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Posts posted by Novel21

  1. 9 hours ago, CgSquall said:

    Almost all new laptops will run VN's and movies without an issue - but I'd recommend Windows / Microsoft as you'll run into compatibility issues with VN's and Mac's / Apple's. Usually the only issues with movies is having the right program / codecs, but that's solved by software. Regarding VN's, the best way to be completely sure would be to print off recommended specs of a few and take it to the store with you and ask the employee, or you could ask on reddit or discord with some more details like your budget, what screen size you'd prefer, etc. If it helps I think the general type of laptop you're looking for is known as a "Multimedia laptop". You could even get away with a true budget laptop if you don't plan on using it for more than 2-3 years and don't mind it being a bit slower / less multitasking ability.

    Thank you very much and I have just buy myself a laptop it's not gaming laptop through but it's okay, since I'm only going to use it to play VN and watch movies. 

  2. What laptop do I need to play VN and watch movies on?

    I have a gaming laptop but I'm going to sell it, since it have problem with keyboard and I'm going to buy new laptop but not gaming laptop this time. 

  3. I have just finished watching Fruits Basket for second or third time and I think Fruits Basket is a very nice and strong series to watch, it's just absolutely beautiful. Just finished watching it and it will always be my favorite anime, it's a series I will never tire of watching. It captures my heart every time I watch it, love the bond between the character and how we learn more about them by looking at their past. Also likes drama and suspense in the series.

  4. 1 hour ago, Limbo said:

    It's nothing special but I've started playing Olympia Soiree recently

    I think the world is pretty interesting, there's some stuff which is a bit ehhhh but it's nothing too major that's making me drop the game. I've played through most of the routes, I just have 2 left. I was thinking of getting Jack Jeanne since the art looks nice but I have no clue how it's like story wise

    Jack Jeanne have good story and I find gameplay very fun, I love game very much and I'm going to play it again soon. Art it's beautiful as well. 

  5. I don't know which game to buy, it's a choice between Amazing Grace or Mashiroiro Symphony HD can only afford one of the games, know Mashiroiro Symphony HD isn't out yet. but I buy Amazing Grace because I can't afford Mashiroiro Symphony HD when it comes out. Might wait and buy Amazing Grace later. What do you think?

  6. Mashiro-iro Symphony have finally a release date and it's May 2 and I'm really looking forward to play it in English. 

    Mashiro-iro Symphony it's my favoritt anime ever and soon I can play the VN. 

    I'm so excited to see how VN are and learn more about girls. 

    I'm not sure which route I'm going for, maybe Uryuu Sakuno or Sena Airi.

    I'm going to play Mashiro-iro Symphony: Sana Edition as well, since I find Sana very cute and adorable. 

  7. I'm getting myself a Steam Deck upcoming Monday and it's my first time own a Steam Deck, it's it possible to play/read VN on Steam Deck? 

    I look forward to picking up the Steam Deck in the mail at the store

  8. Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%


    Plot: Nanami Haruka wants to be a song writer, so she attends an idol training school filled with beautiful bishounen. The school pairs each aspiring songwriter with an aspiring idol, but Haruka finds herself paired with 3 idols! To make things more difficult, Nanami is also not allowed to date any of her beautiful partner.

    I just love this serie very much, I 1000% love it, it`s not my first time watch it, I don`t know how many time I have watch it now. 

    I never get bored of it, it have beautiful songs, I love friendship and bonds between Nanami and starish, I love how she get to know them and how friendship starts.

    We get chance to learn about starish and their backstory, how they become starish thanks to Nanami for to producer their songs.

    I love how it have funny scene and little bit romance.

    My favorite characther are Nanami and Tokiya since they have such strong friendship, since Nanami awakened his love for music and how much he love to sing together with five others member of Starish.

    Self second and third season are good, although I have only watched little bit of third season.

    I have a question for your guys. 

    1. Have you watched Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%?

    2. If you haven't watched Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%, why?

    3. Who it`s your favorite characters?

    4. Which characters don`t you like?


    That was for question and I hope you guys like my review, sorry for my bad English, it`s not my first or second language.

    I have to learn English on my own, so I used translator since couple of words was hard to write. 


    I 100% recommend to give it a try and I give it 10/10.

  9. 3 hours ago, littleshogun said:

    While HCPC did have perfume, it didn't have Tsubomi encounter a boy in her childhood. Instead, the more obvious answer here should be Go Princess Precure (GPPC) with the premise is exactly what the OP stated; main character (Haruharu) meet a boy (Kanata) when she is little girl and he give her a perfume (Actually Princess Key) and when she is older, she transform using perfume and meet 2 other girls (Minamin and Kirara) who can transform. I hope that I can answer the OP question here.

    Thats correct it was Go Princess Precure, it's my favorite. Thank you very much, i'm going to watch it later. 

  10. I need help remembering the title of an anime.

    It's about 3 Girls so transform and main character meet a boy when she it's little girl and he give her a perfume and when she it's older, she transform using perfume and meet 2 other Girls so can transform.

    It's a kids anime. 

  11. 55 minutes ago, Kosakyun said:

    Probably anything from Key as a first recommendation then, right?

    Ignoring the VN adaptations, Charlotte and Prima Doll are probably not bad places to start? Though I think Charlotte's probably an easier pick.

    For non-Key titles, I don't see AnoHana in your list so as a staple, you should probably go for it! It doesn't have action though so... But if you're okay with SoL drama stuff, then that and Your Lie in April should be good picks for emotional friendship stories.

    As a personal recommendation, I'll throw in Girls' Last Tour too. It's one of my favorites. :__:

    Thank you very much, i'm going to try watch anime you choose for me and se how they are. 

  12. 1 hour ago, littleshogun said:

    It's not like I'm alone here anyway seeing that I see several people wish it to be localized, and one of the main reason is because of Tsubasu's art. So yeah, you're not alone when it come to wishing see Mashimaro being localized.

    Anyway, here's the Steam store link to the newest Shiravune game if you're interested, although personally I think it's not their interesting title.

    I have look at steam store for game and it looks boring out, I'm not going to buy it. I think Shiravune make wrong choice when they choose new Debonosu VN, I'm sure not many going to pick up the new Debonosu VN. 

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