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Status Updates posted by Mevvrynne

  1. Toast....Om nom nom~

  2. Gone from the battle station for 4 days, how will I pull through!?

  3. -_-....I don't want to see that exam score....

  4. Anxiety medication + depression medication + blood pressure medication = horrible insomnia the night before an exam....good life

  5. Sometimes...I just wish I was naturally good at calculus...

  6. Nothing...My mind is free of constraints...I am one with the cosmos...I am the whole...I am eternal...I am a pebble. Why did that brat throw me across a lake?

  7. Huuuunnngryyyyyyyyyy........

  8. You ask what's on my mind? Not to quote Steve, but it's "lolis."

  9. 4 hours of sleep on the day I submit a major assignment...this should be interesting...

  10. Probably unconscious by the time you're reading this....

  11. If you were nearby, you would be hearing the mad gibberish of a person with too much homework.

  12. -_- ZZZZZzzzzzz.....

  13. Follow-up on homework killing: No, but it definitely causes more fatigue than anything I've ever done.

  14. I wonder if it's possible for homework to kill.

  15. 9-0 Hearthstone Arena run with a Warlock (wut?!). Gotta love aggro decks.

  16. Dragon. Yes, dragon. No other words are necessary.

  17. Imagine a world where you don't exist. How could you possibly not exist when you're imagining this?!

  18. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz..........~~~~~

  19. Monster-powered imagination go! Form of: ....oh dear god what is that thing?

  20. 4-days off! What will I do? NOTHING PRODUCTIVE!!!!!

  21. MoAr HeArThStOnE!!!! Playing as a priest now, wayyyyyy too powerful.

  22. Made around $1500 off of a garage sale these past few days....still incurred a loss of about $600

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