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Status Updates posted by Mevvrynne

  1. Pizza + Wings + Ice Cream + Cookies = BLEGGGGHHHHHHHHHGGHAHAHAHAAH Kill me.

  2. I will never trust my friends with making costumes again. Why did I in the first place?!

  3. So I put on the costume they made...I was completely blindfolded while it was happening so I didn't know what it looked like. They take off the blindfold right before putting the helmet on and it's still a really dark room. I finally go into a bright room and I look like some robot that came out of a car compactor.

  4. Tsumiki is back! This time in wonderful winter clothing!

  5. Fear the monster that is my avatar! FEAR IT!!!

  6. It's just me, two boxes of Monster, several frozen pizzas, and Batman: Arkham Origins all weekend.

  7. Hmm...class tomorrow morning...freshly baked rum cake...a bottle of whiskey...ah to hell with it!

  8. Seriously, how can food taste so good?

  9. ~Goes to the store, takes almost all of the Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew on the shelf, gets an odd look from the cashier, return a look of pride and accomplishment~

  10. Fear me! For I have managed to clean this god-forsaken house after a full year of not giving a damn!

  11. Priest decks in Hearthstone....go die in every fire please.

  12. Ok seriously, who assigns 12 financial statements to be written out before the end of the weekend?

  13. What happens when you go to sleep at 2 in the morning? You wake up at 1 in the afternoon and realize your roommate carried you somewhere other than your bed.

  14. Hearthstone: 16 matches in the past two hours, only two losses. (b^.^)b

  15. 9 wins 1 loss Hearthstone Arena run, got a gold Black Knight card in the card pack!

  16. Time to do some Hearthstone!

  17. Going to pass out for about 13 hours nyow~

    1. Stanleys


      I'm sure the spamming has nothing to do with that

  18. I got Lord Jaraxxus in Hearthstone!

  19. The nyaa will be with you~

  20. How many avatars have I gone through in the last 4 days?!

  21. Early morning accounting course is eviilllllll~

  22. Waiting for moar anime releases~

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