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Posts posted by Renumnum

  1. I'm not ready for this thread yet :P my japanese is too basic and bad right now xD




    Plus, once you get it wrong a few times... you get used to the shame of failing to express yourself everytime. :-'

    More seriously, I think we're all trying to say things at the limit of our own level, and that's why we make mistakes, but that's also how we get better.

  2. But that would imply that renumnum was the one who translated it (is that true?)


    Oops, I guess I wrote that wrong then. Of course it's not I who translated it, as that would make no sense. I just forgot to use the passive... I have some trouble with the passive; sorry about that, and thanks @astro for clarifying. ^_^" (And please do not hesitate to point out other mistakes I made if you have some time to spare...)

    Well, since we're all learning (except those who aren't...), it's part of the game to guess at what others are trying to say ! (And @zoom909's understanding of the sentence was right, though my form was wrong, sorry.)


    私はついさっきSNOWを読んだ。私は失楽園(Milton's Paradise Lost)を読んだからParadise Lost (エロゲ)迚も欲してを読みたい。


    Just recently, I've read SNOW. Since I've read Milton's Paradise Lost, I really want to get the eroge Paradise Lost and try reading it.


    As far as I can tell:

    * it's not incorrect but unecessary to repeat 私は since the topic stays the same;

    * I've seldom seen 欲っする as a verb, though 欲しい is very common;

    * I don't get the を after 欲っして, though it would make sense I guess without を and て as a coordination.

  3. @elairiah


    Sorry. Actually, I wrote the previous sentence incorrectly. "When the chicken crosses the street, what is its reason for crossing?" was my intention.

    Comments and suggestions (I may be wrong):
    前文章 -> 前の文章 (or 前に adverbially)
    違って -> maybe 間違って would have been better?
    書きました has to be passive if 文章 is the subject -> 書かれました
    通りだと -> 通ると
    鶏の通りの理由 would mean "the reason for crossing the chicken" I think -> 鶏が通る理由
    (Or more simply using 何のために (what for): 何のために通るのですか?)



    Ah... again I'm sorry for leaving that big discrepancy.

    Comments and suggestions:
    I'm not sure but you may have wanted to use (間)違ってしまった instead of をしまった.
    Also you need the て-form instead of the た-form to coordinate your sentences -> しまって I think
    (Or you can make two sentences and end your first at しまった.)



    When I wrote that sentence, I didn't think [?].

    Not sure about this one. Comments:
    書いて時 -> 書いた時 here you actually need the predicate version た instead of the continuative て
    I don't really know what you meant to say by 「私が思いませんでした」



    @astro: There are too many mistake. Thank you for your help. However, are such things becoming a headache ? [???]

    I didn't get the end of the sentence. Besides, I think:
    多すぎ失敗だ -> 失敗が多すぎる; the basic rule is 〜い (adj) -> 〜すぎる (-ru verb)
    援助にありがとう -> 援助をありがとう
    そうなこと -> did you mean そんなこと?



    Well, that's true. I was perhaps a little careless; I'll pay more attention.

    かも知らない -> did you mean かも知れない ?

    Same as elairiah, I also don't get what you meant by 死になければ in your other sentence


  4. @sanahtligさん、ちょっと失礼ですが、「ます」や「です」などは丁寧な言い方ですが、「君」と「俺」はカジュアルですね。意味ははっきりとわかりますが、両方の言葉を一緒に使うのは少しおかしいと思います。これは練習のスレッドなので、必ずしも丁寧ではなくてもいいのに、同じ文で同じ言い方の方がいいかもしれません

    @Elairiahさん、文法を勉強して頑張ってくださいね! 実に私としては文法が楽しいんです。文法を勉強すればするほどビジュアルノベルを読めるんですよ。そして、既知の文法構成を見つけたら、「なるほど!」って言って満足するでしょう

  5. @Funnerific Oh I see now; I think you wanted this 変わる (to change [to]) instead of 替わる (to replace). Both are read かわる. I got confused because Xと替わる also exists.





    "Thanks for pointing out my mistakes.

    Me too. Well, it's why I created this thread."



  6. Zalorの日英はちょっと違いますですから、他の誰さんは俺の始めの書き込みを訳す貰いますか?


    I think you wanted to say something like: "Since Zalor's Japanese-to-English translation is a bit inaccurate, could someone else translate my original post?"

    Couple of issues, I think, with your sentence (but I'm also kind of a beginner myself so...):

    日英 means Japanese-English and I don't think you can use it standalone like that; you probably want 英訳 (English translation) or plain old 翻訳

    違いますです is incorrect; no です after ます

    誰さん litterally "miss/mister 誰" is strange; you probably mean 誰か他の人 or 他の誰か

    訳す貰います is incorrect; it's -te + morau, so 訳してもらいます

    But a bigger problem is that 誰かは…もらう would mean "someone receives" so you are saying "would someone receive the fact that (I) translate my original post?" or something like that; you probably want くれる or you can phrase your sentence differently with に:








    自分のあだ名がMLPファンの頃から残ったが、一昨年の秋でアニメとエロゲーに興味が替わった。しかし結構オリジナルですから、まだ使ってるよ。新 しいあだ名のことについてまだ考えなかった。それに、その過去は別にあんなに恥ずかしくないと思う。(forgive my Japanese)


    "My own nickname is a leftover from when I was a MLP fan, but [i'm guessing] by last fall my hobbies had switched from anime to erogames. However, since it's pretty unique, I still use it. I haven't (really) thought about a new nickname. Besides, I think that legacy isn't that embarassing."

    I had some trouble with the 「アニメとエロゲーに興味が替わった」 part, so I guessed. As far as I know, Xに替わる generally means "to replace X;" besides here it sounds to me as if 興味 is replacing that something. I'd suggest splitting the clause and using なる:


    (Litterally, "Erogames completely replaced anime and became my hobby".)

    Or maybe more simply:


  7. Hum, I'm wondering about something... several times in this thread, some people mention that being able to understand raw-anime-level conversational Japanese is a must, and how it equates to beginner level... but is it really that easy? I mean, I, for one, am absolutely not able to understand raw anime, and I wouldn't say I'm the most novice of Japanese learners out there. ^^ But maybe I'm just really bad at parsing spoken language, and it's actually easy for most people. :D Well, just wondering...

    To be honest, before reading this thread, intuitively, I'd have thought that texts with lots of written-style Japanese, which uses a more well-behaved syntax, would be easier for beginners to understand, as opposed to lots of spoken-language quirks.

  8. Thanks for the welcome messages!


    What is your favourite vn so far?


    My favorite VN? Well, let's see, as I said, I haven't read a lot. The first VN I've ever played was Tsukihime and I liked it... since it was the first, I guess it's kind of special among VNs I've enjoyed. :) It's somewhat uncharacteristic though, as I find the other stuff that came out of Type-Moon really meh... I've also played a couple of more slice-of-lifey romance-focused VNs like D.C., Shuffle!, or Yume Miru Kusuri, but among those the one that I actually remember most fondly was a small VN called Crescendo; it was pretty short and rather modest, in both scope and execution, but I think it managed well in its own simple way.


    I didn't realize it at first, but after being on the forum for awhile I noticed there are more people learning Japanese than I had originally thought. Soo~ there are lots of people doing the same thing as you on here ^_^ (including me)


    That's good to hear. If you don't mind my asking, how far along are you in your studies? Do you understand everything that you read... or do you even try to? My (fairly limited) experience up to now goes something like this... I can understand a few paragraphs just fine and then comes a sentence I don't quite get, and my flow gets disrupted, and I start to obsess over that one mysterious sentence!


    By the way, I read the last few messages from the topic Fiddle pointed me to and saw somebody complaining about it not being the right place for beginners, so I'm not sure I should be asking something on there... though the other topic "for beginners" ( http://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/4966-japanese-help-thread-for-beginnersstarters/) seems kinda dead...

  9. Hello everyone!


    Well, well, it seems like forever since I last wrote an introduction topic on a forum like this. It brings back memories; this feels like the 2000s all over again. :) Anyway~, as you can probably see, I'm new around here. I've known the site for some time but I can't say I've been lurking much, even... in truth, I'm not really a great VN reader by any stretch of the imagination.


    But recently, I started reading some VNs in Japanese, both as practice for my Japanese and because I just... I've just always liked romantic stuff, which happens to make up a lot of VNs out there. Well, since my Japanese isn't exactly stellar, I stumble quite a bit, and sometimes I'd find myself wanting to ask other people for advice on some (more or less basic) piece I don't get. So I was thinking, maybe on a community site like this, there would be some place to post this kind of questions?


    Of course, I could always post on something like the Japanese StackExchange, but... it's kind of scary. :3 It's big, pro, with lots of very serious people, talking about very serious stuff like business, litterature, and what not...

    All in all, I'm just looking for a friendly place to lurk, I guess!


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