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Posts posted by AkkisBlade

  1. Dammmmmmmmmn.... Lubbock is over there getting his nuts busted while Tatsumi has three different women trying to... get him to bust a nut? You know, they made a joke earlier in the manga that Tatsumi was like the protagonist in a Galge, and quite frankly with how quickly he seduces EVERY woman in the series I have to agree.


    I don't think Lubbock is gonna break. If anything I see him killing himself when they try to poke out his eye (that long spike would end everything if Lubbock throws his head forward into it while his eye is getting penetrated... cause it'd puncture his brain and all). It sucks so much to be Lubbock right now though.


    As for Esdeath... Tatsumi shouldn't have done that. He reaaaaally shouldn't have done that. It might not be Mien, but one of the females in Night Raid is confirmed dead. Probably Mien... but Leone is a big possibility too. Another possibility is Esdeath using Lubbock to win over Tatsumi; "Reject her, accept me, or your friend loses another testicle". I mean, you'd have to be awful dickish to choose Mien over Lubbock's left nut.

    I find it harder and harder to believe this manga is a shonen and not a seinen with each passing chapter. I freaking love it <3

    I lol'd so hard when I read the last sentence in the spoiler XD

  2. I had my favorite character killed by my second favorite, so who dies and who doesn't is kind of meh to me by now.

    I just hope Rabac survives at least a little longer.

    I think Mein is gonna die tortured, that's the impression I got back in the first chapters, probably unlikely by now.

    I'm quite sure someone will be dying in the next 2-3 chapters, probably Rabac or (hopefully) Mein.


    I do think that there's a chance Esdese will torture Mein if she somehow captures her. There's no need to say what would come after that.

  3. Tokyo Ghoul is definitely a must watch for this season so far, for me at least. Akame Ga Kill looked interesting, but from what I hear it's just mindless violence.

    From last season though, Sidonia No Kishi was interesting, but No Game No Life definitely took one of my spots for favorite anime.

    Akame ga Kill certainly has A LOT of violence (I love it! *_*) but the plot's nice. Again, if you don't like things like beheading, you shouldn't watch it.


    Also, WTF with those censored scenes in Tokyo Ghoul's last chapter?!!!

  4. Hey all, I would like to make a little spiel about the podcast if I may and something that I believe should be addressed going forward, so bear with me if you please. First things first though: the OP has been updated to reflect the next 3 episodes of the podcast. If you are interested in volunteering for any of them or want to ask questions about the topics and what they entail, please do so; the sooner we get the ball rolling the better.


    That being said, I wanted to address the recent episodes I posted on the Mixcloud account and some of the issues surrounding them. It was extremely disheartening, no, soul shattering, to receive a plethora of messages from individuals on Fuwanovel berating the podcast and saying that the direction I have taken it is and always has been a waste of time. Now, this post is not meant to get angry at those people because in the end, I appreciate the suggestions and advice. However, what I want them and everyone to understand is that this podcast is something I take very seriously. I try to treat it with the same level of professionalism I would any other project I am passionate about, and because of that, I wanted people to understand that I will always try to put my best foot forward when it comes to producing it. Nothing is perfect, nor am I a professional in this field of work, however I consistently try to make a product people can look back and and say, "Wow, that was fun to listen to!"


    Everyone gets nervous. Hell, I am practically shaking when we start an episode. What if it doesn't record and I wasted all these people's time? What if someone doesn't speak? What if we don't have enough time, or worse, run out of time? All of this is running through my head. I may be used to publicly speaking in front of others more than some, but in the end I am right there with everyone else: standing in my underwear praying nobody notices.


    That being said, I wanted to post this to let everyone know that I appreciate criticism, however please understand what I, no we, do as a group is not a simple task. Organizing it is one thing, but producing it is another.


    With that, thank you for the continued support and the enthusiasm for the project.




    It's quite saddening to hear that some people dislike the way you're directing (?) the podcasts after seeing the amount of effort you put in this project.


    It's normal to be nervous when talking like this. Even I, having as much experience as I do when it comes to talking in front of a crowd, was thinking things like "What if I mess up?, What if I'm so nervous that I can't speak properly?". But even though we may be anxious, we give our best when we have to.


    Also, I'm completely sure that, just like some people who don't, there are a lot of people who support this project and, of course, you. Those may be only the ones in this thread but I'm sure there are others who, even if they don't post something, they're waiting for a new episode to be released.




    P.D: I'd like to volunteer for Episode 8.

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