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Everything posted by TehRealOne

  1. Charlotte Episode 13 is actually quite comedic at the start. I'm inclined to increase my opinion of it, just a little bit though.
  2. I think I'm the lowest here out of everyone. Only rank 64. And only have a decent cool team. Please don't let me meet you guys in pure.
  3. I think I'll go for this one and the Maki Pure SR event thats 5 away. Actually, the cost just rose so I'll get the Hanayo one next event
  4. Guys I calculated that if I use 18 Loveca I can get into the 4500 bracket. Is that decent or too high?
  5. How can you guys juggle both JAP and EN versions? I already spend a ton of time on EN.
  6. Btw how do you get stats on event cards? Like I want to know the special ability of current event umi card. And stats obv.
  7. In the LN(keep in mind the LN and not the original Web Novel) because the web novel had no Albedo. The power rankings were. Shalltear=Strongest of all the Floor Guardians. And considering the class and abilities she is actually more powerful than Ainz.
  8. If Umi's event is as difficult as people say I guess I'll go for T5 also.
  9. Except Angel Beats actually has a decent plot from the start. Until that really random plot twist of shadows.
  10. The plot armour is also very strong Imouto just can't die. Actually the majority of plot events have been centered around Ayumi. Maybe Ayumi is actually the MC...
  11. Singapore having late releases isn't new, not too sure about Indonesia though...
  12. Ahhh, Singapore's strict laws. Just take a quick trip to Indonesia or somewhere if you really want to watch it earlier.
  13. Shouldn't be that far behind aus then I think.
  14. What country do you live in then? I think its already been shown here in Aus. Too bad I couldn't watch it in time(Exams ugh)
  15. How was the movie itself? And I bet people were happy to accept your trade.
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