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Sakura Sakimashita Final Part: Sumire and Omake



blog-0141460001425021278.jpgShirataka Sumire

By the time you hit this path, all the VN's secrets will be pretty much revealed, so this isn't a path about revealing secrets. It is simply the path that follows the character most central to the story as a whole. Sumire is the club president of the Lifestyle Club, a club devoted to finding reasons to live, joy in life, etc. She is also perhaps the person who enjoys life the most... and also the one who is the most desperate to do so. I won't spoil it for you, but even after having played the immensely long Tsubame path, this is a path that is worth reading, if only for the two extremely adorable reasons that pop up in the epilogue.

The omake serves to wrap up a lot of loose ends that were probably bothering you (I know they bothered me, since they weren't available when I first played this game), including but not limited to true endings for Miu's, Serika's, and Miyako's routes. You have to finish all the paths, including Sumire's, in order to be able to download the omake from the おまけ section in the extras menu. Of the ten scenarios, four serve as story wrap-ups (Serika's is my favorite, incidentally) and other serve as side-stories for particular characters such as Sakura, the teacher Hotori, or Tsubame's mother Suzume.

Given that this will be the last post on this VN, I feel I should say something about this VN and its endings. For those who want purely good endings, this VN might be hard on you at times. The endings, the paths, all of it is bittersweet. Sorrow, fear, and despair accompany joy, smiles, and love. This really isn't something to fear... but it is one of the reasons why I say this isn't a moege or a charage in the sense that I use the word. Immortality is portrayed primarily for its effects on the human spirit in this VN, and it is portrayed both as an obstacle to and a possibility for happiness, as well as for suffering and despair.


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I've read through the vn now, I only read a few omakes as I felt the story was well finished and I didn't want more. I felt it was a satisfying read. But I liked the first 3 routes more due to the others felt more repeating of some of the themes.


The feels hit pretty hard on some moments so I ended up crying multiple times in the vn :'( ぐすぐす

I think the vn gave a good run with the experience in the setting. The other elements also was naturally good and kept the story going. A vn like this could easily have a waaay to long common route, it luckily has a perfect size imo, short that is lol. The routes gives a nice display of different lines of thoughts in the heroines. I had to wryly smile to myself when I found out which heroine I felt fit my line of thoughts in some ways. It felt nice to dwell into the experience of the story because of that. As some of the characters had some real human mindsets.

The immortality setting put a nice change of view in the characters than you'd normally expect. It made it easier I suppose to separate the differences in the characters and thus understand them more. And in a way yourself too.


Some spoiler talk:

I suppose I felt a bit disappointed with the routes after the 桜 chapter. I felt like there would be more great stuff. But I would say that chapter was the high point and kinda finale of the story. The other 2 routes (besides sumire's) felt more flat because you knew most of the story by then. Serika's route was ok, and the Miu's didn't strike me much..


A side note, Clephas you really didn't spoil anything in your review. The VNDB summary actually spoils the entire common route. Yeah vndb summaries are often stupid but still, my point is you made a good review haha.

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My reviews generally aim for minimal spoilers, if any.  If people want spoilers, they can read the Japanese reviews or the reviews of other people. 


Miu's route tends more toward the comedic than the other routes, as does Serika's.

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