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Random VN: Haison Shoujo Ayashi Madohi no Kago no Sato



You might be wondering why I chose this VN for the first one to review in quite some time, and you would be right to wonder.  I wonder why I felt drawn to this VN myself, given how the first impression from the cover is a nukige.  However, something about it drew me in and made me want to play it.  Thankfully, it isn't an experience I grew to regret, so I'll go ahead and give you my impressions.

This VN focuses on a club (six girls, one guy) who get stranded in an abandoned village in the mountains, surrounded by impassible mist.  The protagonist, Itsuki starts having ero dreams that disgust him, and the girls gradually start acting strangely.  A red-eyed, white-haired girl named Kagome occasionally appears and hints at the nature of his predicament and warns him the only way to leave the village is to offer up a sacrifice.

Up to now, there are no actual spoilers you can't find on the official website.

Atmosphere-wise, this game kind of resembles Higurashi, though the actual content is drastically different (basically exchange violence for h-scenes and Rika for Kagome, lol).  A great deal of the actual plot parts is the characters gathering food and researching the village as they try to find a way out, even as they find themselves going a little crazy (sometimes realizing it, sometimes not).  The story itself is structured so that most of the content is shared, with the final split-off occurring rather late in the game (about seven-eighths of the way through).  If it weren't for the impact of the last scenes in each ending, I would have complained about this, but it works out well because the point of the split-off is timed perfectly from the perspective of telling the story as a whole.

For people who want a straight-out happy ending, I recommend only playing Kagome's path, because it is really the only ending where things turn out in a way that doesn't leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth.  I very much enjoyed the way the writers portrayed the differing perspectives between the various characters, with the discussions between Kagome and the protagonist often providing the most food for thought.  

In conclusion, this is a VN for those who like a little mystery, a lot of H, and bittersweet experiences.  


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