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DS9 Debate School Nine



I'll be blunt... I got this for free a while back from my supplier, and ever since then, I've kept it shelved, simply because the description makes it sound like a nukige. Fortunately, it isn't one... in fact, it is pretty far from that.


Basically, it is a propaganda piece, speaking on the issue of rewriting the part of the Japanese constitution that prevents them from fighting except in a case where they were attacked first. The heroines and other characters line up behind either the ones who want to change the constitution or those who want to keep it the way it is. To be honest, this was such a blatantly political story that I almost tossed it back into the abyss of my account so I could forget I'd ever seen it.


The romance in this VN isn't terribly strong... mostly because the pacing is so fractured that you can't help but wonder why they bothered in the first place. It isn't that the actual writing is bad... it is just that the attempt to graft a standard charage onto a political debate story weakened the overall storytelling to the point where I literally fell asleep sitting up several times while I played this.


My biggest complaints with the political side of it is that this is an obviously pro-change propaganda story (though the outcome differs depending on what heroine you choose). The ones who are against the change are universally presented as silly idealists during the debate scenes and the ones for it have a tendency toward realist arguments, though arguments on both sides were pretty extreme. It wasn't terribly blatant... but it wasn't subtle either, at least from my point of view. I have to wonder if someone paid Ja no Michi to do things this way...


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