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Everything posted by thefallenalchemist

  1. Well, I downloaded the ISO's and installed it just as Japanese. I got the same problem. What's more, is that I can run it in Linux with Wine, and the music and sound play, but the game sections and movies do not play. It also crashed. But at least I got sound and music.I wonder why I can't get the sound and voices to work in windows, but they will in Linux. Bizarre.
  2. I found the actual ISO's, so I'm just going to do it the old fashioned way. I'm not playing it until winter, so I have plenty of time.
  3. Tried XP compatibility, with admin rights and absolutely no change was made.
  4. I just got here, so I'm not really sure who this is. Nevertheless, a stroke is serious business and my thoughts are with this individual and their family. It's absolutely terrible that these things can happen to us as humans and can make life a truly miserable affair. I'm glad to hear that he is doing better and hope that he will be back to 110% of what he was before. These things should not happen to anyone, just as I feel with dementia and cancer. Two thousand years of human evolution, and it upsets me that we cannot prevent these horrible catastrophies from destroying our lives and those of loved ones. Not even one person should have to deal with this kind of pain. Not even one.
  5. Alright, so I have a previously downloaded Fuwanovel version of the game. I'm playing this on a 32bit Windows Vista laptop computer SP2 btw - Intel Onboard Graphics. Just installed CCCP as well and disabled the UAC. Non-unicode programs set to Japanese language. Also have Japanese Applocale as a backup. As you can see, I never usually have these kinds of problems. Game runs fine. That's not an issue. I can easily get through it with no problem. Unfortunately, on the first Galaxy Angel, I have absolutely no sound or music whatsoever. No voices either, even though I have all the correct data files. A friend running Win7 had the same issue. No sound, music or voices. The opening movie plays, I get a little bit of voice during the introduction and then when Tact starts talking it's perfect silence. No sound, no music, no voices. Additionally, the "voices" section in my settings has been greyed out and is inacessible. Moonlit Lovers - This time, I have voices. Just no sound and no music. Oddly enough, the "settings" tab reports no issues. Music doesn't play, even though it shows in both games that it very well can. Same with sound. If anyone could help me, that would be awesome as I plan on playing the whole series this winter. If it still doesn't work, I'll just throw on albums in the background. BTW: There's nothing wrong with the torrent, I compared it with another folder from a guy who downloaded the exact same thing on Win10 and reports no problems.
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