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Everything posted by LinovaA

  1. Current: Replaced the eyes, and they don't bother me nearly as much now.
  2. Edited: I kinda wanna do a second edit, but I am so tired after my final day at work, so this is what I have for now. Something about the eyes is bothering me, but if someone wants to work off that they can. Or if this is good enough, whatevs. xD Oh, and Fuuko will be done someday™. Now gimme some pyaa~
  3. I'll boot up photoshop and make it nice when I get home from work. Might actually get around to that Fuuko emote as well
  4. Confession: It's my last day at work today and I am sincerely happy that it's all over. Edit-Confession 2: Flutterz... well played.
  5. Tfw I rescind likes all the time.
  6. Confession: If my marks in grade 9 determined the entirety of the rest of my life... I'd be fucked.
  7. A-Ah! C-could this mean... Could it be... That you actually like me as opposed to Flutterz?! Awawawa, my innocent heart cannot take it anymore! Confession: I am reading a very depressing visual novel at the moment and I am loving ever single moment. Confession 2: I am kinda weird. xD
  8. Tfw you are introducing your little brother to Final Fantasy through the PS2.
  9. Finished up Houkago no Futekikakusha and I must say I am kinda disappointed. While I did enjoy it in the beginning, my enjoyment quickly tapered off after finishing Asagao's route and proceeding to about the end of Shiori's route. It isn't a bad visual novel... I just think it didn't suit my tastes. It just ended up being a little too repetitive, and sadly the repetitiveness drew me out of the story, so I lost out on a lot of the impact that would have been there otherwise. My rating on VNDB for it will probably change, but for now it will stay where it is. It has strong cast of characters, a nice art style, and an OST that I wish I could find on YouTube. However, it just didn't end up jiving with me. I do love my utsuge, but the repetitive nature of the plot didn't end up suiting my tastes very well. Anyway, I am off to read Konata yori Kanata made now.
  10. tfw you are still drowning in the void two weeks after finishing a VN. #RememberSubaHibi
  11. Tfw I fucked up and typed when and feel like a pleb.
  12. Tfw when you don't use Dark Theme. Dx
  13. As the title suggests, I am looking for something that will just completely and utterly destroy me emotionally. Like, I want to lose count of the number of times I have cried before I reach the halfway point (not really, but that would be pretty cool if there was something that would do that ) Anyway, for more specifics, a noteworthy soundtrack definitely helps. I am a bit of an OST junkie, so a strong soundtrack is definitely more than desirable, especially when it comes to a VN that is supposed to make you cry. While I have read Clephas' Catharsis recommendation thread, I still can't decide what to pick. Plus, I would like to see what people specifically recommend in regards to this request. ^^
  14. Tfw a wasp gets trapped in your house again. o-o
  15. Tfw you have been listening to the SubaHibi opening for over three hours straight. <3
  16. >Tfw I have to say that she shares first place with Momiji for best grills.
  17. >tfw when I remember this feel. (joining the Skype group or the Teamspeak might help~ I need someone to hype about Fortissimo with) >tfw a VN suddenly hits you with all of its meaning two weeks after finishing it and you just sit there and appreciate every single thing about it.
  18. tfw I was actually too lazy to see if there was a thread like this that already existed. : ^ )
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