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Random Replay: Re:Birth Colony - Lost Azurite



Re:Birth Colony is a VN that has a special place in my heart.  It is the second VN in the two VN series about a future where a rain of meteors rendered the planet's surface lifeless and humanity is living in arcologies of various types.  The first one, Fake Azure Arcology, I plan to replay a bit later.  It has the same writer as Hapymaher, Harukiss, Sakigake Generation, and a number of other VNs going back to 2007. 

The protagonist, Keram Souji (also known as Rindou Souji), is the adoptive child of a noble in the multicultural arcology of Aquarius, some 500 years after the Star Rain (the disaster) and a few years after the events in FAA.  The society he lives in is one split between two areas... the 'Central District' where the nobles and what amounts to middle class citizens and normal corporations operate... and the outer regions that are controlled by criminal syndicates such as the multicultural (with heavy oriental leanings) Gentian.  It is a world where the nobles have absolute power... as long as they don't seriously screw up. On the surface, Souji seems like the standard role model student... However, Souji's other identity, as a first-rate hacker raised by Airi (also known as Rangiku) and working for Gentian, is somewhat less... pure. 

Souji is a pragmatist, except where his friends and family are involved.  Then, he will use any means he can put his hands on to completely obliterate whatever is threatening those he cares about.  Seriously.  One of the best scenes in the entire VN involves him essentially


socially obliterating a guy that insults Ruri, his adoptive older sister.

In the early part of the story, Souji comes upon a girl called Azurite in a facility sealed off for the past five hundred years, and his - relatively - peaceful life gets turned upside down.

For better or worse, the story of this VN is focused on Souji and Azurite, and while things come to a resolution in all the paths (sort of) it isn't one that is really satisfying in the sense that someone as greedy as I would prefer.  I mean,


Souji and Seluria's daughter is adorable

, but that ending wasn't exactly a resolution to the story's main conflict, lol.  The various paths all reveal elements crucial to creating the big picture in Azurite's path, which is the true one... but because of that, they leave too much unresolved by definition


Ruri's death and Azurite's semi-permanent sleep being unavoidable in all but the last path.

As a whole, the story of the VN is first-class, but that sense that the heroines other than Azurite are just foils for her is more than a little irritating... I loved Noie (both conceptually and as a character) so I was a bit miffed at how her route gets gypped. 

Technology in this setting is pretty advanced... in particular cybernetics, AI, and networking technology are all way beyond what is possible now, even if you set aside certain super-abilities possessed by the protagonist and Azurite.  That kind of hard sci-fi is one of my biggest addictions, so I quite naturally adore that part of this VN.

Overall, this is a VN that will seriously tickle people who love hard sci-fi and twisted, dystopian societies.  I honestly hope they will produce a third VN in the series (a distinct possibility, considering how open-ended the series' concept is), so I can experience more of this lovely stuff. 


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