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Posts posted by AkkisBlade

  1. The folks over at VNDB say that she has the same name as the protagonist's dead sister, Kiyomi.

    Considering that the Japanese names usually hold a meaning, I would expect the final lines in the game to hint at it.

    Even if it's not directly stated in the translation, I believe it would be easy to guess given the way Kyousuke reacts when he hears her name as I think it holds some importance. 


    Remember when

    Haru mentions her name during the CG in which she's standing beside Kyousuke?

  2. This post contains spoilers so if you haven't read the VN, I'd strongly recommend not to read this.


    You sure? Last chance...

    So I was replaying G-Senjou some weeks ago and something came to mind after thinking about it: after Kyousuke is released from prison and Haru approaches him with ther daughter, Kyousuke's inner monologue says something about hearing her daughter's name however, if I recall correctly, her name was never mentioned. 

    So my doubt is: do they mention the name and I just happened to miss it or they never said it?

    If it was the latter, what do you think her name is?



  3. Hey everyone,


    The Rakuen giveaway won't have any sort of competition or fun activity associated with it. I plan to assign each of you a Bingo ball number and randomly select one. The person chosen will be the winner. If you would like to sign up, feel free to do so before the end of the week. The cutoff day will be Saturday the 7th of June. I will assign numbers then.



    No need to apologize ^^


    Anyway, count me in (again XD ).

  4. First of all, do you have another CA? Tatsuta as well as Tenryuu aree great CLs but oly for doing expeditions gven they consume less resources that any other CL.


    Maya is a great CA when you are starting because she can remodel at level 18 and get a huge improvement on her stats. I'd recomend you to get another CA: Haguro, Tone, Chikuma or Kinugasa are good options because all of then have Kai Ni remodels. Mogami is also a good choice but I doubt you have her given you have a low admiral level.


    There is an important condition that will make you hit more and harder and make the other fleet hit less and softer: Artillery spotting. All BBs, CAs and CLs can equip recognaissance planes. Those are used to fly close to the enemy fleet and help the gunners on your ship to adjust the angle of their turrents and increase accuracy. Also, a fleet with artillery spotting has more probabilities of doing daylight cut-ins for massive damage.


    So, how do you get artillery spotting?


    You have to equip on every CA, CL and BB you have on your fleet a single reconnaisance plane and get Air supremacy. That's where Akagi comes into play. You only have one carrier and the plane she comes to are very mediocre so the damage she can do isn't that great. You have to use her to get Air supremacy for 2 reasons:


    - As stated above, it gives Artillery spotting

    - Air supremacy means less planes shot down = less bauxite you spend


    So, how do you get Air supremacy? By having fighters, lots of then. Try using the big slot on Akagi for the fighters. A text like this is shown when you get air supremacy: 制空権確保! If you don't get it everytime you enter battle, put more fighters. Now, see on the top right part of the screen if a seaplane appears over the enemy formation circle and if it happens you have gotten artillery spotting.


    The optimal loadout for doing damage is


    2 main artilleries, 1 recon plane and 1 anti-air artillery (not anti air machine gun)


    In case of 3 slots ships, ditch the anti-air artillery.


    Anyway, just try reading the wikia and you'll learn most off this. Experience comes into play too but less than theory.



    I wanna see how much levels your ships earn beefore actually beating 2-4. Also, modernize your ships already unless you want to get critted by a fucking enemy destroyer.

    Actually, I have Mogami Kai but, like all the other ships, she's Lvl.10. The other Kais I have are Tatsuta, Murakumo, Ooi and Kitakami.


    I think I should have mentioned this earlier but the ships I want to level are those in Lvl. 10,


    Also, I've been using the reconaissance planes and fighters for some weeks now (Akagi has 3 fighters and a bomber).

  5. Ok but what was the connection of Ilya becoming holy grail who had done something to revive Shirou and what was the reason that the body was being remotely controlled ? 

    It's not like it's being remotely controlled, if anything it's like the puppet-body was "possessed" by Shiro's soul. And if I remember correctly,Shiro was going to sacrifice himself  so that the Grail was destroyed but Ilya saved/stopped him, allowing him to "survive".

  6. Here's a new topic(ta da da da):

    Do you play any instruments?

    Why did you started playing?

    How did you learned to play?

    I play guitar and, why not, drums.


    Guitar: a friend suddenly came to me and said: "Hey let's make a band! You'll be the rythm guitar and singer" and I was like "Why not?"

    Drums: I had to pick something for art class so...


    Guitar: I just learned the songs I had to play and eventually I knew the techniques I needed and just kept practising.

    Drums: Pretty much just heard the songs and played them. I didn't have problems to coordinate as because of the guitar/singing.

  7. As Hakrouken mentioned, the best way to level your ships is on pvp, because you can get over 1000 exp battles if you get an S rank victory and you earn very few HQ exp = less inflated TTK level. Just be careful with fleet composition. Also, the factor that determines how many exp you earn is the combined level of the first 2 ships on the enemyy fleet.


    The other way is grinding 3-2. Unless you have a 6 DDs fleet, you'll allways get rediected north. That node only has DDs and CAs which can be easily destroyed and give 500 exp to the flagship. The ideal composition of that fleet would be:


    Flagship = the ship you want to level

    2 CVs filled with torpedo planes (Ryuusei or Ryuusei Kai for maximum effectiveness. If not usse Tenzan)

    2 CLTs equiped with midget subs for preemptive torpedo strike

    1 sub.


    The trick is that all the enemy ships have to attack the sub and, since they hahe cheap and fast to fix it doesn't cost you a lot of time and money to grind. You'd have to destroy the enemy fleet before the final torpedo phase or then, the enemy ships will bypass the ule that makes then attack only the sub.


    you can use this trick in 2-4-A too for same EXP + better drops, but there will allways be 1 or 2 CAs that will ignore the sub and attack your other ships


    If you want to level CL/CLT/DD you can use 1-5. Just use BBV/CVL/ + the 2 ships yu want to level and you'll allways each boss. don't forget to craft depth charges and sonars and equipe then on your DDs and CLs

    I only reached 2-3 but even 2-2 gave some problems, that's why I want to level them easily.


    Regarding pvp, even though I do it daily, I've obtained the 1000exp only once while I usually obtain 200exp or similar.

  8. For a topic -

    I just finished Fate Stay/Night so.....

    Which was your favorite route and why ?


    And what does the title 'Fate Stay/Night' mean, fate is the first route but what does 'stay/night' refer to ?

    My favourite route is definitely UBW (no need to ask why):




    But I also think that HF was incredible, story-wise of course.

  9. Hi guys,

    I had made this account in early 100's (talking about d page if someone didn't get it), was here till i saw a sudden jump from 150-250, i lost a lot of of determination n checked it once in a while, now though i hope to be more active.

    I just completed FSN, its a great game and i saw that there were some anime adaptations, which i would love to know if they are worth the watch.

    I think the UBW movie was better than the anime.

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