time? I start working on the editing project, and it's quite frankly, relaxing. I get an hour or two of work done per day, which in comparison to many people out there, is quite a bit (though nowhere near what some people in my group do).

    It's different for everyone. For you to insinuate that certain people can't handle certain tasks is a bit presumptuous. I've seen leaders of successful projects of all types. Some are exactly how you think a leader should be, such as being dedicated, fair, and all that. Some leaders are lazy cunts who show up once in a blue moon because they have managed to land the jackpot when recruiting members. I've never seen the role of the leader in the project as ever being a problem. Who cares if you're a hacker/editor/TL? If you are a leader that takes the time to make sure the project is a success, nothing else should matter. Hell, you don't even need to be passionate about the project. You just have to... well... DO it, and do it RIGHT. In my mind, that's the only requirement of a leader.

    And this is all assuming that I think that assigning a leader is important. Which I don't. Rather than assigning one, I think having a leader naturally reveal himself as you work on a project is much more beneficial. I realize there might be internal strife if you don't assign a leader, but if there's that much conflict in the first place, you have bigger problems than not assigning a leader. We're all grown adults (hopefully). We don't need someone at the top demanding things from us when we're working for free. I want to be part of a team, not a hierarchy. Anyone can organize things. Anyone can recruit people. Anyone can receive people in IRC and see if they fit the bill. Over time, the people that can perform this task will reveal itself, and you can let them be the sole recruiters. You don't need to smack the label of leader on them.

    Anyways, I said what I wanted to say. Please don't take any of this personally. I just think you're sending the wrong message to the community.

  11. Its probably ok that you don't have time cause there editing team just jumped in members, so you don't have to feel too bad. Although if they're looking for more, I have plenty of time to help if they want it.

    I wish it worked like that. The increase in members doesn't seem to have increased the pace, and we don't even have a good quality check process going just yet. I have faith in the project though, because I don't think anyone with half a heart would leave these translators with nothing to show for their work. At the very least, I'm not quitting unless the translators quit.

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