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Lost Echoes



Lost Echoes is the first VN by the new company Petitlinge and is written by one of the writers of Hatsugamai (https://vndb.org/v18790)  .  In this VN the protagonist, Yuuki Riku, is asked by the low-ranking kami, Ryuusen Umi (her name as a kami has been forgotten by both her and the descendants of her worshipers), to go to the past to save the soul of his childhood friend by preventing her previous life (Tachibana Ginchiyo, a rare female warrior leader in the Sengoku era who was the daughter of Tachibana Dousetsu, a famous retainer of the Ootomo Clan before its fall), from killing her friend Chihaya in battle. 

This game incorporates the choice system into the actual story, with Riku making decisions on what actions he will take or what he will say to affect the course of events in the past era.  The first three paths that are available from the start are Akio, Hinao, and Kohaku.  Yuika (the osananajimi who is Ginchiyo's reincarnation) opens up when you complete those three paths (it makes sense, because the variation from the other paths is massive, though the basic length and strength of the path is unchanged), and Umi's path opens up after Yuika's as the true path (the one where everyone finds happiness... it also ends pretty hilariously). 


I pursued Kohaku first on a whim and didn't regret it, though this path made my head hurt a bit (chicken and egg issues).  Kohaku is rather blatantly in love with Riku from the very start (she makes him wake her up every morning and deliberately ensures he sees her half-naked), and she is the head of the Archaeology Club, the daughter of a large toilet-making corporation, and a generally cheerful person.  She lives in the same building as their club meeting room, which she has rented in her own name using her own money.

Kohaku's path, once you get past the common route, (the end of the common route is almost identical for the first three heroines), starts out the most normally of the three paths initially available to you... but that normalcy doesn't last that long.  Since I had thought they would settle for a standard charage cop-out with the first three heroine paths, I didn't expect the high-quality drama that occurred.  It was a pleasant surprise, though.


... I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Hinao becomes either the most hated or most beloved of this game's heroines in the minds of anyone who reads this VN.  She is a miko at the rather large temple that enshrines Umi as a 'hidden deity' (forgotten by the time the story begins), and she serves as the means by which Umi is able to materialize in the mortal realm, despite her relative weakness.  She has a natural talent as a miko... but she is about as airheaded and thoughtless as it is possible to be (not to mention she pees herself every time she meets a powerful deity and acts like Umi's dog half the time).

Her path starts out oddly.  Let's just say that you will be immediately confused by the Hinao you meet after the common route ends and leave it at that.  As a whole, this route is interesting to read, and I liked the way they brought the story to an end.


Akio is Riku's little sister, who runs the cafe part of their home-business (he runs the photography part).  She is very capable and pragmatic, forgiving of her big brother's faults, and she is perhaps the 'wisest' heroine in the game, except when it comes to her own path, lol. 

Her path is about what you'd expect for a path involving two siblings with no parents who have been working hard to survive... when you further add on the romantic feelings she inherited from Kaya-hime (her previous life) to Akio's own pre-existing ones.  There are lots of complications, and this is the only path with a bad ending.


The stubborn, delusion-prone kendo girl osananajimi who is the center of the game's main conflict.  Due to the actions of her ancestor and previous life, Ginchiyo, she carries a stain on her soul that will eventually turn her into a tatarigami, a type of deity that causes disaster regardless of its own will or desires (in Yuika's case, they said she would wipe out Kyushu and all that lives there if left to her own devices).  She is kind-hearted by nature, always putting others before herself. 

Her path differs from the previous three massively... and it ends on a melancholic note. 


Umi's path is accessed from the title screen after the previous four paths are complete.  Umi herself is a loving, motherly (despite being a loli), and friendly kami who deeply desires to protect those souls that are closest to her.  Due to the fact that she is a hidden kami (at some shrines, it was common to enshrine a secondary, guardian deity besides the primary deity), she had few followers and was eventually forgotten over time.  She has lost most of her power and memories, but she has been given permission to narrowly alter the past through Riku to save Yuika's soul. 

Umi's path is highly emotional, building off one of the melancholic notes from the end of Yuika's path (though it is a completely separate path).  The striving of the characters to give back to a deity who gives her all to her 'precious children' is the high point of this path and makes it the most emotional by far.


This is an excellent game by a new company, and I hope to see more like this one.  It frequently made me smile and laugh, and I cried with the characters on a number of occasions.  I don't regret playing this one in any way, which is unusual with  new companies.


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