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Everything posted by darkmarmot

  1. @nutakudev I was really hoping you might be able to leverage connections in Japan for American game devs to work in this market. I think my company will check Mikandi and Jet program kids for Pixiv translation... the anime art I've been finding in America is kind of sad.
  2. @NutakuDev -- You mentioned you wanted to help foster an American development scene. I ended up trying Aigis recently and have been surprised at what appears to be a pretty terrible rapport between developer and publisher. As an American game developer, I thought this game was really well done in terms of balance and gameplay, especially while following a FarmVille style collection approach, but making it much more involved. I think the one thing that really holds the American market back (on the supply side) is that quality anime artwork at decent prices seems to be much more available to studios in Japan -- and for those of us with game production skills but no contacts and a massive language barrier, it seems hard to get involved. Have you considered trying to act as a liason between American studios/devs and artists?
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