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Yeaw I got myself a blog!



Hey everybody who reads this. I'm fun2novel and this is my new blog. Actually it's my first blog ever. Always wanted to have my own blog if only to wine and complain about the state of the industry today. What industry? I have no idea, I guess I needed a place to be heard, lol. But I was too busy or too lazy to make a blog. But here I am, finally taking the right step, at least I hope, it's kind of scary putting yourself out there, lol.

Well, actually the truth is that I wanted to get myself motivated to write more. Writing I believe helps me grow and learn to express myself better in both writing and in real life as well. I plan to write a lot here and hope that at least someone will find it interesting.

So what is this blog going to be about? First and foremost it will be about visual novels and video games. Especially the narrative aspect of those. I'll be talking not just about the plots and stories but also about the overall experience I got while playing. These wil be my thoughts although I will try my best to have both personal opinion and a more unbiased opinion. Some of you will hate me for saying some things, some of you will love me but at the end of the day it all comes down to how much you personally enjoyed it and the opinion of some asshole on the internet really doesn't matter (unless it's me :P )

Well anyway, time to finish this post. Cya soon guys!

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