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Status Updates posted by Crimrui

  1. Got a new gaming mouse.. now I just need to upgrade my PC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crimrui


      SteelSeries Sensei. *evil grin*

      Well, honestly it's not that impressive, it probably sounded cooler when I wrote here. You were expecting something great, eh? There are much better ones for sure. Don't have much money so average stuff is good for me. -_-'

    3. Tay


      Hey, I'm right there with you : P. A cheap mouse from the local electronics shop is enough to get me excited : ).

      If not the mouse, then, how about games you've played with it? Which game did you use to break it in?

    4. Crimrui


      Sleeping Dogs, Batman Arkham City and Deus Ex Human Revolution. I don't game much on the PC except VN's, few indie and some oldies that appear on Steam, like recent Grandia 2 release. More of a console guy myself. How about you? Hardcore PC gamer?

  2. 私は今大変 忙しいんです

  3. Dou sureba ii de shou ka?

  4. Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes.. Yaahhhh!

    Sorry, I always have to say that when I see that image. ^^

  5. Time to get it on with a new VN. Popcorn and soda, where art thou?

  6. Thanks for the welcome man. Sweet Ayumu pose there on your avatar. XD

  7. Thanks for answering my question about the Grisaia no Kajitsu in the news section. ^^

  8. Thanks for the welcome. ^^

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