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  1. I can help, I am honestly just waiting for my brother to wake up so we can co-op Dying Light.
  2. I decided to sit down and 100% this game when I got it yesterday. Finished it up today. I'll try to contribute with some snaps of all of the girls that aren't in the main post. Audrey Tiffany Nikki Aiko Kyanna Beli Jessie
  3. What?! I downloaded both of these and didn't even realize they were connected. Thanks for the advice.
  4. When I think of Nakige, Clannad comes to mind... ah the memories. I hope so, though. It has been a very long time since I've played something that has had such an impact on me to make itself more than memorable.
  5. The funny thing about this recommendation is that I literally started downloading this VN when I started the topic in hopes of it being pretty good. Thanks for the recommendation.
  6. I've been waiting on this visual novel for a couple years now, it seems that the translation is relatively slow. Some other translators was translating it, but I think they dropped off the earth. I feel like everyone just drops the translation and never completes that... I'm slowly learning Japanese but am no where capable of reading full sentences yet. I saw that the translation is 29% done by Fuwanovel, but it doesn't look like it's increased in a while. Is there a reason behind this too? It seemed so interesting to me, but I try to only read the synopsis and not spoil myself with the hidden secrets in the plot. I love Saya no Uta, and Swan Song. This looks really close to what those were. I can't really find anything close to the feelings I got from both of those visual novels besides maybe Cross†Channel. Edit: Scratch that, it turns out with a little research that the team that I saw translating a few years ago is the same one that Fuwanovel is tracking.
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