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Posts posted by Crimrui

  1. I enjoyed Princess Evangile, so hoping MangaGamer goes towards the direction of more character interaction based VNs and less nukige one. As for Sakura games, don't know, maybe by their 100 release they will be on a far higher level. I think Sakura Fantasy was a good step forward for them.

    You have to admit there are a lot of generic ecchi shows out there giving anime a bad image. There are a few good ones but most are mediocre or bad. 

    No I wont admit it because I am the one who watches those.

    Name me an ecchi show that is on the level of anime like Cowboy Bebop or Fullmetal Alchemist.

    Superb shows indeed, but... you can hardly pick up a waifu from them. From harem and ecchi shows it's much easier. ˇˇ

  2. I want to buy it, it's on store already but I'm freaking broke. Maybe in December but I really want to hear some thoughts on it as well. I'm guessing it's a linear story with no choices? How are battles, are they fun? Don't want to watch Youtube as it spoils some of the CG events.

  3. Phew, that's a lot. Honestly I expected only one member to maybe answer... I certainly didn't expect such a vast reply numbers. Thank you very much for your time. Based on everything you've told me, I've checked and inserted the titles mentioned below into my ''to watch next'' booklet.

    Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai
    Asu no Yoichi
    Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance
    Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
    Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
    Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai
    Juuou Mujin no Fafnir
    Seikoku no Dragonar
    Mashiro iro shymphony
    Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru no Darou ka
    Outbreak Company
    Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio
    Absolute Duo

    Others that I didn't put into the list but you mentioned, like Fortune Arterial or Kore Wa Zombie Desu-ka etc., I have watched already. Thank you again everyone, you've been very helpful. ˇˇ

  4. Time of the year when you're into certain genre and you would like to expand your horizon. I'm pretty picky when it comes to this stuff but most of it comes down to, aside from characters themselves, on how the direction of certain scenes are played out and how is the character interaction. If it has a good story, even better. So I'm looking something along the lines of Date A Live or Infinite Stratos. I know it's debatable on how those anime are, and of course there are far better ones out there, but these two would give you a general idea of what kind of series I would watch. From moe types to a bit of tamer ecchi scenes, no problem. Please don't recommend me something like Shinmai Maou no Testament or High School DXD, or any where the main dude is a too much of a pervert or too much pointless softcore ''almost'' hentai scenes. Even if the show is more naughty, I would rather have girls jumping on the guy then other way around, like Kampfer or Monster Musume.

    I apologize for a request such as this, but if you know a few anime like that, I would really appreciate it. ˇˇ


  5. Oh no. More cancer to the Steam Visual Novel section with the most thickheaded protagonist of all time.

    Actually, being obnoxiously thickheaded seems to be a trait of most male protagonists...

    Yamato, Yuuichi, and Kenichi weren't thick headed and they're my favorite protagonists because of that. Also, the level of thickheadedness of the protagonist wasn't entertaining. It was incredibly annoying.

    I would rather have a thick headed protagonist then the arrogant or more assertive type. When the guy is more passive, girl's personality is more flashed out for me. Chris's route from Majikoi, for example, would have been far more enjoyable if the MC was the guy was from Sharin no Kuni. Instead we got Yamato and entire route was full of bickering and fight in who will prove a point and have a last sentence. In the end, I'm in for the girls in VN not the guy.  But of course, none likes the MC who has common sense problems in general.

    In any case, new Sakura game... eh? Wait, everything feels way too familiar. A sequel, with another female aside from two old ones? And they pretty much reused the same portraits from the last one with added one.  This should have been an expansion. Talk about lazy...

  6. Girls in this game have no personality whatsoever. Two main ones are especially bad. All they do is bounce you to join one of them, all the time through the end. Honestly, I though the story will be like, you'll spend time with them going on dates around town or something before you decide. But they just appear, taunt you to pick, then you switch to some person with whom you talk a bit, then again they appear and comment some stuff. Rance and repeat. And the MC just whines how he wants a girlfriend. Writing be damned... -_-'

  7. im curois about the Violated hero series

    how is it different from MGQ?

    Less story, less interaction and adventuring, shorter but better art. It's a first-person dungeon crawler, think of it like first Raidy game. You gain levels and few moves but generally there is no use of tactics. You pretty much level up until you can wreck the floor's boss. Upon facing one you get a little interaction, you win and you move on, lose and you'll be raped. Second and third are better cuz' after a h-scene you get another aftermath h-scene. Third and fourth aren't translated so I don't know...

  8. Like Kurisu-chan already stated, it's a fetish compilation mostly. You're getting to experience the worst kind of dominance, girls sick-in-the-head shitting and pissing on the main character and among others as well. If you try to escape it all you will be treated by a lot of bestiality. On a plus side it features a sex scenes while showing entire image of a characters. The point of view is a bit distant at times so in most cases you see entire body of girls even a detailed feet. Something that a lot of other nukige tend to cut off.

    My first ending was probably my favorite. MC was forced into a marriage with futanari girl Marika. Other few that I got were far worse. ˇˇ

  9. I'd love to see an anime of Muvluv Alternative at some point... just please with a different VA for Takeru, because that VA irritated the hell out of me.  I don't know we'd ever get an anime for the original Muvluv series though... you'd have to cover Muvluv itself (a deliberately generic harem romcom that's pure setup that would almost certainly get panned in reviews) before you could dive into Unlimited, which is better but still... isn't Alternative.  But you can't just dive into Alternative, because Alternative requires the setup from Extra/Unlimited to show why it's really really good.

    Alternative would be problematic to animate without extensive revisions, however I think doing extra/unlimited would be surprisingly easy. You wouldn't do extra than unlimited, you would try and mesh them together. Perhaps have episode 1 be extra, than immediately dive into unlimited. Than throughout unlimited sprinkle flashbacks to the relevant parts of extra.   

    My thoughts exactly. A 24 episode run would be enough. You would need one or two episodes of Extra before switching to Unlimited. 6-7 episodes would be sufficient for that, slowly showing Takeru training, character and world building then the rest to focus on Alternative. But I can already see people commenting  in 5 episodes in like ''The pace is terrible! We get alien invasion and they are showing us stupid drama and romance? Series dropped... 3/10'' XD

  10. Pledging is no issue for me (especially seeing a good price for physical+art book combo) but before pledging I would really like to know what kind of VN it is? Is it dark-heavy or lighthearted? How are the characters and how MC behaves? For example, I see the company making more of a nukige type of VN and with that line on their page saying ''MC getting an urge to suck blood'' it can lead to rapey like situations. Although, since it's on steam those things won't be there so I'm guessing it's not the main focus and you can enjoy story? A small English demo would really help in making me decide how much to pledge...

    It will be a mixed between lighthearted and heavy (not to the point I would say "dark"): A kind-of-plot-focused but still have the onomatope-ish's element: comedy/harem and stuff.

    At least that's impression I got from the trial version.

    Thanks for the info. Design wise, the red-haired girl and that priestess/nun looking girl are the ones that are to my liking. Maybe others will grow on me depending on the personality. This VN gives me a Princess Waltz kind of vibe. Except for fusing, the main guy sucks some blood in order to gain/give more power, maybe? As far as I can tell there is some decent action, fighting wise. Also reminds me somewhat of 11 Eyes, don't know why. Wish that was translated though...

    Also for H-scenes...

    And as I thought, blood sucking is used for sexual acts. Seems like the girls piss themselves or cum as he bites their neck. Have to find reason for H-scenes eh? And MC deflowers half of the cast before you're given any choice... Have to have a taste of everyone until you decide to whom you'll stick...

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