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BL games from Kickstarter!



Hi there, guys and gals! Part 2 of my Kickstarter special, this time with some BL titles! What new things these guys will bring us? Let's find out! Again, I'm only listing projects that were 100% funded already, but it's never too late to follow them!

OBS: Seiyuu Danshi also fits here, but since I already talk about it in the last BL post, I'll skip it for now.


Sentimental Trickster



Let's start with a normal slice of life college stuff, that seems to be unusual for BL games whatever the reason. This game follows shota MC Haru trying to adapt to a new city and a new home. But then he meets a bunch of new guys and then everything works out... I hope so. Haru seems to be kinda bratty and sarcastic, so I wouldn't be surprised if he actually start picking fights and be all snarky with his love interests... The art seems a bit outdated, but old shoujos also have it's charms, right?

1st degree



Anyone remembers them? They posted here on Fuwa some months back, and I'm following it since them! It's story is about a psychopathic detective that decided to dirty his own hands to solve a case. One thing that draws attention in the KS description is this sentence "Who will he [MC] choose to love, and who will he resolve to kill?". Yep, in this game we have to KILL THE REMAINING LOVE INTERESTS TO SEE SOMEONE'S GOOD ENDING. Dear god, can I handle this? Oh, and did I mention we have a threesome route? Not everything is blood and tears here XD The game is expected to release in early 2019.


Full Service



Well, how about we talk about muscular bara guys now? This game tells the story of average MC Tomoki and his chance encounter with the dudes that work in a spa, and then becomes a regular there. Seriously, you can even pick who's gonna massage you there. But this is not a nukige (I think), we'll have plenty of other activities to choose in MC's free time! And of course, he needs to work too, massages aren't for free (maybe in the good ending, but...). The game is expected to release in January 2018.

Chess of Blades


A loli in a BL game? She's the villain, I'm calling it now!


Last week, I brought you a masquerade otome. Now, I bring a masquerade BL :3 Guess I just love the theme. Anyway, this game is about a murder that occurs in a ball and our prince-like MC Rivian will have to solve the mystery. And maybe find something more there. The game features 3 boys and 2 versions, one PG13 and other R18, for you to choose. I really loved the art of this one! The game is expected to release around Christmas, wait, this is later this week! Yay!

And that concludes my KS special! Next time, with otomege, I'll teach you guys how to make sense of Hakuouki's releases. Until then!


Recommended Comments

I don't think I'll ever go far enough in VN diversity appreciation to play BL, but if I ever do, it will probably be 1st degree. I don't see one crucial question answered anywhere though - can you just kill everyone? :D

Edited by Plk_Lesiak
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3 minutes ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

I don't think I'll ever go far enough in VN diversity appreciation to play BL, but if I ever do, it will probably be 1st degree. I don't see one crucial question answered anywhere though - can you just kill everyone? :D

How cruel, Lesiak, think at least a bit about the poor boys :3

Well, maybe? Guess that would be a huge spoiler, so there's nothing on the KS page about this.

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11 minutes ago, MaggieROBOT said:

How cruel, Lesiak, think at least a bit about the poor boys :3

Well, maybe? Guess that would be a huge spoiler, so there's nothing on the KS page about this.

I think having a full-on psychopath route would broaden its appeal significantly, far beyond the usual BL niche. :wahaha:

I would love to see you review it at some point, this is exactly the kind of weird stuff I would happily read about, especially because I'd have a hard time to fit it into my own schedule (with all those beautiful yuri VNs calling to me...). ;)

Edited by Plk_Lesiak
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2 minutes ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

I think having a full-on psychopath route would broaden its appeal significantly, far beyond the usual BL niche. :wahaha:

I would love to see you review it at some point, this is exactly the kind of weird stuff I would happily read about even though I'd have a hard time to fit it into my own schedule (with all those beautiful yuri VNs calling to me...). ;)

Hey hey, are you implying that the usual BL fans are slightly psychopath already so we have to be full-on to break the norm? Who am I kidding, this kinda makes sense!

I never tried to write a proper review of something, but I'm planning to do one next month (let's see how this will turn out :yumiko:), but I'll be better at it by the time the game is out! So yeah, you can wait for it in 2019! BRING IT ON!

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37 minutes ago, MaggieROBOT said:

Who am I kidding, this kinda makes sense!


Shhhhhh, no one needs to know our hidden secrets....

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