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Posts posted by AlphaCake

  1. Well, it won't matter if it isn't the event song. I go into regular EX songs with full R teams. Combo and score doesnt matter (unless you,are trying to FC, but just clearing, you don't need PLs)


    Wow Ceris, so spoiled. Not everyone gets to be a whale like you  :P . I got into EX songs with full N teams. Even now, I'm still using R's for parts of my teams.

  2. It's Nishikino Maki from Love Live School Idol Project. Not really from a VN, but the mobile app does have some VN gameplay. It couldn't be that obscure for google.




    I'd rate yours 7/10. While I do like the black and white design, it doesn't feel like there is anything more to it. Also google search only linked back to this post with 1 result, so I guess I can forgive you for not figuring out who my avatar was, even though Love Live is extremely popular.

  3. I'd put myself at an 8. I FC'd all the hard songs, but some of them actually took quite a few tries since the speed feels really sluggish. It's like playing AR 8 on osu when all you play is AR 9, AR8 DT (9.6), and AR 10.

    The only other rhythm game I play now is osu! too, but we're probably on completely different levels on the skill spectrum. I did get destroyed by [-Shizuku-] on a multiplayer warmup, so I do know I still have quite a bit of headroom to improve on osu!.

  4. I can read LN's on my phone with the Baka-Tsuki app. VNs are quite difficult to get on a phone even with VNDS, as it doesn't have many ports. Also, it feels less awkward reading a wall of text than playing a VN in public.

    I enjoy both mediums, as I can read content a lot faster through LNs, but VNs are a lot more immersive  with sprites, sound, and BGM.

  5. Being able to consistently FC the songs you get normally through playing and daily hards/ex songs is completely different, after all. I only claim to be able to do the former (and half of the daily hards).


    I've only been playing for 2 months, though! I think I'm getting better over time...


    And I've only been playing for 2 months too (Okay its 3 now, but you don't need to know that). Of course, SIF was never a hard game in my eyes compared to the shit I used to play, so I do have quite a bit of rhythm game experience beforehand.

  6. For me, I still need to FC all of the EXs (though I completed the ones available), MerFes Vol 2 and Solge. I farm daily hards since I can consistently FC Kohaku Biyori and Otome Shiki (and I'm still trying to FC the other two). Trying to raise rankings ASAP to get new songs, FC them and be able to do a bunch of draws to feed my URs.


    This is for JP right? I still need to finish all the daily songs EX on JP, but on EN that is not available yet. EN has 1-3 EX songs while JP has like 8 EX songs.

    Since I have no good cards anyways, I don't need fodder for them. I haven't unlocked all the "Hits" songs on EN since I'm only rank 83, but on JP I'm rank 112 and FC'd all the "Hits" available so it's pretty much the same thing anyways.

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